Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 612 The forces under the banner are fighting!

Chapter 612 The forces under the banner are fighting!

blue blue!
Suddenly, the voice of a phone bug came from the quiet confrontation between the two parties. This voice attracted the attention of Mord and Kizaru. Following the sound, Mord turned his head and looked back at his ship, and looked at Robin. said softly,

"The Straw Hats know our phone bug's contact information?"

"They don't know. Lennon should have called me if he had some important information. I'll go over and get the phone bug!" Robin shook her head. Since she was free now, she turned around and ran towards the ship lightly.
After a while, under the watch of the navy, Robin came back with a white phone bug. Smoker, who was smoking a cigar on the other side of the ice pit, said softly "white phone bug" when he saw this, and then picked up the ten-hand weapon in his right hand again. .
General Kizaru frowned and said softly, "Have the Straw Hats asked for help? It seems impossible to continue leisurely!"

The longer the Mod Pirates can be restrained, the more advantageous it will be for the Five Old Stars, and Mod has no intention of taking action. Although it is not good to stand on the ice, he also feels that it is good to delay it for a day, so that he can fight against the Five Old Stars. Star is easy to explain.
On the other side, Maud saw Robin holding a white phone bug, as if he was carefully holding a pot of carefully cultivated flowers. She smiled and took the receiver and connected the other party.
An anxious look appeared on the phone bug, and it was Lennon, one of the intelligence captains, who quickly said,
"Miss Robin, I am Lennon. There was a problem when our people took over Kaido's territory and power. Now there is a fight between the two parties. I hope Lord Maude can come forward to preside over it. Now the two parties only serve Lord Maude. !"

Maud was shocked after hearing this and asked, "I am Maud. What happened? Why did the fight happen?"

Huon was also surprised. He didn't expect such a thing to happen to his subordinates. Since General Kizaru and the admirals heard the news not far from them, they couldn't help but look at each other. They were nervous that the call was from the Straw Hats.
General Kizaru said with a relaxed expression, "The forces of the Mord Pirates and Kaido's forces are fighting each other. It's really interesting!"

Negus and everyone else were surprised and listened quietly to Lennon's return. Robin and Huon did not expect that this matter was related to Fulo's affairs; some time ago, Maude handed over the plan and talent to make a fortune to Fulo. After Luo, the other party went back excitedly and prepared to do it.
Originally, the forces under the Morde Pirates were a mixed bag. Fulo was not very powerful and had little reputation before. Many of Morde's subordinates were dissatisfied.
The 6000-[-] Mord Pirates quickly occupied nearly ten islands of the original Kaido through the reputation of the Four Emperors of Mord. They basically surrendered without much resistance. After all, if the Four Emperors Kaido was defeated, they would have to change. A Yonko.
Fulo needs a large number of manpower if he wants to carry out big plans, especially weapons, steel and the like in factories and industrial islands. Mod himself no longer wants to continue the arms trade, which directly angers the former Kaido's subordinates.
After all, after working hard for so many years, Kaido's subordinates are already familiar with the arms trade, and they don't want to step into unfamiliar territory. Selling arms is extremely profitable anyway, and during this time, there are many buyers who are in urgent need of arms.
If Doflamingo's fall caused many warring forces in the kingdom to lose their weapons support, then the fall of Kaido, the Four Emperors and Beasts, basically collapsed the arms market in the underground world of the entire Grand Line.
I don’t know how many battlefields are in urgent need of Kaido’s arms to win the war. Kaido can be defeated, but arms cannot be lacking. Many forces wanted to seize Kaido’s territory and weapons, but they were not as fast as the Mod Pirates.
If you can't grab weapons, and you can't offend Maud, the Four Emperors, you can only spend money to buy weapons. Now it can be said that there are dozens of forces raising their hands with boxes of treasures hoping to get the weapon resources that Maud currently has.
It was so easy to get money, but Fulo said he wanted to run a legal business and make money. Suddenly, the forces of the Morde Pirates and the remaining forces of Kaido started a direct fight.
Kaido's overseas forces have a lot of manpower, at least 4000 people, while the Morde Pirates only have 6000 people plus they occupy ten islands;
If the two sides really fight, it's still unclear who will lose and who will win. Secretly, there are many forces who want to steal the many arms on those islands to win the war.
Now the two sides were fighting fiercely on the industrial island of Wiconsig, with nearly 6000 to [-] people fighting. It was so loud that many people were injured. No wonder Lennon was also anxious to contact Maude; everyone was shocked by the news. I couldn't help but be dumbfounded when I heard this.
Hodgson clicked his tongue and said speechlessly,

“Fifty to 6000 people are fighting, it’s really lively!”

"Captain, why don't you sell all the weapons that Kaido has stored? The arms trade is very profitable. Look at how many people are buying it with money!" Huon said with a very excited expression while holding the sniper rifle. He had gone out of his way to find a designer who could design weapons, and he had found the right one.
Robin couldn't help frowning. Sophie knew that Maude didn't want to sell arms at all. The navy on the other side also heard this information and his expression sank. The yellow ape was about to step forward to say a few words when he saw Smoker smoke rushing across the ice. Keng shouted,

"Wait a minute, Rann Mord, you, the Four Emperors, do you want to follow the path of Kaido, the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts? Kaido's arms cannot be sold!"

Huon's sniper rifle aimed at Smoker's head and warned,
"We are pirates, not the navy. As long as we can make money, of course we can sell it. Your navy has nothing to do with it!"

"Or are you happy to watch our subordinates fight to the death with Kaido's remnants? Only your navy will be happy. As long as Mord says something, I believe those troublemakers will obey orders!" Smoker puffed out smoke and calmly said road,

"Who cares whether you live or die? I'm worried that this sea will cause countless innocent civilians to die at gunpoint because of your greed for money and selling large amounts of arms. The resulting chaos will require our navy to wipe your ass!"

"These arms cannot be sold, Four Emperors Sword Master Maude, you should carefully consider the consequences of selling them!"

"Huon put down the gun. I won't sell the arms, but I still have to take care of this firefight!" Mod looked up and glanced at Smoker and the many admirals and admiral Kizaru who were looking at him curiously. Huon Some are unwilling to put down their guns.
Maude picked up the phone receiver and said seriously,
"Lennon, pass my order to immediately ask everyone on Wikonska Island to cease fire. One day later, I will personally go over to handle this matter and tell the former Kaido's subordinates to stop making trouble for me if they want to join me. Be quiet!"

"Yes!" Lennon replied in high spirits upon hearing this. In a castle somewhere, Lennon looked at the intelligence officers gathered at the door and smiled.
After the phone was turned off, Maude looked at Robin holding the white phone bug and looking at him with a smile, knowing that the other party was very happy with his choice; but Maude knew that he had allowed the development of his forces too much. That led to the current situation.
"Wikonska Island!" Smoker lowered his head and muttered, suspicious of Maud's decision. Seeing Maud and the others staring at him, he snorted and turned around to leave.
Kizaru, who was wearing a gold suit with vertical stripes, walked forward slowly and said with a smile,
"White-haired boy, you are really busy. While you are busy helping the Straw Hats fight against the World Government, you are also sending people to take over the territory of the Four Emperors Kaido. If the Five Old Stars are not satisfied, the Navy Headquarters does not mind sending a massacre. The magic order goes to Wikonska Island to see the internal fighting among your forces!"

When Nico Robin heard this, she looked serious and said softly,

"Demon Slayer Order, General Kizaru, don't joke about this kind of thing easily, we will take care of our own affairs!"

"At least Marshal Sakaski is least happy to see a large amount of arms leaked from Kaido's forces, causing chaos everywhere. Just don't cause trouble to our navy!" Kizaru looked at Mod and said seriously.
"Hmph, I'm leaving. You navy guys don't follow me!"

Mod understood Kizaru's intention and said softly, then turned around and left with the Mod Pirates. He needed to lead everyone out of the sea to a safe place so he could fly to Wikonska Island to deal with the follow-up matters.
As Mod's big ship shook the snow-white ice and soared into the sky, Kizaru raised his eyes for an interesting look but made no other movements. Zhan Momomaru came nearby with his battle ax and watched this scene and said jokingly,
"Old man, you have a great chance of shooting down their ship now. Is it really okay to let them go like this?"

"It's terrible to anger a Yonko!" Kizaru said happily when he heard this. The other admirals were surprised that Mod's pirate ship could fly; and their phone bugs could contact the navy headquarters. Directly reported intelligence on Wikonska Island.
(End of this chapter)

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