Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 613 BIGMOM’s dream!

Chapter 613 BIGMOM’s dream!
An hour later, they left the ice and came to the big ship on the rough deep blue sea. Maude saw that the ship had many scars everywhere, especially the damaged sail. Upon seeing this, Negus smiled and promised that it would be repaired immediately.
But Mod thought it would be better not to get close to a certain island for the time being. There are many forces entering this sea area now. The reason is closely related to the two four emperors, Blackbeard Teach and Straw Hat Luffy. Both of them are very capable of causing trouble.
Now Mod has two things to do. One is the issue of the last red historical text, and the other is the issue of his forces.
Both of these things are difficult to deal with. Blackbeard Teach's pirate group is very strong. Mod is not going to fight to defeat this guy because Blackbeard feels he has a secret. He intends to be cautious and get the red historical text. It doesn’t necessarily mean defeating the opponent.
At least as for the subordinate forces, Kaido has nearly tens of thousands of subordinates under his command, and he occupies more than a dozen islands. It is enough to be called the power of the Four Emperors.
Right now, the disadvantage of not managing the chaos has also appeared. In the final analysis, it is too chaotic, and there are no rules in the chaos, but how to develop the power in the future, Mo De didn't think about it for a while.
After inviting everyone to sit around the table on the wide deck, Maude saw everyone smiling and looking at him, waiting for him to make up his mind. This is what a boss should do.
After scanning around, Maud looked at Butler Judd, who had a cold expression and eyes like an eagle's eyes. Thinking of the work he had done in the past, Maude smiled and asked,
"Judd, if the forces are chaotic and there are no rules, what will you do?"

Judd was surprised and said with a happy smile, "Of course, we will manage them until they understand the rules, what actions they should take, and who they should be loyal to. In fact, most people in the forces below are unfamiliar with you, Maud, and have never seen you!"

"Many people actually want to join you, get to know you, and work for you, Maud. Everyone is waiting for your decision!"

Huon was silent when he heard this, but he couldn't help but admit that Judd's words were true. Maude nodded and asked some details. Robin also added his own opinion in time when he saw this, and Nichols was also happy to talk.
After listening to a lot of words, Maud had a general outline in his mind. In fact, everyone hopes to come up with a management system, so that everyone can act more conveniently and follow rules.
He recalled the development patterns of the Whitebeard Pirates, Beasts Pirates, BIGMOM Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates. The Red-Haired and Whitebeard Pirates relied too much on their personal charm to conquer others. Relying on the prestige of the Four Emperors makes people fearful and dare not act recklessly.
Personal charisma is something that Maud doesn't want to leave. This requires her to perform her personal charisma in one thing over and over again and spread it to be convincing and intimidating. Ruling a sea area with personal prestige is too personal.
The remaining BIGMOM Pirates and Beasts Pirates are a large group of tens of thousands of people. Based on his understanding of Kaido's subordinates, those people are all pirates worthy of the name, and they will do all kinds of things to civilians when they have nothing to do. Something happened that made the common people frightened and uneasy.
The BIGMOM Pirates rule internally and conduct military conquests externally. To some extent, they gradually got rid of the nature of a small pirate group and turned to the nature of national-level conquests.
BIGMOM's Totland Kingdom is actually said to be pirates, and it actually plunders with the power of the country. It has broken away from the level of pirates in a sense. The interests and wars between the country and the country's family are easier to accept.
When Mod thought of this, his eyes immediately lit up and he asked Robin about the composition of the BIGMOM pirates. When Robin heard this, he was surprised and laughed,
"You want to establish your own power in the way of the BIGMOM Pirates, is that true? Moreover, we don't have the advantage of an archipelago like the Totland Sea. Is it possible that you, Maud, also want to establish a world without any racial differences? Everyone is the same." We can live in harmony and form a super big family!"

"But isn't your dream to reach the limits of humanity and become the strongest in the world? Hahahaha, you really agree with BIGMOM's dream!"

When Huon heard this, he laughed and said,
"Hahahahaha, Captain Maud, you are not as good at giving birth as BIGMOM. After giving birth to so many children, it is impossible for you to find many women. Will Robin and Miss Sophie agree to such a thing?"

To the surprise of Huon and the other male crew members, Robin and Sophie both smiled calmly, and Sophie said firmly,

"Mod will not do such a thing. BIGMOM's dream is beautiful. If Mod wants to build it, it can be achieved. I agree!"

Kulikai smiled and the little human Ocha on his shoulder raised his small lance and said excitedly, "I also agree. The ideal of establishing a super family without any racial differences is great. Captain Maude, are you really planning to Are you doing this? It looks very interesting!"

"This is BIGMOM's dream, Captain, is it really alright?" Agural asked, seeing that everyone was very happy and agreed.
Robin knew in his heart that what BIGMOM meant by collecting all kinds of strange races together as specimens was not what they understood as everyone living together happily and harmoniously.
It can be said that BIGMOM has a problem with her understanding of dreams, and she only believes that her children can help her rule the Kingdom of Totland.
Maude smiled brightly and said,
"What does it matter? I think this dream can be further expanded. I plan to build a kingdom where life is equal regardless of race, men, women, old and young are equal, everyone can live together in harmony, and everyone can live a life of abundant food and clothing!"

After saying this, Robin and everyone else looked at Maud, as if they saw a person who radiated holy light in front of them. They were surprised and a little unbelievable when they heard this. In a flash, they were shocked and unbelievable. They did not expect that their captain would do such a thing. , the beauty is somewhat unbelievable.
Robin didn't know when he had a note in his hand, and he was writing quickly. After a while, he looked up and asked sweetly, "Then what are you going to do as the first step?"

Maude only had a vague outline and said with a smile, "Taking the dream as the goal and establishing the corresponding system. First, we must have a strong military that believes in this dream to ensure the safety of this country and everyone. Second, we must have everyone on the territory." Get rich and have more money, but it's hard!"

"Why, that's a good suggestion!" Robin was very active and happy to help Maud realize this ideal, and smiled encouragingly; she knew very well that this dream was worthy of Maud's realization, and it was the right direction.
Agulal, Negus, Kulikai and others couldn't help but nodded in agreement with Robin's idea. They felt that this dream was really beautiful and precious, and they yearned for it. Mod shook his head and looked at Robin with a smile,

"Because maybe what I need to build may not be a pirate force, but a real national army, an army that may be more righteous than the navy, hahahahaha!"

Everyone opened their mouths, a little shocked. Kulikai thought about it carefully but found that this was the truth. Huen said,

"We are pirates. I have never heard of pirates forming a navy. It is enough to reach the level of the BIGMOM Pirates!"

Sophie's eyes sparkled, and she said happily with longing,

"Nothing is impossible. Princess Otohime and Fisher Tiger of Fish-Man Island have accomplished what we thought was impossible. Maude, you are the Four Emperors and will be the strongest in the future world. There is nothing impossible!"

"Hahahaha, Captain, you can do whatever you want, it's very interesting!" Kuli Kai laughed out loud when he heard this, and he also yearned for the beautiful dream that Maude said, and he didn't know what it would be like to realize his words appearance.
Everyone in Agullar smiled and agreed with Mod's idea, and Robin actively cooperated. She was well versed in the laws and regulations of the navy and the world government, and quickly wrote system disciplines based on Mod's words.
In her heart, Robin didn't want Maud to give up on her dream. She hoped that Maud would go towards creating a world that would make people around her hope; otherwise, if the tens of thousands of pirates under her banner were allowed to continue to be pirates, there would only be chaos.
(End of this chapter)

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