Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 616 Domineering screening!

Chapter 616 Domineering screening!
Fulo saw that Maud was distracted by something. He coughed and said with a smile,
"Ahem, Lord Maud, what should we do next?"

Maud nodded and smiled, taking one step forward, and the sound of landing softly was such a movement that silenced all the voices of thousands of people. The strong demeanor of a peerless swordsman looked frightened and did not dare to mess around. When Hiiragi and Francis saw each other, Maud's expression couldn't help but light up.
Hiiragimoto's vision was extraordinary after having been under the command of The Pirate King. When he saw Maude, he was surprised and said,

"Every move has the domineering aura of a king. It is worthy of being a man with a domineering aura, but what surprised me even more was the sword aura that even shocked me. No wonder he won the title of sword master and has the world's number one man. The strength of the swordsman Hawkeye in a battle! "

The tyranny and magnanimity that shocked thousands of people shocked the whole square and all nearby onlookers. However, the nearly [-] subordinates in front of them suddenly became in awe of Maude and waited for his words.
Maude recalled the speech Robin wrote for him, and couldn't help but read it. The effect was roughly to inspire the soldiers and make people feel passionate.
After the 5-minute speech, Fulo looked at Maud with some surprise. Such a well-written speech was definitely not written by this gentleman, but he did not expect to prepare such a thing, which surprised him and everyone else.
Many of the nearly ten thousand people are human beings and they also understand this. After Mod finished speaking, he looked at his excited subordinates and said with a straight face,
"There are rules when there are many people. You all should be mentally prepared. I'm going to screen you on the spot!"

"Screening, interesting, what should I do?" Kun Fan, the tiger-headed man, secretly looked at the white-haired man on the stage with an extremely terrifying aura. Francis smiled and watched quietly. After all, there were too many of them, nearly ten thousand people. What should we do? filter.
Instead, Hiiragi, a sturdy man in a black suit, stood aside, clenching his hands into fists and saying with a slightly excited look,
"If I'm not wrong, it's just possible to use that kind of power. It's interesting!"

While nearly ten thousand people were still looking forward to what Maud's selection meant and what he was going to do, suddenly a dark and terrifying realm of black and red quickly enveloped the entire square, covering the entire square and the surrounding streets in a matter of seconds.
Within the area covered by the overlord-colored domineering energy, time slowed down. Countless people rolled their eyes and slowly fell to the ground. Whether it was a crowd of nearly [-] people, passers-by on the periphery, or people watching on the surrounding rooftops and streets. Lost my mind.
Under this overbearing mental impact, countless people continued to fall down. Even Fulo next to him rolled his eyes and fainted on the floor with a look of helplessness.
The tiger-headed man Kun Fan was in the domineering realm, and his body seemed to be shaking due to the impact of his mind. He stood with difficulty and looked at the white-haired man on the stage with shock in his eyes. From the corner of his eye, he saw Francis and others holding on with difficulty, and said speechlessly. .
"This is the power of the overlord's domineering spirit. This gentleman is too messy to filter in this way!"

After a few moments, the black and red dimness enveloped the entire kilometer radius and disappeared. Following it, countless people rolled their eyes and fell to the ground. A few people looked at Maude on the high platform of the square, their expressions full of shock. .
For a time, the whole square was lying on the ground, and only 11 people were still standing quietly among the crowd. After Francis survived, he looked around at this shocking scene, his expression was extremely shocked and incredible.
Francis, who had always been independent and disdainful of being with other people, saw this and blurted out, "There are nearly ten thousand people, but only eleven of us are still standing. This is the power of Overlord's domineering aura, it's so terrifying!"

Hiiragi laughed speechlessly,
"Hahahaha, this sir is really messing around, and he really uses Overlord color domineering to filter, but such amazing Overlord color domineering is really amazing!"

The other ten people couldn't help but laugh when they heard this. Maude glanced around the 11 people still standing below. Among them were none of the three captains of the original forces. Even Bartlet fainted on the ground.
Among the six powerful men with real fighting skills and above, none of them was originally a captain. Moder didn't know what to say; this sea is a world where the strong are respected, and strength is everything.
Maude motioned and smiled, "You eleven come forward!"

The 11 people stepped forward and crossed a lot of fallen people on the ground. They walked to the high platform of Maude with excited expressions. Only Maude smiled directly and said, "You have passed the test of overlord color and domineering. From today on, You are the general of the newly created Dragon Armor Army. What is your name?"

The black-haired man in a denim suit smiled and raised his head and said softly, "Francis, he is a swordsman, Lord Maud!" "Hiiragi and Francis, you two are generals, and the Dragon Armor Army is ranked commander. , star, general, general level, school level, lieutenant level, sergeant level, and soldier level determine the level. The commander-in-chief is myself. You can compare it to the military title of the Navy Headquarters! "

When the others heard the comparison between the new classification and the military positions at the Navy Headquarters, they immediately understood the meaning of this division. Hiiragi asked with a smile,

"General, there are three generals under the BIGMOM Pirates. Does it matter?"

Moder nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, only those who can be called generals are qualified to command the entire Dragon Armor Army. My position is the commander-in-chief. I will talk about the details later. Let's get to know each other now and wait for the others to wake up." !"

Upon hearing this, the 11 people were a little excited, especially the former Kaido's real-level subordinates who knew that the position of general was equivalent to the position of a big sign, and this adult also believed in the principle of strength first, and everyone had a chance.
Hiiragi and Francis looked at each other, and they both knew that Maude believed that their strength was not enough to reach the level of generals through the perception of Haki. However, more than a dozen people knew in their hearts that Maude in front of them was prepared to come.
Ten minutes later, nearly [-] people who had fallen to the ground slowly stood up in dizziness. When they looked at Maud on the high platform, his expression was full of shock. Even Fulo stood up shaking and pressed his head in surprise at Maud's terrifying strength. .
After seeing nearly [-] people standing and shaking again, Maude said with a heavy expression,
"Next, the chosen one comes forward and watches carefully!!"

When he raised his right hand, wisps of white gas appeared and floated on Maud's palm. Hiiragi, Francis and others knew at first sight that it was Maud's ability. As Maud waved his hand, dozens of white gases appeared like smoke ropes. The gas snake flew into the crowd.
Upon seeing this, countless people looked at these smoke ropes with excitement and expectation, but saw the white snake-like smoke quickly hit dozens of people, including Bartley, who had just stood up and looked at the 11 people in front of him with a bitter smile and expectation. man.
Hiiragi and the other 11 people were all capable of domineering, and they knew that Maude was using the domineering power of knowledge to identify the school-level members. Although they knew it, they smiled at such a simple and crude method and said nothing. After all, Maude was the Yonko.
As 69 people came forward, most of these people were not ordinary people. They were tall and short, nearly 1.8 meters tall and about 20 meters short. There were three women among them. One of them had two guns on his waist. A woman in her [-]s with short brown hair and a delicate face.
So many people came forward, including two of the original three captains. Bartlet's face collapsed when he saw that there were so many people like him. He was not that bad.
Mod once again introduced everyone to the hierarchy of the new dragon-armored army, and then divided the 69 new people into one group and directly said,
"The 11 people you see in front of you are at the general level, 30 of you are at the school level, and the rest are at the captain level. This is your strength classification, and it is also your position classification in the Dragon Armor Army. If you have any objections, we will discuss it later!"

"Now each of you find a hundred men by yourself. Ten people form a team. The captain is a soldier-level member. But it must be based on the principle of mutual consent. If there is not enough follow-up, we will replenish from the rest of the staff. Let's start!"

The 80 people in front of them experienced shock and confusion. When they heard this again, they all looked at Maud with some confusion. Even Francis and the others were surprised. Hiiragi said with a smile,
"Commander, you let us find our own subordinates, won't you select them for us?"

(End of this chapter)

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