Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 617 Rules!

Chapter 617 Rules!

Maud looked at the 80 people and the wide-eyed expressions from behind. He didn't have time to check carefully whether this classification was right or wrong. This was the fastest and most convenient way. He nodded and said with a smile, "
"Well, after the search, you will sort out the sergeant-level and soldier-level members, and then the 80 of you will make arrangements and go to the best hotel in the dock town to meet me after dinner. The time will be at two o'clock in the afternoon!"

"When you see someone messing around in the town on the road, beat him up and teach him a lesson!"

After saying this, everyone couldn't help laughing. Although some people were dissatisfied with this rough division method, in the past, the strong people above the superhuman level had already performed well among these people and surpassed ordinary people. They have long had prestige and fame. Most people are satisfied.
After the more than 8000 upper-level personnel were divided, Maude did not leave immediately but stood quietly and let the 80 people go directly to the crowd to select their subordinates and manpower.
The whole square was noisy for a while. After all, there are nearly 80 people here and [-] people looking for hundreds of subordinates will inevitably cause problems. This is why Maud is here.
Fulo's strength is at the superhuman level, but he has not been assigned a school-level position. Of course, he also knows that he is Maude's big plan and has no objection to him. Seeing the chaos below, Fulo laughed and said,

"Commander, it's too ugly for outsiders to see you like this. If you can distinguish between general, colonel and lieutenant, you should also distinguish between sergeant level!"

"Chaos has its advantages, no problem!" Maude sensed the changes in the breath flow of nearly ten thousand people in the square. Among these people, those who had known each other for a long time quickly formed more than 70 small groups.
There was only one person standing motionless on the ground below the stage. When Maude saw that it was General Francis, he was a little surprised and didn't ask any more questions.
A full hour later, after seeing nearly 8000 people divided into 79 small groups plus one person, Moder smiled with satisfaction and motioned for everyone to rest and eat. After making arrangements, he asked members above the rank of lieutenant to find him.
Bartlet watched his hundred subordinates greeting each other with laughter. He saw Maude leaving with Fulo, and approached a strong man in a black suit with a strong aura among the lively crowd. He stepped forward and asked with a smile,

"Hiiragi...General Hiiragi, is it good or bad for the commander to do this? I have never seen anything done like this!"

Hiiragi was very happy to be promoted to an important position all of a sudden. He even found something happy about Mod and said with a smile, "I don't know, it's quite interesting, isn't it? The level is determined by strength, and the subordinates choose between themselves and each other." Yes, you can feel it how you like, hahahaha!"

After Hiiragi finished speaking, he saw that Francis was still alone in front of the crowd. He exuded a dangerous aura that made it difficult to approach. He couldn't help but walk through the crowd and came closer. Hiiragi looked at him up and down and sighed,
"General Francis, you have also been elected as a general. Is it really okay for none of your subordinates to do this?"

"I have always been a person. The world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, has not always been a person. There is nothing wrong with it. You, General Hiiragi, are very satisfied with the way of the commander. The commander is neither a general nor a marshal. , Really!” Francis said with a laugh at the end.
Hiiragi laughed and said, "I'm very satisfied. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can go fight those random guys on the street!"

"That's a good suggestion, see you later!" Francis's eyes lit up. He found that it was interesting for Mod to take an unusual path. At least in the Beast Pirates, the supremacy of strength is recognized by the vast majority of people. This certain Some degree of fairness.
In the time that followed, 8000 people dispersed in the square. Some drank to celebrate and had a banquet, while others were dissatisfied with Maud's ways. They even went up to beat up any troublemakers they encountered on the road.
Due to the large number of people from different forces mixed into the dock town, the situation was somewhat chaotic. Some of the more than 8000 people took action and quickly calmed down the situation. No one dared to mess around due to the overwhelming strength.
Time passed little by little. In the lobby on the first floor of the best restaurant in the wharf town, Maud and Fulo were all eating around a large table of delicious food. Among them was Joseph, the black man whom Maud had cared about before. Make youth.
Although Joseph had awakened his domineering power, he was not very strong. He had watched Maud's actions outside the square before and was very excited to join in and let Maud grade and arrange things. What Joseph did made even Fulo want to do it.
Maud's mouth was full of oil. She held a big barbecue in her hand and chewed it into her stomach. She laughed and said,
"You want to join the Dragon Armor Army, okay, the level is school level, and then you can find a hundred subordinates to supplement your manpower and serve as the escort for Fuluo, Ben Oran and others!"

The young man Joseph was surprised and speechless, thinking that he was given a big task. Fulo knew that Maude was concerned about his money-making plan and laughed and said, "Hahahaha, Joseph, we will cooperate well from now on, our safety depends on you!" "

Joseph nodded, picked up the wine and drank softly and said with a smile,

"I used to think that I was very strong. It was not impossible to become the sixth flying member of the Beast Pirates. I didn't expect that I wasn't even strong enough to fight. I guess many people will be as shocked and displeased as me when this classification comes out. Can't believe it!"

Fulo laughed. His strength was not weak enough to be at the school level, but he didn't expect that Joseph would actually feel that he was comparable to a being like Fei Liubao who had a bounty of at least 3 million beli. It was simply incredible.
Mod didn't say much as he ate the big meal. There was no strict division of strength in this sea. Most of the strength levels were determined by the big forces themselves. The Great Line believed in the survival law of the strong and the weak, because The real strong man is too strong.
At two o'clock in the afternoon, the hall on the first floor of the tavern had been tidied up and clean. The 81 people above the rank of captain who had been separated earlier arrived one after another. Both sides of the neatly organized station were in good spirits. Maude was satisfied that the square was crowded with nearly [-] people before. It's so much better together.
Seeing some of Kaido's subordinates whispering about arms, Mod stood in front and led the way to face these people. He picked up a stack of ten sheets of paper filled with words. Hiiragi, Francis, Fuluo and others were stunned. , Maud coughed and said softly,
"Now let's talk about the dream, system and discipline of creating the Dragon Armor Army. In the future, you will have a rule to follow!"

“If you have any ideas, you can raise objections and discuss them later. Now I’m starting!”

Maude originally wanted to explain the reason to these subordinates whom she didn't know very well, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was not necessary. She was the boss and it was nothing to argue endlessly with her subordinates.
Although Robin is proficient in the laws of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government, and has spent many years in the underground world since childhood, he did not rigidly copy the Navy's requirements to Maud; instead, he simplified and made clear the rules for not messing around.
The first is the dream of the Dragon Armor Army. As soon as the concept of racial equality and everyone's equality came out, the more than 80 people below couldn't help but laugh when they heard it. Three women in particular laughed out loud, because they usually don't understand this kind of thing. don't care at all.
After Mod made a stern statement, these guys also fell silent, and then they said: don't disturb the people, don't rob the rich, don't kill people for fun on the streets, etc., prohibit burning, killing, looting and other things of civilians, etc. .
It is forbidden to kill each other among the crew, it is forbidden to participate in drugs, gas, human trafficking, and it is forbidden to force women to engage in trade. After that, the three female members were surprised, and even Hiiragi couldn't help but nodded in agreement.
After the ten pages of discipline were explained, the scene was very quiet for a while. A woman in her 20s with short brown hair and a delicate face, who was a school-level member with two guns on her waist, suddenly said cheerfully and chuckled,
"Commander, my name is Ansa, are these disciplines of yours true? We are pirates, not the navy!"

"Hahahaha!" As soon as the words came out, everyone couldn't help laughing. This was indeed their doubt because it was simply too restrictive. Pirates' burning, killing and looting were the default methods. Only the navy could do what Mod said. .
(End of this chapter)

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