Chapter 220 Silence
These humans, all wearing white robes, seemed to be worshiping the big tree.

Among them, the back of the person standing alone at the front of the crowd was completely different from the shadows of people around him, and it looked particularly clear.

It was so clear that it even gave him a familiar feeling.

Who could this be?He became somewhat curious.

The man's back, the way his long hair hangs down his back.

He looked both silent and solemn.

Even standing among the crowd is like standing in a deserted wilderness.

The whole body is filled with the feeling of loneliness and coldness needed for sacrifice.Fortunately, he is leading and presiding over this sacrifice.

A group of people in white robes were doing various movements, like dancing or some ancient ritual.

The picture was blurry, like white shadows blurred by sunlight, making it unclear what they were doing.

It looks like he's not moving fast, but he can't see clearly...

He thought, his eyes couldn't help but fall on the only clear figure of the back.

But, who is this?

He squinted his eyes, curiosity growing more intense.

Is it because he has been stared at for too long?

As if feeling something, the figure standing at the front of the crowd suddenly tilted his head and moved.

The picture in his eyes shook with the movement of this person, and the shadows behind him, like the shadows of fire shaking in the night wind, became indeterminate.

At this time, the man also turned around and looked at him coldly.

Because of this, he could see the man's face clearly.

It was clearly, Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Nagato gasped in his sleep, his eyebrows furrowed tightly, and his eyelids trembled as if he was about to wake up.

At this time, the picture in his eyes began to become blurry, broken, and returned to darkness.

Only then did he remember that he was an insect, staying in the peaceful and peaceful underground.

In front of you is a huge root system that takes deep roots and spreads throughout the entire earth.

Even his huge body can crawl freely in the complex underground passages left by this root system, squirming with his white insect body.

Only that towering tree can have a root system of this size, right?He thought as he crawled happily in the underground passage.

The world above our heads began to shake again, as if countless people were running at the same time, stamping and shouting, facing each other, and colliding together without giving in.

What are they shouting about?Human beings are obviously so small, but when they gather together, they can make a sound like the earth is shaking.

However, it was a little too messy and noisy, which made him a little dissatisfied.

He shook his head and suddenly understood that this was a war in the human world! !
The pitch-black underground world was no longer peaceful. A bloody color seeped down from the soil above his head, mixing with some kind of cold energy.

Just like the blood flowing through human blood vessels, it spreads from the huge root system to the tree body, branches, and leaves.

Huh?Shouldn't I be underground?he thinks.

In front of him was a bright world, in the shadow of a towering tree, the sun shone down from the swaying, luxuriant branches and leaves of the tree.In his eyes, it was as beautiful as the stars.

" Chakra."

A cold voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Nagato, who was lying on his back on the clear water, sleeping with his eyes closed, suddenly woke up.

The sound was like ice, almost frostbitten his ears.

A feeling that made him a little hairy crawled up from his spine and quickly spread throughout his body.

Nagato couldn't help but open his eyes, stood up in the black pool, and opened the white eyes on his forehead.

"Hey! Didn't it be agreed that after the founding of the People's Republic, they are not allowed to become elites?"

After scanning his eyes several times and finding no one around, Nagato shook his head and sighed.

What happened to that feeling just now, as if you had seen a ghost?He touched his left ear, which still seemed to feel a faint chill.A strange picture appeared in my mind.

A translucent figure, exuding a cold feeling, appeared in front of him in the moonlight, but he remained motionless, as if he was unaware.

The figure brought his face closer and sighed coldly in his ear.

" Chakra."

Until now, he could still recall that voice clearly, including the tone that could freeze the blood in his body.

"Oh, she's your sister, isn't she? Laozi is the leader of the Akatsuki organization. He has so much chakra that he can't use it all up. Even Kyuubi has taken over the role of his younger brother. You don't know what chakra is? Do you want you to come over and beg for help?"

In the moonlight, Nagato complained with an ugly face, trying to calm down his mood.

Suspiciously looked at the surrounding scenery, then looked up at the bright full moon, and found that this ghostly place, originally permeating the air, the mist of forgiveness disappeared, Nagato looked down at himself I always felt that something was not right here, so I quickly jumped out of the black pool and put on my clothes.

"Could it be that thousand-year-old female ghost from Kaguya who tells her dreams? If she can scare your son by telling her dreams every day, why are you looking for me?"

After getting dressed, Nagato stood by the black pool, looking at the bright moon in the sky and murmuring to himself.

Now, what he remembers most clearly in his mind is Kaguya Otsutsuki's cold face when she turned back and looked at him.And the huge root system in the underground world that made him feel very comfortable.

"The bad ghosts are gone! Good luck continues!"

In line with all idealistic principles, Nagato carefully cleared Kaguya's ugly face from his mind, and then firmly remembered the beautiful memories related to the huge root system in his heart, and immediately I feel so relaxed that I can kill dozens of female ghosts with one punch without losing my strength!

"you're awake?"


In the silence, a female voice suddenly sounded from behind Nagato, startling him!
Nagato turned around with lingering fear and saw little slugs emerging from the ground behind him.

"Are you mentally retarded?..."

The little slug shook the antennae on its face to convey this meaning to him.

This is really unreasonable!I was overjoyed when I heard its cute voice, but even though I jumped a few times in fright, is it so scary?

"Don't you know that people are, bugs can scare people to death?"

Nagato sighed silently.

He can't defeat the Sage of Six Paths, so stop scaring him with a thousand-year-old female ghost like Kaguya Otsutsuki. When he is strong enough, sooner or later he will go to the moon and let her know what it means to carry a bag of rice up to several floors! !

"You are indeed retarded."

The little slug directly spoke the human voice and made a cute sound.

Nagato ignored it, picked it up from the ground, and put it on his shoulder. As if remembering something, he patted his stomach, glanced at the place where Xiaonan was, and raised his foot to prepare for it. past.

"What are you doing?"

The little slug on his shoulder cried immediately.

"Go find something to eat for supper."

After watching a show in Konoha for so long, having another fight, and being so frightened by the old woman Kaguya, Nagato felt that he was already very hungry.

While talking, he was still walking towards Xiaonan. When he first came to the wet bone forest, he knew where the temporary base built by Xiaonan and Tsunade was.

"Hmph, stop, stop here." The little slug shouted again at this time, "Don't go over!"

"Why?" A trace of doubt flashed in Nagato's eyes.

"They are sleeping! What do you want to do? If you want to eat, I will get it for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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