Chapter 221 Mode 1

Is there such a good thing? ?Nagato was happy when he heard this. After finding a place to sit down, he raised his hand and said, "Bring more food over here, some of everything, unless you want to run more errands!"

It seems that he is ready to open his mouth for food...

The four tentacles of the little slug moved, but did not speak.At this time, one of the slug fragments that was scattered all over the wet bone forest emerged from the ground and wriggled its body to help Nagato get food.

Nagato also saw its actions through his Byakugan, a pleasant smile appeared on his face, and he found the feeling of being an uncle at the "Shigulin Hotel" and waiting for meals.

"After completing the practice, what changes have occurred in your body?"

While waiting for the "waiter" Slug to deliver the food, Nagato heard the little slug's questioning voice.

Obviously, Slug is still very curious about what abilities the first successful practitioner of immortality in Shigu Forest will acquire.

After Nagato heard this, he sat still and did not form any seals, but another version of himself emerged from his body.

"Split body?"

The little slug nodded as if he understood, "Then what?"

Split body Nagato, drilled half of Nagato's body, and then drilled back.

Nagato tilted his head and thought for a moment, then raised his right hand and waved it down.

The ground in front of him sank silently with his movement, and a palm print was dented.

"It's a bit better than the previous level of magic." The little slug commented, and then curiously asked, "Is there anything more?"

Nagato put his hand on his chin and thought.

The increase in his current ability is similar to the awakening skill, which can be used without practice, just self-discovery.

It's a bit like an instinctive awakening.

"It should be gone, right? If there is still, it will probably be discovered during the battle."

His tone was a little uncertain, and after thinking for a while he added, "The amount of chakra has increased again, does it count?"

"It doesn't count!" The little slug shook his head, "That's it? It's too boring, isn't it?"

After speaking, the little slug hung its head on Nagato's shoulder, looking extremely disappointed.

"Then what do you want from me? Do you spit acid out of your mouth like you do?"

Nagato complained.

"You can have this!!"

Unexpectedly, when the little slug heard this, he immediately raised his head in high spirits, raised his voice a little louder, and asked in an expectant tone: "Is there any?"

"Oh, there must be none!"

Nagato twitched the corner of his mouth and sneered.

He didn't want to be like Jiraiya or Terumi Mei, spitting out some random liquid from his mouth.

Speaking of which, Jiyalai is really a fool. He has learned the sage mode very poorly, and even after drinking a lot of Myobokuyama's oil, he can spray it out.

And it's not magic-grade oil, but an ordinary oil similar to Gamabunta, which can make him feel complacent like no one else.

Remembering Jiraiya who was still in a state of filth, Nagato shook his head and asked Slug: "Can you tell me about Mt. Miaomu now?"

He always feels that the Three Holy Lands are one of the most important breakthroughs for understanding the truth of this world.

"Then you have to tell me the information you know first, and then I can consider how to answer you based on the situation."

The little slug answered honestly.

This kind of performance is equivalent to initial recognition of Nagato.

"Oh, I need to tell you the information first, and then you can answer according to the situation?"

Nagato was a little dissatisfied, thinking that this insect was really cunning.

"Then do you still want to ask?" the little slug asked.

"Ha~!" Nagato sneered disdainfully, and then began to honestly explain what he knew about Miaomu Mountain, Shigu Forest, and Jugo's situation.

"So~~don't you know everything?"

After hearing this, the little slug let out a sigh, as if lamenting why this red-haired man was so stupid, "It really makes me admire you for knowing so much information. Forget about your subordinate's matter, Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave The specific method of practice is not something that ordinary people can explore. But! Since you already know so much, why can't you see the essence of the matter? "

After listening to Slug's words, Nagato fell into deep thought.

"Give me a hint?" he asked the slug.

"It's all the same thing." The little slug replied boredly.

"Don't always be bound by the wrong knowledge in your mind. Put aside those one-sided perceptions formed after being influenced by others. Just look at the superficial phenomena. Even a dog can see it? After all, others have already shown it so obviously. !! You humans are really a group of strange creatures, and the blind man who turns a blind eye is the best interpretation of you!"

Seeing that Nagato hadn't figured it out yet, the little slug couldn't help but sigh.

emmmmm, Nagato blinked innocently, not caring about Slug's attitude, and lowered his head to think for a while, trying to put aside all knowledge and only look at the surface...

His eyes soon lit up and he showed an expression of sudden realization.

"Oh~~~So that's what happened??"

Then he let out a sigh.

It turned out that, in fact, he already knew the answer to the question, but he was just influenced by the established impression and did not face it.

"Finally figured it out?" The little slug shook his head, very dissatisfied with Nagato's performance, "You humans are so stupid..."

For a guy like it, who can become a holy place with just one bug, and never move from one place for thousands of years, human beings should be a very strange creature, right?
Nagato thought so, and continued to ask regardless of what the insect said.

"Then I have now achieved what you said..." Nagato thought for a while, "Intermediate sage mode? What does the advanced mode look like?"

For some reason, he still cares about the subsequent higher-level magic.

"You will know when you try to use natural energy." The little slug replied.

Although Nagato was puzzled, he waved his right hand forward as before.

In the end, nothing happened. His current state was as if he had never learned magic at all... Nagato took a breath and his face changed, "Gan, is it so scary?"

"Haha." The little slug imitated Nagato and sneered.

"Then how can I bulldoze the toad's nest?" Nagato's tone was full of shock.

The little slug was stunned when he heard this, and the whole insect was stunned.

"There is also a snake nest..."

In the silence, Nagato added another sentence.

"What exactly do you want?"

After hearing his words, the little slug seemed to have finally come to its senses. It raised its four tentacles to the sky and roared, "What do you want to do to Miaomu Mountain, you traitor?"

"Here it is!" Nagato expressed his thoughts with a straight face and the most concise sentences.

"Why, are you afraid?"

Seeing that the slug stopped talking, he asked a question.

The little slug lowered his head, pondered for a while, and then asked seriously: "Before you do bad things, can you make others believe that all your actions have nothing to do with Shigulin?"

(End of this chapter)

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