Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 228 Speechless

Chapter 228 Speechless
"Wait a minute, now is not the time for you to use this trick!!"

Nara Shikaku, who had long expected this possibility, hurriedly stepped forward to hold Kai and persuaded him, "Kai! Didn't you agree that your Eight Gate Dungeon will be used against the leader of the Akatsuki organization?"

Kai, who was clenching his hands into fists and looking passionate, calmed down after being pulled by Shikaku, and blinked his eyes with long eyelashes. In Shikaku's nervous gaze, he looked confused, as if he had completely forgotten to return the favor. There seems to be such a thing.

Shikaku couldn't help but sigh deeply.

"What does that person look like?"

Kai touched his chin with a thoughtful expression.

With this expression, Lu Jiu felt despair.

"It's useless to tell you, anyway, you will forget it in a short time." Lu Jiu was completely convinced by Kai's face blindness, and complained, "Before you meet the leader of the Akatsuki organization, you must! Don't! Use Bamen Dunjia! To avoid exposing the information!!"

Kay nodded.

As the leader of the Jonin class, Shikaku still has some weight in Kai's heart...

"The leader of the Akatsuki organization is not only very cunning, he also masters the space and time ninjutsu, so you only have one chance, so you must be calm!"

Lu Jiu, who was worried, continued to exhort.

Although he didn't know how much energy Kai would be able to unleash when the time came, facing Nagato's hit-and-run style, even the ninja god couldn't do anything to him.Shikaku felt that he had to concentrate all his strength to give the dead red hair a fatal blow.

Kai's normal strength is far from Nagato's level. He is the ninja most likely to make Nagato careless and expose his flaws. He can be used as a trump card at critical moments.

"No problem, when the time comes, I'll kick the enemy in the face and kill him with a JIO kick."

Kai nodded, once again making the promise Shikaku had heard countless times, a small fire rising in his eyes.

Although from an emotional point of view, Lukaku wished that Gai would kick Sasuke to death right now, he was habitually rational and decided to consider the overall situation and use Gai's ability to the more threatening Nagato.

Anyway, if Nagato hadn't intervened, Sasuke would have been beaten to death by the Hokages long ago. Shikaku's hatred for Nagato was no less than Sasuke's.

"But... what about Sasuke, leave it to Ding Zao?"

After Kai was persuaded by Shikaku, he calmed down completely. He pointed at the fat pig running like a normal person and said "bang bang bang" and rushed towards Sasuke's Akimichi Ding seat with heavy steps.

"Huh? Dingzuo? Why did you run there?!"

He was lowering his head and thinking about how to plan and kill the scourge of the leader of the Akatsuki organization. Shikaku raised his head after hearing Kai's voice. He saw it at a glance. He had already used the "Super Doubling Technique" and rushed towards Sasuke's Dingzuo. back view.

"Damn it, why are they all like this?"

Shikaku gritted his teeth and was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead. Unfortunately, no one could stop Ding Zao from dying at this time.

Compared with Akimichi Dingzao's body that was as terrifying as a mountain of meat after using the secret technique, the ninjas fighting in a ball on the battlefield were not much bigger than mice.

Hearing the footsteps that shook the earth, these ninjas showed horrified expressions regardless of whether they were friends or foes. They didn't know how one person could become so huge.

And the ninjas in front of Ding Zuo hurriedly stopped their fighting to make way for this big guy with a furious face.

Obviously this big guy is heading towards where the Raikage and the Eight-Tails are, which is the key battlefield that determines the outcome of this war.

"Is this the Eight-Tails? It's really vulnerable."

Sasuke manipulated the complete Susanoo, and after cutting the eight-tailed Kirabi into two sections, he taunted with a relaxed tone.

After experiencing the battles with Naruto who transformed into a tailed beast, and the Senju Hashirama, he felt that compared to the Nine-Tails, the Jinchūriki of the Eight-Tails was simply too weak, ridiculously weak.

They are both tailed beasts, but the gap between them is really unexpectedly big.

"Damn it, Uchiha's kid."

The Eight-Tails inside Kirabi gasped and cursed after hearing Sasuke's voice.

In front of this purple, glacier-cold Susanoo, it felt unprecedented pressure, and it couldn't tell who was the real tailed beast between itself and the kid opposite.

The chakra burst out by Sasuke was completely beyond its imagination, and it also caused its Jinchūriki, Rabbi, to completely lose interest in rapping.

“Recalling what happened not long ago, I’m really speechless, you bastard!!”

There was blood hanging from the corner of Kirabi's mouth, and he still vaguely remembered in his mind the scene where he single-handedly challenged the Eagle Squad not long ago and fought against several young people.

But now, only a few days have passed? ?You are actually no match at all?What do Uchiha ninjas eat when they grow up?Kirabi was in deep shock and almost doubted his life.

At this time, there was a flash of lightning, and the thunder shadow covered with thunder and lightning broke through the surrounding dust and came to Kirabi in the rock pit, with a somewhat panicked expression on his face.

"Bi! How are you?" he called to Kirabi.

The scene of Sasuke killing the eight tails with his sword just now had a big impact on his brain.

Before, he would never have dreamed that someone could do such a thing.

In his mind, his father, the Third Raikage, who was like a "universal hero", could only compete with the Eight-Tails [-]-[-]. What happened to Sasuke?After the chakra materialized, it turned out to be bigger than the Eight-Tails. Is this still a human being?

At this moment, he deeply realized what powerlessness was, and sighed from the bottom of his heart, just how strong are the Hokage, who can drive such monsters, and there are three of them, out of the Leaf Village together.

Not far away, Sasuke stood on Susanoo's forehead. He did not continue to attack the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, but sneered at the enemy who was already showing a dejected look in the dust.

"It seems that you already understand the gap between you and Uchiha?"

Sasuke is very satisfied with his current situation. In his opinion, what he is now is the posture he should really have.

Standing on a high peak, overlooking all enemies and battlefields, using his overwhelming strength, he made everyone sigh for his existence.

"Damn brat."

Raikage gritted his teeth and muttered unwillingly, but stretched out his hand to stop Kirabi who was about to get up and fight again.

Although he was not willing to fail, he had to admit that Sasuke had now broken through the original pattern of the world and left the five shadows who were originally thought to be the strongest in the world far behind.

"Uchiha Sasuke!! Go to hell!"

At this time, huge footsteps and angry roars came over.

Akimichi Choza saw Susanoo from a distance, Sasuke's proud face, and became furious. He wished he could travel back in time and go back a few years ago, and shoot Sasuke to death when he was still in the Ninja School to avoid this disaster. When he grew up, he killed his own precious son.

He couldn't help but think of Choji again in his mind, with his chubby little face and cute appearance of trembling fat all over his body.

Tears welled up in Ding Zuo's eyes, and he rushed to Sasuke desperately to avenge his son! !

"Fool! This guy will die!"

Although separated by dust, Raikage recognized who this guy was at a glance, and also determined his fate.

Even the eight-tailed monster was hacked by the monster Sasuke, and he became a little bigger as a human being, so how could he be Sasuke's opponent?

Kirabi quickly stretched out several octopus tentacles from his body, trying to pull Ding Zuo back, but Ding Zuo's huge size at this time gave him extremely fast speed, and Ding Zuo stood up and ran like a wild boar. To Sasuke.


There was a huge impact sound, and the surrounding dust was swept away by the shock wave.

The Raikage and Kirabi were surprised to find that Sasuke seemed to be unconscious and motionless, allowing Ding Zao to hit him with his head! !
"Are you careless? Or are you starting to lose control of such a huge amount of chakra?"

With Ding Zao's current size, running at full strength and using the hardest bones in his body to deliver a headbutt, Kirabi believed that even if the Eight-Tails received this blow, it would not be uncomfortable.

Sasuke's Susanoo's attack power is very strong, but what about its defense power?

A glimmer of hope flashed in the eyes of Kirabi and Raikage, but unfortunately this fire of hope was fleeting.

Because after receiving this blow, Sasuke was almost motionless, as if he didn't feel anything at all, and the smile on his face gradually widened.

Sasuke remembered that during the battle in Konoha Village, didn't Akimichi Choji also use a similar technique to attack him?At that time, the losers in Konoha seemed to be quite excited, but what about now?Everything happens again?
Cold sweat ran down Dingzuo's face. He didn't expect that his impulsive headbutt could easily hit Sasuke, nor did he expect that his full blow would have no effect on Sasuke?

He almost broke his head, Sasuke should at least give some reaction, right?

Ding Zuo instinctively grabbed Susano's shoulders with two big hands, trying to stop Sasuke's next counterattack.

However, like an earthworm shaking a tree, an unstoppable force came from his hand. Sasuke looked at him with contempt, as if he were looking at a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered.

The huge Susanoo easily broke free from the restraints of Akimichi Tingza's hands and raised the chakra sword in his hand towards him.

Nara Shikaku's eyes were splitting in the distance, but he also understood that no one could prevent Ding Zao's death.

Everything happened too fast, from Akimichi Dingzao slamming into Sasuke with all his strength, to Sasuke swinging his sword at Dingzao, the nearest Raikage and Kirabi couldn't help much even if they wanted to help.

Just when everyone thought that Akido Dingza would die, a red Susano suddenly appeared in front of Sasuke, waving his Chakra arm, skillfully deflecting Sasuke's knife.


The purple chakra knife slashed down from Ding Zuo's side, and with Ding Zuo's scalp numbing expression, it cut a huge crack in the earth.

Although the red Susanoo's arm was shattered the moment it came into contact with the purple Susanoo's arm, Sasuke's sword was still blocked after all.

Sasuke's face changed instantly, showing an expression of disbelief, and he opened his eyes wide to see the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Uchiha Itachi?"

Uchiha Itachi suddenly appeared, looking at the red cloud and black robe on Sasuke, with an extremely helpless expression on his face.

"Is it really like this??" He whispered to himself.

At the same time, a big white bird appeared in the sky of the battlefield. Deidara, after seeing Obito, screamed in displeasure: "Fei! You're not dead yet, huh!"

Standing on the ground, Obito couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw the windy boy hovering in the sky.

"Only the hearts of thunder and water?"

Kakuzu, who had appeared on the battlefield at some point, started picking and choosing after killing several people.

Not finding the heart he wanted made his green eyes reveal a vicious killing intent. No matter who the enemy was, finding a good heart first was what he cared about. Of course, it would be even better if he could make money easily.

"It's really weak. There's no need to manipulate it."

Next to Kakuzu was Scorpion with cold eyes.

He waved his hands and used the chakra lines on his fingers to cut the surrounding ninjas into pieces. He glanced at the red clouds and black robes that were vaguely visible on the battlefield, and murmured to himself, "Is the enemy Akatsuki? It's really annoying. I don’t know how long it has been since I died..."

(End of this chapter)

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