Chapter 229 Bombing
As a "performer of red secret skills", Xie never imagined that one day he would be manipulated by others.

"Is this also an enemy? Kill him!!"

The surrounding Kirigakure ninjas saw that Scorpion had killed his companion and immediately regarded him as a target.

The same goes for the Kumogakure ninja who was also attacked by Scorpion. Together with the Kirigakure ninja, they swung their swords at Scorpion.

"It doesn't matter which side you are from! But since you killed Yunyin's ninja, you can die!"

Relying on instinct-like intuition, the ninjas of Kirigakure and Kumogakure unanimously decided to kill the unidentified alien Scorpion first, and then continue to fight to the death!
"You can't control your body? It's so boring..."

Enemies were swarming from behind, left and behind. Xie raised his hands and looked at his body, with a look of deep displeasure on his face.

And at this time, transparent chakra threads suddenly gushed out of his body without the permission of the scorpion, there were hundreds of them, and the electricity shot to the ninjas around him.

These ninjas had already rushed in front of Scorpion, raised their weapons, and tried to chop down Scorpion's body. However, in an instant, his body seemed to be immobilized by a restraining technique, and he screamed with horror on his face.

"What's going on? I can't move my body?"

Panic spread from the ninjas at the front of the team to the rear.In the horrified eyes of the ninjas behind, the hundreds of ninjas who were one step ahead and attacked Scorpion suddenly froze on the spot, then suddenly turned around, as if they were different people, changed their targets, and launched an attack on their companions. .

"What are you doing?? Waaaah! Bastard, are you crazy?"

Caught off guard, a large number of ninjas were slashed by their own people, with blood splattering everywhere.

Many people even lost their lives directly and fell to the ground with disbelief on their faces. They didn't know what all this was going on until they died.

"Damn it! I can't control my body anymore!!"

The ninjas who were waving their weapons like puppets, not caring about their own bodies, and attacking their companions crazily, had very broken expressions on their faces. They really hoped that their companions would understand their helplessness, and even shouted for help, hoping that someone could save them. Save them and help them get out of their current situation.

Unfortunately, at times like this, there are often no heroes to come to the rescue, and no one will say anything to them.

Compared with the number of nearly a hundred of them, there were much more ninjas who could move normally around them.

These ninjas, who had already gone crazy after seeing the blood, did not have the energy to think about why their companions suddenly rebelled. They quickly chopped these crazy companions into pieces who only attacked but not defended with a fierce look on their faces. , and fell into a pool of blood with eyes open.

"These people are all ninjas from Kumogakure and Kirigakure?"

The forehead protectors of the surrounding ninjas made Xie aware of their identities. Faced with the tragic death of hundreds of people in the blink of an eye, Xie's eyes remained as indifferent as before, and there was even a trace of disdain that could not be concealed in his tone.

"Who is a ninja who likes playing with swords so much? It's really ugly. On such a battlefield, I am an army alone..."

The enemy stood in place without moving, and our side suffered such a heavy loss.

After slashing their rebel companions to death with ferocious expressions, the ninjas took a deep breath and were about to continue attacking Scorpion. Suddenly they found that their bodies were no longer under control. They screamed loudly and turned around, sacrificing their lives to the ninjas behind them. They attacked and suffered the same fate as their companions who were hacked to death.

The new "hundred-machine exercise" continues, cruel and bloody.

With the help of Scorpion, Kakuzu quickly found the five hearts he needed, and together with Scorpion, killed the ninjas around them until they were howling like ghosts.

"Wow ah ah ah..."

The deafening screams attracted the attention of high-level officials from both sides of the war.

Nara Shikaku saw Akimichi Dingzao saving a life and just breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed the chaos caused by Scorpion and Kakuzu on the battlefield.After seeing the appearance of these two people clearly, Shikaku's scalp went numb, fearing that the Akatsuki organization had also mastered the reincarnation of the dirty land.

Although Obito also noticed the existence of Scorpion and Kakuzu, it was obvious that compared to these two people, he felt that the bigger trouble was probably his "senior" Deidara.

"Hmm! Actually, I don't want to blow you up!"

Deidara sat on the back of a two-winged bird made of explosive clay, hovering over the battlefield, looking at Obito on the ground with a smile on his face, "But my body is not under my control at all now, so, Go to hell, A Fei!!”

Didara, who had not known how many times he had bombed Obito for a long time, said nonsense that even he didn't believe, and took out a white clay bomb from the "endurable bag" with a smirk on his face.

"With so many ninjas and a war of this scale, we really need to use you, Chapter [-]!!"

Deidara scanned the battlefield at his feet and decided to find a place where ninjas were densest and throw the clay bomb in his hand.

As for whether "A Fei" is within the scope of the explosion, of course he can't control it. As an artist, he should only have his own art in his eyes!
The white C3 Chapter [-] is like a doll with a teardrop-shaped body, round eyes like black holes, an open mouth, and a "scream".

After breaking away from Deidara's hand, the eighteen "bang--" sounds grew louder, from being only the size of Deidara's head to a giant bomb six or seven meters high. It originally looked like white bird wings, protecting The hands on his chest were also fully opened, and the whole bomb was filled with a "surprise!" breath.

"Damn!! This guy Deidara is just here to cause trouble!!"

Holding Hidan's head with one hand, Obito looked up at the [-]th bomb dropped by Deidara. Obito's whole body was numb. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the bomb was thrown towards his head!
Of course this was his misunderstanding!Didara said that Ah Fei is easy to think too much!
"Here, let the world witness my art! Hmm!"

After throwing the giant bomb out, Deidara watched the trajectory of the bomb from the sky and roared with satisfaction, "Drink!!"

With a loud bang, the [-]th edition exploded the moment it was about to hit the ground, turning into a huge fireball that swallowed up all the ninjas who had no time to escape, and the shock wave spread in all directions.

Obito found Hidan's body the moment the bomb landed, and hid in the Kamui space carrying Hidan who breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha! Marvel at my art! You vulgar people!"

In a happy mood, Deidara took out the clay from his "bearable bag" and started to make eighteen rounds. When flying back and forth over the battlefield, he noticed the ninjas on the ground. When he passed by, they all looked away from him, even more so. happy! !There was no need to go through the [-]th chapter. I made a bunch of birds, grasshoppers, spiders and other bombs and threw them down, blowing up all the ninjas until they cried for their fathers and mothers, and the whole battlefield was suddenly filled with smoke.

"Deidara, do you want to die?!!"

Scorpion, who was careless for a moment, was severely affected, and his arms were blown off by the birds that fell from the sky. After looking at the sky, he spoke.

Logically speaking, his small voice should not be heard by Didara in the sky after such a long distance, but miraculously, Didara really heard it.

"You and I are both dead! Brother Scorpion, huh!"

Like a bomber, it hovered in the sky. Deidara, who was furious, roared back, the expression on his face was one of triumph, "Sure enough, the beauty of the moment is art, and your eternal beauty does not count. what the hell!"

Scorpion stared at Deidara flying arrogantly in the sky with a gloomy expression, feeling that this guy was indeed the type to die early.

(End of this chapter)

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