Chapter 236 Trust
As a user of the Beettenshin technique, "Nagato" could clearly feel the rapid and unwavering change process of Ohnoki's will.

The illusion he cast on Ohnoki's will was just a simple sentence: "Be loyal to the leader of the Akatsuki organization—Nagato."

As a result, I don’t know whether it was because it transformed into Onoki’s most trusted person, making Onoki completely defenseless, and perfectly matched the “unconscious” characteristics of other gods, or because of the enhanced effect of natural energy on illusions.

At the moment when the other gods were activated, Ohnoki made large-scale corrections to his will based on his actual situation, allowing Ohnoki to "suddenly" recognize himself again and understand his "real" thoughts.

Onoki now believes that he agreed with Nagato's philosophy as early as when he was cooperating with the Akatsuki organization, and secretly expressed his loyalty to Nagato during the Five Kage Conference.

After he returned to Iwagakure Village, all the decisions he made regarding this war were based on his own ideas and in cooperation with Nagato.

In this way, in order to achieve the perfect effect of the illusion of "loyalty to the leader of the Akatsuki organization - Nagato", the other gods almost modified all the memories about Nagato in Onoki's mind, and made Onoki think that this was what he originally thought.

Such a terrifying ability made the caster "Nagato" a little stunned, and secretly thought about whether it was possible to control Naruto-level zombies with this technique.

Just after thinking about this for a moment, "Nagato" decided to leave this issue to the stupid body.It's split body has completed its task perfectly, and it's time to return to Shigun Forest and return the Sharingan to the main body.

So, with Ohnoki's respectful expression, "Nagato" reminded him about the previous information ninja incident, and then used his divine power to disappear into the Tsuchikage office.

After "Nagato" left, the ninjas of Iwagakure suddenly discovered that their village's decision on war began to take a 180-degree turn.

After hearing that the four Hokages were resurrected, the Tsuchikage excitedly expressed his intention to join the war quickly to avoid all the war dividends being divided up by other major powers. Suddenly, he began to worry about the revenge of the Akatsuki organization, and he was not satisfied with the opposition of the war avoidance faction. So determined again.Some militants who were influenced by his previous attitude and expressed their intention to join the war were questioned by him.

For a time, as the Tsuchikage's attitude changed subtly, the overall strategy of Iwagakure Village began to shift in the direction of avoiding war. Affected by this, even the previously negotiated acceptance of employment by the Kingdom of Thunder The agreement to send ninjas to participate in this war was greatly affected.Among the ninjas originally planned to be sent to the Land of Water, all the powerful ninjas were swapped out and replaced with cannon fodder of low strength, which made the Raikage scream in anger.

Since he was not a qualified spy, Tsuchikage's change in attitude toward the Akatsuki organization inevitably caused some people who were close to Tsuchikage to become suspicious of him.

But after all, the Tsuchikage did not make a decision that was obviously wrong or detrimental to the interests of Iwagakure Village. Therefore, even those who are doubters who know about the manipulation of the Mizukage can only bury their suspicions in their hearts, observe silently, and wait. The truth is coming...

Before Nagato sent out the splinter body, the four Hokage lined up at the gate of New Konoha Hidden Village, ready to leave early.

"Hokages, let us end this war together!"

Senju Hashirama, who gambled all night, forgiven his gambling debts to the casino, and cried with gratitude, rekindled his fighting spirit, and let out a loud cry full of Chuan Er.

"Yes Yes······"

Beside him, Senshou Banma's eyes drooped, his expression helplessly coping with Hashirama's "speech before the battle", and he felt that the big brother's expression now was really stupid.

Completely different from what Raikage imagined, the four Hokages have no intention of staying in this world for a long time. They are all noble people, people who have escaped from vulgar taste, and people who know how to trust others.

After spending one night rebuilding Konoha Village and witnessing Kakashi becoming the Seventh Hokage and becoming Kakashi Seven Eyes, these Hokages planned to go straight to the Kingdom of Water to solve the crisis in this world and end it casually. Myself, continue to go back to the "Pure Land" to stay.

Kakashi, who was "trusted" by them, said he was under a lot of pressure. Now that he has no Sharingan, he can't even use Raikiri. To use a water dragon bullet technique, he needs to form 44 seals. In that time, he would have been defeated by the enemy. Given the seconds, I really don’t know how to protect Konoha.

Hatake Sakumo next to him patted his shoulder and said, son, you can use our family's sword skills.

Kakashi's expression immediately became heavier, because his sword skills couldn't even beat a passerby. That sword can be broken at a moment's notice...

It's a pity that the four Hokages didn't care about the heaviness on Kakashi's face. They all said in unison, "I believe you." After throwing a bunch of "trust cards" to Kakashi, they began to go about their own business and seize the time to spend time with relatives and friends. Friends parted ways and prepared to fight in the "final battle".

Namikaze Minato narrowed his face, stroked Naruto's head with a smile, and sent Naruto a dozen "trust cards" in a row, mysteriously expressing his belief that Naruto could control the Nine-Tails and letting him try boldly.

At Konohamaru's strong request, Sarutobi Hiruzen passed on his peeping, ahem, telescope skills to this young man, helping him surpass Naruto in the art of seduction as soon as possible!
After a brief separation, the four Hokages and two of them rushed to the Kingdom of Water together. Namikaze Minato was carrying Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Senju Tobirama was carrying Senju Hashirama. When the four Hokages finally left, they said goodbye. The people of Konoha also returned to the village, and when they were about to start a new life, "Nagato", the dead red hair, walked out of the Kamui space and appeared outside the door of Konoha village again.

"Akatsuki...Akatsuki organization—leader?!!"

The two Konoha ninjas guarding the door were on the verge of tears. The four Hokages had just left, why did this dead red hair come again?

The dead red hair came to Konoha twice (actually three times, the gatekeeper didn't know), and Konoha Village was bulldozed twice. This time, thanks to the first Hokage, Konoha Village was rebuilt quickly, and he was able to come Soon?

Is that human being?He just wanted to keep Konoha in a state of reconstruction, right?
After being glanced at by "Nagato"'s cold reincarnation eyes, the two Konoha ninjas had no intention of stepping forward to stop "Send to Death".

On the other side, after walking into Konoha Village, standing in the south of the village where the gate of Konoha is located, looking at the end of the road and the north of the village where the Hokage's office is located, "Nagato" looked at the brand-new Konoha Village, and something shocking happened Numbing emotion.

"Haha, the brand new Konoha Village..."

Some Konoha villagers who were walking on the street and had just "sent off" the Hokage-sama with tears, rubbed their hands in disbelief when they saw this red-haired man appearing in Konoha Village again "in broad daylight". Rubbing his eyes, a look of collapse appeared on his face.

For them, it was impossible to defeat Hongmao in a fight, and they probably couldn't escape. Even if they escaped, the village would probably have to be moved to the ground again.

Is this red-haired devil a professional demolition crew?Why is he always aiming at Konoha? This village is demolished. There are many hidden villages in the ninja world. Can't he go somewhere else?
After several battles, Nagato's appearance can be said to be known to everyone in Konoha Village, and his popularity is extremely high.As the saying goes, extreme love breeds hatred, and extreme hatred breeds love. "Nagato" discovered that these Konoha villagers had fallen "deeply" in love with him, and they didn't even know to hide when he came?Instead, you stood there and stared at him in a daze?
There is no way, as a split body, he is indeed a little bit more handsome than the main body.

At this time, in the Hokage's office, Kakashi, who had just sat on the chair and his butt was still hot, was also surprised when he heard the news that Nagato suddenly came to Konoha Village again, and he had a thought in his heart. I had a bad premonition, thinking that this red-haired man might be dissatisfied with killing me once and try to kill him a second time.

""He actually came again?Come on, let me see what his purpose is. "

Although he is well aware of how terrifying the gap in strength between himself and Nagato is, as the freshly released seventh Hokage, Kakashi still has to live up to the "trust" of previous Hokages, and resolutely find Nagato to receive the box lunch, after all As a Hokage, how can you not love bento boxes?
After putting on a windbreaker with the five characters of the Seventh Hokage printed on it (highly recommended by Minato Namikaze), before Kakashi walked out of the Hokage's office, he saw Nagato, who had already walked in...
"Huh? Kakashi? Really, it's alive. It's incredible."

"Nagato" opened his mouth and Kakashi felt strong malice.

This red-haired man definitely has no good intentions for his own life, that's for sure, but if it weren't for Obito, do you think I would be willing to be resurrected?It's great to be a dead person. You can use the kaleidoscope at will and don't have to worry about insufficient chakra. The two consultants are really harmful.

(End of this chapter)

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