Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 237 Dimension

Chapter 237 Dimension
Kakashi, who had a tangled expression, glanced at "Nagato", who had a cold and indifferent look, but could arouse others' desire to complain as soon as he opened his mouth. He hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Are you the true form of Pain?"

Kakashi still cares a lot about who the person who killed him was.

"Nagato" Li Yan shook his head, it was a split body, not the stupid main body.

At the moment when Kakashi's body suddenly tensed up, "Nagato" crossed Kakashi's body and sat down on the chair in front of the desk.

"Speaking of which, you looked like a fool when you fought against Tiandao. You didn't use top-level skills like Kamui. What kind of Raikiri did you use? It's not enough to use Raikiri. You also need to complete the earth escape first. Make a background board, and add a few dog heads as decoration on the background board. Are you trying to gain too much chakra for yourself, or do you think the fighting atmosphere was too serious and want to show off your liveliness and cuteness?"

"Nagato" continued to speak, and Kakashi continued to feel a steady stream of malice.

"I heard that you need to make 44 seals with a water release? Is that how you get the name of copy ninja? Specialize in copying ninjutsu from muscular men like Zabuza who use swords? Why are you so bad? Do you know your village? Hokage uses the same water escape, only four seals are needed?"

Kakashi was speechless and stopped talking.

"And your chakra attribute restraint, have you learned it from the dog's belly? You know that Zabuza can use water escape, but you actually follow the water escape. It seems like you have a lot of ders. Why can't you use earth escape? ? You two are holding those crazy seals like you are convulsing. Are you communicating about your condition, or are you trying to make the audience happy?"

Kakashi choked speechlessly, stopping to speak.

"With the amount of chakra you have, you still have the nerve to always use the same ninjutsu to offset other people's ninjutsu, so you're bullying others with their poor eyesight and not being able to see through the nature of your kidney deficiency, right? Otherwise, you can just come with a lot of blue ones. Ninja, have been using ninjutsu to fight against you, will it kill you easily?"

Kakashi slapped his forehead as if he was being tortured, his face speechless.

"Of course, it's not your fault that you have kidney failure. You always read Jiraiya's novels. How can you not suffer from kidney failure? Your Konoha style is very problematic."

"Strictly speaking, the development direction of your village has gone wrong since the first Hokage. During the Sannin period, it went further and further down the evil path and began to develop more routes. You, the Seventh Hokage, should shoulder The burden is not light."

Having said this, "Nagato" looked at Kakashi's desk, then turned back and glanced sideways at Kakashi's speechless face, "Where is your little imperial book? Have you quit? Still feel like you are You've been promoted and want to get a hardcover version? To match your new status?"


After being silent for several seconds, Kakashi clutched his chest, feeling like he had been stabbed several times in the heart with words. It was bloody and painful. After sighing, he asked: "What on earth are you here for??· ·····”

Why does he feel that the leader of the Akatsuki organization seems to be very idle?Did he come here specifically to humiliate himself? ?

Even if he had a constant stream of complaints, he actually knew all the information about his fight with Zabuza?Thinking back on the members of the Akatsuki organization that I met, it seemed that they all had some personality problems.

Kakashi suddenly shuddered when he thought of this, and it came to his mind that Sasuke started to look like Nagato, with a blank face and a series of unstoppable complaints. Well, even if Sasuke joined the Akatsuki organization, , shouldn't it become like this? ?

Forget about Obito, when he thinks of Obito now, he thinks of his umbrella lizard. Do members of the Akatsuki organization usually practice that kind of "secret technique"?
Under the idiot-like eyes of "Nagato", Kakashi's expression became strange...
"What do you think?"

"Nagato" knocked on the table, "I am here this time to meet the four Hokages of Konoha, and I will discuss with you the issue of follow-up cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Kakashi was shocked. He shook his head and tried hard to get rid of the image of all members of the Akatsuki organization, including Sasuke, "Umbrella Lizard" from his mind, and said in surprise, "There is still cooperation between us! !!!"

What is this person talking about? Why can’t I understand it?He has bombed Konoha Village several times, and he himself died in his hands. He was resurrected last night, and he actually has the nerve to say that he wants to "cooperate"?
Kakashi's face was full of shock. In the eyes of "Nagato", he looked stupid.

"How strange. We are all part of the ninja world. When did we not be able to talk about cooperation?"

"Nagato" simply lifted his feet and put them on the desk. The movement seemed too awkward, "How did you become the Hokage? Didn't you even inherit and carry forward the will of the previous Hokage? Or, You don’t even know about the cooperation between Konoha Village and Akatsuki Organization?”

"Danzo has cooperated with the Akatsuki organization?! When?"

Kakashi was so shocked that his mouth opened wide. He turned around and walked to the opposite side of Nagato, sat down in his special Hokage seat, and waved his hand to signal the ANBU around him to retreat and not to come and die.

Since Nagato didn't come to fight and kill, then he, Hokage, didn't want to provoke the red hair to blow up Konoha again.

"So you really don't know? What about the two consultants before? Oh, those two old immortals also died. It's really strange. How could two old people like that be willing to sacrifice themselves to resurrect you?"

Seeing "Nagato" tending to go off topic again and again, Kakashi didn't know if this was the "true face" of the leader of the Akatsuki organization, so he had to try to steer the conversation in a normal direction.

"When did Danzo cooperate with the Akatsuki organization?"

he asked.

"Not long ago, when I came to Konoha Village, I reached an agreement on this war with your village's Hokage and two advisors."

Fortunately, as long as Kakashi doesn't mess around, this person can still have a good chat.

"Not long ago?"

Not long ago, didn't you just allow Sasuke to bulldoze Konoha? ?Kakashi wondered if there was something wrong with this person's sense of time?

"About a few days ago."

"Nagato" showed an expression of reminiscence, "I ate a few mouthfuls of ramen at Konoha, and met that idiot Naruto, yes, Naruto has seen me, you can ask him if you don't believe me."

No, this is not a question of whether you have been to Konoha or not, but how could Konoha reach an agreement with the Akatsuki organization? ? ?

"How did you reach an agreement with Danzang?"

Kakashi asked this most critical question with sharp eyes.

"What did I say then?"

"Nagato" showed a recalling expression again, and the fierce light flashing in his eyes made Kakashi feel that something was wrong no matter how he looked at it.

"Konoha Village's bullshit barrier and rubbish ANBU are useless in front of me."

Sure enough, it didn't take long for "Nagato" to reply with an "I thought of it" expression, "Then, your village's Hokage and advisor immediately agreed to cooperate with me. They are much smarter than you."

I won’t mention whether you are smart or not, but...

"It shouldn't be just that simple, right?······"

Kakashi didn't believe Danzo would be so easy to talk to.

"Oh, I even beat up Danzo."

"Nagato" grinned, showing his white teeth. That smile looked so scary, "Do you want to agree to cooperate with me, or do you want me to beat you up and bulldoze the entire Konoha Village?"

Saying this, "Nagato" raised his right hand in front of Kakashi and spread his fingers.

A forgiving-colored "Rasengan" instantly appeared in the palm of his hand. Although it looked a bit close to a Rasengan in appearance, the astonishing fluctuations emitted by the sphere as it rotated, as well as the oppressive heaviness it contained, But it is obviously much more terrifying than the Rasengan.

To be precise, this thing should be called "tailed beast jade", a tailed beast jade used by humans.

Kakashi stared at such a dangerous thing, and the scene of black tailed beast jade spurting out from the mouth of the Nine-Tails appeared in his mind involuntarily, and "Nagato"'s open right hand at this time, In his eyes, it was no different from Kyuubi's open mouth.

The extreme sense of danger instantly caused Kakashi's expression to change.

In just a split second, Kakashi only had time to stand up from his seat, and the "Tailed Beast Jade" in "Nagato"'s hand suddenly swelled while spinning, and then, like an illusion, the Tailed Beast Jade inflated instantly. , suddenly shrank and stretched in an instant, and green light was pulled out from the vertices of both ends of the sphere, like a brilliant aurora, flashing before his eyes and disappearing without a trace.


Hatake Sakumo, who had been hiding in a hidden corner of the Hokage's office, was hit in the head by the aurora without any reaction.

"Is it beyond the ability of the naked eye to capture?"

Kakashi took a breath and sighed with a dull expression.

A bitter smile appeared on Hatake Sakumo's face, and the wound on his forehead began to recover rapidly. Kakashi recalled what he had just seen, the green sphere was expanding and contracting at the same time, and understood that this was just because he was completely There is no way to visually capture the changing process of the sphere, it is just an illusion.

"This is a technique that surpasses the Rasengan..."

Kakashi thought of the Fourth Hokage.

When the enemy's abilities are still within the scope of his imagination, even if he is above him, Kakashi can still muster the courage in his heart to fight against him, knowing that he is invincible.

However, when the enemy's ability was so strong that he could not understand it at all, and it did not seem to exist in the same dimension, Kakashi could only feel helpless except for smiling bitterly.

At this time, resistance is the most stupid thing.

The freezing reaction that humans have developed over a long period of time has allowed Kakashi to fully understand the judgment made by his body at this moment.

That is, if you don't resist, you may still survive, let the enemy forgive you, but if you resist, there is only one dead end...

(End of this chapter)

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