Chapter 238 The Return
"What a pity, except for the four Hokages in Konoha now..."

"Nagato" retracted his right hand, thought for a moment and then changed his words, "To be precise, except for the first, second and fourth generation Hokages, the rest of them are not even qualified to fight with me."

The first generation Hokage has a mature immortal body. Although he is definitely not fast, there is no doubt about his reaction speed when facing attacks. The second and fourth generation Hokage are rare in the ninja world. No matter who they face, no matter whether they can defeat the opponent or not, At least they are qualified to make a few gestures.

Forget about the Third Hokage, that old man is just the pinnacle of ordinary ninjas, and with the ability and speed of "Nagato", he is likely to be killed instantly.

Kakashi had no intention of refuting what "Nagato" said. After Hatake Sakumo fully recovered, he simply stood up from the corner and looked at "Nagato", a powerful enemy that he had never seen before, without saying anything. Ask him how he discovered himself.

What kind of strength the person in front of them has, and which words are true and which words are false, they will naturally rely on their own IQ to judge, and the result of this judgment is not a good thing for Konoha. .

"As long as I want... Bang!! I can turn Konoha into ruins again at any time."

Nagato blew a breath upwards of his sight like he was blowing a gun, "Let your Hokage come back quickly and tell them that the ninja world is very dangerous now and protecting Konoha is what they should do."

Kakashi and Hatake Sakumo looked at each other, and after taking about three seconds to understand the situation, they made a decision.Hatake Sakumo nodded, used the teleportation technique to leave the Hokage's office, and tried to find a way to contact the four Hokages.

"You will come here to try to cooperate with us. Does that mean you can't defeat the four Hokages?"

Kakashi sat back in his seat, looked at "Nagato" who still put his feet on the desk and regarded his "threat" as nothing, and said tentatively.

"Nagato" chuckled and spread his hands: "Probably..."

From Kakashi's point of view, probably due to the narrow and long eyes with the corners of the eyes raised, the smile of "Nagato" looks a bit evil, like a cunning fox.

Kakashi recalled in his mind the information about this person left by the first Hokage, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt a headache.Because according to what Senju Hashirama said aggrievedly at the time, Nagato was the most troublesome enemy. Needless to say, he was very powerful, and his abilities were extremely weird. He could kill instantly at every turn, and he also controlled time and space. Ninjutsu, if the form is not good, he will run away immediately, faster than anyone else, it is the most difficult type for people to find a way to deal with it.

Kakashi thought of Nagato's time and space ninjutsu, and thought of Obito again. He scratched his white hair and shamelessly asked "Nagato": "Uchiha Obito, how are you doing now? "

You know, Obito lost an arm and a leg when he escaped from the Leaf Village. Kakashi was still very concerned about the safety of this little friend. Of course, what he wanted to know most was that Obito had turned black. reasons.

"Obito is doing very well! He will be the groom's official soon."

"Nagato" answered very frankly.

"...Can you please stop fooling people?"

Kakashi sighed with sad eyes. He knew very well that Obito obviously only loved the girl he once was, and Obito's darkening was probably related to that girl.

The tragedy of the past turned into a depressing breath that enveloped Kakashi's body. The white hairs on his head seemed to hang down weakly as his mood became negative. It looked like a dog. , on a rainy day, it feels like your body is wet...

"Nagato" felt that Kakashi was really pitiful like this, and couldn't help but consider his tone of voice to persuade him.

"Indeed, this kind of topic is not suitable for a single like you. All you need is the Little Emperor's Letter..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kakashi, who looked downcast, seemed to have a huge mountain falling on his shoulders in an instant. He put his right hand on his forehead and sighed forcefully.

"Speaking of which, how is Master Jiraiya? He must have been captured by you." He decided to change the subject.

As for Kakashi, when it comes to the Little Emperor's Book, he can think of Jiraiya's performance, which made "Nagato" feel that he was indeed a loyal reader of Jiraiya's LSP, and he immediately looked at him with understanding eyes. Kakashi.

"That's right!! Do you want to arrest him and force him to update the novel? Or do you want to use the power of Hokage to let him only write the plot you like??"

"Nagato" looked at Kakashi, his eyes radiating all kinds of torture. In his opinion, a guy with "moral corruption" like Jiraiya is obviously a master who deserves to be "404".

Look at how the white hair in front of you has been poisoned by Jiraiya?Hatake Sakumo should really work hard with Jiraiya.

"'s not like that..."

Kakashi put his right hand on his forehead and stretched out his left hand to signal "Nagato" to stop talking.Because what this red hair said is really feasible! !
For someone like him, who can read the same Little Emperor's Book countless times and reveal flaws in a fight because he wants to know the subsequent plot of the Little Emperor's Book, for the ultimate Emperor's Book lover, he can tie up Jiraiya. Getting up and forcing him to "create" and write novels 24 hours a day is really too tempting! !
"Huh? You really think so!"

"Nagato" nodded, with an expression that said, "I've seen through you a long time ago."

"No, these words were obviously said by you, I was just influenced by you..."

Kakashi struggled to complain. He no longer knew what to say to the red-haired Nagato. This guy was the most terrifying demon!The kind that can confuse people's hearts! !

Fortunately, his father, Hatake Sakumo, came back at this time and saved him from the temptation to kidnap Jiraiya!

"The Hokages are returning."

Hatake Sakumo looked at Kakashi, then at Nagato, and said, "I never expected to meet such a strong Uzumaki ninja one day."

In Hatake Sakumo's impression, the outstanding characteristics of the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan are their strong vitality, superb sealing techniques and barrier ninjutsu. Unexpectedly, they can also use the kind just now, with unparalleled speed and one hit. The killing techniques really opened his eyes.

"I can't help it, I'm just so good..."

"Nagato" heard this and boasted helplessly, and added in his heart, "Even better than the original body..."

Such unhesitating boasting made Hatake Sakumo completely convinced, and he gave his thumbs up "convinced".

On the other side, the four Hokages of Konoha walked away and came back quickly. When the people of Konoha were trembling with fear for the arrival of the "red-haired devil", the fourth generation was carrying the third generation, and the second generation was carrying the first generation, two by two. The first team returned to Konoha Village.

"I'm back, I'm all back..."

The Konoha people, who were worried and worried that they would have to be "led by dogs" in the next second, saw the returning figures of Hokage, put their hands on their chests, and their hearts fell back to the original place.

As long as there are four Hokages, their safety can be guaranteed!These Hokage-samas are the source of confidence for them to dare to live in Konoha Village.

"It seems there hasn't been a fight yet..."

Looking at the intact Konoha Village, Senju Hashirama breathed a sigh of relief.

Among the four people, he is the only one who knows the strength of Nagato best. As long as the young man from the Uzumaki clan is willing, it is completely easy to bulldoze the Leaf Village.

"It should be in the Hokage's office, let's go there now."

Namikaze Minato's blue eyes stared in the direction of Hokage's office and said.

He had a lot of doubts and wanted answers to the Akatsuki who had ruined his family and destroyed Konoha several times.

After entering Konoha Village, the Third Hokage naturally did not have to rely on others to carry him on his way. The four of them used the teleportation technique and quickly rushed towards the Hokage's office.

"This chakra reaction is stronger than before. Has this kid improved his strength in such a short period of time?"

When the four stopped outside the door of the Hokage's office, Senju Tobirama spoke solemnly.

Although the "Nagato" at this time only has half the chakra of the main body, but because the chakra amount of the main body has increased again, as a split body, its chakra amount is more than the previous main body.

This also makes it completely impossible to see whether it is a "clone" or Nagato himself.

"Huh? Are you Senju Hashirama's true form?"

When the four Hokage pushed open the door, the amazing aura they exuded instantly attracted the attention of the three people in the office. "Nagato" spoke immediately after seeing Senju Hashirama.

Although it sounded like a simple, "normal" question, Senju Tobirama's expression suddenly became serious, and he put his right hand on his elder brother's shoulder.

Senju Tobirama now also knows clearly about Nagato's ability. All the ninjutsu this young man uses are extremely cruel, and he can kill instantly when he strikes. He must be careful not to let his careless brother be killed instantly. .

Once there is no Senshou Bashirama, it is basically impossible for the three of them to defeat Nagato. This is Senshou Tomonama's judgment.

"It's me, are you here for a decisive battle?"

At this time, Senju Hashirama also rarely showed a serious expression.

I have to say that the first Hokage is still very majestic as long as he doesn't giggle.


"Nagato" shook his head, "I come for peace..."

He didn't want to fight against the "Woodman Legion" in Qianshou Zhujian anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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