Chapter 239 Fruits

Although "Nagato" had a serious expression when he said the word, and there was nothing unusual in his tone, but the four Hokages still showed a puzzled expression of "what is this man talking about, and what exactly is he trying to do?" at the same time.

They all turned their attention to Kakashi, and Kakashi spread his hands and gave a helpless expression, because he couldn't understand what the leader of the Akatsuki organization was thinking in his mind.

He was the one who bombed Konoha Village, and he was the one who came over and asked for cooperation.

The last Danzo who cooperated with him had obviously died due to his participation, and then, he came here again to talk to himself, the new Hokage, about peace?

Does he feel that he is the leading actor and everyone has to revolve around him?Or do you think everyone in Konoha is an idiot and can you let him fool you?
"...What does the behavior of your Akatsuki organization have to do with peace?"

Namikaze Minato asked everyone's doubts. If there is anyone who has the biggest hatred against the Akatsuki organization, it must be this yellow hair.

Although those bad things were all done by Obito alone, obviously throwing the blame to the entire Akatsuki organization is what Namikaze Minato is most willing to do.After all, the relationship between him and Obito is there. In the end, what Obito does will often have some causal relationship with him - compared to his incompetence or something.

"Nagato" felt a trace of malice from Namikaze Minato's eyes, and was unhappy on the spot: "What happened to the behavior of our Akatsuki organization? Isn't it the behavior of serious ninjas? We do things for whoever gives money, and collect tail Beasts are something that all ninja villages have done, so why do you think the organization can't do it?"

His words contained a strong logic of "the monk can touch it, why can't I?" Seeing that Namikaze Minato seemed ready to refute, "Nagato" immediately added: "What happened before has nothing to do with our Akatsuki organization! This is completely a personal grudge between Uchiha and the Leaf Village! As the leader, I can’t help the Leaf Village suppress the reasonable demands of the employees, right?”

Okay, are you going to reveal everything about a personal grudge?Namikaze Minato frowned, but at this moment Senju Hashirama interrupted, he was concerned about another topic.

"The problem lies in your behavior of collecting tailed beasts."

Senju Bashima's eyes lit up. Nagato was able to dispatch the matter of the tailed beast. In his opinion, it was great. "Your purpose is too dangerous. The ten-tailed existence should never be revived."

Except for "Nagato", everyone in the Hokage's office looked at Senju Hashirama with puzzled eyes.

Senju Hashirama looked around at everyone's confused faces and blinked.

That look is so cute and innocent.

However, it was impossible for Senju Tobirama to be fooled by him.

"What does the ten tails mean??"

He asked this question on behalf of all Hokages.

"Didn't I tell you?"

Senju Hashirama's voice was full of surprise, and he looked to the surrounding Hokages for confirmation.

"Uh... I don't seem to have heard you say it."

In Hashirama's line of sight, the Third Hokage lowered his head slightly, revealing a pensive look in his eyes, as honest as he could be, and immediately gained Hashirama's trust.

"I don't think so?"

The Fourth Hokage smiled helplessly. This period of contact had already made him understand what kind of person the First Hokage was.

"Okay..." Senju Hashirama waved his hands seriously, closed his eyes and raised his head, as if he was organizing words in his mind and preparing to explain.

All the Hokages, including Hatake Sakumo, corrected their attitudes and acted cooperatively to listen.


Senju Hashirama opened his eyes, scratched his head, and noticed that everyone except Nagato was waiting for him to speak. Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, "I also forgot what happened, hahahahaha..." ····It's bad!!!"

He first put his hands on his hips, raised his head and laughed, then lowered his head under the contemptuous eyes of Senshouban, and stopped laughing, while the surrounding Hokages dripped cold sweat from their heads.

In the eyes of "Nagato", the behavior of the Hokages was really funny. He couldn't help but smile evilly and said: "The reason why the first Hokage had such an idea should come from the Sage of Six Paths, right?"

He kind of wanted to know what the extent of the relationship between these Hokages and the Six Paths Sage was.

When the Hokages heard the words "Six Paths Sage", they were all stunned.

It was as if lightning flashed through their brains. Everyone showed a surprised expression, and then looked at Senju Hashirama.

Obviously, these people have nothing to do with the Six Paths Immortal? ? ?
"Nagato" touched his chin and thought, thinking that these people were not of a high standard, and the Sage of Six Paths was not interested in meeting them, right?

Senju Hashirama, on the other hand, faced the questioning gazes of the Hokage, folding his arms and assuming a matter-of-fact attitude: "I have indeed seen the Sage of Six Paths, and I should have heard some very important things from him."

Saying this, he scratched his head again with a helpless expression: "But I have forgotten all those things..."

The Hokages nodded, but the doubts in their eyes did not dissipate.

"Six Paths Immortal must have asked you to forget it, right?"

Nagato said with a sneer.

"It's possible!" Senju Hashirama nodded, not seeing any problem with this kind of thing.

Everyone around him, except "Nagato" and Senju Tobirama, once again had cold sweat on their foreheads at the same time, feeling that this gentleman was really a bit stupid.

Senju Tobirama was the only person present who knew how to deal with Hashirama, and he asked calmly.

"What's your intuition? Did you make the judgment about Ten-Tails yourself, or was it imposed on you by some Sage of the Six Paths?"

"Of course it's my own decision!"

Senjujuma's answer was straightforward and decisive.

"Then it's fine!"

Senju Tobirama also decisively gave his own conclusion and seemed to have great trust in Hashirama.

This performance made all the Hokage nod, feeling that these two people were truly brothers who came out of the Warring States Period and jointly established Konoha Village.

In their adoring eyes, the light of the bond and trust between the Hokages emanated from the Senju brothers, illuminating the entire office in an instant.

Except for "Nagato" who was indifferent, everyone around the Senju brothers nodded with heartfelt smiles on their faces, casting an absolute vote of support for these two brothers!Decided to resolutely support the judgment of the former Hokages! !
"A fool's intuition cannot be changed even by illusion...!!"

In the light of trust that was as precious as gold, and in the atmosphere where the "Will of Fire" was burning, Senju Tobirama calmly lowered his head and murmured to himself.

His words were like ice, instantly freezing the fiery atmosphere in the Hokage's office.

The calm Senju Tobirama obviously has his own set of standards for judging the stupid elder brother.

And Senju Hashirama, who has good ears and just showed an moved expression, turned back to look at his brother. After hearing this, his expression instantly stiffened, as if he had been hit by some serious blow. There were a lot of black lines, and he lowered his arms in depression.

His appearance was like that of a depressed gorilla in the rainforest, full of primitive grievances, which made the surrounding Hokages show expressions of sympathy.

Even "Nagato" couldn't help but glance at Hashirama, and then scanned around the Hokage's office, hoping to find some fruit to comfort poor Hashirama.

"Is this really okay?"

There was definitely no fruit to be found. Kakashi had just taken office and had not yet started working as a dawdle. Naturally, he would not prepare such things in the office. "Nagato" looked at the strange way he had established trust. The Hokage asked.

"There are still a lot of fools in Konoha Village, and I've never heard of that fool being immune to illusions! Maybe the Six Paths Sage himself is a fake?"

The sound of "Nagato" made the black lines on Senju Hashirama's forehead become denser, and his arms hung lower, making him look more like a silly gorilla.

"This fool is different..." Senju Tobirama crossed his arms on his chest, his face showing extreme confidence, "At this point, I have full trust in Hashirama! "

Please, please change the way of trust, Lord Hashirama is almost crying.

Kakashi secretly looked at Senju Hashirama with sympathetic eyes, his arms almost hanging to the ground.

Obviously, a person like Senjujuma has a power of "trust" in others, no matter how this trust needs to be established...

"Nagato" was not affected by the farce in front of him, and said, "Let's not talk about the ten tails, let's talk about world nuclear peace?"

"Why not talk about it?! The Ten-Tails is the most important thing!"

Senju Hashirama, who had been depressed, immediately came back to life when Nagato tried to change the topic. The depressed state just now was obviously just a daily routine for him.

"Well, because I don't plan to completely resurrect the Ten-Tails."

"Nagato" shook his head and said something that surprised Hashirama, "Do you think that kind of thing can be controlled by humans? I'm not stupid, so what's there to talk about?"

The complete Ten-Tails may indeed have the power to destroy the world. Even Nagato has no information about that kind of thing. After all, according to the script of the Sage of Six Paths, the Ten-Tails cannot be fully resurrected until the end.

Senju Tobirama heard this and narrowed his eyes: "What exactly is the Ten-Tails in your eyes?"

He asked such a question very cleverly, without revealing to Nagato whether he knew the information about the Ten-Tails.

(End of this chapter)

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