Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 259 The Kingdom of Rain

Chapter 259 The Kingdom of Rain

"Slug, help me get on top!"

Seeing that Nagato split another clone and stayed in place, taking the six clones he had accumulated before and Konan into the space vortex, Tsunade hurriedly left the "mahjong table" and greeted the slug, as if asking it to help occupy the space. As if sitting in a seat, he quickened his pace and dived into the space vortex that had not yet been closed.

It seems that her elder sister is quite competent, at least she can tell which is more important, her younger brother or gambling...

After Nagato's split body left, he sat there and tried not to consume chakra.

A slug split body that was about the same size as the current tailed beasts took up Tsunade's position and directed the densely packed little slugs to start playing mahjong. Kyuubi held his hands behind his back, like an old man, between the two Looking back and forth between the "mahjong tables", criticizing someone for being too good at the game from time to time, I'm sure I won't be able to act like this!He angered eight card buddies and was sprayed by seven tailed beasts and slugs before closing his mouth. He turned his head proudly, pretending to be "I don't care about you", and then found a place to lie down and take a nap. went.

Not to mention the wet bone forest that had been turned into a "chess and card room", Nagato, who used his divine power to rush on his way, soon arrived at the end of the Hidden Rain Village, where he decided to complete the resurrection of the Ten-Tails.

"Xiao Nan, use the paper avatar to order the people in Yuyin Village not to go out and prepare for evacuation."

The recognition of the eight tailed beasts made Nagato much more confident in controlling the Ten-Tails, but even if he was confident that nothing unexpected would happen, he was still prepared to make all the preparations he needed to do.

Raising his head and glancing at the sky with low clouds, Nagato used all his sensory abilities to scan the surroundings with all his strength, trying to see if there was any dog ​​that dared to hide nearby and die.

Xiaonan followed what Nagato said and used the paper clone technique. The clone spread its paper wings and flew back to the Amegakure Village.

"How is the Four Red Sun Formation used?"

After scanning the surroundings, Nagato turned his head, and with Tsunade's "unpleasant" expression, he extended his right hand to her, then pressed her head and learned how to use this technique.

"Well, Orochimaru can come over too."

Let go of Tsunade with an unhappy face, use the Akatsuki ring, and inform Orochimaru to come as soon as possible with the needed props, Nagato then stood there and waited for a while, guessing that the order from Konanji's avatar has already arrived in Yuyin Village After carrying it through, he carefully sensed the surrounding situation several times, and still did not find any abnormality, then used the psychic technique to psychic Nine Tails who was dozing in the wet bone forest.

"Well? Where is this place?"

Kyuubi, who was lying on the ground and still a little confused, opened his eyes and asked.

Its original red vertical pupils had turned into the same samsara eyes as Nagato's, which made Tsunade click her tongue in amazement.

"The Kingdom of Rain." Nagato said concisely, "We may need to enter the chakra swastika mode at any time, so be prepared."

After reconnaissance of the surrounding situation, if the Ten-Tails loses control, the Four Red Sun Formation that can restrain the Ten-Tails can be opened at any time, and he also has the Nine-Tails as a thug. Even if there is enemy interference, he can quickly enter the Nine-Tails mode. , Nagato thought for a moment and felt that doing this was already foolproof.

"and many more!"

Just when Nagato was about to channel the Ten-Tails, Kyuubi spoke, "I have the psychic contract left by Madara Uchiha. Nagato, please help me seal away the power of the contract."

His words really woke up the dreamer. Senju Hashirama was resurrected, and his good friend Uchiha Madara was probably kicking the coffin board too, right? ?

The Kyuubi really learned a lot about sealing techniques from the two Uzumaki Jinchuuriki. With its help, Nagato successfully used the contract seal to eliminate the remaining contract with Madara.

"In this case, there should be no problem!?"

Nagato breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that it was fortunate that Kyuubi gave him a reminder, otherwise what would happen if Kyuubi was channeled away at the critical moment?
As the saying goes, one person is short-sighted and two people are wise. He glanced at Tsunade and Konan again. Seeing that these two people had nothing to add, he focused his eyes and channeled the Ten-Tails.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!"

The Ten-Tails still looked the same, standing there in the form of a heretic demon, scratching his head with both hands, and kept making dull roars from his mouth, looking extremely painful.

As soon as this guy appeared, the surrounding ground immediately began to crumble and spread, and the momentum was even more astonishing than in the wet bone forest, as if he was in the stage of energy explosion.

Upon seeing this, Nagato felt that if he wanted to keep the area outside the Aegakure Village, certain methods had to be used as soon as possible.

The six Nagato splinters, who had been standing at the back of everyone, like robots with no emotions, immediately launched into action. Two of them, including the splinter that had manipulated the outside demon, stood On the top of the head of the heretic demon, a long black rod extends from the body, like a forked black branch, which is inserted into the head of the heretic demon without ceremony.

The four split bodies that were eliminated were scattered in four directions, standing in the four directions of east, west, north and south. They jointly used the Four Red Sun Formation directly, locking the Ten-Tails, Nine-Tails, Nagato and others in it.

This is a red translucent rectangular barrier. Inside the barrier, the roar of the Ten-Tails is earth-shattering. The ground has been torn apart by the power emitted when it was resurrected, and large chunks are floating up.

Outside the barrier, it looked completely calm, as if nothing had happened.

The destructive power produced when the Ten-Tails was resurrected was, as expected, confined within the barrier by the Four Red Sun Formation, which made Nagato's eyes show a look of satisfaction.

"I don't plan to completely resurrect the Ten-Tails. In order to be able to control it, I even want to try to suppress its power after resurrection..."

Nagato told Kyuubi his purpose.

Relying on the two split bodies, he was able to sense the changes taking place in the body of the heretic demon.

However, we want to weaken the state of the Ten-Tails when it is resurrected as much as possible to facilitate manipulation, but also ensure that the Ten-Tails can be resurrected successfully, so that the resurrection process will not be interrupted due to excessive loss of power.This kind of manipulation is not something that ordinary people can accomplish. To be precise, the only ones who can do this on their own are probably the three Otsutsuki.

Even Nagato now has to resort to the power of Kyuubi to do it.

"Let's combine our strengths!"

Kyuubi also understands what he should do at this time. Nagato has enough strength to suppress and control the Ten-Tails at this stage, and it also has enough understanding of the power of the Ten-Tails.Only when the two of them work together can the safe manipulation of the ten tails be achieved.

"I also want to see if you, a monster, can behave as calmly when facing the Ten-Tails as when you bear the hatred on me."

In Kyuubi's words, the chakra on Nagato and Kyuubi rose up, merging together like two flames.

His body was once again covered with a black cloak of death, and sharp tiger fangs sprouted from his mouth. In his eyes of reincarnation, a red vertical line opened in the center of the spreading ripples, like a wild beast, with vertical eyes filled with primitive murderous intent.

The gloomy aura and terrifying fluctuations that emitted from his body for a moment were almost on par with those of heretic demons.Nagato's current appearance made Tsunade and Konan, who had never seen the Nine-Tails Chakra Swastika mode, look surprised. Only then did they understand why Nagato wanted to summon the Nine-Tails in advance!
"Nagato, if you put your hand on the outer demon statue, I can use your ability to control the state of the Ten-Tails when it is resurrected!"

Kyuubi spoke in Nagato's consciousness.

Nagato followed Kyuubi's instructions, stepped forward, stretched out his hands, and pressed them on the body of the howling heretic demon.

Even though he had already experienced the astonishing changes in the body of the Outer Way Golem at close range, he was prepared to face the Ten-Tails, but after actually touching the Outer Way Golem in Nine-Tails mode, Nagato was still in the body of the Outer Way Golem, that kind of The chakra is completely atomized, and it seems to be integrated with the heaven and the earth. In the process of continuously absorbing the energy between the heaven and the earth, a new chakra is born, and I am amazed.

Kyuubi even bared its teeth, with a look of horror on its face, because even in this state, the power of the Ten-Tails has completely exceeded its level of power, and it is really terrifying in its perception.

Are the two "persons" touching heretic golems now?No, in their perception, what they were touching was clearly a nuclear reactor that was on the verge of going out of control. If it was not suppressed, no one knew what terrible existence would be born inside.

"This... we must quickly absorb the chakra it is gathering!"

Almost as soon as he accurately sensed the condition inside the body of the heretic demon, Jiuwei screamed regardless of his appearance. He completely lost his previous arrogant posture and looked like a frightened weasel.

"It doesn't matter, we can use the massive amount of chakra the Ten-Tails is gathering to create a split body."

Nagato reassured that everything now was within his plan, "And the increase in split bodies can suppress the Ten-Tails more effectively, forming a virtuous cycle!"

What is the Ten-Tails?That is the "Creation God", something similar to the origin of the world.

If it is not suppressed, it will independently absorb natural energy, evolve from one form to the next uncontrollably, and eventually become a "complete body" capable of destroying the world!
Nagato knew very well how terrifying this kind of thing would be if it got out of control, and the most important thing was that according to the information he knew, he couldn't "reason" with something like the Ten-Tails, because it didn't have the characteristics of a normal creature at all. consciousness!
The Ten-Tails' only thought is to "return to one", which means to absorb all the energy of this world into the body!It is just a tool for destroying the world that has no emotions!

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start now!!"

The calmness in Nagato's tone and his confident mental state made Kyuubi's mentality become more stable.What it feels like for a mouse to tie a bell on a cat, what kind of experience Kyuubi feels now.

In the eyes of Konan and Tsunade, the chakras of Nagato and Kyuubi merged together, and the moment they came into contact with the heretic demon, the fluctuations emanating from the heretic demon were no longer so destructive and explosive.

Although it is still growing, this growth seems to be much more stable and smooth. Nagato's body also begins to appear one after another. Split bodies wearing the windbreaker of the god of death are all from the body of the heretic demon, which he absorbed. The tail chakra is transformed into.

After these nine-tailed chakra swastika mode split bodies completely split from Nagato's body, except for the first one who stayed with Nagato, the rest jumped to the body of the heretic demon one by one. A black rod extends from the body and is inserted into the body of the heretic demon. It seems that they are jointly suppressing and preventing the possible uprising of the Ten-Tails.

(End of this chapter)

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