Chapter 260 Results
"Is this?? What happened?"

Just when the outer demon statue was suppressed by Nagato and the Nine-Tails together and began to transform smoothly into the real Ten-Tails, outside the Four Red Sun Formation, in the direction leading to the Hidden Rain Village, Jiraiya said in a surprised tone, asked Orochimaru who was running ahead of him.

Nohara Lin, who was running beside him, turned pale as she looked at the huge rectangular red barrier a few hundred meters in front of her.

This kind of high-level barrier that requires four Hokage-level experts to open, in Lin's eyes, exudes the aura of "high-end goods" all over her body. It is the last thing a ninja like her who has participated in the war wants to approach. Target.

Although she didn't know who was using such a barrier and for what purpose, it was obvious that no one would use ninjutsu randomly when they were full.The opening of the barrier-type ninjutsu means that there are terrifying beings that can only be restrained by using the barrier. Such beings are obviously beyond her level of strength. A ninja like her needs all her strength in a war. Danger areas to avoid.

If she were alone here, Lin would definitely leave without saying anything, lest she "lose her life" in vain. However, the presence of two "Sannin" around her gave the little girl the courage to continue running. courage.

In her understanding, the "Sannin" are still the top combat power in the world. One Sannin is enough to deal with most situations on the battlefield. If there are two Sannin, they can basically walk sideways in the ninja world. ·····
Therefore, even if she sensed the danger ahead, Lin still continued to run after the two Sannin masters without saying a word. Such behavior, in Orochimaru's view, was considered quite well-behaved, which made him quite for satisfaction.

"Hey, Orochimaru, answer me, what is your purpose here!!"

Jiraiya shouted again towards Orochimaru's back.

His constant questioning was Orochimaru's most disgusting behavior. If he had not already gained control over his reincarnation in the dirty earth and his strength had not fully recovered, Orochimaru would not have taken this trouble with him at all.

Sincerely, since he was a child, he has had enough harassment from Ziraiya!
"Nagato, it's inside the Four Red Sun Formation..."

The relationship between the two people was too complicated. In order to prevent Jiraiya from continuing to ask questions, Orochimaru had no choice but to use this answer to block his big mouth.After all, Orochimaru has long known that this idiot has no idea what politeness and giving up are. If he doesn't give a little response, he can keep asking questions like this.


Hearing this name, Jiraiya's voice suddenly became heavy, and his face became a little dignified.

Along with him, Lin, who ran with Orochimaru, had a puzzled look in her eyes, and secretly kept this strange name in her heart, because it was a name that made Sannin feel jealous, and it was also the name she would use in future wars. A target that needs attention.

Yes, since Orochimaru had no interest in explaining the situation to Lin, and Jiraiya had just woken up from a coma, Nohara Lin, who knew nothing about it, thought she was in the midst of the Third Ninja War. The current resurrection is just performing some "confidential mission".

The level of the mission must be very high due to the participation of the Sannin, and the content of the mission will of course be kept secret!She knows all this and understands it!

Orochimaru had just taken them around Amegakure Village, and he must have been preparing for the mission. Now that he suddenly came here, it must be related to the mission. I wonder what kind of opponent they will face?Shouldn't you be holding yourself back?Nohara Lin thought this and felt a little nervous.

The three of them ran all the way. Although they were affected by Lin's speed, they came to a stop near the Four Red Sun Formation in a very short period of time.

Through the red translucent barrier, they vaguely saw the earth-shattering scene inside. An extremely huge terrifying monster was holding its head, roaring to the sky, as if something was about to come out of its body, and it was squirming like plasticine. It is becoming more and more deformed.

Its huge strange face was extremely distorted, looking more and more painful. The surrounding ground was constantly being shaken open, shattered, and floating around it in its roar, making its huge body in a thick In the dust, it is looming.

Four identical red-haired figures stood at the four corners of the barrier, seemingly maintaining the barrier. Two women stood with their backs to them, standing inside the barrier, looking at the roaring monster in front of them.

If you look carefully, in the thick dust and fog in front of the monster, there is a fox with nine tails.Orochimaru and Jiraiya could even see two men dressed in black standing next to the fox. They must be Nagato.

One turned his back to them and put his hand on the monster, while the other tilted his head and looked at them expressionlessly without showing any surprise.

"This is Kyuubi! They're dealing with another monster? What exactly is this? Orochimaru, do you know?"

After Jiraiya saw what was going on inside, he immediately asked loudly.

Orochimaru sneered.

Of course he knew what it was. Although he had not seen it with his own eyes, he, who was familiar with the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization, knew very well that this should be something similar to the "Ten-Tails".

Tsunade heard Jiraiya's shout and turned around in surprise. She was startled when she saw these two former partners, and then walked over under Jiraiya's shocked eyes.

"Jilai also?"

She asked, "And Orochimaru, you are actually resurrected!"

Her affirmative tone made it immediately clear that she had already known about Orochimaru's resurrection.

"Although I was not very satisfied with my resurrection method at first, now it seems that this is a perfect resurrection. Otherwise, even I don't know how many interesting discoveries I would have missed."

Orochimaru's answer.

Tsunade glanced at the snake coldly, feeling that the man's words were still so vague and confusing.

"Tsunade, why are you here? I heard from Naruto that you were taken away by Nagato?"

Jiraiya seemed more sincere and everyone could understand what he said. Tsunade naturally looked at him and waved her hand.

"As I said, it's a long story! This is not the place for small talk. Anyway, I have a deal with Nagato. I'll talk about the specific content when we have the opportunity in the future."


Jiraiya looked at Tsunade with serious eyes.

He knew what Tsunade had in mind, and thought, she must have been fooled by Nagato like she was fooled by Orochimaru before.

Nagato is such a good boy, he can fool even Tsunade, he is really capable! !
Thinking this, Jiraiya looked at Konan's back again.

Konan felt his gaze and glanced back at him. She seemed to want to say something, but stopped. She turned back and continued to stare at the "Ten-Tails" in front of her. Obviously, compared to Jiraiya, Konan felt that the person in front of her was The Ten-Tails and Nagato were what she should pay most attention to.

"The results are coming out..."

Orochimaru answered Tsunade's question in his own way, and then fixed his eyes closely on the Ten-Tails. He saw that the monster's body had become more and more distorted, and his whole body was like an inflated ball, inflated to almost After touching the height of the Four Red Yang Formation, it suddenly shrank and immediately smiled with interest.


An earth-shattering explosion occurred within the red barrier. The two split bodies of Nagato who originally maintained the Four Red Sun Formation took a step ahead and transformed into two electric lights, standing in front of Konan and Tsunade. The Four Red Sun Formation was also completely destroyed. Untie.

A large amount of dust spread from where the Ten-Tails was, like earthy yellow clouds, stretching towards the surroundings and the sky, becoming bigger and bigger.

Gravel and stones kept rising from the ground to the sky like fountains, making a roar like a volcanic eruption.

The ground rumbled and trembled, turbulent, tearing out terrifying cracks in all directions. Amid the strong earthquake-like shaking, everyone at the scene gathered chakra under their feet to prevent them from falling. Their bodies shook violently with the earth, although not Something will happen, but I can't say a word.

In the direction of Yuyin Village, there was a faint cry of human panic. Xiaonan's paper clone was floating in the air, directing everyone's actions, and looked at the direction of Nagato with worried eyes from time to time. What exactly is the situation there.


After the violent shock disappeared, Jiraiya spoke in the earth-colored mist.

Tsunade and Konan turned their questioning eyes to the split body of Nagato in front of them.

As if to say, no one needs to answer.

The sound of "chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi!" echoed on the ground.

It didn't sound very loud, and it didn't even contain any emotion, but strangely, it reached the hearts of everyone present, making their hearts beat faster, their whole bodies numb, and their bones going soft, as if all the cells in their bodies were being affected by this sound. It was like scraping hard, which was extremely uncomfortable.


(End of this chapter)

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