Chapter 261
Strong winds rolled up in front and spread to the surroundings, spreading away the earthy yellow dust mist that surrounded everyone.

Everyone put their hands in front of themselves, squinted their eyes, and observed the movement around them.

Ten huge beast tails emerged from the increasingly thinner sand. Accompanied by the howling wind, they stood there swinging wildly, like ten over-energetic prehistoric giant pythons, full of restlessness. The power of it makes people feel a foreboding of terror at the sight of it.

The pale yellow beast's tail swayed endlessly, so huge that it almost covered the sky in front of it. The strong wind whipped up was like countless whips, lashing the surrounding earth.

Even the "well-informed" Sannin felt afraid of such a huge tail.

If the nine-tails' mountain-like body and the ferocious aura exuded by them were already as shocking as what they had seen and could only be possessed by the top tailed beasts in the world, then, compared with these terrifying tails, Kyuubi is just a harmless little fox...

He looked at the nine-tailed demon fox who was pressing his claws on the ten-tails head just like Nagato.The three ninjas, including Konan and Lin, all had a feeling in their hearts, that is, could the Nine-Tails be whipped to death by this monster?
Seriously, the whole body of Kyuubi is not as big as someone else's tail, okay?To be precise, one tail of this monster seems to be as big as five nine-tails!
What's more, what makes people think about it is that such a giant monster doesn't even feel stiff or dull at all!It's as if every piece of tissue in the body is filled with violent vitality. The infinite power contained in it is like an abyss, like a prison, bottomless, and it seems extremely terrifying!
"This... is the Ten-Tails?!!!"

Orochimaru's face suddenly turned pale. I wonder what Nagato can do against such a monster? !

After a lapse of thousands of years, the real Ten-Tails suddenly appeared in the Aegakure Village. The shock caused by it is spreading in the ninja world at an extremely rapid speed.

In Konoha Village, Senju Hashirama, who was losing a lot at the casino, suddenly felt a heart-piercing pain in the palm of his left hand.

He opened his palm with a look of surprise and saw a fiery red mark suddenly appeared on it. A sealed memory in his mind surfaced. He couldn't help but take a breath and muttered to himself.

"Red? A major crisis that is only two levels lower than the real destruction of the world? And the red is starting to turn to purple. Oh my God, what did that young man Nagato do?!"

Under the surprised gazes of the gambling dogs around him, the First Hokage ignored the gambling game in front of him and ran out of the casino with his butt on fire, running towards the Hokage's office as if he was escaping from a gambling debt... ···

Uh...Although this first-generation master is quite capable of losing, it's not like this, right?His wooden men are invincible in civil engineering. How many gambling debts can't be paid off?


Like Senju Hashirama, Slug, who was gathering people to gamble in the Shiggou Forest chess and card room, had just exclaimed "The Ten-Tails is really resurrected" when he heard the excited cry of his "card friend" Shukaku.

It looked down and found that the "[-]" it had just touched on its "hand" had accidentally fallen onto the table while it was dazed, and was picked up by Shukaku.

Shukaku put the mahjong erected in front of him down with force and looked at the slug with a proud look on his face, feeling that this worm was as good as Tsunade!

"This doesn't...I, wuwu, don't count!"

The slug, which had already had a lot of notes stuck on its face, screamed in grievance, but Shukaku mercilessly stuck another note on it. His face suddenly bulged with anger, and he wanted to spit on the tanuki. Face sore!
"If you come again, I will definitely win it back!"

Seeing Shukaku's clean face without a note, Slug was so angry that he made another declaration with his hands.

It's obviously already on top.

"Hehe, follow you."

Shukaku replied calmly, feeling that he was so handsome, he was like a god of gambling.

It looked so confident that the slug took a deep breath and decided that no matter whether it was ten-tailed or not, it had to win a handful of stinky civet cats first. It didn't believe that it couldn't win even one!
The slug, who didn't know that his gambling luck had been infected by Tsunade, was struggling at the mahjong table.

Toad Immortal, who had been in a state of half-dream and half-awake in Mount Miaomu, suddenly woke up from his "dream" with a start and opened his eyes.

"I feel the power of the world gathering..."

"The Ten-Tails... is it the only one that has been resurrected? Has the prophecy changed?"

It turned back with slow movements and looked at the row of huge books behind the seat, as if it was looking for something, and it seemed that it was just using this movement to determine its true thoughts and what it should do.

"It shouldn't... This world shouldn't deviate from its established trajectory. That would be too dangerous."

It murmured to itself, and the slow and loud voice echoed in the empty hall, "Hagoromo, you know everything, right? What are your... plans?"

While it was speaking, it was looking straight ahead, and its tone sounded as if it was conferring with the air in front of it, which looked extremely strange.

When the Ten-Tails were resurrected, the large-scale accumulation of natural energy caused by it was like a tsunami to the immortals in the "Holy Land", which was extremely conspicuous and was also the situation they were most concerned about.

When the fluctuation of natural energy spread to Longdi Cave, the White Snake Immortal sitting on the throne, with a pipe in his mouth, glanced in the direction of Yuyin Village.

"That place... seems to be a city where humans live?!"

Immortal White Snake's body moved, and he lowered his head. The surprised look in his eyes flashed away, and then returned to coldness. "There seems to be an accident! What is the big toad doing?"

Thinking of the natural energy in the Toad Immortal, the White Snake Immortal thought for a moment and let out a chuckle: "It would be great if I could take this opportunity to eat a toad leg!"

It took a strong drag on the pipe and blew out streams of green smoke.

As a white snake, its goal in life is just to "go to Miaomu Mountain and catch some toads".

In the Kingdom of Water, Black Zetsu, who had quietly discussed the action plan with Kabuto, saw Kabuto channeling Deidara, and the two of them flew to Kirigakure Village on a clay bi-winged bird.

The only "true, dutiful son" in the ninja world suddenly opened his khaki eyes wide with disbelief, and looked in the direction of Yuyin Village, then grinned and let out a silent grin.

"Ten-Tails! He's actually resurrected?!"

Black Zetsu's voice was full of surprise, "Nagato! As a supporting role, you are really capable! It seems that I have to act faster. I really look forward to your little face showing up when the time comes. His frightened expression, hehehe."

Hei Jueyin smiled, seeping into the ground like a pool of black liquid, "What is the power of the eyes of reincarnation, you little fool... as long as the plan is completed, the eyes of reincarnation can be easily obtained. That place , There is such a power. No matter who becomes Ten Tails Jinchuriki, it is a dead end, that is the power that only belongs to mother, not Hagoromo, Madara, you, let alone you."

Deep in the dark underground, only Hei Jue's voice sounded, which sounded both cold and exciting, like a devil's whisper: "Mom, wait a little longer, and you will see the light of day again soon, holding this world in your hands..." ···”

In Black Zetsu's view, the power of the Ten-Tails cannot be truly mastered by anyone other than Kaguya Otsutsuki.

The fact seems to be indeed the case. If you look at it based on common sense, Orochimaru does not believe that Nagato can control such a power in the way he said...
"That boy Nagato actually said that he wanted to control such a monster and use Samsara Tensei?"

Tsunade's eyes widened and she immediately screamed in disbelief after seeing the true form of the Ten-Tails.

She understood what Nagato meant before, "When you see the real Ten-Tails, you will understand that it is not something that mortals can resist."

But, isn’t the Ten-Tails in front of me too strong?Compared with this kind of thing, she even felt that her grandfather Senju Hashirama was nothing at all...
"Do you want to use the sealing technique and become a Jinchuuriki?"

Orochimaru guessed that in his opinion, this was the only way to control the Ten-Tails.

He looked at Nagato's two split bodies, but they didn't speak.

"Where is your body?"

After listening to the words of Tsunade and Orochimaru, Jiraiya felt that he understood what Nagato wanted to do, with an anxious look on his face, and asked loudly, seeing that the splits did not answer, he took a big step, He walked towards the Ten-Tails direction.

Except for Xiaonan, the rest followed Jiraiya's footsteps with different expressions.

The two split bodies, according to Nagato's order, only retained their strength and were waiting to use the Four Red Sun Formation to restrain the Ten-Tails at any time, so they did not make any interception.

Seeing a group of people approaching the direction of the Ten-Tails without any restraint, a Nagato dressed in black suddenly appeared in front of them and stopped them.

"You can just stop here."

This Nagato, who is responsible for guarding and handling unexpected situations, is obviously different from the ordinary Nagato who wears red clouds and black robes.Not only was the cold and sinister aura on his body so thick that it was almost atomizing, but the bloody vertical eyes in Samsara's eyes were also full of wildness and intimidation. When others saw him, they would feel a warning sign and feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Sannin, after hearing its voice, couldn't help but stop, Tsunade looked indifferent, while Orochimaru narrowed his eyes vigilantly, he felt great pressure from Nagato in black in front of him , In terms of strength, it is completely impossible to tell whether this is a clone or the main body.

Nohara Lin at the back of the team, when Nagato in black glanced over, saw its terrifying eyes, she immediately sat on the ground in horror, feeling as if she had been killed in an instant, with a bloodless face. Started to shiver.

"Why don't you let us pass?!"

Jiraiya, who was walking at the front, was stunned for a moment, and then shouted angrily. He felt that Nagato's path had gone astray, and he had to stop Nagato before he did more harm to the world. That’s it!

"I won't do it if I say no, Jiraiya-sensei, haven't you learned to assess the situation yet?"

The black-clothed Nagato has greater authority from the main body. According to the main body's requirements, everything that happens nearby is handled by him. Therefore, it feels much more agile, unlike the one who is only responsible for using the barrier. Split body, completely different.

"Are you your true body or your clone?"

Jiraiya asked in shock.

The performance of Nagato in black made it impossible for him to tell whether it was its true form.

Although logically, Jiraiya felt that the Nagato he saw before with the Nine-Tails and his hands on the Ten-Tails should be the true body, but what about now?There is already a row of "Nagato" pressed against the Ten-Tails, okay?

Moreover, new Nagatos are constantly popping up on this row of Nagatos, all of them are in the Nine-Tails Chakra Swastika mode, jumping on the Ten-Tails one after another, seemingly endless, it’s simply It makes people's scalp numb.

Under such a scene, Nagato, who looked like a clone in front of him, now looked more like his true self.

Because he was the only one standing there doing nothing, he seemed the most special.

"you ask me??"

Nagato in black blinked his eyes after hearing Jiraiya's question, looked around at the three ninjas looking at him, with question marks in their eyes, touched his chin, and said in a proud tone.

"I am God!"

Tsunade slipped and almost fell. Orochimaru curled his lips, thinking that this must be a clone.

"You are indeed Nagato!"

Jiraiya, however, gave a strong thumbs up to Nagato in black, thinking that this must be his true form!
"Yes, I am the original body!"

Nagato in black also nodded vigorously at Jiraiya, approving of his judgment.

Seeing this, Tsunade and Orochimaru sighed in unison and held their foreheads, feeling that Jiraiya's brain was still as flawed as before!
Jiraiya looked excited, but he didn't pay much attention at all. He quickly asked Nagato in black about his future plans.

Nagato in black also followed Jiraiya's thoughts and started talking about things like mutual understanding between people, how to eliminate hatred through mutual recognition, how about everyone being in harmony and beauty, and building a peaceful new world together. , hearing Tsunade and Orochimaru's foreheads covered with black lines, Jiraiya was very excited.

Two guys with a strong second-level aura were discussing world peace there.

Nagato himself didn't have the time to say any more nonsense, because the Kyuubi was just a trap, completely screwed up!
The power of the Ten-Tails has not weakened at all, but is growing explosively as if it was angered!

Of course, from Kyuubi's point of view, Nagato should be the one cheating!Because Nagato’s previous idea was simply unreliable!

With the nearly infinite energy of the Ten-Tails, how could it and Nagato be restrained by just two "people"?This is no longer "Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains", okay?But "Give me a fulcrum and I can move the whole world"!It's the most terrifying kind of bullshit that seems feasible on the surface!

It's obviously just a fart, but it turns out to be strawberry flavored at first, which makes people feel very fragrant!By the time he breathed hard and smelled the fart, it was already too late. This was the situation that Kyuubi and Nagato encountered now.

The two "people" are already in a state of complete "difficulty getting off the ten tails".

Things like the Ten-Tails are originally monsters formed by gathering the energy of the world. No one can tell what it is, but compared to the Nine-Tails, they think it is the "God of Creation of Heaven and Earth"!
In Nagato's view, this thing is completely different from normal creatures. It is like the seed of a special bead. After it is formed, it can absorb unlimited natural energy and grow rapidly. Moreover, it is precisely because of its power The source is the entire world, so if you want to suppress it, it is simply not something that one or two people can do. You need more "crazy" means.

Yes, after encountering this situation, Nagato didn't want to take the blame.Although in most cases he would not be stubborn, but humans would always have the urge to be stubborn sometimes.

It's just that he has never encountered a situation that caused him to have a headache before.

A "big baby" like Juwei obviously has the qualifications to make Nagato's head beat.

The so-called starve the timid to death if the bold are starved to death.

Nagato yelled in his heart: "It is our duty to reforge the iron crown." Then, he ordered all the split bodies to start infinite division! !

 Woohoo, I only coded one chapter today.Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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