Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 268 Water Moon and Phantom Moon

Chapter 268 Water Moon and Phantom Moon

"Hey, what's going on with you guys? Are you so weak that you have the nerve to call yourself a Kirigakure ninja?! And you, with your shark face and Samehada in your hand, should be one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of this era. ? Where are the other six people? Where did they go? "

In the north of Kirigakure Village, Kisame was breathing heavily, looking at the second-generation Mizukage who seemed to have suddenly come back to his senses. He was fucking him endlessly, and he just wanted to stuff his Samehada muscle into this guy's mouth.Cut this hateful guy into pieces like sashimi.

It's a pity that he can only think about such a beautiful thing.

Not to mention the current second-generation Mizukage, he is just a dead man who was channeled by the reincarnation of the dirty earth, and it is impossible to be chopped into pieces.This guy's terrifying strength alone made it impossible for Kisame to "come true to his wishes".

Although Kisame had heard of the name of the Second Mizukage before, it was only after the actual fight that he realized how troublesome this eyebrowless guy was.

Illusion, magical steam steaming the pavilion, making it impossible for people to find his true body.

The man who is constantly pressing in front of me is just an illusion of his real body.

As for his oil-water body, not only does it fly frighteningly fast, but the infinite steam explosion it uses is extremely powerful and extremely lethal.

Not to mention being directly hit by the explosion, even if it is only touched by the diffuse hot steam, severe burns will occur instantly.

To deal with such a guy, no matter how many ordinary ninjas come, it will be useless. Kisame glanced at the Kirigakure ninjas who rushed over from "Madara" for reinforcements. He didn't understand why Mr. Madara didn't come himself? ?

These ninjas with average combat power have turned pale after understanding the abilities of the second generation Mizukage. They probably also understand that their coming to this battlefield will not have any other effect except to die.

The only people who can really help Kisame now are the official members of the Akatsuki organization.

"It's been so long and there are still no experts to support you?"

The second-generation Mizukage seemed to be aware of this. His phantom stood there with veins popping out on his forehead. He cursed more and more fiercely, "Even if there is no new Mizukage and the Seven Ninja Swordsmanship, then, those who are allied with you will What kind of Akatsuki organization is that?!"

"Let their masters deal with me? I am very strong!! Or are you fools just being used as pawns by others? What a bunch of useless guys, Kirigakure Village will be destroyed by you sooner or later. Hands! This really pisses me off! If this wasn’t Kirigakure Village, I really want to kill all of you fools!"

As the former Mizukage of Kirigakure Village, the way he was yelling at this moment looked like he was simply venting his dissatisfaction.There was no frightening murderous intent emanating from his body, but the corpses of Kirigakure ninjas lying on the ground around him proved how murderous he was.

Therefore, no one dared to look down upon him, and he sounded a bit amused.

Kisame had a solemn look on his face, and he was at a loss for what to do about the current situation.At this moment, a young boy's voice sounded in his ears.

"Oops, I thought who was causing damage here, but it turned out to be Senior Ghost Lantern Huayue."

Onito Mizukage, who was carrying a beheading sword, brought Shigego and a group of Kirigakure ninjas, and finally rushed over, and called the second Mizukage's real name with one mouth.

At this time, the battle in Kirigakure Village was coming to an end. Except for the second-generation Mizukage in the north of the village, all the dirty enemies were easily eliminated by "Nagato".Therefore, more and more ninjas who were originally scattered throughout Kirigakure Village and responsible for the defense spontaneously came to support this side.

The number of ninjas behind Kisame seemed to be increasing. The second generation Mizukage took a look at the expressions on the faces of these Kirigakure ninjas, who were determined to defend their homeland. He nodded, with an excited smile on his face, and seemed to think that this was the only way. interesting! !
"Be careful, this guy is very strong."

Kisame reminded Suigetsu who looked eager to try.

"Of course I know this." Shuiyue said to herself and took out a scroll from her body.

After pulling it open, he took out the double swords sealed in the scroll and replaced the decapitating sword in his hand.

"A beheading sword is useless against such a slippery guy."

He said this as if to explain, and then, holding the two hilts of his double swords, he gave orders to the Kirigakure ninjas behind him.

"Hey, you guys, give me the chakra for my sword!"

The two swords in Suigetsu's hands look like a flatfish with a tail fin close to that of a whale.After being perfectly divided into two parts from the back to the belly of the fish, the two separated halves of the body were made into two dark blue fish-shaped ninja swords, each equipped with a handle.

These two knives can be used together as one knife, or they can be separated freely.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this knife has the characteristic of killing more enemies, the stronger its lethality.At special moments, like Shuiyue, you can also use the help of others to enhance your power.

The Kirigakure ninjas behind Suigetsu seemed to have been mentally prepared after hearing his order. They stretched out their hands and used a special method to transfer their chakra into the double-sword ninja.

And this fish-like dark blue double sword, after receiving more and more chakra from ninjas, the sword began to emit stronger and stronger chakra fluctuations, as if it came to life, faintly emitting Got the light.

"To deal with this guy, you have to deal with his body and destroy all the areas around him at once!"

Shuiyue held the heavier and heavier double knives and stared at the distance. The phantom of the second generation of Mizukage standing there opened his mouth, ignoring him at all, flying around like a merry-go-round, capable of infinite blasting, using steam and danger Separation of oil and water.

"Senior Kisame, you should have tested the location of his psychic beast with water escape, right?"

He asked Kisame while holding his two swords and asking his ninja to "charge" the swords.

As far as he knew, after the second generation Mizukage used oil and water, his body would become very weak!He relies entirely on his psychic beast, the regional illusions he casts, and the steaming towers to hide and protect him.

Therefore, as long as they can deal with the psychic beast and seal the second-generation Mizukage's body, all the troubles will be solved, and there is no need to worry about the slippery and irritating clone.

Of course Kisame knew this truth, but he didn't have a range attack that was enough to break the hard shell of the second-generation Mizukage Psychic Beast.And these can be easily accomplished with the power of the double-knife flounder. The premise is that Suigetsu can wield the current double-knife flounder!

"There's no need to think too much about this kind of question."

Kisame glanced at Suigetsu's hands that were shaking more and more, and smiled naturally, showing his shark teeth, "Because of his clone's violent power, he must avoid the area where the psychic beast is to avoid accidentally injuring his body. The main body. So you only need to look at which area will not be affected by the explosion that destroys the power of the storm, and you can see it at a glance."

"I see."

Suigetsu's entire body began to tremble, and as more and more chakra was injected, the double knives in his hands became heavier and heavier.Of course, all this was what he expected.

Shuiyue looked around at the huge circular area in front of him that was emitting heat and had been repeatedly baptized by the violent power of the steam.He understood that the center of the circle was probably where the second generation Mizukage's body had been standing blankly before.

I just don’t know if his true form is still there? ?It's impossible for others to just stand there all the time, waiting to be exploited, right? ?
"How do you plan to fight??"

Kisame was curious, how could Suigetsu fight when he couldn't even lift a sword?

At this time, the Kirigakure ninjas had stopped injecting chakra into the twin swords at Suigetsu's signal.And the second-generation Mizukage's clone, which flew faster than Gaara's sand and was slippery, began to grow in size while flying in the air.

The next wave of danger and violence is obviously brewing again.

"You don't need to think too much about me, Kisame-senpai, I just want to kill the enemy."

Suigetsu replied breathlessly.Although his whole body was shaking violently, he kept smiling on his face, as if he was very happy, and like Kisame, his mouth was full of pointed shark teeth.

"At that time, you just need to see the right time and use large-scale water escape. I will smash the area where he is in one go."

There was a look of confidence in Shuiyue's purple pupils, and she seemed to be excited because of her next stab.

His excited expression like a child using a dangerous toy made Kisame sneer, and then, he raised his voice and ordered to the surrounding ninjas: "Just like before, use the water escape, don't let his avatar heat up and swell too much!" Too fast!"

After several battles during this period, Kisame became more and more comfortable with this feeling of giving orders.

The Kirigakure ninjas around him responded loudly without hesitation after hearing his order.

Compared to other members of the Akatsuki organization, the ninjas in this village are obviously more willing to obey the orders of Kisame, the original Ninja Sword Seven.

Although their strength is not strong, most of them have the ability to use low-level water escape.

Hundreds of ninjas who still had chakra left behind formed seals and simultaneously sprayed water escape into the sky.Although it was impossible to hit the second-generation Mizukage clone flying in the air, it lowered the temperature around it, forcing it to dodge these attacks. It also passed through a large number of water columns from time to time, and therefore got a lot of cold water on its body. , the rise rate of water vapor in the body is therefore slowed down.

The water escape of these ordinary ninjas shot randomly in the air, and after landing, they gradually formed a half-meter-deep lake in front of Shuiyue.

"Water escape, the art of the powerful water wrist!"

Shuiyue concentrated the water in his body on his arms, causing his arms to instantly swell and become stronger, looking like muscles.

With the improved arm strength, he raised the double swords filled with chakra and rushed towards the area where Ghost Lantern Huanyue might exist.

"Ah, so that's what I planned to use."

As soon as Kisame saw the appearance of Suigetsu's arms, he understood his plan and formed seals with his hands, preparing to cooperate with his attack.

"Rush over!!"

The Kirigakure ninjas who had finished using the Water Release Ninjutsu looked at Suigetsu, the "Seven New Ninja Swordsmen", rushing towards the back of their ancestor Mizukage with both swords in hand. They opened their eyes wide, as if they wanted to see clearly what was going on. Every detail of the confrontation.

"Eh? This technique! Who is this ninja sword boy??"

Even the second-generation Mizukage's phantom, who stood there with an impatient look and seemed to want to curse again, noticed the boy with white hair and purple eyes who was running towards him.

"But it's not okay to just rush over here! My clone won't agree!"

After the oil and water avatar flying in the sky noticed Suigetsu's actions, it dived towards Suigetsu at extremely fast speeds without the need for manipulation by the second-generation Mizukage.

From the arm of the clone's right hand, an extremely sharp blade "grew" outward. Like a gust of wind, it silently slashed through Shuiyue's body, cutting Shuiyue's body into pieces without any resistance. Two cuts.

"As expected! You little brat from the Guideng family!"

The second Mizukage laughed.

He had made a guess after seeing Shuiyue using the technique of Hao Shui Wan before.

Now that I saw Suigetsu using the Water Transformation Technique, and his body turned into liquid to avoid the clone's slashing attack, he was immediately convinced.

"What should I do? I'm a little excited to meet a descendant of my own family."

Just like the aggressive Suigetsu, who couldn't help but smile widely on his face at this moment, the smile on the second-generation Mizukage's face gradually widened uncontrollably. He now wanted to "play" with this boy.

"Water escape, who will build the dam?"

Just when Suigetsu held up his two swords with excitement on his face, he approached the area where the second-generation Mizukage's body was suspected to be.Kisame completed every seal conscientiously and shouted.

At the right time, he used his water escape ninjutsu.

Because he had to cooperate with Shuiyue's attack, his water escape this time did not turn into a huge oval-shaped water prison like usual.

Instead, layer after layer emerged from his feet, superimposed on top of each other, pushing his body higher and higher.

The astonishing amount of water seems to be comparable to the "Urine Release" ninjutsu used by hundreds of Kirigakure ninjas.

The strength of Kisame's tailless beast was undoubtedly evident at this moment. Even the second generation Mizukage had a look of amazement on his face, exclaiming: "What an amazing amount of chakra!"

At this time, under Kisame's feet, like lotus leaves, layers of waves spread downward, covering the "lake" created by the Kirigakure ninjas' water escape and spreading, increasing the depth of the "lake".

Upward, under his control, it turned into a huge wave, rising towards the sky, and it seemed that it would hit somewhere on the ground in the next second.

"Huh? What's going on?"

The second generation Mizukage blinked his eyes and realized that at this moment, Suigetsu seemed to suddenly know the location of his body and actually rushed towards him? ?

He lowered his head and looked down, and found that in the blink of an eye, the overflowing "lake" had reached his feet, submerging most of the psychic beast's body.

He immediately understood and knew that these juniors had found the location of his psychic beast through flooding.

"So that's the purpose!! It's quite smart!"

The second generation Mizukage nodded in praise, feeling that these guys still had merit.

He uses the large-scale illusions used by the psychic beast to blind the enemy's perception, and creates an illusion of himself and the psychic beast to deceive the enemy.Although it is very powerful, it cannot avoid the detection of objects such as flooding.

Now, although this young man still cannot clearly see the appearance of his psychic beast, in his eyes, where the psychic beast is, the water surface has sunk out of thin air, right?

When a psychic beast's body is submerged in water, it will inevitably displace the water. This is inevitable.

"Now, you know the exact location of the psychic beast, but how do you defeat it and break this illusion?"

The second generation Mizukage looked on with a smile, just dragging his two swords and running, he seemed to have tried his best. The boy from the ghost lamp clan wanted to know what his next move would be.

At this time, the location of the second-generation Mizukage Psychic Beast was clearly visible in front of everyone. Suigetsu muttered, "Kisame-senpai, don't drop the chain." Then, he struggled towards the sunken place in the water. Jump up.

At the same time, Kisame also tacitly controlled the huge wave of water and poured it on Suigetsu.

"It's done!"

Suigetsu screamed excitedly, and then, using the massive water escape sent by Kisame, he turned into a huge water monster in the air, wrapping his whole body in it!
"Water escape, take off the black hat!"

This technique is based on the hydration technique, which covers his liquefied body with a large amount of liquid and further controls the liquid to turn into a water monster.

It's like his powerful water wrist technique can strengthen the body's strength through the accumulation of water.With so much water, the body of the water monster formed, Suigetsu had the power to fight the Eight-Tails hand-to-hand in a short time!

He controlled the water monster to open its big mouth and grabbed the heavy double-knife flounder.

"Flambfish, liberate!"

In the double swords, a massive amount of chakra was released immediately.

The dark blue fish-shaped ninja sword that was bitten by the "water monster" suddenly erupted with dazzling blue light like thunder. Then, the blue light turned into a hammer-shaped, huge blue chakra. Photosphere.

At the same time, blue gas was ejected from the two fish-eye-like holes on the blade toward the rear.

Just like the tail flames of two rockets, these two blue gases push the huge chakra hammer with strong potential energy, carrying the water monster's own strength and weight, towards the second-generation Mizukage below Suigetsu, and His psychic beast smashed down like a thousand uniforms.


Suigetsu suddenly turned into a huge water monster, and when the flounder flounder "in his hand" also released an astonishingly large blue light ball, the Kirigakure ninjas let out a tsunami-like exclamation!
"Amazing, I have never seen such a huge flounder!!"

Even the second-generation Mizukage Ghost Lantern Hangetsu, who was attacked by Suigetsu and whose whole body was shrouded in blue light, looked up at Suigetsu among the water monsters, with an ecstatic smile on his face.

"You are worthy of being a descendant of my Ghost Lantern Clan. I can't help it. I'm so excited. Don't blame me if you die!"

As a "battle maniac who enjoys war", the smile on the second generation Mizukage's face becomes more and more crazier.

And his oily body that "cut off" Shuiyue, after flying hundreds of meters away, turned back in an instant at this time, blocked him with a smile, and swelled instantly Come!
With great power, you are ready again!
"Hahahahaha, this is just like the scene when the second-generation Tsuchikage and I died together! Steam the dangerous power, give it to me, explode!"


A huge, earth-shaking explosion exploded from the collision between Suigetsu and the second generation Mizukage.

The craziness on Suigetsu's face was almost as strong as that of the second generation Mizukage.

These two people are indeed fighting madmen from the Ghost Lantern family. After entering the fighting state, they did not consider their own defense at all. They just used all their strength to greet each other in the face!
Just like that, Zhiwei Baowei exploded in front of the two of them at zero distance.

The boiling water vapor steamed the "lake" under the two people in an instant, and after rising into the sky, a huge smiling face was formed in the air.

The huge blue "hammer" also exuded a terrifying momentum like a divine weapon descending from the sky. It smashed down with a bang, smashing the second-generation water shadow, the psychic beast, the "lake" and the ground below. Crush.

A large amount of water splashed in all directions as the Kirigakure ninjas screamed.

 Although I know Chatara is playing tricks, I still want to explain that Naruto's chakra amount, as mentioned in the original Naruto drama, is only four times that of Kakashi.

  Then the Sharingan has the ability to see through chakra, which Itachi once said.

  In fact, in its earliest days, the Sharingan was designed to see through ninja, body, and genjutsu.

  Why can't you see through the common ninjutsu of shadow clone?It's just what the plot requires. After all, the protagonist Naruto only knows this one move.

  Moreover, Sasuke once entered Naruto's body with one glance, and squeezed the nine-tailed chakra with one hand. In the final chapter, he could control and seal all tailed beasts with a single look.

  These abilities have never been used on Naruto. To put it bluntly, they are just needed by the plot.

  Because Naruto can only use shadow clones and Rasengan, Sasuke can only use Chidori, otherwise how could he be bound?

  In "One Stroke"'s impression, Sasuke obviously liked using genjutsu, but he had never used it on Naruto.

  It seems that some people will say that Naruto is already a perfect Jinchuuriki or something, but in fact, there are two types of illusions, and the relevant setting information book makes it very clear.

  And when Sasuke entered Naruto's body at a glance and casually squeezed the Nine-Tails chakra, it was just three magatama.There are six magatama samsara eyes in the back. It is not difficult to enter Naruto's body and control the nine tails with genjutsu, right?

  So it's all for plot needs, just say "one stroke" casually, readers and bosses can just take a look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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