Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 269 Pink Jelly

Chapter 269 Pink Jelly
In front of you is a scene of water vapor spreading.

White steam rises from the ground to the sky like huge clouds, and the "lake surface" below it is parallel to the ground like a huge lotus leaf, spreading out in all directions, making a huge sound like ocean waves.

The Kirigakure ninjas backed away with fearful expressions on their faces, covering half of their faces with their arms as they looked at the earth-shattering scene in front of them.

A few ninjas who were brave enough and accustomed to the Kirigakure technique were not afraid of the influence of the vast water vapor on their vision. They led the sealing team and braved the high temperature of the steam to rush towards the center of the explosion.

Judging from their appearance, it seemed that they wanted to seal away the second generation Mizukage as soon as possible.

"Ugh~~! Ah~~!"

However, it didn't take long for a series of human screams to be heard in the white water vapor.

Obviously, these ninjas were attacked by some "person".

"Be careful!! Don't act without permission!"

"Where's the perception ninja? What's the current situation of the second Mizukage?"

"And Lord Suigetsu, is he okay?"

After hearing the screams, the Kirigakure ninjas quickly shouted to remind each other.

At this time, fine hailstones fell from the sky again, hitting them all around with a crackling sound.

"Damn it, started again?"

Why do you say again?Because the Kirigakure ninjas have seen this scene before.

Every time, after the second-generation Mizukage's clone explodes, hailstones like this will fall from the sky, cooling his clone and returning it to the appearance of a child, in preparation for the next explosion through movement and heating. This is the reason why this technique is called "Infinite Explosion".

The Kirigakure ninjas looked up at the sky with twitching faces, and suddenly saw a large ball of liquid falling from the sky. The figure wrapped in the liquid, wearing a red cloud and black robe, was obviously their Suigetsu-sama.

"Lord Suigetsu!!"

The ninjas exclaimed.

Several ninjas jumped up and joined forces to catch the large piece of liquid surrounding Suigetsu.

Immediately afterwards, they placed Suigetsu, who still maintained the liquefaction technique, on the ground. The surrounding ninjas, including Kisame, immediately gathered around and looked at Suigetsu's current appearance.

"This kid seems to be almost cooked!"

Kisame checked carefully for a while and made sure that Suigetsu was not dead. The tense expression on his face relaxed, he grinned like a shark, and said these words.

Hearing this, the Kirigakure ninjas around him looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The Shuiyue in front of them looked really bad. His whole body had turned pink, and it was still jelly-like. Well, at first glance, he seemed to have some appetite for some reason. Is it really about to ripen? !

After lying on the ground, he seemed to realize that he was safe. The excess water on Shuiyue melted away, and the black hat technique was finally lifted.

He once used this technique to block the Eight-Tailed Tailed Beast Jade, so he was not afraid of the second-generation Mizukage's explosive power of steam. However, he forgot that the heating ability of water vapor was not something that the Takura Hat could isolate. It was steamed into what it looks like now.

"Kissame-sama, what should we do now?"

After confirming that Suigetsu had lost his fighting ability, the Kirigakure ninjas asked Kisame.

At this time, Jugo also rushed over. When he saw Suigetsu turning into "pink jelly", the corners of his mouth twitched. He wanted to ask, "Why did you become like this again?"

In the past at Yunlei Gorge, Suigetsu was fucked into jelly by the eight tails, and now he is doing this again?
From Jugo's point of view, Suigetsu is a very timid guy. He is just like Xiang Rin's royal boxing bag. He gets "headshot" with one punch and has almost no power to fight back.

When it comes to fighting, he often fights with the enemy regardless of life and death. It is really a completely incomprehensible existence.

"Based on the current situation, even if the main body is fatally injured, the mobility of the second-generation Mizukage's troublesome clone will not be affected at all."

Over there, Jugo was in a daze looking at the Suigetsu brand jelly. Over here, Kisame was carrying his big sword Samehada and analyzing the current situation.

"The second generation Mizukage was originally a dead person who was resurrected from the filthy earth. There is no way to kill him again. Therefore, the tactic that usually works, destroying the main body to destroy the clone, does not apply now. We have to find a way to deal with it first. Just get rid of that clone."

Although Kisame is tall and powerful, he looks like a reckless man.But in fact, he was engaged in intelligence-related work at the beginning. He had a calm face when encountering problems and his ability to analyze problems was not low.

When he said these words, the Kirigakure ninjas under him immediately nodded, showing expressions of conviction.

Unfortunately, in Kisame's view, the conviction of these ninjas was of no use at all, and they were unable to deal with the second-generation Mizukage's clone.

The reason is very simple. The speed at which the broken clone flew up was so fast that it was completely devoid of tolerance. It was faster than Gaara's sand. Who could he ask to reason with?

For reference, Gaara can easily block Amaterasu with sand, so after this clone flew up, it was faster than Mr. Itachi's Amaterasu! (?) There is simply no solution!

Kisame lowered his head helplessly.

The second generation Mizukage's voice also sounded at this time: "What a pity! You guys look a little downcast!"

As more and more hailstones fell to the ground, the temperature on this battlefield dropped rapidly. After the diffuse water vapor disappeared, the figure of the second generation Mizukage was also revealed.

At this time, most of his body had completely disappeared and was recovering, but his head was intact, grinning and yelling.

"Hey, where's that kid from our Gui Deng family? Is he okay? I probably didn't kill him!"

This person is now thinking of Shuiyue's safety. Why didn't he think about it when he just started?

He was indeed the legendary man who could cross the entire world and die with the Second Tsuchikage, but he was so completely crazy.

The Kirigakure ninjas were speechless and choked at their predecessor Mizukage. They had heard how powerful this guy was, and they had no idea what to do with his clone.

"Eh? Why are you all looking at me motionless? If you don't care anymore, your clone will explode again, right?"

The second Mizukage was still there adding fuel to the fire.

After using the explosive clone, his real body was obviously just a weakling, but he still dared to stand in front of everyone, acting like a normal person.

Regardless of whether he was emboldened or not, no one would take action against him again.

The Kirigakure ninjas invariably looked away and looked at the clones flying in the air with headaches, understanding that this thing was the real trouble.

As for the second generation Mizukage, after all, he was once the leader of this village. It was difficult for him to be resurrected once. What does it matter if he is asked to press a few more words? Now they can only count on Kisame, the original seven members of the Ninja Swordsman.

"Can we only defend with water formation walls? It won't work if we continue like this. Chakra is no longer enough."

Kisame felt the gazes of the Kirigakure ninjas, but he couldn't think of any good solution.

He had tried to use the fusion ability of the same shark to deal with this clone before, but the damn clone was forced to slip away and turn into a dog in the water. He couldn't beat him like this, and he couldn't catch up with him. From time to time, there would be a big explosion. This thing is really disappointing.

In desperation, Guixie couldn't help but miss the Bingdun family in the peak period of Wuyin Village.

If those guys were around, how could such an oil-and-water separator be so arrogant?Freeze it into ice cubes in a few minutes, okay?How abominable!
"Hey! No way? No way? Have you given up already? You are from Kirigakure Village!"

When everyone was at a loss what to do, the second generation Mizukage started shouting again.

This person has no awareness of how much trouble he has caused to others!There was no remorse in the voice.

"There are so many of you, but you can't do anything to my clone? I'm really disappointed!"

As he screamed like this, his clone began to swell again.It is simply endless and makes people feel hopeless.

The Kirigakure ninjas gritted their teeth, realizing the terrifying power of the crisis, and entered the countdown again...

"What are you calling here, idiot?!"

At this time, a space vortex appeared out of thin air, and "Nagato" emerged from it.

After getting rid of Kabuto's clone, it still had something to solve with Obito, but it didn't want to run over now and act as a light bulb for Obito, so it had to come here to see the situation.

Kisame showed a surprised expression when he discovered that it was not "Mr. Madara" who emerged from the space vortex, but Nagato. Then, he breathed a sigh of relief, showing that the matter was settled.

"You came in person."

Kisame smiled and said hello to "Nagato".

In his opinion, no matter whether the person coming is "Mr. Madara" or Nagato, he has the ability to deal with the second generation Mizukage.

"Huh? Is there another one? Who are you? Are you that ninja from the Akatsuki organization?"

The second generation Mizukage noticed the red cloud and black robe on "Nagato" and asked.

Then, as if he came to his senses, he was stunned for a moment, veins popped out on his forehead, and he yelled: "Who are you calling a fool? You want to die, don't you? I'll make it happen!!"

To be honest, when "Nagato" called him a fool, the Kirigakure ninjas thought he was not that stupid, but now his reaction confirmed his title of fool. He looked really stupid.

"Nagato" felt helpless towards this idiot Mizukage and said.

"You dead dumb claw, is it interesting to find a sense of existence here? If I'm not wrong, no one should control you now, right?"

The Kabuto clone responsible for controlling the reincarnation of the dirty land has obviously been killed by it. In a short period of time, it didn't believe in Kabuto's true body and dared to show up. So, is this second generation Mizukage having a problem in his head?Are you still here having fun with explosions? !
"Ah? How did you know!!"

The second Mizukage showed a surprised expression when he heard the words.

The Kirigakure ninjas all looked at him with disbelief.

It’s hard to believe that this guy is deliberately destroying Kirigakure Village?How much hatred and resentment is there?
"Hey, don't look at me like that! I just realized that I was out of bounds. He must be the bastard who manipulated me. What's wrong!"

The second generation Mizukage made a statement quickly with a nervous look on his face, and then suddenly realized it, and shouted to "Nagato", "It was you who killed the magician!? No wonder you know my situation. Although you have long eyebrows, they are not enough. He’s domineering, but he still looks very strong!”

"Nagato" lowered his head slightly, not understanding at all what the relationship between growing eyebrows and not being domineering enough was. He felt that the second generation Mizukage was also a lunatic!

It’s over, what this world really needs is not some gods and bodhisattvas, but more, more psychiatrists, the kind who can really cure diseases!

At this moment, it felt that it had a thorough understanding of the world!
The expressions of the Kirigakure ninjas became more relaxed, almost lazy.

The arrival of "Nagato" had already put a big stone in their hearts. The second generation Mizukage also admitted that he was out of the enemy's control. Even if his clone continued to expand, it didn't matter!Because the battle is over!
Wait, why is the second Mizukage's clone still expanding and looking like it's going to explode again?
The Kirigakure ninjas shuddered and opened their eyes in horror.

"Hey, the second Mizukage-sama, your clone!!"

Many people shouted directly at the second generation Mizukage, thinking that this adult must have been careless and forgot to restrain his clones.

"Huh? Clone? What's wrong with the clone? Of course it's going to explode!"

The second generation Mizukage looked up to the sky and laughed like a madman, "Hahaha, I finally resurrected and returned to Kirigakure Village. Of course I have to make a big fuss, and..."

Having said this, his face suddenly darkened, his eyes revealed a fierce look, and he turned to look at "Nagato".

"Anyway, I also want to know what happened to the Akatsuki organization that conquered Kirigakure Village? If even my dead man's technique can't solve it, I don't know what I will do! Hey hey hey hey.”

The second generation Mizukage tilted his head and sneered darkly, leaving "Nagato" speechless.

"That's why I think you are sick!"

It stretched out its left hand to the second-generation Mizukage, sucked the fool over, strangled his neck, and then stretched out its right hand towards the expanding clone, spreading its fingers.

"Immortal law, Shenluo Tianzheng."

In the blink of an eye, the second-generation Mizukage was picked up in someone's hand like a slap of pork, but there was no panic on his face. Instead, he continued to look at "Nagato" with a sneer. After seeing its cold samsara eyes, Only then did he show his shocked eyes.

"What's going on, the shape of this eye!!"

The second Mizukage had a look of horror on his face as such thoughts came to his mind.

While he was shocked, "Nagato" also used more natural energy to concentrate all the power of Shinra Tenzheng in front of his right hand, and then directed the invisible repulsion force at the second generation Mizukage's clone, all at once Cast out.


In front of its right hand, in a large fan-shaped area, invisible energy scooped up the ground in an instant, and then flew into the air.

The soil and gravel rose up to the sky like ocean waves, rushing forward in a mighty manner, carrying all the materials affected along the way and spreading to a very wide area.

The clone, which had already expanded into a giant in front of everyone and seemed about to explode with steam, was swept away by this force and instantly turned into a "rag doll" with holes all over its body. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in the torrent of abilities and was instantly destroyed in front of everyone's eyes.

Since the attack was not noticed at all, the clone did not even think about escaping. After being wiped away by Shinra Tenzheng, the white steam in the body, driven by the repulsive force, rolled towards the far distance of "Nagato"'s sight, as if paving the earth. Like a carpet of billowing smoke, it looks both beautiful and spectacular.


The Kirigakure ninjas looked in shock and swallowed hard. They couldn't believe that such a powerful second-generation Mizukage was killed in the hands of "Nagato" in an instant.

After his infinitely explosive clone disappeared, because the steam in his body was flat on the ground and did not form an updraft, there was no more ice mold in the sky.

It is precisely because of this that everyone can clearly understand that the extremely troublesome clone of the second generation Mizukage has really been completely eliminated.

The things they felt they couldn't deal with looked so unbearable in front of "Nagato", as if they were trivial gadgets that were casually destroyed.

Although from the moment Nagato cast the Earth Blast Star in Kirigakure Village, his image of being so powerful that he was nearly invincible has been imprinted in the minds of all Kirigakure ninjas.But with every subsequent contact, the Kirigakure ninjas could experience new strength from him.

Especially after having the "hero" level ninjas they knew so well like the Third Raikage and the Second Mizukage as foils, they could more deeply realize how far out of reach the gap between themselves and Nagato was. And what is true invincibility.

"Nagato's" invincible appearance also became more profound and vivid in their minds during this process.

"Is this the Eye of Samsara?? The legendary Eye of the Supreme!"

In the silence that seemed like worship, the second generation Mizukage sighed with his teeth bared.

He wondered what was happening to the ninja world now?Even a top ninja like him would be killed instantly?And even the samsara eye appeared!It's like entering a myth and legend.

"Hehe, I originally thought that ninjas like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara had reached the limit of ninjas in this world, but I didn't expect to see a being like you. After being as strong as him, What do people like you think about the world?"

The second generation Mizukage wanted to know what the world looked like from the eyes of a guy of Nagato's level.

"A group of chickens."

"Nagato" replied expressionlessly.

The Kirigakure ninjas who were holding their breath and listening attentively had cold sweat dripping from their foreheads.


The second Mizukage laughed loudly.

"Nagato" didn't show the slightest smile.

"Interesting, interesting."

The second-generation Mizukage's laughter gradually dropped, and then stopped.

"If there are guys like you, the choice of Kirigakure Village will be nothing."

When he attacked the Konoha and Yunyin coalition before, he heard the news that Wuyin Village had surrendered to the Akatsuki organization, and he had been brooding over this matter, but now he felt emotional and had to accept this reality.

Because even when he is in power, Kirigakure Village may not be able to withstand the offensive of people like "Nagato".Moreover, Kirigakure Village has always insisted on obeying the strong, so in the face of such a destructive power as the Rinnegan, what's wrong with surrendering?
His position as the Second Mizukage was originally earned through his strength.

The guy who was originally arranged by the First Mizukage to be the Second Mizukage was forced by him to become the Third Mizukage, and he didn't think there was any problem!
If you are strong, you should do whatever you want. Who can and who dares to say nonsense?
"Nagato" had cold eyes and didn't care about the patient, the Second Mizukage, or what illness was going on in his mind.

It didn't even care about the reverential looks shown by the killer Kirigakure ninjas behind it.

In its opinion, in the previous movies of the Ontology, some bosses and a group of young men wearing black uniforms went out to kill people, which was much more exciting than the current scene.

Look at the clothes and hairstyles of these Kirigakure ninjas, including the second-generation Mizukage being carried by him, they are all baggy and not impressive at all.They are completely like a gang of beggars who don’t even change their appearance when going out to beg for food.

The admiration for such things, whoever likes it can take it away, it will not be rare.

"How is Suiyue?"

After despising the rustic clothes of the Kirigakure ninjas in his heart, "Nagato" suddenly felt that the red cloud black robes of the Akatsuki organization were so outstanding, and he also noticed Suigetsu who had turned into "pink jelly".

(End of this chapter)

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