Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 271 Yunyin Village

Chapter 271 Yunyin Village

"Bang bang bang bang——"

Shortly after the battle, the sounds of cleaning up debris and repairing houses could be heard from all over Kirigakure Village.

The people living in the ninja village, even ordinary civilians, are accustomed to the existence of war and killing in their daily lives.

They had no time to grieve, and they did not feel they were qualified to understand the cause and effect of all this. Based on the instinct that people at least need a house to live in since they were not dead yet, they immediately devoted themselves to the work of rebuilding their homes. middle.

"Nagato" couldn't tell from their expressions whether they were sad or numb. In short, everything was silent. Few people spoke. They just lowered their heads and bent over and silently did what they should do. .

"Why is the morale of these people so low?"

"Nagato" thought about this problem.

In such an atmosphere, comparing Kirigakure Village with Konoha Village, which is "good at rebuilding", he walked through the "construction sites" as if nothing happened.

Although most of the houses directly affected by the battle of the dirty land ninjas were turned into irreparable bricks and rubble on the ground.

But there are also a small number of buildings that are lucky enough to retain their general structure. The owners of these houses are rushing to find people to restore them as soon as possible.

When "Nagato" passed by, these people all stopped what they were doing, turned around silently and paid attention to it, as if they wanted to express something to it, but didn't know how, or whether they should express it.

After noticing this situation, "Nagato" who was afraid of trouble decisively left here and used his divine power to reach the rooftop of the Mizukage office of Kirigakure Village. From here, he looked at the panoramic view of Kirigakure Village.

I have to say that it quite likes this feeling of being alone and sitting high up.

Obito and Lin are in the office at its feet. When they finish talking nonsense, it will go directly down and explain to Obito the things related to Uchiha Madara.

As for Orochimaru, it also saw it, and he was staying with Sasuke and Kaoru.

This guy didn't seem to care about Xiang Lin's unhappy eyes at all, with an indifferent look on his face. He was the glory of the light bulb world.

"No, Raikage-sama, Kyuubi! Kyuubi is here!"

Just when Nagato's split body was staying on the rooftop of the Mizukage's office, sitting there pretending to be calm, in the Raikage's office in Kumogakure Village, the Land of Thunder, which was separated by a sea from Kirigakure Village, the sound of ninja panic rang out. Zhang's cry.

"What?! Kyuubi?"

The Fourth Raikage, who was accidentally stabbed half to death by his dirty father and returned to the village to recuperate, expressed great joy and jumped up from the seat behind his desk, his eyes shining with excitement.

Unfortunately, their Yunyin Village has finally turned around!
At this time, the only thought in his mind was "Has the cute Nine-Tails come to their Cloud Hidden Village to bring warmth?"

As long as the Kyuubi can be caught, all the previous losses to Cloud Hidden Village can be ignored, and even a small profit can be made!
Although this idea is a bit sorry for Kirabi, from the perspective of Yunyin Village, the value of the Nine-Tails far exceeds the sum of Kirabi and the Eight-Tails.

Long before Uchiha Madara, Kumogakure had been interested in Kyuubi and knew very well how terrifying the Kyuubi was.

The Kumogakure ninja who came to report the news saw his eyes blurred as Lei Xiang lifted him up like a chicken.

The ninja lifted his feet off the ground and was forced to look at the Raikage-sama's face from a close distance, with a ferocious expression of joy or anger. He was so frightened that his whole body trembled, his legs became weak, and he almost peed.

"Where is Kyuubi?!"

The tall thunder shadow roared excitedly at him, showing his mouth full of sharp teeth, which looked like a bull in heat.

The ninja spoke hurriedly, wanting to say something but unable to speak.

Azabui, the secretary who was standing aside and following the Raikage back to the village, saw this, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and quickly reminded him: "Lord Raikage, please exercise some restraint."

A large part of her daily work is to prevent the Raikage from doing stupid things, but the walls and furniture in the Raikage's office are still being "eliminated and updated" by the Raikage at an alarming rate.

She sometimes wonders whether the genes in her Raikage are more human or gorilla. Otherwise, why would he be so impulsive and violent?
"Huh?" After Lei Ying heard her voice, he turned to look at her.

Then, he finally noticed the Kumogakure ninja who was holding him in his hand and was so frightened that his whole body was weak. After taking a deep breath, he calmed down the excitement in his heart, lowered his voice, and asked like a thief. : "Kyuubi, where are you now?"

The Raikage is now ready to secretly capture Kyuubi.

Even if Konoha asks him for it later, he will definitely refuse to admit it and hide the treasure of Kyuubi well.

Azabu Yi also stared nervously at the Kumogakure ninja who came to report, wondering how likely his village was to capture Kyuubi.

"The Kyuubi is at the gate of your village, Raikage, why are you asking about my Kyuubi?"

However, the person who answered her and the Raikage was not the Kumogakure ninja in front of her, but Nagato who suddenly walked out of the space vortex.


After hearing Nagato's voice, the Raikage suddenly turned his head. When he saw Nagato's face, he immediately dropped his ninja in his hand and punched Nagato in the face.

"Why do you, a guy like you, come to Yunyin Village?"

After punching out his fist, he yelled these words, which fully demonstrated how fast this man acted faster than he thought.

Just like an animal.

"Do you want me to blow up Yunyin Village?"

Nagato, who had gradually become accustomed to the village bombing movement from Konoha Village, asked softly, and then kicked the Raikage.


The so-called arm could not twist the thigh. Although the Raikage seemed to be a head taller than Nagato and several times stronger, Nagato's foot was one step ahead of the Raikage's fist and kicked him.

And a huge roar also came from Lei Ying's body.

His strong body was kicked backwards by Nagato like a rubber ball.

After blasting a big hole in the wall behind him, Raikage flew straight into the distance at an extremely fast speed and turned into a small black dot. With a final "ding", he disappeared from everyone's sight.


The Kumogakure ninja who was let go by the Raikage, and Mabuyi looked at the direction where Raikage-sama disappeared with their mouths open, not knowing what to say at all.

He found that he could no longer sense the Raikage. The Raikage-sama had probably been kicked out of his range by Nagato.A look of extreme horror appeared on Mabuyi's face, and she turned to look at Nagato. She wondered how this guy could have such terrifying power? !
He actually kicked the Raikage away with just one kick?You know, the Raikage in their village is the strongest in ninjutsu. This is the first time they have seen the Raikage defeated by someone using taijutsu, and he was still crushed like this! ! !

"What are you looking at? At the speed of Raikage..."

Nagato glanced at Mabuyi's shocked face and spoke.

When he said this, he raised his head slightly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and continued, "The Raikage will probably be back in time for a meal!...right?"

To be honest, he didn't know what kind of power his current body had.

He was used to using all his strength when fighting tailed beasts, but in that kick just now, he used all his power in all modes.

At this time, in his perception, Raikage had already flown out of Kirigakure Village and was struggling to fly farther and farther in the air...
Although Raikage seems to be working very hard!It seems that he is trying his best to make himself fly slower and get rid of the current situation.

But the Raikage's flying speed showed no signs of slowing down at all. Even Nagato himself didn't know how far he would fly in the end~ Hmm?Will he fly directly out of the Kingdom of Thunder?
Nagato thought about this question.

At this time, he heard the voice of the Kumogakure ninja.

"You...didn't you say that you were waiting for Lord Raikage at the village gate?"

The Kumogakure ninja who came to inform the Raikage looked at Nagato with a frightened look.

He felt that the aura exuding from this guy Nagato was really terrifying.

Standing next to this man, he always had the feeling that he was standing near an active volcano crater and might be killed by the spewing lava at any time.

This feeling is much more terrifying than the intimidating force felt from Raikage's huge body.

The result of Nagato's fight with Raikage also proved that his feeling was correct.

The leader of the Akatsuki organization in front of him doesn't look like a human being at all, and is more terrifying than a real monster!
"I asked you to notify the Raikage as soon as possible to come see me, but you made me wait at the door for so long! Is this the way of hospitality in Hidden Cloud Village?"

Upon hearing the question from the Kumogakure ninja, Nagato had a look of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

He used his divine power to come to Kumogakure Village, and after channeling the Nine-Tails, he originally planned to be polite and complete his training in the Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu in this ruined village.

Therefore, even if the Kumogakure ninja who was guarding the door showed a rude expression as if he had seen a ghost when he saw him, he did not care at all. Instead, he told them in a gentle tone that he was not here to start a war. They called Raikage over and he had something to discuss with Raikage.

But what happened?This stupid Kumogakure ninja shouted to inform Lord Raikage now. After crawling away, he actually made him wait at the gate of Kirigakure Village for several minutes!That's too much. He is the leader of the Akatsuki organization. He can earn hundreds of thousands per second. Time is precious, okay?
So he simply left the Nine Lamas where he was and used his divine power to rush over to see the situation. As a result, it turned out like this.

After the Kumogakure ninja heard Nagato's question, the sweat on his face fell like a waterfall. Little did he know that the man in front of him was as impatient as Lord Raikage.

If he had known earlier, he would not have mentioned the Kyuubi and directly told the Raikage-sama the news of the arrival of the leader of the Akatsuki organization, thus saving the Raikage-sama from being kicked so far.

He stood there, wiping his "waterfall sweat" fiercely.

Mabui next to him understood the general story of the matter in horror. Although he had no idea what Nagato meant by "hospitality", everyone was still at war. How could he be regarded as Mao's guest?But now is not the time to pay attention to such small things.

"Leader of the Akatsuki organization, why are you here in Yunyin Village?"

After hearing what Nagato said, "my Kyuubi", she no longer had any hope that her village could catch Kyuubi.The top priority is to first figure out the purpose of this person's trip, and then find a way to protect Yunyin Village as much as possible.

"It's nothing. I plan to stay here for a while, so I just came to say hello to you."

Nagato replied calmly.

He has long known the method of practicing the Thunder Release Ninja Technique, but this Ninja Technique was indeed invented by Kumo Hidden Village and can only be practiced by the Raikage.

If you want to truly learn it, you need to combine the unique geographical environment of this village, high mountains and year-round thunder.

"Stay for a while?"

Maiyi opened her dark green pupils in surprise, not knowing what this guy meant.

"That's right. Why, you're not welcome?"

Nagato glanced at her in surprise.

"Huan...Welcome, of course you are welcome!!"

Maiyi trembled, looked away, not daring to look at the other person's Samsara Eye, and stammered in reply.

The Raikage of their village has been kicked like a ball, how dare she say that she is not welcome?
In the current Yunyin Village, most of the troops stay in the country of water, and there are no masters in the village except Raikage!Dare to resist the leader of the Xiao organization at this time, it is almost like thinking that one's own village is not decorated well enough and wants to completely rebuild it.

"That's good!"

Nagato showed a satisfied look.

He knew clearly the place where the Raikage of past generations had practiced the Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu. At that moment, regardless of Azabu Yi's exclamations, he directly activated his divine power, sucked her into the space vortex, and then disappeared from the place.

Only the Kumogakure ninja who was responsible for guarding the door and announcing the news was left, looking at the Raikage's office that was now empty in an instant, he was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do.

"The art of psychic!"

Nagato took the linen clothes and took him to the top of the mountain that was shrouded in clouds all year round, with constant lightning and thunder, and then channeled the Kyuubi.

"Hey, this is the place. I've wanted to come and play for a long time!"

Kyuubi spoke human words directly.

As soon as its huge body appeared, it attracted the attention of the Kumogakure ninjas guarding here.


Several tough-looking ninjas, carrying long swords on their backs, jumped over screaming.

"Kyuubi? And... the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Uzumaki Nagato?!!!"

These ninjas took a breath of cold air when they saw who the enemy was, and then without hesitation they drew their swords and pointed at Nagato.

He is indeed an elite ninja who is responsible for guarding the forbidden area. At least in terms of courage, he is completely different from the loser guarding the gate.

Of course, there is nothing to say in terms of strength. They are all instant kills anyway, and Nagato doesn't think these people are much better than useless people.

"Wait a moment!!!"

Nagato moved his eyes and glanced at these ninjas. At the same time, Mabui, whom he had brought, spoke as expected.

"Don't be impulsive!!!"

"Abui? We don't know why you appeared here with the enemy. But this area is a forbidden area that only the past Raikages are eligible to enter!!"

After the Kumogakure ninjas drew their ninja swords, their eyes were fixed on Nagato. They did not dare to look away at all, and did not even look at Mabuyi.

"This is Raikage-sama's decision!! Come here, I will tell you the truth now."

Mabuyi continued to shout at these ninjas.

After all, she is Raikage's secretary and his absolute confidant, and her status in Kumogakure Village is not low. Therefore, after hearing her words, the guarding ninja showed hesitation on his face, and looked at Nagato again. Realizing that the enemy looked indifferent and showed no hostility, he slowly lowered the long knife pointed at Nagato. At Mabuyi's signal, he followed her to the back of a pile of rocks to discuss. got up.

"Hey, Nagato, with your strength, why are you going to such trouble?"

A few weak humans were muttering there, and Kyuubi squatted on the ground, breathing the air here with enjoyment while asking.

It thought it would be good to follow Nagato around. Anyway, with this red-haired man's strength, he was basically invincible.With him as a bodyguard, it can play whatever it wants, and no one dares to do anything to it.

"Because I hate trouble."

Nagato replied.

(End of this chapter)

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