Chapter 272
The purpose of his visit this time was just to complete the Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu.

If you shoot randomly, the situation will become endless. In every country, there are some fools who are like animals, with no brains but only blood.

Therefore, blindly bullying the weak will not do any good except creating more enemies for yourself and affecting your mood.

He hoped that people in Yunyin Village could be calm and rational like Mabuyi, understand the situation clearly, and not cause trouble to his practice.


Kyuubi let out an annoyed cut.

So why is it called the demon fox?Just because it likes to look for trouble.

Just like cats like to play with mice, for cats, that kind of activity is just a kind of "entertainment before meals", but for mice, it is the most terrible torture.

It didn't take much time for Mabuyi to convince these guarding ninjas.

Nagato just observed for a moment, the thunderclouds that lingered on the top of the mountain here all year round. She just went over the practice method of using this special thundercloud in her mind, and then she threw away Kumogakure's guarding ninjas. ,come over.

"Master Nagato, do you just want to stay here for a few days?"

she asked.

At this time, what lay flat under their feet was the endless sea of ​​clouds between heaven and earth, the vaguely visible peaks of thousands of mountains standing under the sea of ​​clouds, and the lightning and thunder that flashed in the sea of ​​clouds from time to time.

In terms of living environment, this place is simply a hell on earth. Nothing to eat will grow, and even water does not exist.

But when it comes to practicing Thunder Escape, this is the real holy land.

Legend has it that the second generation Raikage realized the Thunder Escape Chakra mode here. Therefore, Nagato said he wanted to come to Kumogakure Village for a while and brought her here. It is self-evident what his purpose was.

She played a little trick here, secretly changing Nagato's statement of "staying for a while" to only staying for a few days, just to get rid of Nagato as soon as possible, because based on her knowledge, a ninja like Nagato, Most of them are embarrassed and don't mean what they say.


Nagato followed Mabuyi's wish and didn't notice her little scheming. He acquiesced in staying only for a few days and looked around at the surrounding scenery, thinking about what else he needed to do next.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed your stay."

Mabuyi was secretly happy. She bowed slightly to Nagato and turned around, intending to leave this environment of high thunderstorms and lack of oxygen at high altitudes.

"Wait a minute, you send some food and medicine every once in a while."

However, Nagato stretched out his right hand towards her back, sucked her in, pressed her head, and forcibly instilled the materials needed for practice into her from the conscious level.

"You have the gift of heaven, right? It should be easy to do..."

After doing this, Nagato never thought that Mabuyi would refuse his request.Let go of her head, turn around, and walk towards the center of the thundercloud.

Behind him, Mabuyi, whose body was weak, covered her head with cold sweat dripping from her face.

"This guy... actually knows the art of sending from heaven? It seems he has a deep understanding of Yunyin Village!"

Mabuyi squatted on the spot, immersed in the terrible experience of being caught in Nagato's hand and controlled by others just for a moment, but he heard Kyuubi's malicious voice again in his ears.

"Hee hee, I'm going to go to your village later, you won't welcome me, right?"


Its tone sounds arrogant no matter how you listen to it, it's just as stinky as its owner Nagato!
Mabuyi turned her head and stared at Nagato's retreating back, as if she wanted to remind him with this look, take care of your Kyuubi!

It's a pity that Nagato seemed to hear nothing or see nothing, and kept walking farther and farther, not wanting to restrain the Kyuubi at all!How irresponsible!
"Go around the village?"

In desperation, Azabu Yi could only look up, looked at Kyuubi, and repeated its request.

She didn't understand why Kyuubi wanted to visit the village. It was Kyuubi, a top-notch tailed beast as big as a mountain. Did it want to cause chaos in other people's villages?

The eight tails have never been around the village before!Can't it think about how much trouble it will cause others?
It thought about it!
Kyuubi's grinning mouth seemed to be revealing this information to Mabuyi. It knew it would bring big trouble to others, so it planned to do this, and it was secretly happy about it!

ah! ! !This is really a bad fox with a bad personality!

Mabuyi instantly planned out the procedure in her mind to get everyone in the village to seek emergency shelter, and nodded with a heavy face.

As a result, the corners of Kyuubi's grinned mouth rose slightly.

It looked like a husky that had been given permission to demolish the house, making Mabuyi lower her head feebly.

The Kumogakure ninja who was guarding this place left first at Mabuyi's request, and she and Kyuubi also left here one after another.

Abuyi, an elite jounin, walked weakly with his head lowered, as if he had been greatly wronged. Kyuubi wandered around proudly for a while, and after realizing that there was nothing interesting here, he walked happily down the mountain. A lawless smile gradually appeared on the fox's face.

Nagato noticed this and did not interfere much.

For him, the simultaneous existence of Kyuubi and him is the most intuitive and powerful warning to Yunyin Village.

Kumogakure, or all the ninja villages in this world, even if they don't know what level his strength has reached, they can't possibly defeat him and think that they can kill him and the Nine-Tails at the same time. .

Therefore, as long as they still have a trace of rationality in their hearts, they will inevitably give in and tolerate such a combination.

And unlike him, who needs to appear sensible and not push Kumogakure into trouble, Kyuubi, as a tailed beast, can act "appropriately" tough.

The two of them, one soft and one hard, cooperate with each other to remind these Kumogakure ninjas that they are not kind, and it is a good thing not to take any chances.

Thinking of this, Nagato was also ready to practice when he received the supplies from Mabuyi.

He channeled the slug in advance, just in case, and then followed the method copied from the Fourth Raikage and began to attract a large amount of accumulated thunder and lightning in the thunder clouds to exercise his body.

And as he practiced, the thunder gradually became louder on the top of the mountain that broke through the sea of ​​clouds and was located at the highest point of Yunyin Village. It was set as a restricted area.

The electric light illuminated everything around it, and gradually turned into huge electric pythons. They stretched out their bodies from the thunder clouds, emitted huge rumbling thunder, and wrapped around Nagato's body obediently.

Such an astonishing scene caused complex expressions to appear on the faces of the Kumogakure ninjas on the surrounding peaks who were overlooking this place.

They looked far in the direction of Nagato and stood there, speechless for a long time.

From their perspective, the scene in the distance was clearly a terrifying spectacle that could only be caused by the Raikage in their village practicing Thunder Release.

It has always been the most proud symbol of their village.

Now, according to what the superiors said, is it true that the leader of the Akatsuki organization has been fulfilled? ?How can this prevent them from feeling complicated?

And what's even more hateful than the leader of the Akatsuki organization is the nine-tailed beast. It's obviously a tailed beast, but it actually wants to go to the village to play?Then, the people in their village will evacuate Yunyin Village early because of its "play"?

It's really too much. Humans are inferior to beasts.

If it wasn't that they couldn't beat that vicious fox, they would have wanted to catch it and eat it!The former Jinjiaoyinjiao has done such a thing, what a strong man!

Kyuubi didn't know that its behavior had invisibly improved the status of the Gold and Silver Horn brothers in the hearts of the Cloud Ninjas. On the other side, in the Kirigakure Village of the Kingdom of Water, Obito and Lin, the pair of "Nagato", had Dogs and men finally stopped talking. Lin opened the door of Shuiying's office leading to the rooftop and walked over.

"Hey, are you here?"

Only then did she notice "Nagato" who had been waiting here for "a long time."

"It's finally over. You two are really good at inking."

"Nagato" turned his back to her and did not look back. The content of his words sounded like he was complaining, but his voice was very calm and flat, without a trace of emotion, as if he was a robot.

As a split body, as long as it doesn't want to cause trouble, it already has the cold attribute similar to Payne.


Lin nodded.

She knew that the "Nagato" in front of her was just a weird clone.

But its now cold voice still reminded her inexplicably of the white-haired autistic boy Kakashi who was unkind and always habitually rejected people from thousands of miles away.

When did it start?She always felt that such a boy should need more care and attention?
Thinking about it now, she and Obito both loved taking care of others, but in the end, they couldn't even take care of themselves.

"Nagato" turned around and prepared to walk down the rooftop to go find Obito to discuss Uchiha Madara.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lin with his back to it, looking up at the blue sky.

It was unclear whether it was a clear or sad back, or both, so it stopped, glanced at the girl, and asked.

"That guy Obito, told you everything?"

It guesses.


Lin thanked her again and nodded again.

Looking at the blue sky, it was like letting out a gentle sigh.

In any case, "Nagato" thinks that girls of her age should be carefree, right?

The so-called philosophers under the blue sky or Nippori should be left to singles. Girls with cute looks are really not suitable for such things...
"What a clumsy guy..."

So, it made a complaint, thinking that all this must be Obito's problem.

As a clone of a single dog, "Nagato" scorned Obito's skills in picking up girls and felt that he was much better than Obito!

In this world, the so-called mysterious self-confidence is like this.

Although it made no sense, Lin unexpectedly felt a little caring from "Nagato" anyway. The wind on the rooftop blew her hair hanging on both sides of her face, and she looked back strangely, With the blue sky on the rooftop as the background, he glanced at Nagato, smiled, and narrowed his two big eyes.

"Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you yet. You gave me a chance to live again. Thank you very much."

She turned around, put her hands behind her back, and bowed to "Nagato". She looked like a little sister, cute and cute.

Oh, the main body is just using you as a tool.

"Nagato" waved his hands, wanting to say such words, but not long ago he dared to openly mock that all ninjas in the world were noobs, but found that he could not say such words.

Well, it's rare, but sometimes, it finds itself wanting to be human...
As Lin's resurrection, it felt that there was no doubt that the main body had some responsibility for Lin.

As a split body of the main body, it also has the obligation to "wipe the butt" of the stupid main body.

So, it asked Lin: "How do you feel now?"

The way it looked when asking questions was like a doctor asking the clone he created if there was anything wrong with him.

Lin shook her head.

She didn't like this feeling of "seeing a doctor", so she wasn't prepared to answer any of Nagato's questions.

Moreover, she is not just a weak girl, she has her own strong side.

So she moved her hair that was blown by the wind and looked away from Nagato.

"I'm fine!"

she answered.

"That's good······"

"Nagato" immediately showed a comfortable smile, thinking that there would be no problem.

Lin: "······"

Seeing its heartless smile, a strong thought suddenly arose in her heart that she couldn't let this person live a good life. Well, what's going on?

Yes, she could understand if she thought about it carefully. She had been fooled. This guy didn't care about people at all. In other words, you could tell by looking at it. Its brain was like a cold machine, only focusing on language itself. The content does not care about things like tone or context at all.

"Nagato" had a very satisfied expression on his face.

This kind of satisfaction proves that it just wants to get some kind of answer from itself.

Similar to the answer that everything is fine.

Lin blinked, and after understanding all this, she decided to "add some trouble" to it.

"Obito told me a lot of things, and I also know that he has done a lot of bad things, and some things are simply not what I remember him to be able to do, so I don't know what to do now. Face it all.”

She suddenly said this with serious eyes.

"Nagato" starts to feel pain in his head, and you don't know what to do. If you ask Obito, he is your licking dog. If you let him die, he will wipe his neck without hesitation!


"Nagato" replied dryly.

"Besides, Konoha Village is no longer the Konoha Village that I remember." Lin's voice continued, "Do you understand that feeling? The place where I lived since I was a child, the belief that I insisted on, suddenly one day everything disappeared. Changed feelings?”

There is really no such thing as faith!

"Nagato" analyzed what Lin said and felt that the current Konoha Village is not bad!It has been renovated several times, and even the foundation was re-laid. What is Lin dissatisfied with?
"The Konoha village where I live and... gave my life for, is the Konoha with the hero Namikaze Minato, the Konoha that gave birth to the genius Kakashi, and the Konoha with Uchiha , it’s the Konoha that Obito wanted to be Hokage, not this completely unfamiliar Konoha!”

At this point, Lin's voice suddenly rose: "Do you understand this feeling? Obito shouldn't have done these things, and Konoha shouldn't have destroyed the Uchiha clan. None of this should have happened at all! This is not the world I live in! How do you expect me to believe that?"

One after another, the figures of familiar people and their smiling faces appeared in Lin's mind.

And these people are all gone, all changed, and even the so-called Will of Fire has become like a joke, unable to stop Konoha companions from killing each other.

At the moment when her faith collapsed, who could understand her feelings?Caught between Konoha and Obito, where can she go?
Lin lowered her head, took a deep breath, and then glanced at the distant view of Kirigakure Village that could be seen from here. She wanted to yell at "Nagato" and ask him why she was in Kirigakure. village! !This ninja village where the enemy once wanted to kill her was located? ! !

She could face Kakashi's Chidori bravely and end her life for her companions without hesitation, but she felt that she couldn't handle the complicated situation now. Everything seemed to have turned into a mess, leaving her At a loss!

She lowered her head in the wind on the rooftop, her shoulders slumped weakly, and said quietly.

"So many years have passed. It was you who resurrected me and gave me a second life. But now, this world is not the world I have lived in at all. I don't want to believe anything that has happened here, and I don't want to Believe it, do you understand this feeling?”

Although she had been restraining herself, "Nagato" still heard a feeling from her tone that she wanted to cry.

What should it do?It understands nothing.

It is indeed the right choice for me to choose to be a single dog!There is simply no way to solve this situation with Shinra Tenzheng!
(End of this chapter)

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