Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 273 Girl's Mind

Chapter 273 Girl's Mind

From a "realistic" perspective, or from "Nagato's" personal perspective, there is no way to reconcile the relationship between Rin and Obito.

Because Obito went too far and hurt everything Rin ever held dear.His behavior also lacks legitimate reasons, making it impossible for normal people to understand, and they don't bother to understand.

"Nagato" himself believes that it cannot understand Obito's behavior, so it does not intend to go out of its way to clear his name.

In its view, there is the so-called repayment of injustice, repayment of injustice, murder to repay debts and money.

Just kill whoever killed your sister. If you go crazy and feel that there is something wrong with the world and it should be destroyed, then just find a way to destroy the world directly. Isn't that enough?

Why do so many irrelevant things and hurt innocent people?
Hibi said he killed Namikaze Minato and his wife, and manipulated the Kyuubi to attack Konoha.

Hibi said he intervened in the Uchiha genocide and murdered his own clan.

What’s the point of doing these things?It's completely unnecessary behavior.

After all, these people have never harmed Lin, nor have they interfered with any of Obito's plans.

Obito is planning to use the Infinite Moon to stop the world, so why do he want to kill these people in advance?

Do you think these people are not worthy of entering the world of infinite moons?

Of course that's not the case. Now that "Nagato" looked into these behaviors carefully, he felt that they were just venting the hatred in his heart, and it was an act of amplifying personal hatred.

To put it bluntly, after Sasuke knew the truth about Itachi, he said with a look of hatred that the people in Konoha were still smiling!
If he is unhappy himself, he doesn't want to see others happy!He consciously fell into hell, and forbids others to live in a happy paradise.

If I had encountered this kind of person and this kind of thinking in the previous world, I am afraid that I would have called the police long ago, but this world is different, because even if it is something that "Nagato" cannot understand, everyone in this world, Can, enough, reason, understand.

Yes, this is a world where anyone can be forgiven for all the mistakes they make.So, can these things be considered things?Of course not.

On the premise that the representative victim has forgiven the murderer, "Nagato" will not be so conceited as to impose its own moral values ​​​​on anyone, because in its view, moral concepts also vary from person to person. Who makes this world without the so-called "Yanhuang clan"?

It doesn’t matter if you just follow the locals, or you don’t want to mind other people’s business. In short, that’s what its true nature has always thought and done.

It's a pity that now she has encountered a little trouble. Lin actually got into trouble?

She agreed that no matter what Obito did, she would forgive him?Girls, if you don’t learn some magic and have some green on your body, you really can’t do it. (?)
"Nagato" was speechless like a bachelor, looking at Lin's lowered head.

Lin also lowered her head and fell silent, saying nothing. She obviously did not expect to get the answer to her question from Nagato.

The wind on the rooftop was silently blowing her hair, swaying on both sides of her face.

Due to being at a high place, the surrounding scenery is so open, with the blue sky as the background, and without fear of lightning, "Nagato" can indeed say, "What can't you forgive me for?" It comes from people’s words.

But it didn't say that in the end, because a sense of responsibility similar to that of a "creator" was fermenting in its heart, making it feel that it still had something called an obligation to Lin.

Therefore, in order not to make its own conscience uneasy, it is going to fool the situation in front of it. The key is to make the fooling natural and make sense! (?)

"Nagato" showed a thinking look, and flashed through Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, Kakashi, etc. in his mind, the faces of all the people it knew related to Lin, and thought about the people Lin was most likely to trust. Who, who, would comfort Lin in this situation? Then, it understood what it should do.

Looking at the endless blue sky, wanting to feel cheerful, "Nagato" took a deep breath, trying to make his paralyzed face look more sunny, silly, sweet, and unscrupulous, and then exposed A relaxed yet confident smile.

"I believe you!"

In the end, "Nagato" decided to use the legendary "brainless belief" method in a targeted manner for Lin, a girl who was poisoned by the will of fire.

Regardless of whether it makes sense or not, regardless of whether it is forcing someone to make things difficult for someone, regardless of whether the person involved is embarrassed or not, just believe it and it will be over!

It opened in my heart, "The Self-cultivation of an Actor", and imitating the Fourth Hokage, he placed his left hand on his hips and his right hand on Lin's hanging head.

This is its forbidden technique - the technique of laughing and touching the dog's head.

"I believe you can find your own answer!"

Forgiving Obito is something you can easily do yourself! "Nagato" added in his heart, don't let me, who has different views from you, worry about it!
Its trusting words and the big hand pressing on Lin's head made Lin widen her deep-colored pupils. A surprised expression appeared on her delicate face, and she looked up at "Nagato" eyes.

Lin looked surprised at this time, as if she were a cat whose fur had been stroked, and there was even a blush on her face.

But what he was thinking was completely different from what "Nagato" thought. Not only was he not happy like Naruto because his head was touched, but he was very angry!
Seriously, you can't just touch a girl's head, okay?The Fourth Hokage can smile and caress Naruto's dog head because he is Naruto's biological father!
But why should "Nagato" touch Lin's head?Even if someone lowers their head and looks like "a girl lowers her head just to be touched by you", it can't be used by it!

A layer of anger gradually filled Lin's eyes. Although on the outside, she was no different from a child, girls in this world are very precocious. "Nagato"'s behavior at this time will basically be judged as taking advantage by them. If If anyone else dared to do this, Lin would have slapped him away.

But "Nagato" is different. Not to mention that it is just a clone, Lin's current life is also resurrected by its original body. Just looking at its current appearance, Lin can understand that this guy is not aware of his actions at all. If you have any questions, you are proud of it, as if you are satisfied with touching your own head!
"I have believed from the beginning that you can solve everything related to Obito!"

"Nagato" felt that it had shocked Lin with the aura of the Fourth Hokage, did she feel shy without seeing her? ?

Recalling the attitude of the ontology towards Lin, it said so.

"Even now, I think there is no problem in leaving Obito to you."

As a clone, its method of dealing with problems is always based on the original thoughts and attitudes.

A normal person's thoughts and understanding of the same thing are constantly changing.

But the clone is different. The clone's thoughts are completely copied from the original body and will not change in any way.Therefore, when encountering something difficult to handle, the avatar will return to the starting point and look for answers from the attitude of the original body.

"Nagato" said this to Lin with the idea of ​​​​the main body as the core.

"I believe you have done all this because Obito can kill himself in his heart, everyone related to him, and the world, but he can't kill you in his heart. You know what it means What?"

"This means that in his heart, you are more important than the whole world!"

What Obito said when he was brainwashing Sasuke was said by "Nagato" to Lin at this time.

In its view, a person's understanding of the world is his most accurate summary of himself.More brainless and lethal than "I believe in you", the quatrain that can be called the "end of wisdom" is "He loves you so much, why can't you love him?".

"Nagato" looked directly at Lin, his pupils swaying because of his words, and he almost admired himself in his heart. He actually used the thoughts of the original body to transcend the original body and cosplayed the characters of the Fourth Hokage and Obito at the same time. .

How could a little girl like Lin resist the combination of two major space-time ninjutsu?

Lin sighed.

Although the clone in front of her seemed to care about her a little and what she said made sense, she found that it really didn't understand a girl's mind!
Moreover, its behavior seemed to have its own way of doing things, and it didn't know what politeness meant. So, she decided to express her thoughts in a straight-to-the-point way, just like it did.

"Then can I go back to Konoha?"

She calmly asked such a question, which is very important to her, but it is a question that "Nagato" has never thought about.

This shouldn't be the case. "Nagato" felt that based on the information it knew, Lin shouldn't have such thoughts.

The doubt in its eyes flashed away.

If the real Nagato were here, faced with such a strange request from Lin, he might think a lot, similar to Obito's reaction, the impact on the entire Akatsuki organization, and various issues related to the world situation, which will eventually I feel dizzy.

But the avatar is different. Everything the avatar does needs to not violate the will of the main body, so "Nagato" was stunned for a moment, as if checking the information, and after recalling the attitude of the main body towards Lin in his mind, he gave an order Lin answered in surprise.

"Huh? I think it's okay."

It touched its chin and said, "Actually, you can feel it yourself, right? My main body doesn't care much about your affairs, otherwise I wouldn't have sent you here with just a clone."

The stupid body was so stupid that it was too embarrassed to mention the thought of giving Obito a Lin so that he would be embarrassed to ask for his eyes.

That guy made it clear that he just wanted to level up all the way and defeat everything with his own strength. He didn't even pay attention to Jiraiya, so how could he care about where a little girl like Lin would go? ?

Regardless of whether Lin is with Obito or in Konoha, as long as she is alive, Obito will not lose his mind and do things every day, thinking about the Eye of the Moon plan.So, to Ontology, what does it matter where she is?
"Nagato" felt that this was not a problem at all!
Lin also looked directly into the eyes of "Nagato", wondering if it was lying and deceiving herself.

I don’t know if it was because her serious expression and the way she was staring upward looked so much like a cat. "Nagato" smiled softly, as if facing a cat, and her eyes became calm. got up.

"Speaking of which, you and I have something in common. We were both created by that stupid guy using ninjutsu."

After looking at Lin's eyes at this time and sensing the deep confusion, "Nagato" seemed to understand a little bit about where she was currently struggling.

"Of course, the main body also said that the reason why he resurrected you originally had his own personal intention. But, because I am his clone, I know very well that you only need to do what you want to do."

"Nagato" rubbed Lin's head, "Just like me, you can live as you please without violating that guy's will. I can tell you that for the main body, you just need to live."

"Is it just that?"

The expression on Lin's face relaxed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ever since she met Nagato, she had been tasked with "saving a certain man from the hell of despair."

and "You just have to catch him." and other inexplicable "missions".

Although Nagato himself had no ill intentions and these words were not problematic, they still had a huge impact on Lin, making her always feel like she was being forced to complete a task when facing Obito, and she did not He couldn't figure out what he was thinking and fell into deep confusion.

But now, Nagato's clone's words unintentionally untied her psychological burden and made the confusion in her eyes lessen a lot.

Such a reaction did not escape "Nagato's" eyesight.

Since the two of them were looking directly at each other, and "Nagato" still kept his hand on Lin's head, "Nagato" who had never understood a girl's heart finally understood what was going on now. .

It also made a "further understanding" according to its own way of thinking, thinking that this kind of thing is equivalent to a pair of dogs and a man who have obviously fallen in love. The parent named Nagato brought them together on a blind date, but instead made them have trouble. It's awkward, it's really a helpless sour smell of love!
Lin's original "forgiveness method" was just as the main body thought, it could restrain Obito's everything!
But the stupid body put too much pressure on Lin, making it impossible for her to use the magic naturally, which was why she was in trouble now.

Although he is obviously a single person, there are many love soap operas in his mind. "Nagato" has a light that can see through everything in his eyes and continues to relieve Lin's pressure.

"It's really just that!"

It nodded, answered Lin's doubts in a positive tone, and further mentioned Obito, saying, "Moreover, not only does my body think so, Obito himself cannot stop any of your decisions. If you really want to go back to Konoha, you can tell Obito directly and ask him to send you back. You should know this better than me."

From the information in its mind, it can easily come to the conclusion that Obito is Lin's ultimate dog-licker. That was before "dying", looking at the HLBE prairie above his head, watching Kakashi take Lin away. The back view of the man with a smiling face!A person born with the awakening technique of forgiveness, let alone return to Konoha, even if Lin said she wanted to live in the moon for a while and experience the feeling of Kaguya Otsutsuki being sealed, Obito would probably start thinking of a solution without hesitation.

There is no need to doubt this!
Lin took a deep look at "Nagato"'s sincere look at this time, then closed her eyes, and finally a relaxed smile appeared on her face.

"I need to think again."

she said so.

Therefore, in the final analysis, her so-called return to Konoha is just a statement. The key to the problem is "Nagato"'s attitude towards this statement.

And "Nagato's" attitude gave her a sense of freedom and not being manipulated, and because of this, she gained her own power of action.

"Huh? Okay."

"Nagato" was stunned for a moment, wanting to say, if you have any ideas, say them now!Stop inking, I'll do it for you in one go!
But he has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away. He knows that things related to women really cannot be rushed. Whatever they want to do is right!
Lin tilted her head and got rid of "Nagato"'s head-touching attack. She turned around and walked to the edge of the rooftop with her hands behind her back, looking up at the blue sky.

This kind of action is obviously a request to express that she is thinking about a problem and please don't disturb her anymore.

"Nagato" scratched his head, resisting the urge to use the ability of human way to directly read the thoughts in her mind, turned around helplessly, and left from the rooftop.

Well, no matter what, you should be gentler with underage girls. Uncertain thoughts and girls are meant to be a pair, right?

(End of this chapter)

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