Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 276 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 276 The Truth Comes Out
"Because someone placed a curse talisman on my heart, my movements were restricted, so I had to use Kakashi's Chidori to kill myself. What's wrong, Obito?"

Rin looked at Obito in surprise.

"The talisman at the heart?!!!"

Obito lowered his head.

He opened his eyes wide, as if he had thought of something extremely terrible, his body was shaking, and a lot of sweat flowed from his forehead.

His face was twisted with hatred, and his right eye unconsciously turned into the shape of a kaleidoscope, shooting out an irrepressible fierce light, as if he wanted to fight someone desperately.

"What's the matter with you, Obito?"

Lin walked over with a worried expression and grabbed Obito's hand.

"Nagato" on the side looked away and looked at the distant view of Kirigakure Village with a smile on his face.

At this point, the conspiracy surrounding Lin's death has been revealed.

I don't know if the technique is too crude, or if the flaws of the curse seal technique cannot be compensated for.

The curse marks that Madara placed on the current Obito and the former Lin are exactly the same, and they cannot be hidden from the perception of the person involved.

Obito now only needs to figure out the characteristics of the curse mark that was placed on Lin before, and compare it with the curse mark on his body to understand who is the person who attacked Lin.

Curse seal is a powerful ninjutsu that can restrain the enemy's movement. It is one of the advanced ninjutsu similar to the sealing technique.

As long as the effect is achieved, it will have a mandatory constraint effect on the target, and therefore will inevitably be noticed by the target. This is an unavoidable "side effect".

Madara's biggest mistake was to use the same curse seal technique to restrain Lin and Obito, which made his conspiracy easily exposed.

At least in front of a time traveler like "Nagato", it's really easy to expose Madara's conspiracy.


Looking into the reason carefully, "Nagato" felt that it was all because Madara was too pitiful and too weak, who made him have no other gods.

Other gods are the real control magic. Not only does it have powerful control over the curse seal technique, it can also make the other party unable to detect it. Even the person being controlled does not know that he is being controlled. How can he get rid of the spell? control?

The only flaw is that the skill CD time is too long, but with the CD reduction effect of Hashirama Cells, this is no longer a problem.

"Nagato" played with the glass bottle containing Senju Hashirama's cells in his hand, with a smile on his face.

With this, the main body can use other gods at will and control the world.

Although speaking of it, Danzo also received the power of other gods and the cells of Senju Hashirama for several years.But the pot king obviously didn't make good use of this ability.Investigating the reason, we can only say that Danzo is really stupid, so stupid that no one can understand him at all, even worse than a gorilla.

Otherwise, he only needs to secretly use other gods on the Five Shadows and key figures in the Five Hidden Villages. Wouldn't he be able to "unify the ninja world" long ago?
Different from the stupid Danzo, its true form is a despicable and shameless guy. He believes in the principle of "have the right to use it, and it will become useless when it expires". It will definitely not waste the power of other gods.

With this in mind, in order to allow Obito and Lin to speak freely, "Nagato" simply walked a little further and came to the edge of the rooftop. Then he channeled Yama and threw the glass bottle containing Senju Hashirama's cells into Yama. mouth and released the channeling.

It stared boredly at the construction site where knocking was being done somewhere in Kirigakure Village for a while, and without waiting for too long, Obito came over.

"Nagato, I need your help."

From his eyes, "Nagato" could tell that Obito had made up his mind.

"Go ahead."

"Nagato" continued to stare at the construction site, watching a certain Kirigakure civilian building a wall with bricks and stones, as if he suddenly realized that he wanted to be a construction worker and contribute to the reconstruction of Kirigakure Village.

If its main body knew this, it would definitely be proud of its split body and be moved to tears by its noble sentiments.

Obito took a deep breath: "To be honest, Madara also placed a curse talisman on my heart. It's the same as the one that placed Rin in the first place. Madara did it while I was injured."

"Wow, is that what happened?"

"Nagato" turned his head and tried to put on an expression of sincere surprise on his face.

"...You'd better stop pretending."

Obito looked at "Nagato"'s face for several seconds, "It seems like you already knew?"

"Never mind."

"Nagato" immediately denied it with a serious face.

"It seems that this is indeed the case."

Obito sighed.

Not long ago, he also refuted the rumors to Kisame in this way, telling him that he was Madara...
"Nagato" looked at Obito reproachfully, feeling that this guy really didn't give him face.

Obito simply ignored this unreasonable accusation and stated his request.

"Anyway, I want to ask you to find someone to help you remove the curse talisman from my heart."


"As soon as possible, of course."

"Well, yes, Madara is now resurrected. Of course, the sooner the better, but it is difficult to do, right? After all, the knife is being used on the heart. If you are not careful, you will die, but it is easy to let go. "

"Of course it is, otherwise do I need to ask you for help?"

"Nagato" nodded, thought for a while and replied: "So, we can only invite that dead old woman?"

"A trace of helplessness flashed in its eyes. Although it has "confidence" in its medical ninjutsu, it is better to forget about this kind of heart surgery. Maybe it would be more reliable to directly use the resurrection technique on Obito!


Obito didn't react for a moment and didn't know who the "dead old woman" was referring to.

Lin also came over at this time.


"Nagato" replied that it felt that Tsunade would definitely "charge" again.

Obito narrowed his eyes. He didn't know whether it was wise to put his life in the hands of the former Hokage. After all, this kind of surgery must have a success rate. Even if Tsunade failed, no one could blame her. What.

What if Tsunade remembered what he had done to Konoha during the operation, and then her hands shook?Then his life would be gone.

Not to mention, he recently attacked Konoha Village with Sasuke!

"It's hard to leave your destiny in other people's hands."

"Nagato" shook his head, seeing Obito's hesitation.

Speaking of which, Sasuke is a real man. Whether it is Orochimaru or Obito, he can safely leave his body to the other party, as if he has never thought about what the other party will do.

"Do you think Tsunade can be trusted?"

Obito's eyes looked a little tangled.

"It doesn't matter, you can still be resurrected after death. Whoops, you're a good man again!"

"Nagato" put his hand on Obito's shoulder, comforting him half-heartedly.

"Oh, this is really good news!"

Obito closed his eyes, "I ask Sasuke and Kisame to watch when the time comes. Nagato, please help me keep an eye on Tsunade."

In fact, Sasuke and Kisame were just mentioned by him casually. These two people knew nothing about surgery. Even if Tsunade messed up in front of them, they wouldn't be able to see anything. The key was Nagato, so he started from the beginning. He said he wanted to ask Nagato for help.

"Well, no problem."

"Nagato" nodded.

With Obito's concern for Lin, it is impossible for him to have any cooperation with Madara who murdered Lin, and Lin's existence itself makes it impossible for him to carry out any moon eye project.

He will definitely not be able to return to Konoha Village. Madara is resurrected again, sharpening his sword against him.

Looking at the world, no one can protect him except himself.

So, if he doesn't work for Ontology, who will he work for?
It is only now that the crisis of division within the Akatsuki organization has been truly resolved.

"Tsunade-sama should be trustworthy!"

Lin also interjected at this time.

Obito smiled slightly, looking at her with tenderness in his eyes.

"Then I will go to Shigu Forest first and bring the dying old woman here."

"Nagato" was too lazy to watch the show of affection between this pair of dogs and men, so he used the art of counter-spirituality to return to the Shiggou Forest.

After explaining the purpose of his visit to Tsunade, amid the cheers of Naoki, "Nagato" put Konan, Tsunade, and Naoki into the Kamui space.

A few tailed beasts were addicted to playing mahjong. They didn't care what the humans wanted to do, they stuck stickers on each other and laughed.

The Ten-Tails' recovery power seems to be very strong, and it seems that it won't be long before it can be used to use the reincarnation again, and this is of course the key reason why Tsunade is willing to make a trip.

"Let's talk about it first. If it can be removed, we have to open up the stomach first and see the situation clearly before we know."

When she came, Tsunade said something ugly at the beginning, "And this kind of heart surgery carries the risk of death. It has nothing to do with me if the person dies!"

It sounds like she has no responsibility at all if things get messed up, and benefits come from her if things get done well. You have to do whatever you want whether you want money or a place to be resurrected. What a dog-like attitude.

No wonder emperors of all dynasties liked to kill their imperial doctors in their previous lives, but these doctors just needed to be killed.

"Nagato" had the feeling that he was in the hospital in his previous life, and had to sign liability exemption agreements before his relatives had any surgery. He made a long face and didn't want to talk.

"After that, you just stay in Kirigakure Village. Don't worry about the battle for now. The situation is a bit complicated now."

The reason why the main body originally placed Tsunade Konan in the Shiggy Bone Forest was to prevent Obito's backstab.

Now that Erwuzai Obito has been taken care of, there is no need for them to stay in the wet bone forest all the time.

Although Hei Zetsu is also a trouble, with Hei Zetsu's level, if he wants to take action against Xiaonan, it doesn't matter whether they are in Shiggy Bone Forest or not.Moreover, there are still ten tails stored in Shigulin, so it doesn't look very safe.

"Nagato" took the three of them back to the rooftop of Mizukage's office.

Naoki immediately raised his hands and cheered: "Is this Kirigakure Village? Long live!!"

For a brat like him, the Hidden Mist Village is obviously much more interesting than the wet bone forest with only mountain forests.

Obito looked sideways at the kid, wondering where this was a wild monkey that Nagato fished out, and it actually looked like Naruto.

"The situation? What's the situation?"

Tsunade held the rope tree that had "let go" to prevent him from running around. She glanced at Kirigakure Village warily, as if it had been attacked again, and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that Uchiha Madara has been resurrected."

"Nagato" replied, ignoring the surprise of these people and continued, "We will discuss these things later. The most urgent task is to deal with the curse seal on Obito first."

Wanting to explain the current situation to Konan and Tsunade cannot be explained clearly in a few words. With Obito's mind, he does not want to do such a dangerous operation now, and would rather stay with Lindo for a while.

But "Nagato" and he both knew that removing the curse talisman was the most important thing to do now.


After coming out of the dream of Infinite Moon, Obito became more like a human being and became more polite. He bowed to Tsunade, his master-level figure.

Tsunade didn't know how many outrageous things this bastard had done, so she waved her hands carelessly, showing off more grandly than anyone else.

"Yes! Nagato just told me about the surgery, and I will do my best."

The person in front of him was not the Uchiha Madara he once called himself, Nagato had already said this.

Obito found that Konan and Tsunade didn't ask the question of who he was, knowing that his identity had been seen through a long time ago, he couldn't help but blush a little.

"Master Tsunade, please."

Lin followed Obito and bowed to Tsunade.

Tsunade still liked the girl who was resurrected with the rope tree, and smiled at her.

"Okay, let's go to the operating room now!"

"Nagato" suddenly came out. Everyone here turned out to be related households. He quickly interrupted the possible greetings of these people and took the lead to the exit of the rooftop.

If it wanted to do this, no one else could say anything and followed his footsteps.

Several people walked out of the building where the Mizukage's office was located and walked along the main road to the hospital in Kirigakure Village.

Nao Shu yelled along the way and found everything strange. He didn't care about the collapsed buildings in Kirigakure Village. He didn't seem to be a sympathetic person.

After noticing the Earthburst Star in the sky, he showed a shocked expression and shouted: "What a big ball!! What is the purpose of this village putting such a thing in the sky?"

He thought this was a special custom of Kirigakure Village.

"That's a ninjutsu."

Tsunade took the opportunity to intimidate the child, "Bad guys these days use ninjutsu like this! Naoki, if you want to be Hokage, you must at least reach this level!"

Naruto turned his head to stare at Tsunade with a face of disbelief, while Obito showed a gleeful smile and glanced at the expressionless "Nagato".

Considering that Kirigakure Village had just been attacked and many people had died in their homes, ordinary people were not allowed to make loud noises on the street. The ninja who was responsible for public security rushed away angrily after hearing the noise of the children. When he came over, he saw Obito and "Nagato" and immediately suppressed the anger on his face and bowed obediently to them.

Obito walked to the front of the team, waved his hands to these ninjas, and told them to continue doing what they were doing. "Nagato" looked indifferent, as if he hadn't seen anything.

The biggest difference between it and Obito is that it is unwilling to do some "meaningless" things.

Now that Kirigakure Village has been handed over to Sasuke and Obito, it will completely distance itself from the village in terms of actions, and does not want to have anything to do with anyone here.

Obito opened the way, and no one dared to stop them on the way. They walked all the way through the streets, past the overcrowded lower floors of Kirigakure Hospital, and arrived at the relatively quiet top floor. They saw a familiar figure.

"Teacher Orochimaru!"

Zhishu loudly greeted the man with long black hair and shawl standing sideways in the corridor.

"It turns out to be Naoki-kun, we meet again, everyone."

Orochimaru spoke calmly.

Sasuke and Kaorin were sitting on the bench in the corridor, turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw the group of "Nagato".

The eyes of the two people suddenly brightened up. Sasuke stared at "Nagato" closely, while Karin looked at Tsunade as if he saw a savior.

(End of this chapter)

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