Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 277 Chapter 276 The fourth unexpected consequence

Chapter 277 Pang 270 Chapter [-] The Unexpected Fourth Consequence

"What are you doing here??"

"Nagato" asked strangely when he saw these three people.

Orochimaru looked thoughtful, thinking about how to answer this question appropriately.

Obito was the first to speak: "Sasuke, how are you feeling?"

He took a few steps in the direction of Sasuke, and when he noticed Nagato's glance, he explained: "Sasuke has transplanted Senju Hashirama's cells."

"...Senju Hashirama's cells!?"

Before "Nagato" could say anything, Tsunade and Nawaki couldn't help it immediately, and shouted and exclaimed.

"Uchiha's power plus Senju's??"

Even Konan narrowed her orange pupils and looked at "Nagato" with warning eyes.

She knew very well that Uchiha plus Senju meant Six Paths Sage. In other words, could Sasuke become the second Nagato?No one can deny this possibility.

And considering that Sasuke's current attitude towards the Akatsuki organization is still unclear, this is very alarming!
Everyone, including Lin, looked at the current Sasuke with strange eyes.

Although Sasuke's face looked a little pale, there was still a trace of pride in his eyes after noticing everyone's surprise and shocked expressions.

It seems to enjoy this feeling of being "attracted" by others.

"Nagato" glanced at Sasuke, who had been staring at him, and then looked at Obito with a look of surprise and asked.

"Did you help him transplant?"

Apart from Obito, it couldn't think of anyone else who would be so enthusiastic about helping Sasuke improve his strength.

Obito nodded without any expression on his face: "I think this will make Sasuke stronger, but the result is a little different from what I imagined."

"What's the meaning."

"Nagato" heard what he said and also remembered that during Kabuto's attack on Kirigakure Village, it did not see Sasuke fighting.Originally, it didn't care about such trivial matters, but now it seems that there is still some hidden secret?
"Senju Hashirama's cells put a great burden on Sasuke."

Obito explained the reason.

He wanted Sasuke to continue to grow and become a rival on par with Nagato.After repelling the coalition forces of Konoha and Cloud Hidden Village, as soon as he returned to Kirigakure Village, he helped Sasuke transplant Hashirama cells inherited from Madara.

Originally, according to his idea, doing so might have three consequences.

[-]: Hashirama cells enhance Sasuke's ability and chakra capacity.

It has always played a strengthening effect on Uchiha Eye Technique on Sasuke, making Sasuke instantly stronger.

Two: The cells between the columns were rejected by Sasuke, and he had to help Sasuke remove the cells.

Three: Hashirama cells had no reaction on Sasuke, just like Uchiha Madara back then, and then at a special opportunity, he helped Sasuke open the Samsara Eye.

Unfortunately, the development of the situation is often beyond the expectations of the parties involved. The presence of Hashirama cells in Sasuke's body did not create the three possibilities that Obito imagined. Instead, it was like a DEBUFF that continued to consume Sasuke's state and made Sasuke's Chakra is constantly decreasing.

As of now, Sasuke can't even activate his complete Susanoo again.

Obito was also helpless about this, not knowing what consequences it would have for Sasuke if this situation continued.

He couldn't say that Sasuke's condition would get better later, and he couldn't make up his mind to remove Hashirama's cells from Sasuke's body just because of such a small burden.

In the end, he could only leave the decision to Sasuke himself, leaving Sasuke in such an embarrassing state of neither getting better nor worse, unable to even participate in the battle.

"Hehe, I just checked Sasuke's body."

After hearing what Obito said, Orochimaru licked his tongue excitedly, "I can't believe you transplanted Senju Hashirama's cells to Sasuke so easily, and those cells are the same as those I had before. What you get is very different.”

"Really? What's the difference?"

"Nagato" asked.

"The difference in activity is huge, and at the same time, the stability is much stronger. It seems to be a self-contained whole. It's incredible."

Orochimaru muttered to himself with a hoarse voice.

After studying the cells between the columns, he knew very well how dangerous this kind of cells were. He didn't expect to see new forms now?It was really an eye-opener for him!

Obito stood aside, but ignored Orochimaru's "crazy words".

The source of the Senju Hashirama cells in his hand was bitten directly from the peak Hashirama's body by Madara in the final battle, and was cultivated through the chakra of the heretic demon.

Of course, the pieces of meat cut from Senju Hashirama's corpse after countless years were different from those of Danzo or Orochimaru.

In this regard, he didn't bother to explain anything. To put it bluntly, he didn't think that an "ordinary" ninja like Orochimaru had any qualifications to ask him, an Uchiha, to explain any problem.

The pair of Senju, Tsunade and Naoki, had unhappy expressions on their faces. They listened to these bastards talking about their grandfather's cells, and occasionally glanced at Sasuke, who was silent.

Naoshu was so angry that he clenched his fists and looked like he wanted to hit someone. Unfortunately, except for Lin, he probably couldn't beat anyone here!

"So, Orochimaru, are you going to follow Sasuke and study this matter?"

"Nagato" shook his head and stopped talking to Orochimaru who seemed to be in a state of excitement. He looked at Sasuke who kept staring at him and asked, "What about you, what's the problem?"

Seriously, what is this kid staring at me all this time?Sure enough, it’s time to clean up again?But he doesn't seem to have gotten stronger. He probably hasn't entered a state of obsessive confidence yet.

Obviously, "Nagato" was wrong.

"Did you really bring the dead back to life?"

Sasuke was concerned about this.

And after hearing what Sasuke said, "Nagato" understood who must have leaked the information to him.

It glanced at Orochimaru, and Orochimaru nodded towards it, admitting that he was the one who leaked the information. Who made Sasuke his little cutie?
"Yes, resurrection is very simple for me. Don't forget the task I gave you."

"Nagato" did not intend to pay attention to the "long-tongued man" Orochimaru, and continued to remind Sasuke.

Its true form was previously in Amegakure Village, and had issued a mission to capture Kabuto to Sasuke.

As the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food. Even now, "Nagato" still feels that Sasuke is the most promising guy to catch Kabuto's "Voldemort".

While thinking this, "Nagato" observed Sasuke's condition with his Byakugan, and found that the left side of his chest had turned white like plaster, and the Hashirama cells inside were mixed with his chakra. But there was no conflict, and there was no sign of integration. It seemed as if they were separated by something invisible, and they looked a little out of place.

It recalled the information in its mind and felt that this situation was very rare.

As far as it knows, Hashirama's cells contain extremely powerful corrosive power. The transplanted person will either die from being corroded by the cells, or during the process of being corroded, the cells in the body will be forced to accept the transformation of this power. Thus gaining the power of Wood Release.

There will not be a situation like this in Sasuke's body now, where Hashirama cells and original cells are incompatible with each other.

And the reason why Sasuke's state has been being consumed, from its point of view, is completely clear at a glance.

Because Hashirama's cells have been swallowing Sasuke's chakra to maintain his own existence, and he can only get in and out.In this case, it would be interesting if Sasuke's condition improved. You must know that these are Hashirama's cells. The amount of chakra of its original owner is completely at the level of a super-tailed beast. How can Sasuke's small body be able to maintain it? Did you get up?

In terms of chakra capacity, Sasuke is not much better than Kakashi.

"As long as you keep your promise, I will definitely complete the mission."

When Sasuke heard "Nagato" mentioned the mission, he immediately gave a confident assurance.

In his opinion, Kabuto is just a little snake that is worse than Orochimaru. Isn't it easy for him to take action against him?Moreover, Kabuto's behavior of manipulating Itachi had completely angered him.

Regardless of Nagato's mission or not, he was not going to let Kabuto go.

"Nagato" chuckled, not bothering to remind Sasuke how strong Kabuto had become. Anyway, he felt that it was useless to remind him. With Sasuke's arrogance, he would not look down on Kabuto without falling into trouble.

Everyone looked at these two people as if they were dumbfounded. They were very curious about the mission they mentioned, but they wisely did not ask anything.

Seeing that these big guys had finally finished speaking, Xiang Rin hurried to Tsunade and begged her to give Sasuke a physical examination.

Orochimaru faced Tsunade who looked hesitant and showed an imperceptible smile.

He had just told Xiang Lin that even if he tried his best to solve the strange things that happened to Sasuke, he might not be able to succeed.However, it is hard to say with Tsunade, a medical master.

At least, after Tsunade joins, his success rate will increase by at least [-]%!Such a success rate was enough to make Sasuke, who longed for power, excited.

Sasuke couldn't be ashamed to ask for help, and for Sasuke, Kaoru did this kind of thing without any inner burden, but what about Tsunade?Was she really not curious about her grandfather's strength?Haha, as Tsunade's old teammate, Orochimaru knew very well that anyone with scientific research abilities was addicted to scientific research. He didn't believe that Tsunade would not be tempted.

"Okay, let's talk about it after I get rid of the work at hand."

Sure enough, after Xiang Rin begged for a while, Tsunade gave such an answer. Orochimaru stood against the wall, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and glanced to the side, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Next, Tsunade first performed a physical examination on Obito. At the request of "Nagato", Orochimaru, who was very knowledgeable in the curse seal technique, also participated. Two of the world's top scientific research experts wandered around Obito. , which made Obito feel a lot more at ease. He felt that it would not be difficult to remove the curse talisman from his heart now.
With Lin by his side, Obito no longer cared about the presence of "Nagato" and didn't even notice the departure of "Nagato" and others.

"So, you have resurrected the Ten-Tails?"

On the rooftop of the hospital, Sasuke asked "Nagato" with a shocked face, and then he looked at the rope tree, "And you, are you the person who was resurrected not long ago?"

At this time, "Nagato", Xiaonan, Sasuke, and Naoki had arrived at the rooftop of the hospital.Tsunade, Orochimaru, Obito, Lin, and Kaoru, who longed for academic medical ninjutsu, stayed on the top floor of the hospital, which was only separated from them by a ceiling.

"Nagato" hasn't left yet because he wants to tell Konan something, while Sasuke is simply concerned about his Uchiha revival plan.

I don’t know if it’s because he feels that “Nagato” is strong enough, has a high level of skill, and is too “useful” to him. As the king of Uchiha, Sasuke actually uses “Nagato” in a rare event. "You" as an honorific, Naoki nodded solemnly when Sasuke asked, as if his ability to be resurrected had anything to do with his strength.

Speaking of which, why did this little kid come running after me?

"Nagato" looked down with some disgust, squinting at Naoki, feeling that adults like them had serious things to talk about, how could there be any room for a brat like Naoki to join in the fun?
"Go down and find your sister."

It unceremoniously gave the rope tree an eviction order.

"Huh? Why? I finally escaped from my sister's clutches! Do you look down on me?!"

Naoki, who looked proud just now, immediately started jumping around and shouting. He looked like the first generation Naruto. Sasuke was a little speechless. He felt that this kid was too similar to the previous Naruto? !

"That's right!"

"Nagato" nodded seriously, as if he was afraid that he wouldn't understand, and explained, "I'm just looking down on you!"

Konan, who was standing aside, saw this and put his hand on his forehead helplessly, wondering why Nagato was competing with a child. Moreover, was he really Nagato, or was he just a split body?This is also a problem!

You know, Kyuubi is missing now. The real Nagato should stay with Kyuubi, right?

"Huh? What? You hateful guy, don't think that because you are my relative, I don't dare to beat you!!!"

Naoki yelled and waved his fist at "Nagato", but he didn't dare to rush forward and take action. It was obvious that he was still a bit overmatched and knew that he couldn't beat him.

Such a stern and shy little appearance made "Nagato" too lazy to pay attention to him. After thinking about what he was going to say next, it didn't matter even if the rope tree heard it, so he turned around and put the rope tree aside and said directly to him. Sasuke asked.

"The latest news is that Uchiha Madara has been resurrected. What are your plans?"

After such a long period of contact, it has finally discovered the fact that Naruto is worse than Sasuke. Rather than working hard to blacken Naruto, it feels that it is better to make good use of its stupid body and have already entered the pot. Sasuke.

"Madara? The real Madara? How did he resurrect?"

Sasuke asked, his eyes widening.

"Reincarnated from the dirt."

Nagato replied.

Madara's name still has a certain influence on ordinary Uchiha. It is the legend of their clan.

But for Sasuke, it's not necessarily the case, this is the new generation of Uchiha King.


"That doesn't matter, who cares about the life or death of a guy like Uchiha Madara?!"

Sasuke came to this conclusion without blinking, as if he didn't know or wanted to know who Uchiha Madara was!At the end, he added, "If he doesn't intend to hinder my plan, let him go. If he dares to hinder me, I will kill him personally."

Yes, this is the style of this young boy. If crabs can only walk horizontal lines, he only wants to walk straight lines.

He doesn't even bother to look at people or things outside of the straight line with his plan, but he will make judgments about people or things within his straight line!

As long as it is judged as an "obstruction" by him, he will directly clean it up without any unnecessary ideas.

"So, what are your plans now?"

"Nagato" thought it would be better to find out first whether the Uchiha King has any new plans. Moreover, what is gratifying is that as a King, Sasuke does not bother to panic, which makes him The inquiry seemed a lot easier.

(End of this chapter)

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