Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 281 Happy Spring Chapter

Chapter 281 Happy Chinese New Year
"Ghost Lantern Moon?"

Obito still knew a little about the name of the second Mizukage.

But how did Shuiyue get involved with Ghost Lantern Huanyue in such a short period of time?
He turned to look at Shuiyue.

Seeing this, Suigetsu grinned in embarrassment, stretched out his right hand and pointed at "Nagato" and said.

"It was Boss Nagato who helped!!"

This means that if you have any questions, just go to "Nagato".

As a young man, Suigetsu was really effortless when it came to throwing the pot. Tsunade looked at "Nagato" with a face of surprise, leaving "Nagato" baffled. She didn't know what she was surprised by! ?

"Ahem, so the biggest crisis in Kirigakure Village now is the relationship with the daimyo?"

"Nagato" shook his head at Obito.

It doesn't bother to explain such problems as water and moon, but with the attitude of discovering and solving problems, it intends to solve these practical problems.

The members of the Akatsuki organization heard the sound and looked at the senior management of Kirigakure Village with scrutinizing eyes.

The elders and senior officials of Kirigakure Village, who had been worried about the current situation of the village, were slightly relieved after hearing the voice of "Nagato". They felt that at least the leader of the Akatsuki organization was still willing to care about the problems of Kirigakure Village. of.

Compared with the indifferent attitude of their "predecessor Mizukage" Madara, "Nagato"'s performance gave them a little hope of solving the problem.

These people looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, the elder of Hidden Mist Village stood up and answered slowly.

"In the past, when our Kirigakure Village elected a new Mizukage, or when there were any major decisions, the daimyo of the Land of Water would send envoys to inquire about relevant matters, and then the village would send commissioners to report on these matters. The daimyo explains face to face.”

"The daimyo will give Kirigakure Village irregular amounts of financial aid based on his own ideas, and the amount may be more or less. As a result, the relationship between the village and the daimyo is good and bad, and many are radical... Well, those who are loyal to the village Ninjas, and because of this, have quite a lot of complaints against the daimyo.”

"These are all problems that existed before. Although the two sides did not get along well, there was no major crisis between the village and the daimyo. But this time, the situation seems to be very different, because the daimyo has not been there until now. , have not sent envoys to Kirigakure Village again, and in view of past practices and the current special circumstances..."

At this point, the "elder" glanced at Kisame specifically, and then continued, "As ninjas, we can never take the initiative to send people to meet the daimyo. Therefore, the relationship between the village and the daimyo has been We are in a state of de facto isolation, without financial assistance from the daimyo, and if we continue to fight, our Kirigakure Village will almost be unable to sustain itself."

The old guy's voice was so slow and vague, standing there, as if one foot had already stepped into the coffin, it was very annoying.

However, after "Nagato" listened patiently, he found that his mind was still very clear. Not only did he explain the outline of the problem clearly, but he also changed his words in time when he mentioned radicals due to a slip of the tongue. Loyal to the village."

After all, who made the few "radicals" they used to say have become the ones in power now? In terms of radicals, I am afraid that the biggest radical is the "Fourth Generation Mizukage" Obito in front of him, right?
"Nagato" listened quietly and did not rush to answer the words of the elder of Kirigakure Village.

When Kisame looked over at the elder, a cold smile appeared on his lips.

When he was wanted by Kirigakure Village as an S-class traitor, he was charged with killing princes and sabotaging the country.

Now he has become a real power figure in Kirigakure Village in a fair and aboveboard manner. Only if the name of the Kingdom of Water does not panic can there be ghosts!
The one with the same shark-like sneer as him was Suigetsu, who was known as the "Reincarnation of the Ghost Man".

Due to his age, although Suigetsu has not yet done anything similar to "Keijin Zabuza"'s rebellion, it can be seen from his attitude towards Zabuza that this young man has no resistance to rebellion.

The elders and senior officials of Kirigakure Village were troubled by the identity of all members of the Akatsuki Organization as traitorous ninjas, and hoped that "Nagato" could find a way to ease the relationship with the Daimyo of the Land of Water.

But what they don't know is that "Nagato" is the biggest trouble.

The person the Daimyo of the Land of Water is most worried about is not Kisame or Suigetsu at all, but Nagato himself, the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

Compared with what Nagato had done in the Land of Rain, Kisame's killing of the princes was nothing more than a small trick.

Most people kill only the first culprit, but Nagato's style is to kill everyone in the family, leaving no chicken or dog behind.People in Kirigakure Village expect "Nagato" to come up with some good ideas, but they are overthinking it. It is the guy who likes to cause trouble the most!
The reason why "Nagato" is silent now is not because it can no longer lift the knife, or has other ideas about people like the Daimyo of the Land of Water, but simply because it does not have the "authority" to handle this matter. That’s all.

As a split body, it can do things that the main body doesn't care about, or that the main body will definitely not object to, but it can't do things like killing the daimyo of the country of water. The main body has not yet made up its mind, and it may cause unpredictable consequences .

Therefore, when Obito thought "Nagato" was thinking about a solution to the problem and kept friendly silence, "Nagato" had already had murderous intentions and immediately contacted the Cloud Hidden Village in the Land of Thunder. of ontology.

The thunder roared, and the electric light lingered, the entire mountain peak was shrouded in the endless thunder and lightning accumulated over the years, as if it had been electrified, the hard mountain body was cracked under the action of the thunder soil, and the surface was cracked into a spider web. crack.

The raised dust gave off a dazzling light under the night sky. It was astonishingly bright, like a huge light cannon, illuminating a large area around it.

Nagato, who was shirtless, was now in such a sea of ​​thunder, standing in the air, standing between the mountains at his feet and the thunder clouds in the sky, using the power of heaven and earth to practice the thunder escape ninjutsu.

The huge momentum caused by his practice caused countless Kumogakure ninjas to have horrified looks on their faces and extremely frightened eyes, not knowing what to do with this kind of person.

Even the Fourth Raikage himself, after finally rushing back to Kumogakure Village, could only quietly hide on the mountain in the distance, watching Nagato's unscrupulous practice in Kumogakure Village from a distance, and did not dare to rush up and take the lead again. He kicked.

The message from the split body from Kirigakure Village at this time made Nagato narrow his eyes slightly and temporarily stopped practicing.

The thunder and lightning on his body decreased slightly, and the electric light covering the mountain peak also weakened. Standing in the electric light, after thinking about the current situation in the Kingdom of Water, Nagato did not hesitate and sent a positive reply to the split body, Leave all matters in the Kingdom of Water to the Split Body.

"Is it finally going to stop??"

The Fourth Raikage breathed a sigh of relief, and when he noticed that the lightning on Nagato's body began to weaken, he felt that the monster's training was finally coming to a halt.

Although judging from the current situation, when Nagato practiced Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu, the lightning and lightning he borrowed and the duration were much more terrifying than those of previous Raikages, but at least it can still make people see the bottom line, and it will not be in vain. If it goes on indefinitely, it can be considered the only good news among the bad news, right?

Azabu Yi, who was standing next to him, also breathed a long sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said in a hopeful tone: "I don't know if you can persuade him to keep Kyuubi away from the village." ·····”

Although Nagato's astonishing training scene has made all the Kumogakure ninjas feel uneasy, for all the residents of Kumogakure Village, the most hateful thing is the Kyuubi.

Damn stinky fox, really bad tempered!What a good tailed beast, he didn't want to stay in the wild environment, so he went to sleep in other people's villages, and drove everyone to the mountains outside the village to be wild monkeys drinking from the northwest wind!It really pisses me off.

Azabu, who was standing with Raikage on the top of the mountain, feeling the cold wind blowing, was thinking about how he could say something nice later to entertain Nagato and ask him to take care of the fox.

At this moment, the thunder and lightning around Nagato suddenly became denser again, lighting up most of Kumogakure Village again, and it was obvious that he had entered a state of cultivation again.

"It's not over yet!"

The Fourth Raikage roared and clenched his right hand into a fist.

Azabu Yi also showed a shocked expression, wondering what kind of monster Nagato would become if he continued to practice like this.

Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu has one thing in common with ordinary Taijutsu, that is, the better the physique, the more powerful it will be after successful training.

That guy Nagato has red hair, a samsara eye, and his physique... must be very unusual.

Thinking of this, Ma Buyi felt more and more sweat on her forehead. She found that she no longer wanted to think about it anymore. The situation in front of her was already so bad, but in the foreseeable future, the situation seemed to only get worse?
If this continues, what will this world look like?When one person is too powerful and far surpasses everyone else, history may enter a new era.

"Nagato" who is silent in the lobby on the top floor of the hotel in Kirigakure Village does not know what Azabui is thinking now, and if it knew, it would definitely tell her that a new era has begun, but the starting point is not. The Cloud Hidden Village where the main body is located is the Kirigakure Village led by its split body, which is about to cause trouble.

It glanced around at the people in the Akatsuki organization sitting in the hall. It felt that after this period of development, the Akatsuki organization had recovered most of its vitality. It was completely different from the situation when the main body first came, when there were only three or two kittens.

If you add Deidara and others who can be resurrected in the body of the King of Hell, the combat power of the Akatsuki organization has exceeded its peak period. There is no doubt that it can cause trouble as much as it wants and control the "little" Water Kingdom. .

Thinking of this, "Nagato" spoke amidst the expectations of everyone in the hall.

"Speaking of, the relationship between our Akatsuki organization and the Daimyo of the Land of Water, as well as the issue of the appointment of the new Mizukage, I made it very clear last time in this hotel."

It looked at Obito and then at Sasuke. It didn't know what to call the current Obito in public, so it asked Sasuke.

"Sasuke, you should still remember? What are our principles."

Hearing what it said, most people looked at Sasuke with inquiring eyes.

Sasuke's eyes showed coldness, and he placed the Kusanagi sword originally tied behind his back on the table in front of him, looking murderous.

He had already remembered what Nagato and Obito said to him here last time.

And his actions, in the eyes of the senior management of Kirigakure Village, were by no means a friendly move. They showed expressions of disbelief, thinking of something, but they couldn't believe that the Akatsuki organization would make such a choice.

"Kill them all. Whoever is willing to take the heads of the Daimyo of the Land of Water and his family will be the new Sixth Mizukage!"

"Nagato" spoke concisely and to the point, and said something that was enough to cause an uproar in the whole place.

Not only brats like Naoki and Lin looked at "Nagato" with stunned eyes.

Even Tsunade and Orochimaru, who had been drinking, stopped what they were doing, with unimaginable shock in their eyes. They couldn't believe that "Nagato" would want to do such a thing!
They have a deep understanding of the system of this world, so they know very well how sensational what "Nagato" is saying now and what he is going to do is.

Ninjas are tools, people who use ninjutsu to earn commissions from rich people. This is common sense in this world and the foundation of this world's power system.

Just like the separation of powers, ninjas are in charge of war and force, and daimyo are in charge of ordinary people and money. The two are interdependent and interdependent, so that fundamental conflicts do not break out between ordinary people and ninjas, and long-term coexistence can be achieved. Go down.

And once what "Nagato" says now becomes reality and ninjas begin to openly violate or even try to replace the secular kingship, it is likely to trigger an all-out war between ordinary people and ninjas!

Even at the beginning, the two sides in the war were only the Akatsuki organization, the Kirigakure village it represented, and the entire secular world.

However, the impact of a war of this scale is impossible to control. It will definitely have a profound impact on the history of this world and the power structure.

If the Akatsuki organization wins, the secular royal power may collapse. Even if the Akatsuki organization does not attack other countries, ninjas from other countries may imitate the actions of the Akatsuki organization and spread this revolution.

And what if the Akatsuki organization loses?Will the secular royal power still be as confident about the ninjas as before? ?Will not.

The taboo for ninjas not to interfere with the royal power was only taboo because there was no strong group of ninjas to do so.

Once the Akatsuki organization does this, it is equivalent to breaking this taboo and becoming "the first to eat crabs." Then, everyone will ask themselves, will there be more followers?The answer is almost certain.

Therefore, as long as "Nagato" makes such a decision now, the history of the entire world will inevitably change. The question is, how could it have such a "crazy" idea?
"Are you crazy? Why would you do such a thing?"

Tsunade was the first to stand up, trying to stop "Nagato" from going crazy. She couldn't see what good would be done to "Nagato" by doing such a thing.

"you shut up."

"Nagato" glanced at her with cold eyes.

The threat in her eyes made Tsunade's expression suffocate. She sat back with an angry look on her face and shouted angrily.

"It's impossible for me to participate in this kind of thing!"

Orochimaru closed his eyes as if sighing, and pulled the corner of her clothes to tell her to stop talking.

"This... Madara-sama??"

(End of this chapter)

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