Chapter 282 Change

The senior officials of Wuyin Village all gasped after hearing the decision of "Nagato", and looked at Obito in panic, as if they never thought that Wuyin Village would face such a situation.

After a long period of governance, the royal power represented by the name has accumulated too much prestige among the people and is synonymous with order.And what about ninjas?That is a symbol of chaos. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are a group of "bandits" and "troublemakers." "As long as anything has anything to do with ninjas, it is bound to be bad!"

Now the leader of the Akatsuki organization is tasked with killing the name of the Kingdom of Water to decide who will be the new Mizukage?If you really do this, it will cause chaos in the world!The senior officials of Kirigakure Village couldn't believe that "Nagato" would be so crazy. They now only hope that Obito, the former Mizukage, can stay sane and stop "Nagato" from making his decision.

However, Obito just stood there with a cold face, turning a blind eye to their expectations.

Not only did Obito acquiesce in "Nagato's" decision, but the senior management of Kirigakure Village were surprised to find that among the members of the Akatsuki organization, except for the former Hokage Tsunade, the rest of the members did not seem to feel that "Nagato" There are any problems with the command.

It was as if as soon as the leader gave the order, they would rush to the capital of the Kingdom of Water and massacre the whole family of the great names of the Kingdom of Water with swords in hand. They were simply a group of lawless desperadoes!

The party hall, which was originally a relaxed atmosphere with delicious food and drinks, suddenly became chilled and frightened because of the invisible murderous aura emanating from these S-class rebellious ninjas.

"Don't you all want to be the Mizukage?"

"Nagato" asked curiously when he saw that the members of the Akatsuki organization were just sitting there, blinking and looking at him, and no one jumped out to take the initiative to kill the daimyo.

Its problem is obviously that its level is too low. No one in the Akatsuki organization wants to be a Mizukage. They are sitting still now. It is not for any other reason. They are just not sure whether "Nagato" is joking. .

After all, everyone had drunk a little too much, and they were not sure whether they heard it correctly!
"Do you really want to kill the Daimyo?"

Kisame couldn't help but ask.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the senior officials of Kirigakure Village felt their hearts trembling with fear, because this guy really had the strength and ambition to do such a thing! !

"It's not him alone, but his whole family, including all his relatives and retainers loyal to him."

"Nagato," he corrected "kindly."

"Understood, I don't have much interest in being a Mizukage, but killing people..." Kisame laughed ferociously, picked up the large sword Samehada put aside, and stood up.

"There's nothing wrong with killing a guy like the Daimyo of the Land of Water who is of no use but still dominates!"

As he said this, he strode towards the outside of the hall. It seemed that he had long wanted to kill the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water.

Nothing bad?That's too bad, right? !

The senior officials of Kirigakure Village stared at Kisame's leaving figure. They wanted to stop him from messing around, but they did not dare to oppose "Nagato"'s order face to face. It was not until Kisame walked out of the hall that anyone could not help but stare at his back. shouted.

"Dried persimmon ghost shark!!"

It's a pity that Kisame left without looking back amidst such shouting. Then, there were quarrels and the sound of people moving in the courtyard downstairs. He had run downstairs hypocritically to understand the situation. The skinny old man hurriedly returned to the hall. First he glanced at "Nagato" with a look of shock. Then, he went to the senior management of Kirigakure Village and asked what happened. After learning "Nagato"'s order, , suddenly his face turned ashen.

At this time, Suigetsu asked Sasuke with a smile.

"Sasuke, aren't you interested in this matter?"

Kaoru glared at Suigetsu fiercely, while the person involved, Sasuke, stood up directly and confirmed to "Nagato".

"Whoever kills the daimyo first will become the Mizukage?"

"No, after thinking about it, I feel that whichever of you captures the daimyo first and kills more of the daimyo's relatives, retainers, princes, and ministers would be better off as the Mizukage."

"The Daimyo himself, I plan to publicly execute him. First, check what he has done before, and use illusions to make him confess. A guy like that must have done a lot of bad things."

"Nagato" narrowed his eyes and replied, "Sasuke, go tell Kisame and inform all Kirigakure ninjas of my decision. Whoever kills more people will be the new Mizukage."

According to it, not only members of the Akatsuki organization, but also ordinary ninjas in Kirigakure Village, as long as they meet the requirements of "Nagato", regardless of their strength or prestige, they can become the new Mizukage.

The senior officials of Kirigakure Village would tremble every time "Nagato" uttered a new word. They found that in such a short period of time, the leader of the Akatsuki organization became more and more murderous. Not only did he use the butcher knife Targeting the daimyo himself, even the princes and ministers did not intend to let him go.

What's even more frightening is the cold and indifferent attitude on Uchiha Sasuke's face after hearing such a request.He started walking out without even blinking, obviously not taking these people's lives seriously.

They didn't know that Sasuke's heart had always lurked the impulse to destroy, deny everything in this world, and "revolution". "Nagato's" order only released these impulses in advance. .


Kaoru called out behind Sasuke and quickly stood up.

"You come too, I need your perception."

Sasuke glanced back at her and replied coldly.

"Really...really! I didn't say I wanted to help you!"

Xiang Ling, who seemed to be trying to stop Sasuke, suddenly changed his face. Under Sasuke's glance, he showed a blushing, idiotic smile, held his glasses hard, and pretended to be hesitant.

"Huh?? Then we need to compete!"

Suigetsu also propped up his body with his sword and stood up slowly, with a wicked smile on his face that wanted to cause trouble, "Sasuke, let's compete? Let's see who can kill more people."

He obviously didn't want to be a Mizukage, he just wanted to compete with Sasuke in this way.

"up to you."

Sasuke didn't care about Suigetsu's daily troubles. He glanced at Jugo again and nodded after seeing that Jugo had also stood up.

A group of four people, boys and girls, seemed to be going to follow suit, and they were about to kill people with relaxed expressions. Orochimaru stood up when he saw this, and seemed to be quite moved.

After noticing Tsunade's surprised look, he stood there and answered.

"I like things that move, not things that remain static."

"No matter what this gust of wind means, I want to see closely where the wind will blow..."

Such an answer caused a series of question marks to appear on Tsunade's forehead. Orochimaru walked towards Sasuke and his group regardless.

Suigetsu was so frightened by Uncle Snake's actions that he almost liquefied. He didn't know what Orochimaru, this scary guy, wanted to do when he suddenly came over?
After Orochimaru stated his intention, Suigetsu pursed his lips, wanting to object but not having the courage.

Sasuke's eyes showed vigilance, but he had no intention of driving Orochimaru away.The Senju Hashirama cells in his body also relied on Orochimaru's help to deal with them.

So, with Sasuke's acquiescence, these five people also left together, and they went to trouble the Daimyo of the Land of Water.

In the hall, six seats were vacant, and it immediately seemed quite empty.

At the same time, the noise in the courtyard downstairs became even louder as Sasuke went downstairs. A large number of Kirigakure ninjas called their friends, said hello and prepared to leave, bringing the noise here to Kirigakure. village streets and began to move away from the village.

Obviously, Kisame, Sasuke, and Suigetsu had left Kirigakure Village to "do business" with the subordinates they had accumulated in Kirigakure during this period.

The lobby on the top floor of the restaurant fell into a deathly silence for a while.

As if he could no longer support his body, the elder of the Kirigakure Village sat limply on the ground and lamented sadly towards Obito.


Obito's expression was cold and he didn't even look at him.

A senior executive next to the elder was affected by this old lament. He shed tears on the spot and said to Obito.

"Madara-sama, I have always been loyal to you!!"

"So what?" Obito asked.

From his attitude towards this senior executive, others can tell that his relationship with this senior executive is indeed unusual.

"I, I really didn't expect that such a disaster would happen!"

The senior executive lowered his head to Obito, and there was a tremor of suppressed grief in his voice.

"Humph! That's because you are ignorant!"

Obito sneered at the grief of his old subordinate.

"Even if you haven't seen that the world has reached a point where it must change, you can also think about it, why do so many Kirigakure ninjas not have any resistance to killing the daimyo?"

"Our Kirigakure Village..."

The senior executive, who lowered his head, answered sternly.

"No, it's not just Kirigakure!" Obito interrupted him, "I know what you want to say. The relationship between Kirigakure and daimyo is the worst among the five hidden villages, but I can tell You, this matter will not end here, sooner or later, the hidden villages all over the world will crawl at our feet!"

Obito bowed his head like an eagle, staring at the heads of his subordinates, and glanced around these aging senior officials with his scarlet Sharingan.

"Why are ninjas destined to kill each other?? Why can't ninjas survive unless they complete their mission? Why do ninjas have to be at the mercy of others?"

"Have you ever thought about such a problem? Do you know that many ninjas have long been intolerant of such a fate?! Come and feel the quiet atmosphere here, go and take a look downstairs, it's empty Courtyard. Those people were brought here by you, and they are your most trusted subordinates! Now they have left here with Sasuke and the others. This is the answer given by the ninja with his own actions."

The senior officials of Wuyin Village, whose hair had already turned gray, lowered their heads sadly in Obito's voice, and wanted to refute something, but they didn't dare, or didn't know how to say it.

Such an obvious look of dissatisfaction made "Nagato" curl his lips in boredom, and thought to himself: "Obito, they are so old, and they are still beneficiaries of the current system, why don't you obey them? "

It waited quietly for a while. Seeing that the senior management of Kirigakure Village and Obito had nothing to say, it stood up and prepared to leave the hall.

"In short, it's time for the world to change."

It left with this summary, "Ninjas need to use their own judgment and take responsibility for their own actions, and don't need to be just a tool to complete a task."

In its view, the fact that the ninjas of this world could allow a mere daimyo to manage them for so many years proves how deep the servility is in their hearts.

Putting aside its true nature, the way the people of that country were born in a previous life, under the premise of possessing such an absolute advantage in force, kicked off the name 800 years ago and became the masters of their own country.

Which round will it get a split body, and what changes will be made after who knows how many years? ?

And these ninjas must maintain a daimyo to control them. What's going on? ?Is it the distortion of human nature, the shaking of the pussy, the discomfort of not being a dog?Or is it because of moral turpitude that you just want to use the task as an excuse for not being a human being?

The so-called existence is reasonable, "Nagato" believes that there should be a reasonable explanation behind all this.

If these ninjas can still be saved, then after the world is unified, we can give them a more advanced system so that they can learn to behave.And if they themselves are despicable to the core, then we can also set up a big yellow for them when the time comes, oh no, it is Tianhuang, and just take care of these untouchables.

It’s not bad anyway, just adapt to local conditions!

For its body, it can unify the entire ninja world, even if it is worth his while to come to this world.

With this thought, "Nagato" left this already silent restaurant, and Xiaonan naturally followed his footsteps.Tsunade also carried the rope tree and left.

Only Lin and Hidan were left sitting there, staring at the food in front of them, looking stupid.

After "Nagato" left the hall, when he noticed Tsunade walking towards him quickly, he suddenly felt that Hidan's silly appearance seemed a bit strange. He had pretended to be wrong before, but now he actually encountered the "good thing" of killing someone. , and not excited at all?
Could it be that he was hacked stupid by Shuiyue? Nagato blamed himself for this.

When it and Konan were walking down the stairs, Tsunade caught up with him and asked, "Hey, Nagato, are you going to do this to the Daimyo of the Land of Fire in the future?"

"Not necessarily. There are other reasons for using such drastic measures now."

"what reason?"

"Don't tell you!"

"Nagato" shook his head and thought to himself, the stupid main body wants to continue the war in the Kingdom of Water. Do I have to tell you?
All the ninja wars in this world, including the death of the Tsuchikage and the Mizukage across the world, have proved a simple and profound truth, that is, there is something wrong with the minds of these ninjas.

They are like a group of huskies who want to fight each other for some inexplicable reason.

So, why not obey them?Set up a stage for them to have a good fight?This would also make the Akatsuki organization's future plans to conquer the world easier, and "Nagato" felt that there was nothing wrong with this.

The most beautiful thing in the whole world is to use other countries' troops to fight other countries on their territory and harm the people of other countries, isn't it?
Tsunade rolled her eyes helplessly, waved her hand vigorously, and said.

"I don't want to worry about you, but how is the compensation for this operation calculated?"

It turned out that this old woman came to ask for benefits.

"Nagato" nodded clearly, not intending to default on his employees' wages.

"You said."

It also wanted to know what Tsunade was planning.

"I want ninjutsu!"

Tsunade grinned and hugged the tree with all her strength. A pair of "cell muscles" pressed the tree almost to the point of suffocation.

"And it has to be stuffed into Rope Tree's head!"

(End of this chapter)

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