Chapter 283 Action
"Ninjutsu? Are you going to put it into this brat's head?"

"Nagato" squinted his eyes, looked at the rope tree struggling in Tsunade's arms, and understood her thoughts.

"Do you want me to copy the usage of ninjutsu directly into Naoki's mind? I didn't expect that you are quite knowledgeable?"

From Tsunade's perspective, "Nagato" thinks her idea is obviously very wise.After all, she values ​​the rope tree more than anything else, and the current ninja world is far from safe.Therefore, instead of blindly resurrecting those who are unable to protect themselves, it is better to protect the rope tree first and let the rope tree have a certain ability to protect itself. This is the most correct thing.

Hearing the way it commented on her, Tsunade's slightly drunk face immediately showed a proud smile, and the arms tied around the neck of the tree were tightened, making the tree roll its eyes.

"Hmph, no matter how dull a person is, they can understand how useful your abilities are after being in contact with Xiaonan for so long."

"Really?? Then why hasn't Xiaonan learned those breaking techniques of yours?"

"Nagato" couldn't help but stab her.

Uchiha Madara has been resurrected, but Konan has not even mastered the Yin Seal. When he encounters Madara, he may not even have the ability to protect himself, which makes people uncomfortable just thinking about it.

"Breaking Technique?"

Tsunade raised her eyebrows, and a crossroad appeared on her forehead, "Do you think normal people want to learn Yin Seal, plus the related creation and regeneration, how long does it take for Baihao Jutsu? If you hadn't used your ability, my The knowledge was directly copied to Xiaonan, let me tell you, it is impossible to learn it after just a few years of hard training!?"

"Nagato" repeatedly belittled her ninjutsu, which seemed to make her so angry that "Nagato" had to remind her not to strangle Naoki's neck so hard again, if she didn't want Naoki to be resurrected again if.

"Huh?" Tsunade, who was drunk, lowered her head and found that the rope tree was in her arms. Her face was already blue, and she quickly let go of her arm.

Because of this, Nao Shu finally broke free from his sister's broad mind, squatted down, stuck out his tongue like a dog, gasped for breath, and shouted in a hoarse voice, "Finally saved!!" !"

This child's aura of premature death is still so strong. In Scorpion's words, he looks like the type of young boy who died prematurely!

"Nagato" glanced at the rope tree, and then continued to focus on Konan, whom it cared about.

"So, how long will it take for Xiaonan to learn those breaking techniques of yours??"

It insists that Tsunade's jutsu is a broken jutsu, because it feels that constantly attacking Tsunade's pride in her own jutsu will allow her to "humble, humble, and humble again" to teach Konan.

But Tsunade felt that if this red-haired man's ability hadn't really made her jealous, she would have let this dead red-haired man use his love to generate electricity.

"It's almost done, it's just a matter of these few days."

Tsunade seemed to be trying to wave away the word "Bakujutsu" spoken by "Nagato", waved her hand and answered in an affirmative tone.

She saw "Nagato's" cold expression softening, and then asked: "Have you agreed to copy the ninjutsu to Naoki?"

If the Sharingan's ability to copy other people's ninjutsu through pupil power relies on the eyes, then the human world's ability to directly master ninjutsu through soul searching is based on the mind.

To put it bluntly, the ability of human beings comes from the Samsara Eye after all. It is more advanced and easier to use than the ordinary Sharingan from the beginning.

With the help of "Nagato" ability, Xiaonan can learn super advanced medical forbidden techniques such as Yin Seal in less than half a month, but what about Rope Tree?Do you want to learn some common ninjutsu just for fun?

This is the rhythm of rising directly from genin to jounin or even quasi-kage.

When Tsunade thought about how awesome the rope tree would be when it arrived, she felt so happy that she wanted to laugh.

"Nagato" also used the Rinnegan to scan the rope tree in front of him, comparing him with Sasuke just now, and found that this kid who died early was indeed the grandson of Senju Hashirama. Not to mention anything else, just in terms of chakra measurement In this aspect, it is already close to three times the current Sasuke!

And if you compare him with the five shadows that the main body has seen, the chakra of the rope tree, which is still a brat, is already at the level of the shadow.No wonder Tsunade was so desperate when he died, even Orochimaru felt as if the sky had fallen, standing there unable to straighten up.

The direct bloodline of the Senju clan, which can surpass the Uchiha in terms of strength, is really not ordinary in terms of ninja talent.

"What are you looking at? Do you want to scold me again?"

When Naoki saw "Nagato" staring at him with a scrutinizing gaze, he immediately waved his fist at it, as if he had a low IQ and lacked the ability to be beaten by society.

"Looking like a noob... I don't even understand why you are so weak."

"Nagato" saw this and shook his head as if sighing.He was thinking about the possibility of absorbing the rope tree into the Akatsuki organization and letting him beat up his grandfather in the future.


Shengshu jumped up on the spot, and then was punched on the head by his sister. He covered his head again and squatted down...
“Do you agree or not???”

After Tsunade achieved enlightenment by beating her brother, she asked "Nagato" angrily.

The back-view music she used when speaking was the sound of the rope tree gasping: "Ah~~~~It hurts, it hurts...".

"Nagato" also thought of another characteristic of the rope tree, which is its super ability to resist blows, but it's a pity that the life is not strong enough!
After a moment of thoughtful silence, it agreed to Tsunade's request.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a piece of cake for me anyway. I will agree to your request and give this little brat some benefits so that he can grow up faster."

"Nagato" believes that its main eye is higher than the top anyway, and it has no regard for the combat power of any Kage-level ninja. Therefore, even if Naoki does not join the Akatsuki organization in the future and chooses to go against the main body, the main body will also You will definitely not take him seriously! !

Although Naoki's qualifications seem to be very high, they are only compared to ordinary ninjas.

As long as he didn't awaken the Wood Release, didn't have Asura's chakra, and didn't learn the Flying Thunder God Technique, there would be no way for the rope tree to reach the level of the second-generation Hokage.To take a step back, even if he achieves it, he still cannot be his opponent. On this point, "Nagato" has enough confidence.

"Who... who wants your benefits?!"

Naoki shouted dissatisfied, "I will defeat you sooner or later and let you know how powerful Naruto is."

This kid's words were almost full of flaws, leaving "Nagato" speechless.

You know, things like Naruto have already reached the seventh generation from the first generation, okay? ?Do you still need this brat to tell you how "powerful" Naruto is?Besides, he's not Hokage, right?
"Nagato" sighed slightly, wanting to persuade Naoki to be more realistic and live until adulthood first before thinking about Hokage's affairs!

Tsunade was also furious at Nao Shu's "ignorant" appearance. She turned around and glared at Nao Shu, like a volcano about to erupt. Her face was covered with shadows, causing Nao Shu to close her mouth in an instant and silently He covered his head and squatted down again.

She looked pitiful, as if she realized her mistake instantly and understood her sister's painstaking efforts.

Naoki squatted there, waiting for his sister's "Fist of Punishment" to arrive. However, this time, Tsunade unexpectedly did not beat him. Instead, she squatted down and put her hand on his head. .

It's coming, laugh and touch the dog's head.

"Nagato" yelled in his heart.

At this time, Tsunade also grinned at the rope tree, showing her standard eight-tooth smile.

"Sister, I believe you, you will definitely be able to defeat this red-haired guy in the future!!"

She rubbed Naoshu's hair vigorously, smiling so much that her eyes and eyebrows arched, as if she was happy about something from the bottom of her heart. Naoshu was also infected by her smile, sniffed hard, and nodded.

"I will definitely defeat the stinky redhead!"

While saying that, Nawaki clenched his fists with determination.The behavior of deliberately adding a bad word in front of the red hair also shows how unhappy this little devil is with "Nagato".

"Haha, it's just you? Let's practice for 800 years first."

"Nagato" sneered at Naoki's determination, and said a line commonly used by villains on the occasion, "I hope you won't let me down when the time comes."

Tsunade and Naoki, the siblings immediately looked at "Nagato" with the same hatred and hatred. Xiaonan stood aside and rubbed his temples as if he had a headache. He decided to ask Nagato later about how hard his split body worked. Is it really a good thing to bring hatred to him?

"I have to work hard now!!"

Shengshu raised his hands and shouted, "Sister, I want to practice now!"

"it is good!!"

Tsunade also shouted in high spirits, "Let's get stronger all at once and become a Hokage worthy of the name of Thousand Hands!"

"So, what do you want my help with?"

"Nagato" reminded him coldly from the side, this pair of suddenly hot-blooded siblings, if the rope tree wants to become stronger quickly, must it rely on it to help open G? ?
The siblings' expressions were suffocated, and their high enthusiasm also cooled down a bit.

Fortunately, the ignorant are fearless. Compared to Tsunade, an adult, Naoki is obviously much more brainless.

"Hmph, I will definitely defeat you!"

Naoki pointed hard at "Nagato" and shouted loudly with great momentum.

"That's it!!"

Tsunade was also inspired by his confidence and became passionate again.

Obviously, some people are still hot-blooded fools even if they appear to be adults.

Tsunade said, who was not a girl full of dreams? ?

Naoki put one hand on his hips and made a fist with the other, making a posture to "make the Senju great again" and shouted.

"I want to defeat Hongmao!!"

"it is good!!"

Tsunade applauded him.

"I want to become the strongest Hokage in history!!"


Tsunade gave him a thumbs up.

"I want to surpass Grandpa Senju Hashirama!!"

"If it's you, it must be possible!"

Tsunade was so excited that she almost cried.

She seemed to have seen the scene of the rope tree regaining the power of Thousand Hands.

However, "Nagato" who was used to seeing life and death could not be moved by such a scene.

"Why don't you say you want to fly to the moon and be side by side with Kaguya Otsutsuki?"

It continued to sneer expressionlessly from the side, pouring cold water on this pair of hot-blooded fools.

Konan stroked her forehead and sighed helplessly. For the first time, she discovered that Tsunade had such a childish side.

Who is Kaguya Otsutsuki?In this world where no one records history, few people really know.

But Otsutsuki, a "distinguished child" with a surname like Tsunade, still knows a little bit about it.

She turned her head and showed a speechless and choked expression to "Nagato". She looked simply stupid, as if she had made up her mind to get closer to the rope tree in terms of IQ.

"Stop it, Tsunade-sensei, don't you want Nagato to help Naoki learn ninjutsu? Find a place and start now."

With reasonable suggestions, Xiao Nan stopped the pair of siblings from messing around.

"It makes sense for you to say that."

After Tsunade heard Konan's voice, she "calmed down" and stood up. She held her right elbow with her left hand and touched her chin with her right hand, pretending to be deep in thought.

It seems that she wants to maintain her teacher's "dignity" in front of Xiao Nan.

It's a pity that her performance in the second year of middle school has already caused Konan to discard the image of mature and calm Tsunade in her heart. The current Tsunade, in Konan's opinion, is simply a female version of Jiraiya, very unattractive. Tune! !

"Let's go." Xiaonan said, turned around, and walked slowly downstairs, "Let's go to the Kirigakure Village training ground."

Tsunade and "Nagato" were affected by her cold voice and re-understood the fact that they were already "adults". Even Naoki, who was thinking about "What is Kaguya Otsutsuki?", was caught again by Tsunade. got under his arm and was forcibly taken away.

Next, "Nagato" began to use the ability of the human world to teach Naoki to learn related ninjutsu. Obito also "properly" solved the worries of the senior management of Kirigakure Village, and fully explained "Nagato" to Lin. plan.

Sasuke, Suigetsu, Kikyo, plus Kirigakure's bearded ninja, four groups of people rushed out from Kirigakure Village and fought all the way to the capital where the Daimyo of the Land of Water was located.

This kind of thing caused an unprecedented shock in the ninja world on the next morning!
Afterwards, even those involved like Sasuke didn't know how many people died in the Kingdom of Water that night.

Ninjas are obviously not a well-organized and disciplined group, and the ninjas in Wuyin Village are the cruelest group of ninjas in this world.After killing red eyes, a large number of innocent people were involved, which became an inevitable thing.

What's more, when "Nagato" thought of something again on the way, he asked the main body to tell Sasuke and others through the Akatsuki organization ring to confiscate all the property of the daimyo and the princes.In addition to killing for fun, the ninjas of Kirigakure also expanded the scope of their massacres because they sought money.

In the eyes of these Kirigakure ninjas, didn't "Nagato"-sama say that even the ministers of the Kingdom of Water and even their retainers were included?

So, who is considered a minister? Are retired ministers ministers?How do they define their retainers?
These are simply inexplicable things! !And the Kirigakure ninjas soon discovered that they didn't want "Nagato" to be able to say this clearly!
Because of a clean-up operation of this scale, it is impossible to eliminate the so-called corruption.

Although "Nagato"'s original intention was to confiscate the property of daimyo, princes, ministers and others to solve the financial crisis of Kirigakure Village, the Kirigakure ninjas soon discovered that the more property they confiscated, the easier it was for them to steal the property. There are more opportunities.

Regardless of whether they are members of the Akatsuki organization like Sasuke Suigetsu Kisame, or "natives" of Kirigakure such as the bearded ninja, they have no interest in restraining their subordinates from amassing money.

Ordinary ninjas who have tasted the sweetness also understand from the overt or covert statements of these strong men that these leaders do not care about the specific distribution of money, as long as the confiscated amount is not too excessive and can be used in front of "Nagato" To put it bluntly, that's fine.Therefore, when they could see the actual benefits, the fire of greed in their hearts became more and more uncontrollable, and the entire Water Kingdom burned fiercely under their greed and madness.

(End of this chapter)

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