Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 289 Resurrection

Chapter 289 Resurrection
Although the suppression of tens of thousands of "Nagato" prevents the Ten-Tails from returning to its next form, it is obviously much stronger now than it was not long ago.

"What did you say??!!"

Obito continued to shout at "Nagato".

The strong wind created by the ten tails wagging their tails was so great and destructive that it tore apart the clouds floating in the night sky in an instant.

The ground beneath their feet began to crack in large chunks, and they floated as if weightless. In such an environment, there was no way for others to hear their voices unless they yelled like Obito.

"Nagato" ignored Obito's question and looked at the Ten-Tails in front of him seriously, trying to figure out what the current status of this thing was.

From its consciousness, it asked the "Nagatos" who were also split bodies like it, wanting to hear their opinions.

However, more than 7 "Nagato" stood on the Ten-Tails with their eyes closed. They did not respond to it at all. They were not even interested in taking a look at it. They did not put it, the "general manager" of the Water Kingdom, at all. In my eyes, it was so abominable.

"...Split bodies are so annoying."

As a split body, "Nagato" had such an idea for the first time.

It found that it was not as easy as it thought to revive the three Akatsuki members, because these splinters didn't listen to its orders at all.

It put its hand on Obito's shoulder and used the ability of the human world to ask him to help find three sacrifices. Then it had to contact the main body in the Kingdom of Thunder. Then, after the main body gave the order, 7 Only among the tens of thousands of "Nagato" did people open their eyes one after another.

Under the suppression of these "Nagato", the Ten-Tails stopped wagging their tails, and the surrounding area became quiet.

Obito's voice sounded behind it.

"The senior officials of Kirigakure Village want to come over and see the power of the Ten-Tails up close."

Obito walked out of the Kamui space, carrying three unlucky guys who had obviously been affected by illusions, and threw them on the ground. From the forehead protectors worn by these people, it could be seen that they were all ninjas from the Land of Thunder.

"Nagato" used the eye power of Byakugan to look around and found that not only the senior officials of Kirigakure Village were very interested in the Ten-Tails as Obito said.

Everyone in the Kirigakure Village was looking at the Ten-Tails with frightened and excited faces, and they were getting closer and closer.

They had all been awakened by the aura emanating from the Ten-Tails. Most of them were wearing pajamas and ran out of the house without hesitation. After inquiring about the news, they looked at the people they had never seen before with fanaticism. The ten tails were impressed by this gigantic beast that looked bigger than the entire Kirigakure Village and exuded terrifying fluctuations.

Since the Ten-Tails had been squatting on the spot, obviously looking like they had been surrendered, these bold guys soon lost their fear and were so excited that they wanted to get closer to take a closer look at such a terrifying giant beast. .

Although a small number of ninjas were trying hard to maintain order, they were unable to stop such a large crowd. Under the orders of the higher-ups, they had formed a human wall and surrounded the place in a circle.

"Let them come over."

"Nagato" touched his chin with a speechless expression and answered.

It feels that in terms of rarity, the Ten-Tails is definitely rarer than all the protected animals in the world of the original body. Therefore, it is normal to cause such a commotion, right?

Have you never seen those stupid two-legged beasts in your previous life, how could they be so crazy about Gungun?
Moreover, the sight of so many people surrounding the Ten-Tails with expressions of amazement reminded it inexplicably of the dream the main body had in the Shimobone Forest, where the sacred tree was worshiped by Kaguya Otsutsuki and everyone.

Although the Ten-Tails in front of me looks a little silly, its origin must be that sacred tree.Therefore, it seems to be a very reasonable thing to arouse human respect.

So, is there any reason not to allow these people to visit?
After hearing "Nagato"'s answer, Obito waved to the crowd behind him.

Several senior officials of Kirigakure Village, whose faces were flushed and extremely excited, saw Obito's gesture clearly and walked over in a slight panic under the envious eyes of the crowd behind them.As the distance between them and the Ten-Tails narrowed, they gradually felt that unique, supreme, and unrivaled feeling of dominance.They worshiped power, and the expressions on their faces became more and more excited. Their old faces turned red, as if they had drunk several kilograms of fake wine.Apparently he had never thought that there were existences far beyond tailed beasts in this world.

The Ten-Tails had no interest in these bad old men. His huge six magatama samsara eyes stared into the distance, and the expression on his face looked quite melancholy.

It really wants to dance its tail, but the more than 7 consciousnesses in its body tell it, no, it doesn't want to.

Therefore, it was a little confused about what was going on. Its big head couldn't figure out what happened. Has the world changed, or has it changed itself?
Seeing this, "Nagato" nodded happily to the Ten-Tails, because it actually felt a hint of philosophy from the Ten-Tails? !
"Look, this is Akatsuki Akari!" "Nagato" thought to himself, "Under the influence of the split body, the Ten-Tails have begun to behave like a meditator. Their split bodies are so awesome!"

The top management of Kirigakure got what they wanted, and looked at the Ten-Tails up close, and roughly realized the terror of the Ten-Tails.

They lowered their heads one by one and stepped aside obediently, not daring to ask "Nagato" any questions.

Only the senior executive who shouted to Obito, "I am loyal to you," stood beside Obito and asked "Madara-sama" for the origin of these ten-tailed treasures.

"Nagato" glanced at the surrounding situation and found no one who looked like a spy.

It stood alone in front of the Ten-Tails, with its back to the crowd, and could feel everyone's eyes staring at it.

Using the power of the hell realm, he first summoned the King of Hell, and then casually pulled out a soul from it. With good luck, it was Deidara.

This little yellow-haired boy was not restless at all. He was still as out-of-the-box as ever. Almost as soon as "Nagato" pulled him out of Yama's body, he screamed in his mind.

"Hey, who are you, huh? Are you the leader?"

"That's it."

"Nagato" replied.

"Why did you lock up my soul? What do you want to do now?"

"Resurrect you."


Deidara was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about the meaning of "Nagato"'s words.

"Then hurry up! Boss, so you will be resurrected?! Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Then he shouted, extremely excited.

"Did I tell you earlier so that you would die several times a day? Fortunately, you won't explode with your soul."

"Nagato" muttered to himself, first formed a seal, reincarnated Deidara into the dirt and resurrected him, and then took a few steps back with Deidara's confused expression, controlled by more than 7 "Nagato" Ten tails, used reincarnation on Didara.

In an instant, a bright white beam of light fell from the sky, and hot life energy emanated from Deidara's body. His heartbeat became more and more obvious, making a "thump, thump, thump" sound.

The top management of Kirigakure looked at all this in shock, while Deidara lowered his head, and the expression on his face quickly changed from surprise to ecstasy. After the light beam disappeared, he touched his brand new body, and then raised it high He shouted with both fists: "I am resurrected! Hee hee! The artwork will gain new life!! My art will also reach new heights! Shock the world!!"

Although such a rebirth speech is a bit strange no matter how you hear it, no one will care so much.

"This... is really resurrected?"

The senior officials of Kirigakure Village were surprised and delighted, whispering to each other excitedly, and started discussing.

Ordinary people in the distance were standing far away and the light was too dark, so they could not clearly see what was happening in front of them. They only knew that among the big shots in front of Ten-Tails, there seemed to be a young boy suddenly appearing there, shouting loudly. Very happy.

The few ninjas who could clearly see the process of resurrecting Deidara suddenly froze on the spot, showing unprecedented surprise and ecstasy. They couldn't believe that there were actually people in this world who could control the power of life and death.

Deidara moved his new body with satisfaction, and turned around to see Obito standing not far away.

Obito also felt Deidara's gaze and shook his head helplessly.

Although the person in front of him did not wear that familiar mask, Deidara could still recognize him from his height, body shape, hair shape and other appearance features. He was A Fei!

As a result, Deidara's expression suddenly became arrogant, he put on the airs of a "senior", and aroused Obito with a matter-of-fact expression, and shouted: "A Fei! Go get a black robe for me, you will still be here from now on." Just keep following me, hmm!"

The previous behavior of pretending to be a junior in front of Deidara was indeed retributive! !Obito thought so, sighed speechlessly, and actually took out a red cloud black robe from the Kamui Space and threw it to Deidara. Who told him to prepare these things a long time ago?

"Nagato" ignored Obito's troubles and Deidara, who happily wore a black robe, continued to dig out the soul in the stomach of Yama. After several times, he pulled out the scorpion.

It didn't waste any time, and directly used Earth Reincarnation on Scorpion, and then told him that it wanted to truly resurrect him.

However, unlike Didara, Scorpion hesitated after hearing the meaning of "Nagato".

"Resurrection? I don't think getting a body again is a good thing."

There was deep confusion in Scorpion's eyes.

As a top puppet master, he had given up his body and transformed himself into a puppet before he was alive.

Therefore, his feeling about life is completely different from that of most people.In his view, the perishable life is, to a certain extent, just a burden and not worth cherishing at all.

This attitude of underestimating life and death immediately "irritated" Didala, who is also an "artist".

After this guy put on his black robe, he immediately stopped pestering Obito, turned around and shouted at Scorpion.

"Hey! Isn't it? Brother Scorpion? The boss finally wanted to resurrect you, but you kowtow because you are not grateful, but you still want to refuse? Do you have the nerve to call yourself an artist by doing this? Huh?!"

"What a shame! You look like you've just been resurrected, right? You are indeed the type to die young!"

Scorpio glanced at Deidara and frowned in displeasure.

"But you died in front of me, Brother Scorpion! You obviously have weaknesses, but you still want to mark them so obviously. You really didn't want to live a long time ago. Well! You have the nerve to talk about eternal beauty. Is it art?!”

"You want to die, right? Let me kill you again?"

The calmness that Scorpio maintained on his face quickly disappeared amid Deidara's complaints, and he turned to glare at Deidara.

"You two, one is a puppet master, but doesn't have any puppets in his hands, and the other is a blaster boy, but doesn't have any explosive clay on his body!"

"Nagato" couldn't help but remind these two people that they were just fighting against the five scum now.

How to fight?Do you use physical skills to fight each other?Stop being embarrassed!

The two guys, who were glaring at each other like fighting cocks, changed their expressions at the same time and lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"Anyway, Scorpion, I will resurrect you first, and let you think about the rest later. The organization's new plan requires sufficient manpower to participate."

Saying this, "Nagato" signaled the [-] split bodies to resurrect the scorpion.

The Ten-Tails reluctantly began to form seals again.

Xie also looked at this big treasure and exclaimed: "This is the tailed beast weapon you mentioned before?!"

A white beam of light shone down from the sky for the second time, and Scorpion's whole body was enveloped in white light, his face expressionless, but Deidara grinned.

"Okay, next is Kakuzu! Scorpion, please go away a little bit."

"Nagato" communicated with the [-] split bodies about the status of the Ten-Tails, and when he got the information that the Ten-Tails could resurrect another Kage-level ninja, he also found Kakuzu's soul.


The Ten-Tails couldn't help but let out a roar that shook the sky.

Of course, Kakuzu had no objection to "Nagato" resurrecting him. Therefore, when he stood in front of the Ten-Tails in the state of being reincarnated from the dirt, this big baby had completely understood how unlucky he was now, and he was so angry that he almost wanted to flip the table ! !

Its roar also made the onlookers completely understand that this giant beast was not a mythical beast specially used to resurrect humans. It seemed that it was forced to do so!
The body of the Ten-Tails is too tall, higher than the average mountain, so people with poor eyesight cannot see the tens of thousands of "Nagato" above.

"It seems to be very reluctant, hmm!"

Deidara showed a gleeful smile at Ten-Tails, staring at Ten-Tails fiercely, as if he wanted to take out some bombs and blow it up as much as he wanted to make it more obedient.

"Obviously much weaker than before. Forbidden techniques that can resurrect humans indeed carry huge risks."

Scorpion observed the condition of the Ten-Tails with cold eyes, then took the red cloud black robe Obito threw and put it on.

Obito and Kakudu both looked at "Nagato"'s face, trying to judge from its expression how stressful it was to control the Ten-Tails.

But "Nagato" naturally felt no pressure, because it was not controlling the Ten-Tails at all. It was just a bystander standing there.

The Ten-Tails cannot resist the common will of more than 7 Nagato splinter bodies. Although it follows its own instinct and is unwilling to do things that are harmful to itself, it still feels aggrieved under the suppression of the "Nagato"s. Baba raised his hands and began to seal.

Kakuzu's green eyes stared at the trembling hands of the Ten-Tails, and a smile appeared on his face. He felt that the style of the Akatsuki organization was still so decisive and brutal.

The white beam of light also descended from the sky for the third time following the seal of the ten tails, covering Jiaodu's body.

"Next, let me explain to you what the organization is doing."

After waiting for Kakuzu to be resurrected, "Nagato" glanced at the three freshly-recruited old employees and said.

At the same time, there are more than 7 "Nagato" on Ten Tails.One of the "Nagato" returned to the wet bone forest using reverse psychics, and then psychicized the ten tails back.

(End of this chapter)

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