Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 290 Persuasion

Chapter 290 Persuasion
With a loud "Bang!", the Ten-Tails disappeared in full view of everyone.

Both the senior management of Kirigakure and ordinary people have doubts about the Ten-Tails. Unfortunately, neither "Nagato" nor Obito feels they have the obligation to explain anything to these people.

"Let's go, first find a place where we can talk."

Obito glanced at the crowded crowd around him, turned around, and left here first.

Apart from Kisame and Suigetsu, he is the only person in the Akatsuki organization who is familiar with Kirigakure Village. Without him to lead the way, "Nagato" and others would really not know where to go now.

The four of them allowed Obito to lead the way, passing through the hurriedly avoiding crowds, and arrived at the door of a cylindrical masonry building. "Let this be used as the Akatsuki organization's stronghold in Kirigakure Village." As he said this, Obito Step forward and push open the door of the building.

"So, Kirigakure Village is ours now?"

Deidara said with a smile.

After the five people walked into the door, they stood in the hall on the first floor with different expressions, looking at the surrounding layout.

Because it was still dark, the light inside the building was extremely dim. Only through the light coming from the surrounding buildings, some furniture such as tables and chairs could be vaguely seen.

The empty environment and large shadows make the place look a bit gloomy.

After "Nagato" took a look, he felt that this place used to be a conference room. Although no one had used it for a while, luckily someone had been cleaning it, so it was very clean.There's nothing wrong with using it as a temporary base. We can't all be like the main body and just find a restaurant in Kirigakure Village and sneak into it, right? ?
"The room you can use to rest is upstairs. You don't need me to take you there, right?"

Obito pointed to the empty staircase and continued the introduction.

"Don't worry so much. Let's talk about what we are going to do first. Before we act, I need to make some puppets."

A trace of impatience flashed in Xie's eyes. Although he had made himself a puppet early on, he had become a boy with short red hair who always looked like a teenager and was handsome. He had a pair of big eyes and looked even Kind of neutral.But in fact, in essence, he is an impatient man who kills cruelly. He not only has no regard for life, but also never likes to wait for anything.Therefore, he wanted to know the cause and effect of the matter as soon as possible, so that he could decide whether he should keep his current appearance and continue to participate in activities with the organization, or change himself early and make himself the puppet he likes.

Looking at his current appearance, "Nagato" feels that this guy can't wait to use the knife on himself. After all, if a person gets used to being just a cylindrical piece of meat and regains a complete body, instead It can be a difficult experience to get used to.

Obito glanced at "Nagato".

"Nagato" said: "You tell me."

It took a few steps back, found a chair and sat down.

Deidara and Kakuzu followed suit and found a chair and sat in the darkness.

Only Xie was still standing where he was, staring at Obito through the light coming from the gate.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am one of the first members to join the Akatsuki organization."

Obito glanced at Deidara, "I'm sorry, Deidara, I never told you the truth before."

Deidara rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Although he has an impulsive personality, he is not an idiot. He has already seen something wrong from Obito's steady performance along the way.Therefore, I had a hunch that Obito might have hidden his identity.

"Nagato" supported his head with his right hand and listened to Obito's nonsense without saying a word.

It found that Obito was really talented, and he spoke lies so well and honestly that it seemed true, even he himself might have been deceived by himself!
In the past, when there was no one around, he often claimed to be Uchiha Madara. He also said nonsense like he gave Nagato the Rinnegan and encouraged Yahiko to establish the Akatsuki organization. Now he brags that he is the first A group of members who joined the Akatsuki organization?
Edit, keep editing, Yahiko didn't care about him at all before, okay?When they first met, they asked him to get out, and most of the first members to join the Akatsuki organization were made into Pain!I wonder which of the Six Paths of Pain Obito wants to be? !
In the dimly lit hall, on the premise that "Nagato" did not reveal anything, Obito told the three reborn people what happened in the Akatsuki organization during this period, according to his understanding, except for his own identity and history. Apart from bragging, there were generally no problems, which showed that he knew what the goal of the main body was, and "Nagato" was very satisfied with it.


After hearing this, Kakuzu immediately stood up, with an expression on his face that said, "I'm not sleepy now." He shouted, "The organization is now taking over the property of the entire Water Kingdom??!"

His eyes emitted a faint green light, and he looked like a wolf, extraordinarily creepy.

"Do you still like money so much? You have lived your life for the second time and you still don't have any decent ideals???"

Deidara couldn't help complaining, "According to me, you should try to understand what art is!"

"Shut up, kid, I've lived much longer than you. Everything in this world is fake, only money is real!" Kakuzu scolded Deidara, and then looked at him energetically. Nagato".

What also made Deidara angry was that when Kakuzu scolded him, Scorpio nodded vigorously in agreement.

If you value money so much, can you still be considered an artist?Deidara bulged his mouth in anger, as if he wanted to explode on the spot.

"Nagato" sat quietly in the darkness, his cold eyes emitting silvery white light in the darkness.

It has long been accustomed to the internal strife among these people from time to time. It turned its attention to the energetic Kakuzu and said: "Of course you are still responsible for the finances of the organization. After the meeting is over, you decide when to go to the water." Let’s go to the capital of the country, and you will be responsible for all the property statistics and collection work.”

Kakuzu nodded with satisfaction.

With him, a money fan who only recognizes money but not people, in charge of financial matters, "Nagato" feels relieved and believes that it won't be long before Xiaonan can buy explosive charms to his heart's content.

Obito also showed an expression of approval and nodded. He felt that this arrangement was perfect, so as to save the organization from running out of money and asking him to become a robber again.

"Then what should I do? Wait for others to attack us?"

Deidara shouted. Seeing Kakuzu's smooth "layoff and re-employment" with his own eyes seemed to ignite his competitive spirit. He showed a vicious smile and suggested loudly, "Just let me fly to the sea first." On the other side, blow up the enemies one by one, right?"

Now almost all the countries on the continent have become enemies of the Akatsuki organization. Deidara has no problem bombing wherever he wants, but "Nagato" doesn't think it's a good thing to let him let go too soon. This kid is probably very Willing to blow up the whole world like a giant firecracker.

"Nagato" thought for a while, looked at Deidara who was full of energy, and decided to find some work for him: "Wait a while, you and Kakuzu will go on the road together, contact Kisame Sasuke and Suigetsu, and together we will leave Let’s expel Kirigakure and Konoha’s troops from the Kingdom of Water, there is no need for them to stay in the Kingdom of Water.”

The militant Didara immediately showed a satisfied look.

"Nagato" arranged for the explosive escape boy, then looked at Xia, and said: "How about it, have you made a decision? Instead of placing your eternal thoughts on the little puppet, try to Isn’t it more challenging to establish an eternal system in this world??”

Compared with eccentric, impulsive and bellicose guys like Kakuto and Deidara, "Nagato" is more optimistic about Scorpion who can carefully polish his puppets and spend a lot of time making his beloved things. It feels that such a person is the one who A person who can calm down and devote all his energy to improving the system of this world, the premise is that he can change his mind and transfer his hobby from puppetry to governance.

"Changing the world?"

Xie looked down at his hands, with a troubled expression on his face, "I don't know that kind of knowledge."

"You can learn it. Anyway, it should be no different from making a puppet."

"That's really simple."

Xie's tone was obviously unbelieving. Even if he had never been a village chief, he had never eaten pork and never seen a pig run away?He was the one who killed the Third Kazekage. He didn't believe that Kazekage's job was as simple as making a puppet, not to mention that as Nagato said, he was also the manager of the entire world.

"Where there is a will, there is a way."

"Nagato" gave him another mouthful of chicken soup without blinking.

"Your goal is to achieve eternity, but now you have seen that your puppet cannot do this at all. No matter how strong the puppet is, it will be destroyed one day. The state of reincarnation in the dirty earth is the ultimate of personal eternity. But you don’t seem to like it either.”

"Unless you are willing to give up your dreams, the only way to go is to abandon the small self and move toward the greater self. Personal eternity cannot last. Only by placing this ideal on everyone and creating something that can Only a system that is passed down from generation to generation and never decays can truly touch the boundaries of eternity.”

The words "Nagato" said made Xia lower his head as he stood in the dim light. There was a look of struggle in his eyes, as if he was making some decision.

Surrounding him were tables and chairs scattered in the dark shadows, as well as Akatsuki members looking at him curiously.

Deidara instinctively felt that the boss was fooling Brother Scorpion, but he also knew that artists like Scorpion just like to get into trouble, and if they get into it, they will die and never look back. He is the most stubborn and paranoid type.

Well, from this point of view, he and Xie are the same, so he knows very well that even if Xie knows that the boss may be deceiving, as long as Xie is willing and tries to get in, the consequences will be Same thing.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, as long as the decision is finally made, it will never change.

Kakuzu's eyes flashed with impatience. He was already impatient to count the money. As long as he flew to the capital of the Kingdom of Water, he would be a man managing hundreds of thousands of dollars per second. How could he waste time here? Planting a place? ?
"Okay, you convinced me, I'm going to try it."

After thinking for a while, Xia finally said this.

"Then you, Deidara, Kakuzu and the others should go there together."

"Nagato" said with a flat look: "You can use the funds and materials there to make puppets, and then tell Orochimaru to come back with you. I have something I want you to do."

Scorpion nodded.

"Nagato" looked like lightning again and glanced at the four people in front of him: "Do you have anything else to say?" Seeing that these people had their mouths closed and had no intention of talking anymore, it closed its eyes and announced that the meeting was adjourned.

As if get out of class was over for primary school students, Kakuzu rushed out of the door immediately. Deidara followed him with a smile, saying that he could use explosive clay to fly them to their destination.

Scorpion's expression was very calm, he didn't say a word nonsense, and decided to leave Kirigakure Village now.

None of the three people had any intention of resting here, and "Nagato" and Obito were not surprised by this, because they were used to sleeping in the open air in the past.

After these three people left, Obito also found a chair and sat down. He looked at the empty hall and said, "Aren't you going to personally attack the ninjas of Kumogakure and Konoha? With the strength of Sasuke Deidara and the others, , it should be easy to defeat the coalition forces, but it is a bit impossible to annihilate them all."

"You want to weaken the enemy's strength as much as possible before the real war happens, right?"

"Nagato" still closed his eyes and didn't intend to open them.

"Of course, this is normal, right? No matter how sufficient our combat power is, it is necessary to try our best to consume the enemy's effective strength. According to your previous style, you would not make such a mistake. right."

"Nagato" nodded silently, acknowledging Obito's words.

"However, I now have reason to stay quiet and reduce non-essential activities."

"Really? That's no problem." Obito stood up and wisely did not ask any further questions.

"I'm going to see how Lin is doing." After saying this, he felt as if his butt was on fire. He tried his best to pretend to be calm and walked out of the open door step by step.

Then, through Byakugan's vision, "Nagato" saw that Obito had just walked out of the building, so he gave up pretending, directly used Kamui, and rushed to Lin's vicinity.

This is probably the so-called "one day is like three autumns".

"Nagato" shook his head, trying to empty his mind and keep thinking about nothing.

After coming into contact with more than 7 of its kind, it finally understood why those split bodies stood motionless on the Ten-Tails and paid no attention to anything.

Of course I'm not showing off, I'm just trying not to add unnecessary burden to my body.

After all, they are now more than 7 split bodies. If each of them has a little more distracting thoughts, they will have a huge impact on the main body when they disappear in the future.Therefore, before the stupid ontology finds a solution, these split bodies have no choice but to consciously restrain their own behavior if they do not want the ontology to die.

Who makes them excellent split bodies?Even if the main body didn't think of this, they have already thought of a plan for the main body in advance!

With such a complacent thought, "Nagato" tried his best to not think about anything and entered a state similar to that of a plant.

I don't know if it's because of its high level of magic, but it found that it was actually very easy to do this.

At the same time, Deidara also prepared sufficient detonating clay after working around in Kirigakure Village for a while.

He made a big white bird out of clay, carrying himself, Kakuzu and Scorpion, facing the night wind, and flew towards the direction of the capital of the Kingdom of Water.

The three of them unknowingly saw the new dawn, and in the dawn, the capital of the Kingdom of Water was smoking everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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