Chapter 291 Big Bird
"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

At dawn, the sound of ninjas running and shouting could be heard again on the wide streets of the capital of the Kingdom of Water, which sounded particularly noisy.

In the capital, ordinary residents looked numb and silently closed the windows they had just opened. They didn't know how long it would take these ninjas to make noise before they would calm down.

The ninjas ran and yelled at each other.

"What a bad luck. Is it that strange bird attacking again?"

"I saw this bird in the village!"

"I saw it when I was fighting with the coalition forces in the village!!"

"I've seen them all in T1M!"

"Run quickly and report this matter to your superiors. This kind of thing is not something we can solve."

"Ah, I also want to follow them to the countryside to rob. It's unlucky enough to stay here to maintain order. I didn't expect to be attacked by such enemies? There is no way to deal with them flying so high!!"

Seeing the surrounding companions, in the name of reporting to their superiors, they quickly escaped from this garrison point located on the outskirts of the capital of the Kingdom of Water.A Kirigakure ninja who seemed braver had no intention of doing this.

"Go to hell, Big Bird!!"

While cursing, he built an arbor with his hands and carefully observed the big white bird flying closer and closer in the sky, like a lone hero.

He took out a kunai with his other hand, thinking in his mind that he was going to use this kunai to shoot down the big white bird.


Just when he was having such a beautiful thought, the big white bird, like a white bomber, passed over his head. His heart immediately cooled down and he gave up the idea of ​​seeking death.Obeying the strong desire to survive, he lowered his head and lay on the ground, secretly hoping that his luck would be good enough to save his life in the next bombing.

However, after waiting for a while, the imaginary explosion did not ring around him. The big white bird flew calmly over his head and did nothing.

The ninja got up, touched his head, and looked back at the big bird that had flown over the city but still hadn't dropped a bomb. He wondered what the plan was for this thing to come here this time.
At this time, there were not many people left here in the Fourth Route Ninja Army, and it was not just him, a little gatekeeper ninja, who had such doubts.After hearing the report from his men, the bearded man hurriedly appeared on the street, his eyes a little sleepy. He wanted to know who this big bird was?
Above their heads, Deidara piloted a big white bird made of explosive clay and flew in circles over the capital of the Kingdom of Water for a while. When Scorpion began to urge impatiently, he controlled the big bird to flap. The wings landed on the street below, in front of a large group of ninjas.

"Oh, it turns out it's the three of you, and it's really alive???"

When the three people jumped off the back of the big white bird, they heard Kisame's teasing voice.

" actually someone from the Akatsuki organization?"

The bearded man who stood carefully against the wall, his eyes were somewhat misty when he saw the red clouds and black robes worn by the three of them.Who would have never expected that the person who bombed our side before was actually a member of the Akatsuki organization? ?Did you come here recently?Are you still playing some magical mutual explosion game??
At this time, not only he and Kisame, but also Sasuke and Suigetsu, two troubled teenagers, also rushed over amid reports from their subordinates.

Suiyue was okay. After realizing that it was just an own goal, he squatted down nonchalantly and drank the drink in his hand through a straw, like a kappa who had landed on the shore.

Sasuke stared at the lively Deidara, and it took him a long time to be [-]% sure that he was alive.I can't believe that this guy who blew himself up to the point of not leaving a hair on his head actually came back to life not long after!

"What? You shark-faced guy has been living a good life."

Deidara straightened his black robes that were blown by the wind and grinned at Kisame, "Itachi seems to be dead. There shouldn't be any talk of a two-person team in the organization now, right? Hmm!"

Before Kisame could answer anything, Kakuzu, who landed with Deidara, looked at the black robes on Sasuke and Suigetsu and said.

"Are these two new members? I remember one of them is named Uchiha Sasuke."

"He's Itachi's younger brother."

Deidara introduced to Kakuzu.

"You died in his hands before."

Kisame seized the opportunity and added with a smile.

"Nonsense! I sacrificed myself just to use my ultimate art, hmm!"

Deidara was so angry that his whole body was shaking and he clenched his fist at Kisame.

"Anything is fine! Let's first tell you if there are any materials for making puppets here!"

Scorpio shouted impatiently, looking around to himself.

"You must have some mission here, right?"

"What about the money? Just sort out all the bills and hand them over to me. Whoever dares to steal a piece or two secretly, I will take out his heart!"

"Brother Scorpion, you are too cold. After finally being resurrected, do you still only think about puppets?"

"Deidara, do you want to be killed by me? How dare you interfere in my affairs?"

Scorpion narrowed his eyes dangerously.

When these people got together, they started arguing with each other. They had no intention of answering other people's questions seriously. They just wanted to say what they wanted to say, and sometimes got into trouble with each other because they were belligerent. The edge of conflict.

Such a noisy scene made Suigetsu grinning from the sidelines, thinking that these members of the Akatsuki organization were quite interesting.

"Okay, okay, let's find a place to sit down and sort out what the leader told you to do."

Kisame, who was carrying a big sword, soon got a headache from the noise from these three people. The Kirigakure ninjas around him also showed unbearable expressions, secretly sighing that the tempers of strong men were indeed so weird.


"You have to hurry up."

"Just to my liking."

None of the three Deidara objected to Kisame's proposal.

Because no matter what they want to do, they must first get the support of Kisame, a "local snake". All three of them know this.

"You're late~~~!"

Along the way, whenever he saw the remains of buildings that were burned to rubble, Deidara would sigh with regret, why didn't he resurrect earlier?Otherwise, with his explosive escape, he is guaranteed to blow up this place "beautifully" without leaving any debris behind.

Kakuzu looked coldly and classified this senseless act of destruction as a waste of money. He silently assessed how much money the organization had lost as a result. The numbers in his mind kept ticking as he saw the ruins one after another. The expression on his face became more and more distorted and cruel.

By the end, when his eyes scanned the surrounding Kirigakure ninjas, they were already shining with a cold light like a wolf.The hair of these Kirigakure ninjas stood on end. They wondered why they had offended this man?

"Just in time, we are preparing to hold a celebration banquet to cleanse you of the dust."

Kisame took the lead, walked into a building complex, and spoke without looking back.

Deidara and the three of them looked at the busy people walking in the corridor, smelled the increasingly strong aroma of food coming from the side hall, and showed expressions of satisfaction on their faces. They felt that they should take care of themselves first. Not bad for a meal.

"Did you just come back to life?"

When everyone had entered the main hall, Sasuke glanced at Deidara and couldn't help but ask.

He discovered that among the original members of the Yuan Xiao organization, only his witty brother had not been resurrected because of Kabuto. This was really abominable.


Hearing this, Deidara seemed to have finally seized the opportunity. He gave Sasuke a sideways look and said disdainfully, "I didn't expect a brat like you to be able to join the Akatsuki organization, but everyone here is your senior. Don’t think we’re going to answer your questions.”

"That's right, we came here not long after our resurrection."

Kakuzu was beside him and answered Sasuke's question directly without any intention of saving face for Deidara.

Deidara's face swelled with anger, and his enlarged face was covered with shadows. He looked like he wanted to explode on the spot. He glared at Kakuzu hard, but unfortunately no one paid him any attention.

"Have you been manipulated by Kabuto before? Can you use this to find Kabuto's current location?"

When Sasuke saw that Kakuzu had spoken, he immediately continued to ask in a tone full of expectation.

"You want to find Kabuto?"

A flash of understanding flashed in Kakuzu's eyes, and then he shook his head.

"Humph, this is impossible."

Deidara immediately turned from anger to joy and smiled proudly, "Actually, it is Itachi you are looking for, hehe, Itachi is really unlucky!"

Scorpion's face also became a little unhappy when he heard Kabuto's name.

"I didn't expect that the little character I used as a chess piece and placed beside Orochimaru could actually step on my head! It's not easy. That guy Kabuto successfully deceived me."

Scorpio looked at Sasuke deeply, "You Konoha people are really similar. The little girl before also wanted to get information about Orochimaru and you from me, but now it's you who wants to get information about Kabuto and you. Do you have any information about Itachi?"

Although Scorpion didn't explain who the girl was, Sasuke still had an image in his mind of Haruno Sakura punching him in Konoha Village, only to be cut in two by him.

Scorpion was keenly aware of the abnormality in Sasuke's eyes and asked, "What happened? Did that pink-haired girl finally find you?"

"found it."

Sasuke turned his gaze aside, and the expressions on Haruno Sakura and Naruto's faces when they found him in Orochimaru's base came to mind.

"I killed her."

He told the end of the story concisely and concisely.

"Is that so?"

Scorpion looked at Sasuke's side face and didn't see the look in his eyes at the moment. He didn't know and didn't want to know what the boy was thinking at the moment.

Xie simply closed his eyes and pretended not to see anything.

"That's how it is among ninjas."

He spoke in a tone that sounded like a sigh.Then, as if to change the subject, he asked: "Where's that guy Orochimaru? I heard he's here."

"He is studying the ninjutsu scroll he found from this city."

Sasuke answered Scorpion's question in a cold tone and walked away from him.In the main hall, he found a seat and sat down casually. He was soon crowded with attentive Kirigakure ninjas.

"Hehe, he seems to be unhappy suddenly."

Deidara looked at the cold expression on Sasuke's face as he sat there, and immediately laughed out loud with malice.

"You kid really has a bad character." Kakuzu also laughed, "Others just don't want to say anything because they can't get any information about Itachi from us."

"Humph, I just feel happy from the bottom of my heart because I saw that Uchiha is also troubled!"

"Wouldn't this make it look even worse??" Kisame, who was standing at the front, shook his head helplessly, "Speaking of which, do you really not know where Itachi is now? He also has considerable combat power."

"I don't know." Xia's eyes were a little cold. He didn't like the ninjas of Konoha. "However, I agree with your view on Deidara. If Deidara continues like this, he will be hated by others soon!"

"How is it possible, Brother Scorpion, you would actually say that to me!!"

"Okay, okay, you two have always been in a team and have a good relationship, right? Let's find a place to sit down first. By the way, if that's the case, why isn't that guy Hidan here?"

"Hidan? Isn't that fool dead yet!?"

Kakuzu showed a look of genuine shock.

"It is said that it was dug out by the leader from a hole in the forest of the Nara family in Konoha Village."

"Great leader."

"It's not easy, the leader is really a bodhisattva."

"Wouldn't it be better to bury such a zombie fool underground?"

"Who knows? Maybe the leader also discovered this and buried Hidan back. Is it normal?"

Several people began to skillfully complain about Hidan's brain.

Kakuzu covered his heart, seeming to recall the pain he felt when his heart was stabbed through by Hidan by mistake, so he complained so harshly that even Deidara smacked his lips.

Shuiyue sat aside with great interest, listening to the four old fritters complaining about their teammates. The bearded man looked confused, wondering what the relationship between these people was like. ?Before you knew it, the celebration party began.

Kisame said: "Eat quickly. After eating, we will discuss the content related to the mission."

"I'm not being polite."

Deidara raised his chopsticks first.

No one paid attention to Orochimaru, Jugo, and Koso who arrived late after the banquet started.

"It's very rich. It cost a lot of money, right?"

Kakuzu habitually began to estimate the price of food and drinks.

"I don't know what your merits are."

Scorpion showed a sarcastic smile.

"Because I make so much money!"

Kisame smiled knowingly, wondering what kind of expression Kakuzu, a money-obsessed man, would have on his face when he saw the mountains of belongings.

Naturally, a group of ninjas don't pay much attention to their meals. They just see the good ingredients readily available and think that if they don't eat, they will get nothing.

And while they were feasting, Hidan quietly approached the gate of the cylindrical masonry building where "Nagato" was located in Kirigakure Village.

"Nagato" opened his eyes.

Although it has always maintained a plant-like state, even plants are actually capable of sentience.

From the unnatural disturbance in the wind, it felt the scent of human arrival.

Hidan walked in carrying his bloody Mitsuki Scythe, looking no different from usual. "Nagato's" thinking ability quickly recovered, and a look of doubt gradually appeared in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

it asked.

Hidan grinned with a silly smile.

"Boss, I'm here to ask for leave."

"Taking leave? Are you a ninja?"

How can any ninja ask for leave?Aren't there generally 360 and five days a year, no breaks throughout the year, no salary, and only task wages distributed according to work? "Nagato's" eyes became even more confused.

Hidan closed his eyes, lowered his head, picked up the necklace hanging around his neck, kissed it lovingly, and whispered.

"I am also a devout Christian."

"Ah, religion!"

"Nagato" nodded, but the confusion in his eyes did not disappear.

"So? What does being a believer have to do with asking for leave??"

"In the near future, Tang Zhiguo will hold a gathering of the Evil God Cult. As the most devout believer of Lord Evil God, of course I want to attend!"

"I see, this request is reasonable."

"Nagato" closed his eyes.

"Do you agree?"

"Of course, leave early and come back early. Remember to tell Obito, who likes to call himself Madara."

It waved at Hidan, indicating that he could leave.

Hidan turned around calmly and left here expressionlessly.

Nothing seems out of the ordinary? "Nagato" thought so.

But why did he come to tell himself specifically?You just need to talk to Obito about this kind of thing.

It always felt as if Hidan came specifically to find it.It couldn't think of a specific reason at all.

Forget it.

Thinking of this, the consciousness of "Nagato" gradually closed, and he retreated to the state of a vegetable.

It's just a split body, why do you think so much about it?
(End of this chapter)

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