Chapter 292
For three full days, Yunyin Village in the Land of Thunder has been shrouded in thunder.

No matter day or night, the dazzling bright white light cluster is like a huge light bulb, hanging directly above the village, illuminating everything in the village.

At first, such a situation was of course unnerving, but after a long time, the villagers got used to it and felt that this was not an unacceptable thing!

They were driven to the high mountains around the village to live as wild monkeys, and lived peacefully for several days. No one was missing an arm or leg, and at most they only had a slight cold.

Under such circumstances, some people gradually became bolder. Even Kyuubi, who had been lying down and taking a nap in their village, no longer looked so ferocious in their eyes, and looked pretty.

A few genin couldn't resist the compliments and requests of others, so they boldly returned to the village and brought something back to others.

Kyuubi, who was lying down, just opened his big eyes and glanced at the passing little mice. He didn't pay any attention to their interest. He rolled over and continued to close his eyes.

Such actions obviously inspired the Kumogakure ninjas who were originally desperadoes. After receiving the benefits from the villagers, they began to return to the village frequently to help the villagers transport their supplies and even furniture to the mountains.

Such behavior soon became repeated, causing headaches for the ninjas responsible for monitoring Kyuubi.

"Isn't it possible that these fools are not afraid that such actions will attract the attention of Kyuubi and bring disaster to everyone?"

This is what the jounin, who advocated the strict prohibition of such behavior, told the Raikage.

"No, the dissatisfaction among the people is already very serious now. Not everyone can adapt to the living environment in the mountains. They are strictly prohibited from retrieving their daily belongings. It is likely to cause uncontrollable riots. Only then can we It’s truly a waste of money!”

Azabu Yi rejected the Jonin's proposal.

The two were currently having a meeting in a temporary office located high on the mountain.

Across a table, sitting across from the two of them was the fourth Raikage.

He looked up at the Jonin who was standing there with an angry look on his face, and then at Azabu Yi who had a calm and determined expression, and finally chose to support Azabu Yi's opinion.

"The villagers can continue to think of ways to move things from their homes to the mountains. If anything goes wrong, I will be responsible!"

After he made his decision, the Jonin had to choose to obey: "Yes, Raikage-sama."

Saying this, the Jonin lowered his head towards the Fourth Raikage.

The Fourth Raikage also comforted him casually: "Kyuubi's monitoring and warning work still requires your continued efforts."

The Jonin understood that this meant that he should leave now. He stood up, turned around and walked out of the temporary office.

The thin morning light filtered in through the crack in the door he pushed open.

With a bit of white coolness, Raikage squinted his eyes and immediately thought of the white lightning that shrouded the village, and the leader of the Akatsuki organization who endlessly practiced in the lightning.

He knew in his heart that the reason why he made the decision just now was not because of how much he trusted Azabu Yi, or how considerate he was of ordinary Kumogakure villagers.

He just felt very annoyed, why should the people in his own village be restrained by Nine Tails and Shi Hongmao when they are active in his own village?

It was really too much of a deception. If it wasn't for the village, he would have fought to the death with the damn red hair!
A ferocious expression appeared on Raikage's face, and he couldn't help but start to picture in his mind the scene where he rushed up to the mountain and fought with Nagato for [-] rounds after activating the Lightning Ninja Body.

Azabu Yi stood quietly, not feeling proud that her views were supported by the Raikage. She frowned, thinking about when the training of the leader of the Akatsuki organization in Kumogakure Village would come to an end. ?
What the two of them didn't know was that before long, intelligence coming from the Kingdom of Water forced them to ask Nagato, who was practicing, what was going on in the Kingdom of Water.

And who is in charge of the actions of the Akatsuki organization.

"That's unlikely, is it?"

When the two hurriedly arrived at the foot of the highest mountain in the village, Azabu Yi still couldn't believe the content of the intelligence, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead in fear.

"I don't really believe this kind of thing, but wouldn't it be enough to ask that person?"

The Fourth Raikage clenched his fists, looked up at the top of the mountain, and then rushed into the sea of ​​thunder without hesitation.

Now only he can climb this mountain and contact Nagato who is at the top of the mountain.

Azabu Yi stayed at the foot of the mountain, still horrified by the information he had just received.

Both pieces of information came from the Kingdom of Water, and they were both nerve-wracking bad news!One of them said that last night, the coalition forces of Kumogakure Village and Konoha Village were attacked by the Akatsuki Organization and Kirigakure Village on a large scale in the Kingdom of Water. Many members of the Akatsuki Organization who had been confirmed to be dead suddenly appeared and were beaten. The coalition forces were caught off guard and were defeated in a hasty response. They had to withdraw from the Kingdom of Water overnight under the arrangement of Shikaku Kanai. They are currently floating on the sea, writing a letter to Lord Raikage.

Logically speaking, such information is enough to shock the world.

The allied forces of the two major countries were expelled from the Kingdom of Water, which undoubtedly meant that Konoha and Raigakure, the two strongest hidden villages in the ninja world, were completely defeated in the war, and the impact it caused was enough to change the pattern of the world.

But in fact, compared with the second piece of information, the first piece of information seems a bit irrelevant.Until now, Ma Buyi couldn't believe that the Xiao organization dared to do such a thing.

The content of the second piece of information she and Raikage got was very simple, only one line.That is, it is reported that the Daimyo of the Land of Water was publicly beheaded by the Akatsuki organization in a busy city yesterday evening.

This is too crazy, right? !

And the most important thing is that the leader of the Akatsuki organization has always been in the village! !
Azabu Yi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Yes, the leader of the Akatsuki organization clearly stayed in Yunyin Village for three days. This is an absolutely true fact. So, what is this series of big actions of the Akatsuki organization?In other words, who is controlling the Akatsuki organization now?
Lei Ying and Mabui felt that the matter was of great importance, and they had to get a definite answer from Nagato before they could rest assured.

And in her heart, Azabu Yi secretly has another expectation, that is, all the actions of the Akatsuki organization have nothing to do with their leader!There is a split within the Akatsuki organization, so they may be able to convince the powerful leader of the Akatsuki organization to stand on their side!

Undoubtedly, this is the best result.This not only solves all problems, but also avoids becoming an enemy of the overly powerful leader of the Akatsuki organization.She looked at the mountain peaks with the electric light gradually fading in front of her, and believed that Lord Raikage must also have such thoughts, otherwise, he would not be able to appear so positive.

While Mabui was thinking this way, the fourth Raikage had already climbed to the top of the mountain, and saw Nagato, who was only wearing a pair of trousers and exposed his upper body, which had turned into a bronze color because of the practice of Raidun Ninjutsu.

"What are you doing here?"

The moment the Fourth Raikage appeared, Nagato stopped activating the thunder clouds above his head.The lightning around him also weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye, allowing the Fourth Raikage to see the muscles on his body that were as sharp as an ax or a chisel.

"Damn it, isn't this monster tired at all?"

Noticing that when Nagato looked down at him, his eyes were shining with a metallic cold light, and his face did not show any signs of fatigue, the Fourth Raikage cursed in his heart.

It's hard to imagine that after so many days of high-intensity practice, the monster in front of him doesn't look tired at all. Is this really a person?

The Fourth Raikage, who had always shocked the people around him with his animal-like physique, was shocked for the first time by someone else's physique. His eyes twitched and at the same time, his tone of voice became cautious. This is a muscle. A man's instinctive reaction when he encounters another stronger muscular man.

"Has your thunder escape ninjutsu mastered yet?"

he asked.

Originally, he wanted to ask Nagato about the Water Country, but he couldn't help but asked about the Thunder Dunninjutsu.

Because of this, Lei Ying himself realized what he was most concerned about.

It's nothing more than personal strength.


Nagato answered matter-of-factly, the expression on his face looking very calm.

However, the moment Lei Ying heard his answer, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, shaking uncontrollably as if he was electrocuted.

The ninjutsu passed down from generation to generation in their Cloud Hidden Village!Raikage wailed in his heart, how could someone learn it in just a few days?

Although seeing Nagato's appearance gave him such a premonition, hearing Nagato's words with his own ears still gave him an unrealistic feeling. Thinking back on how many years it took him to practice this technique?As for the other party, it actually takes a few days!
Lei Ying gritted his teeth, suppressed the injustice in his heart with difficulty, and said.

"I came here this time mainly because of what happened in the Kingdom of Water. I want to find out from you what is going on?"

Nagato was still standing in mid-air, with no intention of coming down to have a close conversation with him.

"What happened in the Kingdom of Water? What does it refer to specifically??"

The Fourth Raikage heard this and told the information he had just obtained.

Although the impact of these two pieces of information is great, it is precisely because of this that there is no need to hide it. Sooner or later, the contents of the information will spread throughout the world.

After Nagato heard this, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes, and he even showed a hint of surprise.

His performance made the Fourth Raikage feel happy, and gave birth to a glimmer of hope. He thought to himself, this red-haired man really doesn't know what the Akatsuki organization has done, right?

In fact, of course Nagato knew that the Akatsuki organization wanted to kill the Daimyo of the Land of Water.But he really didn't know about the decision made by his split body to drive the coalition forces of Kumogakure and Konoha out of the Kingdom of Water.

Therefore, he, who tends to think too much, soon began to think about what kind of impact this incident would have on the future battle situation.And Raikage's eyes gradually lit up, as if he was afraid that Nagato, a little bumpkin from the land of rain, would not be able to grasp the reality clearly, he shouted to Nagato.

"It is impossible to be forgiven for what the Xiao organization has done!"

In order to strengthen his tone, Raikage also clenched his sandbag-sized fist towards Nagato!
But so what?I don’t want you to forgive me either?Nagato blinked, wondering what the muscular man was thinking.

"You may not know how serious this matter is!" Lei Ying added kindly, "It won't be long before the lord of the Land of Thunder will definitely summon me because of this matter! The same goes for other countries, no one will Ignore what happened to the Daimyo of the Land of Water!"

"Is it the same in the Kingdom of Earth?" Nagato's eyes showed a look of surprise, and then he added covertly, "Uh... and the Kingdom of Wind?"

"Of course!!" Raikage waved his hand, with a kind of aura that your aunt is no longer your aunt, but your uncle is still your uncle, "All countries are the same. Faced with this situation, Ohnoki doesn't Maybe I’ll just sit back and watch!”

Nagato nodded, indicating that he understood, and immediately ordered the splinter body in his mind to quickly go to the Earth Kingdom and let Onoki act according to the actual situation. Don't insist on the orders of the Earth Kingdom Daimyo and refuse to send troops and let others It's not good to see that he has been controlled by others.

"Any more?"

After a split body located in the Ten-Tails of Shigebone Forest received his order and used divine power to rush to the Kingdom of Earth, Nagato asked the Raikage expectantly.

He thinks that Lei Ying is a good person!No wonder the surname is Ray!
"Also? That will definitely establish an unprecedented coalition! Don't you know how rich those daimyo are?? In order to avenge the daimyo of the Water Kingdom, they will definitely donate generously. With such sufficient funds, the coalition forces want to Isn’t it easy to recruit as many people as you want? When the time comes, there will be as many detonating talismans, kunai, and shurikens as you want. Think about how terrifying it will be!”

Nagato suddenly understood and understood immediately. He quickly ordered a split body to see if the CD time of other gods had been changed. After finding out that Senju Hashirama's cells had been obtained, Nagato ordered the split body to transplant Hashirama's cells. Put on Shisui's eyes and quickly go to the Kingdom of Wind.

Let's take down Gaara first. Then the Kages of the two major ninja villages will all be from their side. How can the Akatsuki organization still panic?

"I see, you are really experienced and have a really clear grasp of the situation!"

After giving the order, Nagato praised the Raikage with emotion on his face.

"of course!"

Lei Ying raised his head and put on an expression that said no one understands the situation better than me. He nodded slightly, like an unrivaled military strategist, and said in a deep voice, "In this case, you don't want to be the enemy of the whole world, right? "

He still remembered how Nagato used both soft and hard tactics during the Five Kage Talks to force the two great powers, Wind and Earth, out of the coalition.

But today is different from the past. Nagato now even has the Ten-Tails and other gods, okay?I don't care about the attitude of these ninja villages at all.

Nagato was about to express his disdain for Raikage's words, but he saw the "knowing king" expression on this old man's face, and thought it would be better to listen to his opinion.

"Then what do you think I should do?"

Nagato asked the Raikage.

"Of course you are breaking away from the Akatsuki organization!" Raikage suppressed the excitement in his heart and suggested to Nagato: "Anyway, you have been staying in Yunyin Village these days, and all of us are watching! Water! The affairs of the country have nothing to do with you at all, I can personally testify for you!"

It turns out to be beautiful!

Nagato opened his mouth slightly, and couldn't help but nodded when he looked at this old man's honest, simple, honest, and honest face.

"None of this really has anything to do with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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