Chapter 293 Sand

Before in this world, no one could maintain a clone for such a long time like Nagato.

Therefore, Nagato's real body stayed in Kumogakure Village for three days and continued to practice the Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu. In the eyes of the Raikage, this was the best alibi that he had nothing to do with the incident in the Kingdom of Water.

Moreover, the distance between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Water is really too far. Not only is there a whole ocean between them, but there are also several islands and small countries. The farther the distance is, the more Raikage believes that Nagato cannot control the Kingdom of Water. situation.

But in fact, what he didn't know was that even without using the split body, Nagato had been able to chat with members of the organization across the continent through the Akatsuki organization ring a long time ago.Tsuchikage Onoki knew all about such black technological capabilities, but no one in the village had ever joined the Akatsuki organization, and the Raikage, who had nothing to do with the Akatsuki organization, did not know about it.

Therefore, there is no doubt that in the Raikage's view, the red-haired Nagato has nothing to do with the incident in the Kingdom of Water. On this point, the Raikage can assure anyone by patting his chest!

As for Nagato, he thinks Raikage's "understanding brother" is very interesting, although there is no need to do so.However, when others insisted on giving him a good guy card, he could only reluctantly accept it.

Yes, he has always been a good person!

In Mabui's expectant eyes, Nagato and Raikage walked down the mountain together.

Although the relationship between the two people could not be said to be harmonious, at least they came together in a peaceful coexistence manner. As Nagato went down the mountain, the sea of ​​thunder that enveloped the Cloud Hidden Village disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving the entire cloud The hidden village returned to silence and peace.

All this, in Azabu Yi's opinion, is a good sign!

They stood and chatted for a few words, and when they started to walk into Yunyin Village, they happened to see Jiu Lama standing up like an uncle, walking on the empty street with his two front paws on his back.

As it walked, its nine big tails swayed from time to time, as if it wanted to sweep away the dust around it. It easily swept away a large number of buildings, making a rumbling sound in Yunyin Village, and shouted to the crowd outside the village. Rumors spread from the mountain.

No matter which angle you look at it, Yunyin Village is a very beautiful village.

Since there are so many peaks in the village, most of the buildings in Kumogakure Village are built in a spiral shape around independent peaks. They look like the threads on iron nails, which are both strong and beautiful, reminding Nagato of, The terraced fields he had seen in his previous life.

They are all so strange and beautiful, perfectly combining the uncanny craftsmanship of nature and the omnipotence of manpower.Coupled with the gauze-like clouds and mist lingering from the thin waist of the mountain peak, it is a rare beauty no matter how you look at it.

When Nagato and the three of them walked into this beautiful scenery and passed by the Nine Lamas, it was opening its huge mouth and grinding its teeth on the buildings in this beautiful scenery.

Azabu Yi glanced at Kyuubi in horror, and then stared at Nagato nervously, as if expecting Nagato to stop Kyuubi's behavior.

But in Nagato's view, Kyuubi's behavior is quite cute, which is proof that its childlike innocence is still there!

Comparatively speaking, for the huge Kyuubi, aren't these peaks surrounding the building the best teething sticks?
By nature, children like to destroy things that look beautiful.

Isn't it quite reasonable that the unique architecture of Cloud Hidden Village and the clean mountain environment can inspire the destructive desire in Kyuubi's heart?

So not only did Nagato have no intention of stopping Kyuubi, he also nodded to Kyuubi with a satisfied expression.

In Azabu Yi's opinion, such a reaction was unprecedented.

With a pale face, she looked at the large buildings on the side of the road that had been destroyed by Kyuubi, and Nagato, who looked calm about this situation. She couldn't help but worry about Kyuubi's future. If she kept following Nagato, Kyuubi would What will the demon fox look like? !
He was originally the strongest tailed beast full of destructive power, but he met such a conniving master?It will definitely become more and more unscrupulous!

Raikage glared angrily at Kyuubi who was grinding his teeth with the mountain. Kyuubi grinned when he saw it, as if in a demonstration, and with a "crack" sound, his claws broke the entire mountain with force.

The lower half of the mountain still remained in place, while the upper half of the mountain was grabbed by it with its claws and thrown aside like garbage. It made a loud bang and hit the ground, raising a large amount of dust.

"Come on, let's eat something first and then discuss the next thing."

The Raikage and Azabui were so angry that Kyuubi froze on the spot, but Nagato stood aside and urged them as if nothing was wrong.

You know, he is still shirtless and only wearing a pair of pants.

The red cloud and black robe that he originally wore had been damaged by lightning long ago.Although because of this, he unintentionally broke the Akatsuki organization's law of death if one takes off one's clothes, he was not used to selling meat everywhere like the Raikage, so he thought it would be better to have an early meal and change into clean clothes.

"Lord Raikage, the Daimyo's messenger will probably arrive soon."

Azabu Yi also knew that now was not the time to pester Kyuubi, and quickly spoke out to persuade Raikage to prevent him from doing anything irrational on impulse.


Raikage snorted coldly and turned his head to the side, not looking at Kyuubi with a smirk on his face.

The three of them quickened their pace and left Kyuubi, arriving at the Raikage's office located on a flat ground in Hidden Cloud Village.

When Nagato came here a few days ago, he kicked the Raikage away, and the big hole in the wall remained in place. It was so clear and outstanding that both Raikage and Azabui showed embarrassment on their faces. look.

Nagato didn't care about this, he found a place to sit down at random, and then looked for something to eat and drink in order to fill his stomach.

Azabu Yi took the opportunity to ask him to restrain Kyuubi, saying tactfully that if Kyuubi continued to stay in the village, no one would dare to enter the village to prepare food and drinks for him.

Nagato thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with her statement. After playing in Kumogakure Village for so many days, Kyuubi should be satisfied.Now use the ability of the animal path to connect with the Nine-Tails consciousness and let him leave the village now and play in the mountains outside the village. Don't disturb him to enjoy the delicious food.

Kyuubi was so angry that he bared his teeth, but finally chose to obey Nagato's order, turned around, and ran towards the outside of the village.

Azabu Yi used his perception ability to pay attention to the movements of the Nine-Tails. When he saw the big fox finally leaving the Hidden Cloud Village, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and secretly made a victory sign to the Raikage.

Lei Ying sat behind a familiar desk, his face was as dark as water, and he said nothing.

After Nagato sent Kyuubi away, he said to Mabui, "Kyuubi has already left, go and prepare something to eat, and bring me a clean robe. The color doesn't matter, but the quality must pass the test. Just get up and feel comfortable.”

Of course Azabu Yi would not refuse this request. She nodded and walked out of the office. Then, as if she had thought of something, she stopped at the door.

"Nagato-sama, will the Kyuubi come back again?"

She was worried, what if Kyuubi wandered around outside the village and came back again?If you really encounter that kind of situation, it will be too unacceptable!

"No, it will not enter Yunyin Village again."

After Nagato thought about his next plan, he spoke.

He didn't think he would stay in Kumoyin Village for long, and Kyuubi would naturally be taken away by him when the time came. Azabu Yi's worries were completely unnecessary.

"That's good!"

Azabu bowed gratefully to Nagato and left the office.

have a look!She even thanked me!A smile flashed in Nagato's eyes.

On the other hand, with Nagato's guarantee, Mabui felt that some of the disgruntled villagers could move back to live in the village ahead of schedule.

These villagers must live in the effective area and be scattered scatteredly. In this way, even if an accident occurs, there will not be too many casualties.As for the large-scale return of villagers to the village, they must wait until it is certain that Kyuubi will not come back.

While thinking about the next steps, Azabu Yi ordered people to prepare wine, food and clothes for Nagato.

After Azabu Yi left, Raikage also spoke and seriously discussed matters related to the Akatsuki organization with Nagato.

Nagato sat there with a relaxed expression, not answering the Raikage's questions about the Akatsuki organization, assuming an attitude that it was impossible to break with the Akatsuki organization in the short term, and discussed the situation of the ninja world with the Raikage.

He tried to understand from the Raikage's perspective what changes the Akatsuki organization's subsequent actions would have on the world.

The two chatted for a while, and after the food and wine were ready, they started chatting again while eating.

In line with Nagato's purpose of eating, drinking and sleeping together, he didn't care if the two of them could talk nonsense. Raikage felt that he could be with the leader of the Akatsuki organization and have a peaceful meal. A small step for life, a giant step for world peace, so there is no need to complain.

While these two guys were arguing in the Cloud Hidden Village and Kyuubi was sightseeing outside the Cloud Hidden Village, Nagato's split body also transplanted Senju Hashirama's cells and Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan, using Kamui, Arriving at the desert of the Country of Wind, located in the westernmost part of the world.

Speaking of it, whether it is the main body or the avatar, "Nagato" is the first time to come to this world's number one desert.

After walking out of the Divine Power Space, it could only see a clear blue sky, and a sea of ​​sand that was blown by strong winds under the sky and surged in all directions.

There was no reference at all around, and nature was displayed in front of it in a way that seemed to be unified.

If the perception ability were not so strong that it could easily cover the entire country, it felt that the possibility of finding the Sand Hidden Village deep in the desert was very low.

Fortunately, even standing in the vast desert, he could clearly sense the chakra of a large number of ninjas crowded in Sunagakure Village.

With such emotion, it activated its divine power again and disappeared. The next time it came out of the divine power space, it had already appeared in the small alley next to a simple stadium in Sunagakure Village.

"Boom bang bang."

The sound of the ball hitting the ground and the sound of children playing came from the court, full of energy and innocence.

A cold light flashed in "Nagato's" eyes. He turned his head and glanced in the direction of Gaara. When he found that there was still a lot of chakra gathered around him, he had to give up his plan to go there now and use other gods on him.Using the transformation technique, he turned himself into an ordinary vendor and started wandering in the remote alleys of Sunagakure Village.

"What a poor village."

After walking around casually, it had a general impression of the current situation of this hidden village and came to this conclusion.

After all, Sand Hidden Village is a village in the desert. Not only does it not have any beautiful natural scenery, it is also dirty and full of sand and dust. Therefore, it is difficult for people to have a good impression of it.

"Nagato" used Chakra to shake off the dust on his body, no longer interested in wandering around, standing in a corner where no one was around, trying to put himself into a plant state.

For it, it was a simple matter to kill the ninja around Gaara and forcefully use the Betsugami on Gaara.However, this would be too ostentatious and completely inconsistent with any of the requirements this time.

The task assigned to it by the main body is to make Gaara become his pawn without anyone noticing.

And to do this, you have to be patient and wait until Gaara is alone.

Moreover, the pupil power of Shisui Sharingan in its eye sockets has not been fully restored, so it cannot be anxious.

In its opinion, although Hashirama's cells can allow a person to use other gods several times a day, in order to unleash the true power of this technique, the eyes must be in the best possible condition.

While thinking this, "Nagato" closed his eyes and focused on Gaara's surroundings and the recovery of the Sharingan's pupil power in his eye sockets.

It thought that Gaara would need to rest soon and asked his men to leave.

However, the red hair is indeed a red hair. Gaara, the little red hair, is obviously a bit too energetic. By the time most people have finished their lunch, Gaara has no intention of taking a break and is still sitting there. Behind the desk, he was processing documents. He looked extremely hard-working. He didn't know how such a small and broken village could come up with so many things that he needed to deal with.
"This... is probably because the plan has failed to keep up with the changes."

After opening his eyes helplessly, "Nagato" decided not to stick to the rules and attack Gaara in advance.

Because the Sharingan power in its right eye has been fully restored, and it also realizes that if Gaara is so busy now, he will only be even busier when Sunagakure Village enters a state of preparation for war against the Akatsuki organization. .

Referring to this kid's ability to never sleep in the past, "Nagato" doubted whether he would ever be alone in the future. Therefore, the current situation with only a few ANBU in his office was considered the best. Is it time?

It used its Byakugan to look outside Sunagakure Village in a certain direction. A large number of people were coming towards Sunagakure Village from that direction, bringing a lot of "goods" with them.

Although "Nagato" didn't know that this was the team of the Daimyo of the Land of Wind, it also knew that when this group of people arrived, there would only be more people around Gaara, so it immediately used its divine power and disappeared in In situ.

Because the village is surrounded by tall and continuous Gobi desert, leaving only a place called "One Line of Sky" for the exit, Sunagakure Village has always been very confident in its impregnable defense power. , the garrison strength in the village is not as sufficient as other hidden villages.

Unfortunately, thanks to Deidara's air raid here not long ago, Sunagakure Village learned its lesson and strengthened the protection of their Kazekage.

"Nagato" could tell at a glance that there were a platoon of Anbu responsible for guarding Gaara around him, both inside and outside.

Although every ANBU is weak in the eyes of "Nagato", with so many weak chickens gathered together, it is impossible to kill them quietly.

Fortunately, Gaara's Kazekage office is not big, so there are only four ANBU closest to him.

"Nagato" used the transformation technique and turned into the appearance of Gaara's brother Kankuro. He passed through the guard net of ANBU ninjas, directly pushed open the door of Kazekage's office and walked in.

"Kankuro? Why are you here?"

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Gaara raised his head from the files on his desk and looked towards "Nagato".

"Nagato" didn't answer, and sighed secretly, understanding that it couldn't solve the four ANBU at the four corners of the office at the same time. At least, it couldn't do it unknowingly under Gaara's nose. at this point.

So it directly canceled the transformation technique and used another god on Gaara!

"This is the enemy!"


"Protect Kazekage-sama!"

"kill him!"

When "Nagato" revealed his true colors, four ANBU immediately fired at "Nagato".

This is also the reason why "Nagato" felt that he could not quietly deal with them at the same time, because the sights of these four people were focused on each other and covered the entire office without any blind spots.

As long as "Nagato" shows up, one of them will definitely find out, and as long as one of them finds out, it will arouse Gaara's vigilance. You must know that Gaara's sand not only has the ability of automatic defense, but also is stronger than the sky. It's too late, but by then the noise will be too big, and everyone in Sunagakure Village will know that their Kazekage has been attacked!

"Obey me. From now on, Nagato, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, will be your master!"

In the sight of Gaara, in the right eye of the "Nagato" who suddenly changed from Junkuro, the three hook jades of Sharingan turned into a kaleidoscope shape.

The sand around him just surged up and stopped where it was. At the same time, four Anbu rushed over as fast as possible to protect him.

Gaara's body froze in place.

His "absolute defense" doesn't seem to be able to protect against illusion attacks.

"Nagato" had a smile on his face.

Then the next second, Gaara's dull eyes flashed, and he regained his energy. As if he understood something, he manipulated the sand and instantly killed the four Anbu who were protecting him.

(End of this chapter)

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