Ring Town

Chapter 420: Spring is here

When Powell walked to Danny's side, beside the four big wooden boxes, the identification record in his hand lit up. agile.

In the room, Chu Feng, who was talking with Alice, felt the change in the identification record, and couldn't help looking through the floor-to-ceiling glass window, looking at that place, and then narrowed his eyes.

Because he saw that the light of the identification record was actually on the third floor.

This third layer of elixir is extremely precious, so Chu Feng's heart immediately raised, fearing that he might miss it.

But it would be inappropriate to go out at this time, so Chu Feng waved to the servant who was standing far away, and gave him some instructions in a low voice.

After a while, the servant walked out and told Powell about Chu Feng's instructions.

Powell glanced into the room, it was bright outside, but there was a little darkness inside, so he couldn't see Chu Feng, but he knew that Chu Feng must be watching, so he nodded towards the window .

Seeing that Powell understood what he meant, Chu Feng suddenly felt better.

Alice also felt his happiness, and immediately wrapped her arms around Chu Feng's arms, and asked softly, "Feng, can you go for a walk with me?"

For Alice, Chu Feng actually had a liking in his heart, but he didn't want to touch the feelings of Chen Zhongyu and others, so he chose to keep a respectful distance from Alice.

But after his realm broke through to the prefecture level, this kind of thinking has changed, but it is impossible to completely change it after thinking about it, so.The reason why he came to the castle this time was because he needed those elixirs too much.

Even so, when faced with Alice's invitation, he no longer chose to refuse, but complied: "An invitation from a beautiful woman is what I wish for."

He stood up straight and stretched out his hand in front of Alice, showing his demeanor.

That gentleman's appearance made his already heroic face even more charming.It made Alice a little fascinated to see it.

The slippery little hand rested lightly on the palm of Chu Feng's, and the crisp feeling touched Chu Feng's heartstrings, especially Alice.That fair face with blush in it looks even more beautiful.


It is different from the fanaticism of the crowd.Several vampires mixed in.Whether it is Huichun Pill, Longevity Pill or Zhuyan Pill, there is almost no attraction to them.

After all, their lifespan is infinite, and there is no possibility of getting sick at all.It is even more impossible to change, so there is no need for such a thing.

What they are concerned about is where Chu Feng is now.

Such an occasion.It was the elixir that Chu Feng took out again, and he, the protagonist, hadn't come out yet.

Such a good opportunity to show off, just let it go?

A few vampires whispered there, waiting anxiously.

The clever vampire gently reminded the leader beside him: "Boss, do you think that kid will take this opportunity to sneak away?"

The leader glanced at Powell, who was helping Danny check things on the stage, and shook his head slightly: "Impossible, he didn't take anything, how could he be willing to leave."

"Boss, these things are all weird and weird. I don't see what's the use of him coming?" In fact, a vampire asked with a blank expression as he looked at the weird things in the four big boxes.

"What do you know, those mysterious Chinese people always like these things. I have seen people collect those walnuts that no one wants before, and even wear them on their wrists every day."

"Hey, I really don't understand!"

"Shh, he seems to have come out." The leader suddenly waved his hand and interrupted the conversation of several people. He looked through the crowd and looked at the back of the castle. Chu Feng and Alice were walking out of the back door of the castle.

The eyes of several vampires lit up immediately, and the rest of them were even more impatient, and whispered: "Boss, let's follow quickly."

The leader smiled sinisterly, pulled the clever vampire to his side, and said in a low voice: "Although the few of us can beat him steadily, with his strength, I'm afraid we will also be hurt. , it is better to find someone to help us find the way, in that case, we can just sit and watch the battle between the crane and the clam, and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

The clever vampire was a little stunned, but following the leader's gaze, he saw St. George, and his eyes lit up immediately.

But the leader ordered again in a low voice: "Go and tell him like this..."

Not long after, I saw St. George walking out of the castle with a sinister smile on his face, and the leader smiled: "Now, let's follow carefully. Remember, you must not expose yourself without my consent!"

"Head, don't worry." Several people assured the leader, but quietly left the castle.

Because there are too many people in the castle, so a few people leave without attracting the attention of others.

In particular, these vampires have always kept a low profile. Even if someone saw them going out, they only thought they were here to watch the fun.

I have to say that Powell really enjoys it.

Around the castle, there is a crystal clear river, and the fish in the river can be seen faintly.

And between the riverside and the castle, there is a trail with phoenix trees planted on both sides and low lawns that are neatly trimmed.

This place is full of poetic and picturesque, and it really feels like a fairyland on earth.

Such a place is also suitable for lovers to walk.

Walking out of the castle, Alice's arm was naturally wrapped around Chu Feng's arm, and she never took it out, which seemed very natural.

And the blushing blushes of happiness on the beautiful face that was close to Chu Feng's shoulders showed her happiness at the moment.

Due to the tight fit, the seductive 36d on the chest is rubbed against each other from time to time, making it even more provocative.

There is a burst of fragrance in the nostrils, and there is no temptation.

It made Chu Feng a little distracted.

Alice's heart has been moved, and she pours all her heart on Chu Feng's body. The words of love are overflowing and expressive.

Of course, this is also a difference in living habits, after all, this place is more open than China.

This made Chu Feng, who had suffered from emotional torment, loosen his knots, and even the last trace of worry was slowly shaking.

In fact, he was originally a homosexual who didn't like women, but because he felt that he liked too much in his heart and was afraid of hurting someone, so he kept forbearing, but Alice's active confession, coupled with such * * The offensive has already made him a little overwhelmed.

Moreover, the temptation of watching action movies in the island country for many years made him feel a little bit ready to move. Now, with the warm jade and fragrance in his arms, and the stunning red lips sent over, he is really a little fascinated.

Squinting his eyes slightly, looking at the fragrant red lips that Alice sent over, he couldn't help but lowered his head and gently covered them.

The wind is light, the clouds are moving, and the greenery is full of greenery. It seems that spring has arrived. (to be continued..)

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