Ring Town

Chapter 421: Moonshine

Just as Chu Feng lowered his head and was enjoying the full kiss with warm jade and fragrance, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and the hairs all over his body stood on end in an instant.

Before he had time to think about it, he hugged Alice tightly, put his feet heavily on the ground, and jumped up.

"Hiss..." There was a cracking sound, and he only felt a chill on his back, followed by a burning pain, which spread from his back.

"Go to hell!" A loud shout came from behind Chu Feng at this moment, shaking the thick spring around, a sword of death, with a threatening cold light, It stabbed straight to Chu Feng's vest.

"Ah!" This sudden turn of events made Alice startled and terrified, and felt the threat of death, especially the sword just now, but she didn't know where her heart was hurt, and there was another sword, which stabbed her sweetheart's vest again. , so she couldn't help but screamed in horror.

But at the moment of yelling, she felt her body tremble.

It turned out to be Chu Feng, who had already sensed the threat from behind, didn't look back at all, directly urged the fairy shoes, and jumped forward at an extremely fast speed.

With the force of this leap, Chu Feng escaped from the threat of the long sword, and was still in the air. Before he landed, he turned his body around.

Alice finally saw who was coming, she was immediately ashamed and angry, and shouted loudly: "St. George, what are you doing?"

The guy who made a surprise attack was none other than St. George. He tracked it all the way here, but when he saw Chu Feng and Alice kissing each other, his heart was filled with anger.

Although the incomparably beautiful Alice is his brother's fiancée, she is also the goddess in his mind. She just confessed to her many times and was rejected by Alice, but he still does not give up.

It was only until the last time that George was rejected by Alice.He felt that his chance had come.

So, this time he came here, he meant to get close to Alice.

But I didn't expect that before I entered the castle, I saw the ambiguous gesture of Alice and Chu Feng, and just now, I saw the two kissing together.

That's why he was so furious that he couldn't bear it any longer and shot directly.Just want to put Chu Feng to death.

But he really didn't expect that Chu Feng would dodge at the very moment, which made him even more angry.

But he overlooked one thing, that is, Chu Feng can avoid his sneak attack.His cultivation base is obviously higher than his, but his heart is full of anger at the moment.Actually forgot this.

With a shake of the cross sword in his hand.His eyes were like blood, his footsteps were rushing, and he arrived in front of Chu Feng in an instant, gnashing his teeth and shouting in hatred, "Go to hell!"

I have to say, although he hates Taotian.His chest was burning with anger, but he was a paladin after all, and this move was not ambiguous at all.

It even used the ultimate move of the paladin.Cross cut with one sword!

Just being attacked by him, although Chu Feng dodged, his chest was full of energy and blood, and he was extremely uncomfortable, so he dared not be careless when he stabbed him with a sword.

Especially when Chu Feng calmed down at this moment, he felt that there were still some strange auras around, peeping here, so he didn't dare to put Alice down.

Holding Alice like this, he met the desperate St. George, and was injured first, so he was attacked by St. George in a hurry.

St. George is definitely a proud and arrogant person. He was chosen as a paladin when he was young. In the case of being injured, the battle ended in a tie, how could he feel so embarrassed?

At that moment, the cross long sword was pulled out of the blossoming sword flowers, and Chu Feng was covered in it.

His cross sword is different from George back then. It is not good at strength, but dexterity.

Straight as a silver snake, it bit Chu Feng aggressively while the silver glow faltered.

Because of the inconvenient movement because of Alice in his arms, and because St. George's attack direction is extremely insidious, but he is specifically looking for Alice to attack.

As a result, Chu Feng's pressure suddenly became even greater.

A few times, he couldn't dodge in time, and was almost stabbed by the cross sword in St. George's hand. Fortunately, he pushed the vital point away at the critical moment. Just like this, he also added a few more wounds to his body.

The blood was dripping on the clothes, making it even more shocking.

St. George saw that it was cheap, and he even attacked Alice's vitals, forcing Chu Feng to save her.

After he stabbed Chu Feng's arm with a sword again, Alice finally couldn't keep calm anymore, and struggled hard, trying to get out of Chu Feng's arms.

"Feng, let me go, or both of us will die!"

"Well, you follow me closely, and you must not be too far away!" Chu Feng also saw that this is not the time to be hypocritical, so he threw his arm lightly, and shook Alice behind him, where the long arms stretched. , The Crescent Moon Sword shone brilliantly, and protected Alice behind her.

Without Alice's encumbrance, Chu Feng was shocked immediately. Seeing St. George stabbing him with a sword, he didn't dodge it. He just rushed in, avoiding the cross sword, and crashed into St. George's arms.


St. George did not expect this collision at all, because such a move was too risky, and it was impossible to happen in previous fights.

Of course, this is also the foundation of Chinese martial arts, and he is not an outsider who can understand it.

St. George's body was hit and flew far away, until he hit a big tree before stopping.

Chu Feng did not chase after him, because he wanted to protect Alice behind him, so he could only sit and watch this opportunity pass away in a blink of an eye.

After all, those strange auras around him felt very dangerous to him, so he had to guard against them.

"Boom..." St. George's back was leaning against the big tree more than a foot away, and with a sudden force, the big tree was knocked down by him immediately, and he was even more ferocious, and he yelled frantically: "A sword cuts a cross, and thousands of miles away!" Lock it up, lock it up on all sides!"

The long cross sword, driven by his holy power, is like a lightsaber, emitting a dazzling light, just like the z drawn by Zorro in the cartoon Zoro he watched when he was a child, except that what he drew was One x after another.

Finally, the blade turned over, and the feet were like the wind, bringing up billows of dust, like a long dragon of light and dust, and rushed towards Chu Feng.

The moment the prison was approaching, St. George roared hoarsely, as if using all his strength: "Go to hell!"

"Ha, is that the same sentence again?" Chu Feng sighed speechlessly, and the Crescent Moon Sword shook out a brilliance in his hand, like pieces of moonlight pouring down, silently, soaking the earth and the air.

All-pervasive, seamless.

"The moon shines!" (To be continued...)

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