Ring Town

Chapter 422: Unsuccessful Oriole

Chu Feng followed the Crescent Moon Sword, and the faint brilliance overflowed, and he also softly shouted: "The moon shines everywhere!"

The faint brilliance suddenly poured out like the moonlight not in the distance.

Like mercury pouring down the ground, like a mountain torrent, as fast as a thunderbolt, thousands of lights were rolled up, and they went straight to St. George.

In this faint brilliance, there is also an imperceptible hint of dark gold.

However, this trace of dark gold is mixed with his Crescent Moon sword spine, so it is really difficult for others to see.

Pupils shrank slightly, eyes closed lightly, tongue burst into spring thunder, and uttered a cold voice: "Death!"

Chu Feng didn't want to kill people like this. After all, this was not in Huaxia, but in Country M. This St. George has a deep background, but he is by no means a person who is bullied by others and has to tolerate it.

Such a good character is not related to him at all.

So, what he is doing now is, if you are the first day of junior high school, I will give you fifteen. [

If you want to kill me, you must have the will to be killed!

As the death word fell to the ground, the splendor of the moonlight pouring from the sky was immediately spread into the several x sword lights shot by St. George.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

It seemed to be the sound of glass shattering, and in the void, all the x sword lights were shattered, turning into tiny starlight fragments, which all fell to the ground.

And the splendor of moonlight poured out by the Chu wind also disappeared along with the fragmented starlight all over the ground.

However, his Crescent Moon Sword didn't stop, but hastily pierced St. George's chest.

St. George was obviously in a big accident. He didn't expect this to happen, but he was not afraid, and the crossed long sword rushed back.So he blocked it in front of his chest, resisted the long sword of the waning moon, and snorted coldly: "Even if you break my cross lock, what can you do to me?"

"Really?" The corner of Chu Feng's mouth slightly raised a smile, and his arm suddenly shook.On the Crescent Moon Sword, a strange dark golden glow quietly penetrated into St. George's chest.

"now what?"

The playful question stunned St. George. He was about to laugh, but he suddenly felt that Chu Feng's smile was too weird.So following the direction of Chu Feng's eyes, he looked at his chest.

A little blood seeped out from his chest, but it slowly soaked the skirt of his clothes.

On the clothes, a very thin hole and edge can be clearly seen.There seemed to be a little black burning marks, which made him startled suddenly.

Looking at Chu Feng in shock and bewilderment, he pointed his finger at Chu Feng: "This, how is this possible, I have already blocked your long sword?"

Of course Chu Feng would not explain it to him, after all, this was his secret.

In fact, he only discovered this just now.He was able to integrate the true fire of his life into his magic weapon long sword, and then through the stimulation of true energy, at the last moment, he shot out this ray of real fire. [

With this trump card, those prying breaths beside him gave him a little more confidence.

What's more, killing St. George was too sudden.And he was hardly damaged, so it surprised the vampires who were watching.

The leader, even more so, glanced at the face of the dead St. George.He said with hatred: "It's really useless! The tricks of taking advantage of people's surprise and sneak attack were used, and Chu Feng also hugged a beautiful woman in his arms. He didn't get any cheap, and he didn't lose at all! "

Of course, that's what it said, but the matter is now in front of several people.

The fisherman's profit has not been reaped, and the desired result has not been achieved.

But the leader also has enough self-confidence. After all, they are superior in number, and his cultivation level is not inferior to Chu Feng. Although his subordinates are a little weaker, the combination of them is definitely a sure win. .

Thinking of this, the chill in the leader's eyes grew even stronger.

Chu Feng looked in front of him. Although St. George was dead, his body was still standing there. His stared eyes seemed to be still confused, and he still couldn't believe the fact that he was dead.

"Tch, it's already dead, so what's the matter?" Chu Feng couldn't help but groaned, and gently tapped St. George's forehead with a finger.

Well, this action is actually very classic. It has been used in countless movies, but I am afraid that Chu Feng is the first to do this kind of actual operation.


St. George fell down softly, and the blood on his chest also fell to the ground with a bang, and flowed out, soaking the green grass on the ground.

Alice's face turned pale with fright. She is really a kind-hearted girl, and she can't see these things the most.

Even this guy, who she always hated, still felt a little bit unbearable.

"Feng, he, is he really dead?"

Chu Feng turned around and smiled at her, but instead of answering her question, he whispered in her ear, "Don't worry about what you see for a while, just remember to follow me After you leave behind, I can keep you safe, understand?"

Alice's head hurt, and she didn't know if she understood, but she looked at Chu Feng and nodded slowly.

Chu Feng then turned around with a smile, swept around, and said loudly: "Everyone has watched the excitement for so long, do you want to continue watching?"

"What? He actually found us?" The leader stared at Chu Feng in disbelief with his eyes widened in astonishment, and asked his subordinates beside him with a suppressed voice.

Several people spoke, but the clever subordinate wrinkled and said: "Head, could it be that he is bluffing us?"

"This..." The leader pondered for a while, but before he finished speaking, he heard Chu Feng's voice again.

"Come out, vampire lords, in broad daylight, you are not afraid of the sun turning you into ashes!"

Chu Feng has already shouted so clearly, and his eyes are looking at their positions, so how can these vampires not know that they have been discovered by others.

But these people are really depressed.

I wanted to be an oriole, but I didn't expect it to be so unsatisfactory.

It was even discovered by others, and judging from the situation, I am afraid that they already knew that several of them were hiding here early in the morning.

However, although they are shocked, they are not afraid. After all, they are clearly superior in strength, the victory is determined, and there is still the stimulation of blood, so these guys are even more excited and excited.

In particular, the blood that was still flowing from St. George's, the thick bloody smell, stimulated the sense of smell of several vampires even more strongly.

Blood is very attractive to them, and the blood of paladins is even more attractive. It is an excellent blood food that can improve one's cultivation!

So they can't help but not be moved.

At that moment, several people stood up directly, facing the scattered sunlight shining through the dense leaves, and stood in front of Chu Feng.

The eyes were fixed, but it was the ground, the blood-stained corpse of St. George.

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