Ring Town

Chapter 425: Exchange 1 Void

Among the people who squeezed into the castle, I don't know how many people wanted to come to try their luck or to see it.

Of course, there are also many people who really want to exchange things.

Now that there is Danny's live advertisement, the atmosphere at the scene is even more enthusiastic.

In particular, many people below saw that Danny used a dead branch that didn't look decent at all, so they replaced it with three Rejuvenation Pills, and after taking the Rejuvenation Pill, Danny, who had been paralyzed, Standing up miraculously, the pot exploded immediately.

"Fuck, I actually stood up, am I right?" Someone rubbed his eyes vigorously and shouted in disbelief.

Beside him, someone's eyes were fixed on the other two rejuvenation pills in Danny's hand, with a greedy light: "I only used such a dead branch that can be seen everywhere, and I got three pills!" , is there a mistake?"

"Tch, what do you know, that is not an ordinary dead branch. I just heard that the dead branch is a branch where the rumored phoenix lived."

"What? This is too messy, how can there be phoenixes in this world? Do you think this is the fairy tale world of Saint Seiya?"

"Cut! Talking to you is like talking to Niu Qin, it's so boring!" The man originally wanted to show off his knowledge, but unexpectedly he was hit by this kind of blow, and his face turned dark and depressed. [

However, there were more people at the side, and when they heard his words, they immediately gathered around: "Don't pay attention to him, he doesn't understand this at all, brother, tell me quickly, what did you hear?"

"That's right, let's talk about it. Let's see if we can also exchange for an elixir. I heard that the price of an elixir has already reached a sky-high price of [-] million m yuan outside!"


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but greed and excitement instantly appeared on their faces.

There are a few more people.His eyes were fixed on the table in front of Powell, wishing he could snatch all the jade bottles on the table.

But after all, they haven't completely lost their minds. This idea is just a change, after seeing the two paladins standing by the stage and a group of bodyguards in black.He quickly threw this idea away.

With Danny's good start, the following exchange work was carried out very quickly, and within three hours, the jade bottle in front of Powell.It was already empty.

After exchanging all the elixir in the jade bottle, Powell clapped his hands, gestured to the audience, and then said with a smile: "Today's elixir has been exchanged, if anyone else wants to exchange it, please come in three Diva. Come here with your things."

"Three days later? But there is no elixir anymore. Will it be available in three days?" In the audience, someone was waiting anxiously, wanting to exchange the elixir, but unexpectedly, Powell said that there was no more, and suddenly he was annoyed and anxious. yell.

Following his cry, more voices came out.

"That's right. Our things have already been brought over, so let's check again and exchange them."


Looking at the complicated scene, Powell was not only not annoyed, but smiled and said: "Everyone, please rest assured. Since you are asked to come over in three days, there must be an elixir for everyone to exchange. As long as your things meet the conditions, there will be elixir!"

When he said this, the noise in the audience immediately became much smaller. Although there were still things in his hand that had not been inspected, he was still a little unhappy, but he had already said that he would wait for three days, so he had no choice but to help. out of the castle.

All of a sudden, the people who squeezed into the castle slowly dispersed again. [

More people, as soon as they left the castle, began to contact their families and report the exchange situation today to their families.

But Danny didn't leave, he stayed in the castle and was having a cordial conversation with William.

His purpose was to meet that mysterious Chinese man, that is, Chu Feng, so as to express his gratitude to Chu Feng in person.

After all, the Rejuvenation Pill cured his paralysis and saved his life, so how could he not be grateful.

What's more, he still has two Rejuvenation Pills on his body now.

It can be said that today's Danny is a big winner.

The weird things he collected only cost him more than 1 million points, but now he has exchanged three Rejuvenation Pills at once, and these three Rejuvenation Pills are worth [-] million.

No, [-] million is the market price, because such heaven-defying elixir has always been a market, even if it is sold for [-] million, it may not be impossible.

What's more, there was a medicinal herb that only lit up one floor and could not be exchanged for the pill, but was stalked by a friend of his to buy it, and it was sold for 3000 million.

In this way, he made a lot of money.

Of course, for Danny, these are not important, what is important is that his paralysis is healed, he has regained his life again, and he feels that his body is better than ever.

Reminiscent of the previous rumors, Rejuvenation Pill can not only cure all diseases, but also prevent all diseases, and can die from illness. The real longevity, even if you live to 120 years old, may not be impossible.

So, Danny really made a lot of money.

And all of this was thanks to Chu Feng, so how could he not be grateful.

What's more, Danny's family is one of the top few first-class families in country m. In terms of connotation, it is much thicker than the Powell family.

William naturally knew Danny, so he had to pay attention to Danny's words of thanking Chu Feng in person.

After all, Danny took the Rejuvenation Pill this time, and there are still two Rejuvenation Pills left. After returning to the family, it will become his right to speak.

The identity of the heir of this family is almost certain.

And in the future, for him, I am afraid that there will be a lot of excuses, so William Fa refused his request, so he quietly walked to his father's side, and whispered a few words in Powell's ear.

Powell frowned slightly. In his heart, he didn't want Danny to meet Chu Feng.

Because the fewer people Chu Feng knows in country m, the safer it is for Powell. Only in this way can Chu Feng think of himself when he wants to do something in country m.

If once he gets to know Danny, especially Danny's family, whose influence spreads all over country m, God knows what kind of conditions he will ask for cooperation with Chu Feng.

So, subconsciously, Powell didn't want them to meet.

Therefore, he walked towards Danny with a smile: "Danny, Mr. Chu is busy with the exchange three days later, so he has no time to see you now, I hope you understand."

Hearing this, a look of disappointment flashed in Danny's eyes, but then he smiled lightly: "Mr. Powell, please convey my thanks to Chu Feng, and please tell Mr. Chu that I hope he can go to the Find me, and let me have a chance to repay his grace of regeneration."

Powell's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Don't worry Danny, I will definitely bring the words to you."

"Then thank you." Danny said politely, with a sense of loss, turned gracefully, and walked out of the castle slowly. (to be continued...)

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