Ring Town

Chapter 426: I won't let my own people suffer

In the castle, Chu Feng was in the room, staring at a large pile of elixir collected today.

The Rejuvenation Pill is the lowest exchange method, but the Zhuyan Pill is the first grade, which corresponds to the second floor, while the Longevity Pill is directly exchanged at the third floor exchange price.

Therefore, although the elixir is not too much, the elixir exchanged is really quite a lot.

For Chu Feng, to refine a batch of Rejuvenation Pill, he only needed a Rejuvenation Herb, plus a dozen or so plants, which can be bought in Chinese pharmacies such as sealwort and ginseng.

With Chu Feng's level, twenty pills can be produced in one furnace, and rejuvenation grass is just an elixir for igniting a layer, and it takes five plants to replace one, so it can be said to be a huge profit.

Of course, this price is already much lower than the price of refining elixir in the various sects.

But for Chu Feng, these problems do not exist, because his production rate and grade of pills are too high, especially for such pills, there is no problem of failure at all. .

Therefore, Chu Feng also made a lot of money.

"Ha, this method of earning elixir is really too fast, far exceeding the speed of my own collection." [

He shouted excitedly, squinting his eyes slightly, but he thought of it, and he was full of longing for the magic weapon exchange conference that was about to start in one month.

But immediately, he sighed softly: "These guys don't know the preciousness of the elixir at all, so they can do this. If it is in China, I am afraid that if they exchange it at this price, they will not be able to exchange much elixir. After all Those people are all collecting elixir and supplying their own needs, unless they have the elixir they need."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and after a while, he whispered: "Since this is the case, then I will collect more elixir, and when the time comes, I will open more furnaces and refine more pills Once the medicine comes out, won’t the problem be solved?”

That's true, but want to do it.Then there must be enough pills, and now is an opportunity.

In the past few days, all the rich people in country m or those who have the elixir must know that I am here to exchange the elixir.Moreover, today Chu Feng also heard from Powell about a situation, that is, there are many people who do not have enough elixir to exchange for elixir, so in the end, they will either take it from others.Or just go out and collect.

In this way, the profit cannot be maximized.

Therefore, Powell tentatively asked Chu Feng if he could refine some elixir that was not as effective as Rejuvenation Pill but could be exchanged for cheaper.

For example, they can use an ordinary elixir that lights up a layer of appraisal record, and they can replace it with another one.

In this way, all the elixir can be received in the hand.

Chu Feng attached great importance to Powell's suggestion, so he searched for Shennong Dan Jue.I found several kinds of elixirs, and it was very simple to refine them, and most importantly, these elixirs.No panacea is needed.

After copying down the recipes of these several kinds of pills, Chu Feng walked out of the room.

"Mr. Powell, your suggestion is very good, but I don't have enough medicinal materials, so I need to trouble you to send someone to buy these medicines for me."

Hearing that Chu Feng accepted his suggestion, Powell was overjoyed, and quickly greeted him, and took the Danfang that Chu Feng handed over: "Mr. Chu, please rest assured, I will definitely do it right away."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head, looked at the old housekeeper, and said solemnly: "You go to Chinatown to grab the medicine according to these prescriptions. Remember, I will bring all the medicinal materials in the prescriptions. No matter how much it costs!"

"Master, please don't worry, I will definitely do as you ordered." The old housekeeper's eyes flashed, but he responded softly. [

He knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to get a share of those high-quality elixirs, but he might be able to take one of these elixirs in his turn.

Chu Feng looked at the old butler with silver hair and walking slowly, his heart moved, and he said with a smile: "Old man, among the pills refined this time, there is a kind of medicine called Quji Wan, which is designed to cure all kinds of stubborn diseases. The Rejuvenation Pill works well, but it is also a rare good medicine, and when the time comes, I will give one to the old man to take."

"Ah!" Although the old butler said, he had this thought in his mind just now, but he just thought about it, but unexpectedly, the dream came true as soon as the thought came to fruition, and he was stunned there.

Looking at Chu Feng with a face of shock and joy, he couldn't believe that the big pie that fell from the sky would hit him on the head.

Powell obviously saw his excitement and anxiety, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Didn't you hear what Mr. Chu said? Why don't you thank Mr. Chu quickly and go prepare the medicinal materials."

Only then did the old housekeeper come to his senses, tears welled up in his cloudy old eyes, his bent body bent even lower, and he bowed deeply towards Chu Feng: "Mr. Chu, thank you, thank you! "

"You don't have to thank me, you have to work hard to prepare these medicinal materials." Chu Feng gave him the elixir, but it was just a favor. After all, a Quji Pill is not worth anything to Chu Feng.

And in the old castle, there might be something that would bother the old housekeeper.

After all, when it comes to familiarity with the castle, even Powell, the master, may not be known to the old housekeeper.

Of course, the most important thing is that this Elixir Elixir does not consume the elixir, so you can give it away if you give it away.

It was just a little effort for him, but for the old housekeeper, it was a great benefit. He bowed repeatedly in excitement, and tightly held Chu Feng's hand with trembling hands.

Some words express my gratitude in my heart: "Mr. Chu, you must be a messenger sent by God. You have brought the gospel. I will definitely pray every day in the future and pray for you..."

Powell coughed lightly, and interrupted the old housekeeper's thanks: "Mr. Chu is waiting for that batch of medicinal materials to be used, so hurry up and prepare the medicinal materials. If you really want to delay Mr. Chu's use, that would be bad."

"Ah!" The old housekeeper was stunned, but then he repeatedly apologized to Mr. Chu: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chu, I'm going to prepare now, I'm going to prepare now."

Seeing the old housekeeper walk away, Powell turned to Chu Feng with a smile: "Mr. Chu, you are really generous. This elixir is worth tens of millions outside, so I just gave it away."

"Hehe," Chu Feng smiled slightly, and the smile on his face faded slightly, and he looked at Powell seriously: "Mr. Powell, you should be very clear that I, as a person, never let those who follow me suffer."

After that, he turned and walked to his room.

Only left behind, Powell looked thoughtful, but after a moment, his eyes were fixed, as if he had made some kind of decision. (to be continued...)

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