Ring Town

Chapter 438: Fusion of the Mysterious Turtle Body

In the space of the ring, a large pile of high-quality Chinese herbal medicines in front of Chu Feng had disappeared. On the other hand, beside him, there were already more than a dozen big-bellied jade bottles.

Among these jade bottles with big bellies, each jade bottle contained twenty Jingxin pills.

But Chu Feng didn't stop yet, what he was refining right now was the Golden Pill.

After these few days of exchange, Chu Feng can be said to have reaped a huge harvest. Not only did he get black magnolia and white jade fruit, but also several good living medicines.

Of course, there were more than a thousand kinds of elixirs that had been collected. On the first day alone, Powell exchanged two-thirds of the elixir that Chu Feng had given him.

As for the other types of elixir, the elixir was not enough, so Chu Feng decided to refine a batch of golden elixir to supplement tomorrow's exchange.

As for refining so many Jingxin Pills, it is necessary to make a deal with Bishop Yadod, and Chu Feng is also very clear that after Bishop Yadod personally tested the benefits of Jingxin Pill, he will definitely bring others over. The amount of transactions is probably not as simple as 68 pieces.

In short, Chu Feng is prepared.

Even if it really can't be exchanged, Jingxin Pill is used to assist oneself in cultivating the strength of spiritual thoughts, and the effect is also good. [

Of course, for Chu Feng right now, the most important thing is to successfully refine the golden pill.

After all, after many days of accumulation, the amount of golden algae is enough for him to refine more than a dozen furnaces of golden pills, and he also believes that the effect of golden pills is definitely strong enough.

Not to mention that Bishop Yadod would be moved by seeing it, even the Pope may not be jealous when he sees it.

Of course, with Yadod's status, he may not be able to please the Pope.However, Chu Feng believed that as long as Yadod was moved, he would definitely be able to present the golden pill he refined in front of Archbishop Morang.

In that way, Chu Feng's plan will succeed.

He just wanted to use this little golden pill.Meet Archbishop Moran.

At this time, he no longer used the spiritual fire plantain fan. After all, the spiritual fire net inside was fused by Chu Feng himself, and the effect of the spiritual fire plantain fan on the fire was weakened to almost negligible.

certainly.The most important thing is that he himself has achieved the real fire of life. Although it is not comparable to the awesome Samadhi real fire of Taishang Laojun, compared to the alchemists in the world, his real fire of life is as good as hell. Fire, but I don't know how much higher it is.

It is compared to the undead powerhouses who are so awesome in Tiangong or Hell.It also holds a mid-level level.

Of course, it's not that Chu Feng's Hell Refining Fire is of poor quality, but that this Hell Refining Fire is not a pill fire specially used for alchemy, but a killing fire used for the way of killing.

Therefore, although his hell refining fire has condensed the essence, it has spirituality.But in alchemy, he can only rank in the middle class.

Of course, this refers to the level at which all walks of life are counted.

If it is only about the human world, if Chu Feng's hell refining fire is said to be second to Danhuo, no one would dare to say that it is the first.

So with the help of Hell's refining fire, the quality of Chu Feng's alchemy is definitely not comparable to before.

Just say that Jingxin Pill, refined by Chu Feng, is absolutely super grade. [

That's why, Bishop Yadod only smells it.It can increase the spiritual power to that level.

But when refining the golden pill, Chu Feng was still a little nervous.

After all, the use of this golden pill to him is also very powerful, and there is a difference between Super Grade and Top Grade.In terms of efficacy, it was several times worse.

Therefore, Chu Feng put the refining of the golden pill to the end.

With the foundation laid by more than a dozen furnaces of Jingxin Pills, his understanding of his natal real fire in alchemy has reached a new level, and he is more comfortable in manipulating it.

He saw a ray of dark golden hell refining fire appearing at his fingertips like a finger, and as he lightly tapped his finger, it shot directly to the bottom of the pseudo eight trigrams furnace.


With a soft sound, the gossip furnace was ignited directly, and the dark golden flame was burning quietly at the bottom of the furnace.

At this time, you can really see the dominance of Hell's refining fire, but in an instant, the whole gossip has turned into a dark gold color, which can be said to be a brilliant golden wall, revealing a kind of atmosphere.

"Okay!" Seeing the situation of the Eight Diagrams Furnace, Chu Feng squinted his eyes, gave a soft drink, and then lightened his hands, and he directly put the elixir into the Eight Diagrams Furnace.

Of course, he was not a golden algae first, but a 30-year-old ginseng.

Although 30-year-old ginseng is also a precious Chinese herbal medicine, it can only be regarded as a panacea after a hundred years, so Chu Feng does not feel distressed.

Moreover, in his Linglong space, there are now more than a hundred ginseng plants. Because they are nourished by the rich aura in the Linglong space, they grow very well, and it is only a dozen years old, but they already have the characteristics of elixir.

Moreover, these elixir medicinal materials have already shown signs of breeding in Linglong space, which made Chu Feng unexpectedly, but made him even happier.

After all, Linglong Pagoda is developing towards becoming an independent plane. For Chu Feng, if this place really becomes an independent plane, the benefits he will get cannot be estimated.

Of course, he was still very worried in his heart. If the function of one day is worth one year, if this is the case, no matter how good this world is, no one dares to stay in it for too long.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he really died before he was old.

It's a bit much to say this, but it's exactly the same, so Chu Feng doesn't cherish Chinese medicinal materials like 30-year-old ginseng too much.

Seeing the old ginseng thrown into the gossip furnace quickly melt into a ball of almost transparent jade liquid under the refining fire of hell, Chu Feng's pupils suddenly closed, and he let out a breath of turbid air: "Shut up!"

A ray of spiritual thoughts shot out suddenly, immediately wrapped the lump of jade liquid, then pulled it aside, and stored it.

Only then did Chu Feng let out a long sigh of relief, and smiled with satisfaction: "Sure enough, as I expected, it was condensed into the real fire of life, and it was also the hell refining fire that condensed the soul. Sure enough, it is refined again, Doing more with less, even refining super-grade pills is nothing more than an easy task."

Several adjuvants.It was refined quickly, and at the end, Chu Feng threw the golden algae into it.

Chu Feng carefully wrapped the ball of golden jade liquid transformed by the golden algae with his spiritual thoughts, and then lightly shook his spiritual thoughts, shaking the jade liquid transformed by the previous few balls of auxiliary medicine into the golden jade liquid middle.

Under the control of divine sense.Several balls of jade liquid were quickly mixed together, and Chu Feng's expression became tense in an instant.

The dharma seal in his hand was pinched out quickly, and in the constant change, palm after palm was patted on the Bagua furnace, and then he saw the medicinal liquid of the Bagua furnace.It became more and more concentrated, and at the end, it had turned into a thick, pulpy jade pulp.


Following Chu Feng's soft shout, his hands transformed into various handprints in the air, and then they were pulled away directly to the outside.

Then I saw that ball of jade liquid was quickly pulled out of the Eight Diagrams Furnace.In the air, wrapped by the divine sense, and pulled by a gentle force, it became round golden pills.

"It's done!" Chu Feng's eyes widened, and he quickly grabbed a jade bottle beside him with one hand, and when he collected it in the air, he picked up the falling golden pill.It was directly put into the jade bottle.

Then, Chu Feng took out a golden pill, pinched it between his fingers, and faced the dark golden hell fire, it seemed that the golden pill was shining golden and captivating.

"Super Grade Golden Pill!" Chu Feng's eyes shone with excitement, staring closely at the Golden Pill in his hand, he couldn't help taking a deep breath of the strong fragrance.

Immediately, I feel refreshed, and the pores all over my body seem to be cheering.

I feel more of a rolling warm current and poor energy.It is all within the body, as if there is a big mountain in front of it, and it can be moved in one fell swoop.

"Ha ha……"

For a moment, the entire ring space was filled with Chu Feng's happy laughter.

It is almost not worth selling this golden pill.

But Chu Feng is clear.In the future, with the abnormal function of the Linglong Pagoda space, he will get more elixir and more golden algae, so he will not be short of golden pills.

Although he promised his grandfather that he would provide part of it to the Chu family, those were only [-]% at most, and the remaining gold algae was enough for him to squander.

However, in yesterday's battle, in order to catch up with Alice, Chu Feng even took the Baqi Pill, which was depleted of Qi and blood. This Golden Pill can just replenish the lost Qi and blood, so Chu Feng swallowed it without thinking about it. pieces.

In the mouth, the golden pill turned into a golden jade liquid, which flowed down the throat, and the warm heat instantly nourished all parts of the body.

It made Chu Feng feel like he was bathed in the spring breeze.

And that sense of power made his whole body boil, that is, every cell seemed to be full of power.


Chu Feng couldn't help roaring in a low voice, he didn't move any thoughts at all, and the mysterious turtle transformed into a sudden appearance.

However, the transformation of the black tortoise did not mean that he turned into a black tortoise now, but became a real phantom that appeared outside his body, causing an unspeakable longing to appear in his body.

It seemed that the body of the mysterious tortoise particularly liked the golden pill, Chu Feng's heart moved, and he took out another golden pill and swallowed it directly into his belly.

However, the warm current transformed from this golden pill has nourished all parts of the body, and the deep desire has not weakened, but has become more urgent.

This has never happened before, but Chu Feng knows that this feeling must be the need for the golden pill for the transformation of the black turtle, or it can be said that it is a desire for the transformation of the black turtle to advance.

This is an opportunity, but at the same time, there may be unknown dangers.

How to do?

Chu Feng stared closely at the jade bottle containing the golden pill, and this thought floated through his mind.

In his mind, the battle with the vampire and Fan Delie also appeared, which made him feel a deep sense of crisis.

After all, the vampire I met might be the strongest, but it was already as strong as me, and Fan Delie even signed a contract with the strong man in hell, and I killed Fan Delie, and even killed him to summon the vampire. The evil spirits that came out have already offended those powerful people in hell.

These two families, no matter which one it is, if they send a strong person, with their current cultivation base, not to mention defeating them, they may not even be able to save their lives, strength, strength!

The sense of force that hadn't appeared for a long time resurfaced in Chu Feng's mind.

You must control your own destiny!

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, and a firm look appeared on his face: "Give it a go!"

He gritted his teeth and swallowed three golden pills.

Although he wants to fight, he has a sense of proportion.So he only swallowed three pills, plus the five pills he swallowed before. Although the amount far exceeds the amount of ordinary people, his body is strong, many times stronger than ordinary people.

Then add the strengthening effect of the mysterious turtle transformation.Therefore, although the five golden pills were a little too much for him, they would not be life-threatening.

The three golden pills, together with the previous two, turned into energy, directly generating a billowing heat flow.It circulates to every part of the body, that is, every cell is soaked in this powerful energy.

Behind him, the faint phantom of the black tortoise has mysterious secret lines flowing, visible to the naked eye.With golden energy, along the phantom of the black turtle, the simple and vicissitudes of the tortoise pattern are flowing rapidly.

In just an instant, the golden color had already ignited all the secret patterns on the black turtle, making the phantom of the black turtle look real.The golden light is shining and dazzling.


Xuangui Xuying seemed to have drank the huge energy of the golden pill, and rushed straight to the sky with a surging fighting spirit.

Then, Chu Feng felt that his whole body was boiling hot like boiling water, like thousands of flames burning in his body.

He had already condensed the real fire of his life, and it is reasonable to say that this kind of situation would not happen, but now it happened, which puzzled him.

But he didn't have time to worry about it.Because the pain that burned the nerves has spread all over the body in an instant.

Even in the mind, there is this huge energy storm, it seems that there is a huge compressed energy, which is about to come out of the head.burst out.

His head was about to split, and Chu Feng couldn't help crying out in pain: "It hurts!"

However, under such great pain, he still remained awake, because he knew very well that if he was not awake, things might get worse, but the more he was awake, the clearer and harder the unbearable pain became. Tolerate.

This is a difficult problem to solve, but it cannot be avoided.

Moreover, at the moment when his thoughts turned, the huge energy that seemed to expand his mind had already spread to all parts of his body.

His body, like a balloon inflated to its fullest, is already full, and his skin is as thin as a hair, and the beating blood vessels inside can be seen.

Behind him, the huge phantom of the black turtle was also swaying, and the golden light on it swayed violently, as if it was about to burst and disappear.


Chu Feng's eyes were bloodshot, he clenched his fists into fists, pointed at the void, and shouted loudly: "Open, open, open!"

The phantom of the black tortoise behind him seemed to become darker and brighter in the midst of his violent shouting, flickering endlessly, and the golden light became darker and fainter for a while.

When it is deep, it is like a real black tortoise, attached to it; when it is light, it is like a faint mist, hidden on the body.

And the phantom of the mysterious tortoise, following Chu Feng's violent shouting, was rapidly expanding, and in just a moment, it had already reached seven or eight feet high, like a giant tortoise in the sky, like the giant tortoise supporting Buzhou Mountain. tortoise.


Chu Feng's whole body was blue and transparent, and the blood vessels in his body were reflected more clearly. In the blood vessels, dark golden blood flowed, which was strange.

And in the swollen body, there is exhausted energy, raging violently, making people shudder when they take a look at it.

The phantom of the black tortoise attached to him is even taller at this time, and it has reached more than ten feet. On the black tortoise, in the ancient and vicissitudes of the secret pattern, the golden tyrannical energy is flowing like the speed of light. with.

In the dark, there seems to be a kind of brilliance that penetrates the distant sky, countless spaces, and shines into the ring space. For a moment, the entire ring space is reflected brightly, holy and brilliant.

But at this time, Chu Feng had a ferocious face, gnashing his teeth, and his eyes were full of pain and blood. It seemed that the pain around him could no longer be endured, and it seemed that if it was a moment later, that paper-thin body would die. To explode.

His body suddenly rose out of nowhere until it was in the void, and then his whole body turned back, his arms were behind him, his neck was tilted back, and then he uttered a tearing roar toward the poor void: "Here! I'll break it!"

Following his roar, his already paper-thin body immediately emitted a dazzling and resplendent light.

But the huge phantom of the black tortoise behind him was as big as the sky in an instant, covering the earth.

With the power of brilliance, it fills the entire space of the ring.

"Open, open, open!"

The paper-thin body finally couldn't bear the burden anymore, and the phantom shadow of the black tortoise that covered the sky shone with golden light.

Following Chu Feng's roar, they all exploded.


Like the end of the world, like the destruction of heaven and earth, they all turned into absolute darkness in this loud noise.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

After a long time, the countless sparks finally exploded from the surroundings, lighting up the space of the ring.

As countless stars light up, the ring finally reappears with light.

Chu Feng stood there like a bloody man.

And the phantom of the black tortoise behind him has disappeared, but on his body, there is a layer of thin dense patterns, which are exactly the same as the texture of the black tortoise.

And the countless blood stains on his body were quickly absorbed into his body at a speed that was a hundred times faster than the lens.

But in a short while, it was all restored.

Looking at Chu Feng again, his whole body was glowing with dark golden light like metal, and in this faint dark golden color, all the secret lines that belonged to him when he transformed into a black turtle appeared on his body.

His eyes finally opened, and there was a touch of dark gold in his pupils.

"It turns out that the mysterious tortoise has evolved to the next level, and it is in such a form!" Chu Feng looked at the dense pattern on his body, surprised and delighted.

But immediately, he smiled wryly: "This time, my body is strong. I'm afraid it's a bullet from a pistol. If I hit my body, I can't break through this perverted defense, but I can't see people like this?"

With such a wry smile, he tried to put away the texture of the black turtle in his heart, but he saw that the texture all over his body had really disappeared.

He touched it, and it was Ruyu's skin, which was even better than before.

"Haha, I understand. It turns out that the transformation of the black turtle has been completely integrated with my body. I don't need to transform like that again to have the abnormal defense of the black turtle!" (To be continued...)

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