Ring Town

Chapter 439: Developed

Facing the warm sunshine in the morning, Chu Feng sank his consciousness into the space inside the Linglong Pagoda.

His heart felt a little nervous. After all, if that grasshopper was still alive, it meant that in the Linglong Pagoda, although one day was equivalent to one year, the lifespan was also extended.

If this is the case, the value of the independent space of Linglong Pagoda will be really incalculable.

Of course, even if the grasshopper had already died of old age, Chu Feng could accept it. After all, the Linglong Pagoda could equal a year in one day, shortening the growth of the elixir by such a long time, and it was already a super abnormal existence.

It can be said that, given the fact that the earth is now thin, one can only rely on the elixir to improve one's cultivation level. With the Linglong Pagoda, everything is full of possibilities.

Not to mention breaking through to the sky level, even if the void is broken, it is no longer a dream.

Of course, who doesn't want their baby to be more perfect.

So Chu Feng nervously walked towards the grass where the grasshoppers were placed.


Just as Chu Feng approached the grass, he startled the grasshopper that was put down yesterday, and jumped up immediately.

The height of the jump is more than three meters high, more than double that of ordinary grasshoppers, and the distance is even more than ten meters away.

Just bumped into the cage that Chu Feng set up yesterday, and then lay down on the thin bamboo strips of the bamboo cage.

The green body, facing the light, reflects a little bit of greenery.

Looking at the head, it has grown a lot, and it has grown by more than half than when it was put in yesterday.

A burst of ecstasy suddenly surged in Chu Feng's heart, and he stretched out his hand to call, and within a moment of strength, he sucked the grasshopper lying on the bamboo stick into his palm.

This little guy.The life force is so strong that when it reaches Chu Feng's palm, it still wants to struggle, but Chu Feng's real power gently wraps it, so it can't help it move a little bit.

After watching it carefully for a moment, Chu Feng shot a ray of divine sense into its body.


A moment later, Chu Feng frowned in shock.

Because he found that the vitality of this grasshopper not only did not decline in the slightest, but compared to yesterday.It seems to be a bit stronger, and faintly, there is even a touch of aura, gathered in its body, if you don't check carefully.I can't even notice it.

Then think of Ma Wang Treading Xue and Fengshen Pterosaur, when they were inspecting their bodies.I noticed that there was a thin aura.But at that time, they only cared about their lifespan, but did not think deeply about it. Now it seems that this is not accidental.

Could it be that the Linglong Pagoda does not weaken life.Can you change your body?

Chu Feng's heart moved, and he teleported to the field where ginseng was planted.

The space of Linglong Pagoda is Chu Feng's own.So in this, he is the sky and the ruler, so teleportation is just a matter of thought in Linglong Pagoda. [

Chu Feng directly pulled out a ginseng and penetrated his spiritual thoughts into it.

Then, he opened his mouth wide and froze there.

It took him a long time to react, and he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Haha..."

For a moment, the entire space of the Linglong Pagoda was filled with Chu Feng's joyful and arrogant laughter, shaking the whole world.

It wasn't until he was out of breath from laughing that he had to stop.

His eyes were fixed on the ginseng in his hand, as if he wanted to see a flower.

There are as many as a hundred of these ginsengs that he planted in the Linglong Pagoda. Of course, they cannot all be wild ginseng, and most of them are cultivated ginseng.

The ginseng that Chu Feng pulled out from his hand now was the planted ginseng planted at that time.

But to his surprise, the fat body of this ginseng not only has a strong aura, but also its internal structure is completely different from that of planted ginseng.

Even wild ginseng could not be more perfect than the ginseng in his hand.

It can be said that although wild ginseng itself is powerful, it will take a hundred years to be called a panacea, but the one in Chu Feng's hand is only in the Linglong Pagoda. After staying for more than ten days, it is worth one day. One year counts, that is, more than ten days, but it has already reached the level of panacea.

How could Chu Feng not be surprised and delighted by this!

Looking at the Linglong Pagoda, this unfathomably large space, Chu Feng was really excited. It can be said that this is the guarantee for his future advancement.

So what if there is a lack of aura on the earth?So what if there are so few panaceas in the world?Even after hundreds of years, what fear do those who ascend again have?

I have the Linglong Pagoda in my hand, and I am better than everything in the world!

Thinking about it this way, Chu Feng's need for the "elixir" is even more urgent.

After all, without a living elixir, no matter how powerful his Linglong Pagoda is, it would be impossible to have it.

Therefore, for the "living medicine", Chu Feng is bound to get it!

Thinking like this, he put away all the surging blood, and stepped out of the Linglong Pagoda.


In the hall of the ancient castle, several people were already waiting.

Bishop Yadod was among them.

Around him, there were still a few people around, but they were all standing far behind him. It seemed that they were the paladins who had been following him.

But beside him, standing shoulder to shoulder with him was a handsome man in his 30s. His blond hair was smooth and shiny, and he looked very personable. However, his jaw was slightly raised, and his narrow eyes were full of radiance. A trace of arrogance compromised his elegance.

"Yadod, does the person you mentioned really have a elixir that can boost the cultivation of spiritual power?"

Yadod frowned slightly, and a look of anger flashed in his eyes, but immediately he laughed: "Mason, how could I lie to you about this kind of thing, and I have already told Wenger Archbishop."

"That's hard to say." Mason smiled coldly, and a hint of sternness flashed in his deep blue eyes: "Archbishop Wenger will enter the Elder's Pavilion in a year, and I am afraid that some people, to the bishop He has an idea about his position, so he came up with this method to please Archbishop Wenger."

"Hmph!" Yadod's expression changed suddenly, and he snorted heavily: "Mason, don't think that Archbishop Wenger thinks highly of you, so you can act like this!"

"Ha..." Seeing Yadod getting angry, Mason immediately let out a haha, hiding the contempt and disdain in his eyes well: "Adod, I was just joking, why did you Seriously?"

"I don't want to hear such a joke again." Yadod took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. He knew very well that the person in front of him was now the red-haired man in front of Archbishop Wenger. people.

Although it is said that it is difficult to inherit the position of archbishop because of his too young qualifications, his energy should not be underestimated.

Therefore, although Yadod wished to kill him immediately, for the sake of the position of archbishop, he could only endure it. (to be continued..)

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