Ring Town

Chapter 449: Can't make it?

"Mr. Chu, here is your lunch." The blond stewardess appeared in the cabin in front of Chu Feng with an extra lunch.

The charming smile reveals a different kind of temptation, and the majesty of the chest is trembling, shaking out the desire in the man's heart.

However, Chu Feng did not look at the beautiful scenery, but turned his eyes to the delicious food in the hands of the blonde flight attendant.

This lunch is indeed too rich. Is this the so-called gourmet food that you throw at the Yandan and repay it with extra ingredients?

Such a share, even if three people eat it, they may not be able to finish it?

Chu Feng took the tray in the hands of the blond stewardess speechlessly, and smiled lightly: "Thank you!"

He was indeed hungry, so he only wanted to fill his stomach as soon as possible: "Sit down and eat something together?"

Of course, this is just a polite remark, which has something to do with Huaxia's living habits. Of course, it does not rule out that it is because the food she brought is too much for one person to eat.

However, the blond flight attendant obviously misunderstood what he meant, and a thick blush appeared on her face in an instant, and then she made a movement that surprised Chu Feng, closing the door of the cabin behind her back. , and locked from the inside.

Outside, in a certain corner, a pair of eyes peeking at this side through some kind of modern equipment, but a sinister and poisonous light flashed across it.

But in an instant, he sneered again: "Hmph! Since you want to die with him, then let you go. I thought you were pretty good, but you missed the blood that wanted to give you eternal life! "

That's right, the owner of these eyes is the mysterious man in Tsing Yi who just appeared in the kitchen.

He looked at the tightly closed cabin door, although he really wanted to know what happened inside, but he still stomped lightly after all.walked away slowly.

Seeing that the plane had stabilized, the captain glanced at the co-pilot next to him thoughtfully: "Yado, take a look, I'll go out to eat first."

"Jack, go quickly, I'm here, so don't worry." Yado and Jack are old friends, so they naturally sensed Jack's abnormality, and asked with concern: "Jack, you don't look well today. Is there something wrong?" What's the matter?"

Jack forced a smile, and patted Yado on the shoulder: "No, I'm just a little tired."

Hearing Jack's explanation, Yado smiled wretchedly and moved closer to Jack.With a mysterious smile: "Jack, you didn't go on vacation a few days ago. Did you really go to Bali to find a dozen beauties?"

Jack just twitched his lips.He showed a forced smile, but without saying anything, he turned and walked out of the cab.

Then, he quickened his pace, walked to a corner, and looked around.There was no one, so he walked into the kitchen.

Then he tapped lightly on a relatively tall kitchen cabinet.

The mysterious man in Tsing Yi came out from inside and looked at Jack with a wicked smile.But he didn't speak.

When Jack saw him, there was obviously a hint of anger in his eyes, and there was also a kind of fear. His face changed a few times in an instant, and finally he said with a suppressed voice: "I have done everything you asked me to do. You should now Give me the antidote?"

"Tsk tsk." The man in Tsing Yi smiled hippiely, slightly raised his face that obviously deserved a beating, looked at Jack for a while, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will hand over the antidote when the matter is over." For you."

"But you promised me that if I took you on the plane, you would give me the antidote!" Jack couldn't bear the rage in his heart anymore, he stepped forward and grabbed the man in Tsing Yi by the collar , roaring in a low voice.

The eyes of the man in Tsing Yi suddenly turned cold, he lowered his head slightly, and looked at Jack's hands holding his collar.

Jack suddenly felt chills, showing a look of fear and unwillingness, but he let go of his hands and took a small half step back.

The man in Tsing Yi straightened his wrinkled collar slowly, with a icy chill in his eyes: "This dress is my favorite, if you dare to damage it, I promise, you will I will enjoy a thousand times more terrifying pain than last time!"

Jack's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and he couldn't help trembling all over his body. He even took a small step back, widening the distance from the man in Tsing Yi.

But his eyes were still fixed on the man in Tsing Yi. Although he was more afraid, he didn't turn away: "You, you can't count your words!"

"Of course not!" The man in Tsing Yi smoothed his wrinkled collar, then smiled, and reached out to pat Jack on the face: "Don't worry, I've always been the most committed and kind person. Since I promised you, I will definitely do it!"

"That, that's good!" Although Jack was very reluctant, but his life was in the hands of the man in Tsing Yi, so he could only retreat unwillingly.

Watching Jack walk away, the man in Tsing Yi suddenly laughed, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Hey, even I don't believe in myself, but you actually believe that I will give you The antidote is so naive!"


Inside the cabin, it was as warm as spring.

Of course, the meaning of these words is not only to say that the air conditioner here is good, but also to say that the scenery inside is full of spring scenery.

The blond stewardess, who had already made a decision, took out her seductive skills, her soft and boneless fingers, her long pink nails, and even painted a small rose, which also made her The jade finger looks more alluring.

Of course, this temptation doesn't just mean that her fingers are beautiful, but that these hands possess an unspeakable skill.

Well, in fact, seduction is really a technical job.

Especially when facing a big man like Chu Feng, who is seen by ordinary people, this seduction technique is especially important.

The blonde flight attendant's name is Monroe, of course, this Monroe is not that Monroe.

However, they have one very similar thing in common.

That is the mistress of a big man.

Monroe's lover, because everyone knows it well, so I won't talk about it.

This Monroe's lover is none other than Bishop Mason.

Of course, the current Monroe doesn't know that Bishop Mason is in bad luck. Even if she knows, she probably doesn't care anymore.

After all, compared with Chu Feng, Mason's status is simply not enough.

The reason? It's very simple.

No matter how awesome Bishop Mason was, he would bow down and put on a flattering expression when he met Pope Christopher.

But the Chu Feng in front of him turned the other way, and it was Pope Christopher who flattered him.

This time and again, the gap is big.

What's more, that guy Mason is still an iron cock, he can only get in and out.

How generous is Chu Feng, who just gave him a Zhuyan Pill when they met for the first time, which is an elixir worth hundreds of millions!

Everyone has a reputation in their hearts, and Monroe naturally has it.

The reason why she got together with Mason in the first place was because she couldn't stand Mason's threats and temptations, and secondly, she wanted to find a backer for herself.

But now that she has a better backer, she naturally doesn't want to let it go, what's more, this backer has already given away a Zhuyan Pill worth hundreds of millions before going to bed.

Therefore, the balance in her heart, without any pressure, completely tilted towards Chu Feng.

Well, if Chu Feng knew that he would send out a Zhuyan Pill, it would have such an effect, but he didn't know what he would think?

I'm afraid you will be dumbfounded?

"Brother Chu, today's lunch was specially prepared for you!" The sweet tone, mixed with a strong nasal voice, directly entered Chu Feng's ears.

It made him tremble uncontrollably, mud horse, what's going on?

He looked at Monroe in surprise, and the lunch tray in his hand came between the two as his body turned.

But just in time, Monroe straightened her turbulent chest, and then, by coincidence, pushed it onto the tray.

After being squeezed by the tray, a deep groove was directly pressed on the proud papaya, which is so majestic that it deserves the title of mammal.

In this way, Monroe's collar, which was already open and extremely low, also slid down, and the two proud big papayas inside squeezed out a deep and seductive white groove, Appeared in front of Chu Feng.

There is also a strong aroma, attacking the nose.

This scene is really too bloody.

Even an old man who has lost his function will feel like he has taken Viagra when he sees this scene, and he will live like a dragon and a tiger, not to mention Chu Feng, who is full of blood and a master at the prefectural level.

The yang energy in his body was already so abundant that it exploded, so Chu Feng only felt a thick heat flow, which rose from his lower abdomen in an instant and rushed straight to his nose.

Chu Feng is a master at the prefectural level, so when ordinary people are about to have nosebleeds, he just doesn't have any nosebleeds.

Of course, he also reacted, but his reaction was more direct. Xiao Xiaofeng immediately stood up and set up a big tent.

The bodies of the two were in close contact. Although there was a tray blocking it from above, Monroe actually took a step at that time, so the distance between the two legs was closer than above. Come closer.

So the embarrassment happened like this, and Monroe felt that a fire was directly resisting her lower abdomen.

And as a veteran, and a qualified veteran who is good at seduction, Monroe instantly understood what the fiery spear was holding against her lower abdomen.

Luckily, she came here to seduce Chu Feng, but at this moment, she still blushed unavoidably.

Moreover, the heart was beating violently, as if it was about to jump out of the chest.

The voice was trembling with excitement: "You are so bad!"

The combination of the voice and the expression, together with the turbulent waves squeezed between the two of them on the tray, is really very ambiguous and very...

In Chu Feng's mind, a very popular saying instantly came to mind.

A girl is not as good as a beast! (to be continued..)

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