Ring Town

Chapter 450: **Interruption

However, Chu Feng is really not a casual person, so even though he was already burning with desire, he still held back and withdrew behind Monroe's lower body.

Then he took a deep breath and forced a smile: "Ha, I'm really hungry!"

These words are very inappropriate, and what's more, what Monroe said just now about whether you are good or bad is completely wrong.

So Meng Lu gave Chu Feng a very resentful look, and wanted to get close to Chu Feng with her writhing fat buttocks, looking for that touch of substantial heat, but Chu Feng retreated far away, and she couldn't reach it.

Therefore, the resentment in her eyes became a little bit stronger, and it was so strong that it was so charming that I felt pity for it.

The desire that Chu Feng suppressed just now surged up again, and he gave a wry smile, but he didn't dare to face Meng Lu like this again.

Taking advantage of the situation, he turned around to cover up some tall breasts. Chu Feng also put the tray on the table and sat down.

"Today's meal is very rich, and it has successfully whetted my appetite."

He concealed his words, and made a gesture to take a deep breath of the rich rice fragrance.

Then, what entered the nose was a thick aroma.

It's just that this aroma is not the aroma of rice, but the aroma produced by the combination of perfume and a woman's body.

It turned out that Monroe was very active in throwing herself into his arms, half-sitting in his arms, with her arms hooked on his shoulders, her proud chest posture, and the seductive deep groove between the two white tender pieces, straight to her chest. Straight to his jaw.

The two alluring big white rabbits bounced playfully, as if they wanted to get out of the not-so-strong restraint.

The aroma comes from here.

Finally, Monroe's meticulous preparation was not wasted.

"I'll feed you."

While Monroe was talking, she didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but she put her hand on the short skirt underneath.Then she saw that the short skirt was directly lifted up by her, revealing the black ragged stockings inside.

Vaguely, you can also see the cloth-saving thong hidden in the stockings, and what makes people spurt blood even more is that the black stockings are actually completely empty in the middle.

In the middle of the empty stockings, there is a string that is so thin that it can be seen, well, it is the one of the thong, which will be the most attractive part.Half-covered and half-covered behind, this kind of cover is far more attractive than straightforward exposure.

It made Chu Feng react instantly.

"Fuck! It seems that we have been prepared for a long time!" Chu Feng's eyes just glanced, and he took in all of this.

This look.In fact, it has been practiced in the early years, but now I don't want to watch it.There is no way.After all, it is habitual.

No matter what, the result is that Xiao Xiaofeng rises again, and Meng Lu is sitting on Chu Feng's lap, twisting her elastic body, especially rubbing Xiao Xiaofeng with her fat buttocks from time to time.It made Chu Feng feel an unprecedented temptation and provocation.

I have to say that Monroe is really a natural stunner!

Almost instantly, she noticed Chu Feng's abnormal reaction, and her plump waist twisted more textured.And exhaled like orchids from his mouth, one mouthful after another, mixed with a fragrant breath, rushed into Chu Feng's nose.

"Little villain, I really want to eat you now!"

Seeing Chu Feng's embarrassment, Meng Lu chuckled, but stretched out her finger and tapped his forehead lightly, and then picked up a piece of steak gracefully from the dinner plate with two onion-like jade fingers, He put it gently to his mouth and took a small bite.

But her other hand was gently stroking under her fat buttocks and above Xiao Xiaofeng, rubbing it gently and skillfully.

The anger, the anger from the bottom of his heart, made Chu Feng wish he could immediately put the blond stewardess who was molesting him under his body, and have a good time.

But before he could make a move, Monroe's red lips were slightly parted, she already had a small piece of steak in her mouth, and brought her whole red lips to his eyes.

Judging by the movement, it is clear that he wants to feed mouth to mouth.

Although Chu Feng has been poisoned by the love action movies of the island country, he has always been very principled in life. How could he be ashamed of such a shameful action.

So, he turned his face slightly, and didn't pick up the steak that was being fed.

But the moment he turned his head, he felt a little regretful, and cursed secretly in his heart: Fuck, there are girls who can't get on, brother is really inferior to a beast now!

Then another thought quickly rose from the bottom of my heart: If she brings it up again, then I will eat the steak, and then...

However, he waited for a long time, but the seductive red lips nibbling on the steak did not come over again.

What is rhythm?

Chu Feng was a little dazed, why did my brother have already made mental preparations, but there was no more text?Are you playing bro?

Shit, you have annoyed brother, this time, brother has decided to be a beast!

Chu Feng thought bitterly, and then turned his head viciously. The hand that was originally on Monroe's buttocks tightened suddenly, and it was inserted between those attractive legs. The black stockings of emptiness.

Then, her lips moved towards Monroe's soft lips.

Then, suddenly he froze.

Monroe's face was blue and purple, she had already spat out the small piece of steak, and it was falling on her trembling big white rabbit, and her eyes were slightly narrowed, as if she was intoxicated in a dream.

It's just that this dream was obviously not a good one, because her brows were tightly furrowed, and her face was also bruised and purple, mixed with a touch of paleness.


With a shake of his hands, Chu Feng shook Monroe, who was still sitting in his arms, onto the carpet beside him, and then fixed his eyes on the dinner plate in front of him with a gleam of brilliance.

"It seems that the previous feeling is true. Those guys really have a lot of tricks, and they followed here!"

But then, he broke out in a cold sweat in an instant, and muttered to himself: "It's really a thrill, if it wasn't for this blond stewardess, I'm afraid I would have been tricked!"

Saying this, he gently squatted down and rested his three fingers on Monroe's ruler. After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, she didn't swallow that piece of steak. Otherwise, it is really hard to save the gods!"

With a flip of his wrist, a Rejuvenation Pill appeared in his hand, and with a light flick, the Rejuvenation Pill shot into Monroe's mouth, turned into a faint warm current, and entered Monroe's belly.

At this moment, Chu Feng heard very light footsteps coming from outside, his heart moved, and suddenly he flicked his fingers, and a wisp of finger wind popped out, directly sealing Menglu's acupuncture points, so that even if she was detoxified, she could not wake up.

Only then did he sweep away the remaining steak on the table, then cut off a small piece with the table knife, and threw it directly into the ring space.

After finishing all this, he made a gesture to push the table, causing the plates and steaks on it to fall to the ground, there was a clanging sound, and then Chu Feng fell on the chair, using the turtle's breath, and entered a state of suspended animation. (to be continued..)

ps: Happy Chinese New Year, success soon!

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