Ring Town

Chapter 451: Waiting for you to be poisoned

"Beep, beep, beep..."

The door of the cabin slammed a few times, and then it became silent. Chu Feng's divine sense was also released at this time, covering the entire room.


The door of the cabin was gently pushed open, and the man in Tsing Yi walked into the cabin cautiously, his eyes scanned the inside in an instant, and when he saw the table, a piece had been cut off, and there was still a bite After taking a small bite of steak, and seeing Chu Feng and Meng Lu lying there, a sinister smile appeared on his face.

He quickly walked up to Monroe, stretched out his hand to touch the tip of her nose, and felt a faint breathing. His eyes were fixed, and he murmured to himself in doubt, "It's just a deep sleep, shouldn't it be?"

Saying this, he gently stretched his white and slender fingers to the back of Monroe's neck, and then exerted a little force, only to hear a crisp sound of 'click', and saw Monroe's head softly. drooped down.

Jack, who followed him into the cabin, saw this scene, and was suddenly startled and terrified, and couldn't help exclaiming: "You, you actually killed her?"

He stared wide-eyed in fear, and quickly backed away: "You promised me back then that you wouldn't kill people, you just stunned them!"

This is said with trepidation and fear.

However, the body that was retreating backward did not stop.

However, he was not able to withdraw, but was pulled back by a hand.

This hand was stretched out by the man in Tsing Yi.

He grabbed Jack by the collar and lifted him up. The sinister smile on his face made people feel cold after seeing him.

Jack's face suddenly turned ashen, and he shouted in shock: "You, you promised me, you won't kill me!"

It's just a pity.His yelling was like a death row prisoner begging for mercy at the end, so pale and powerless.

"You are so naive, I don't even believe in myself, but you actually believe in me, hehe..."

Before the fluttering words were finished, the long fangs in the man's mouth pierced his lips, biting towards Jack's neck. After a while, he saw that Jack had turned into a man.

Then the man in Tsing Yi looked at Chu Feng again.In the eyes, is Chi Guoguo's greed and lust.

"Mysterious Eastern Immortal Cultivator, after drinking your blood, I will break through my current title and become a marquis above tens of millions. At that time, I don't know what expression this old guy Daogu will have. It's really impressive look forward to!"

He spoke slowly.As he walked towards Chu Feng, his eyes narrowed, his excitement couldn't be concealed: "Although this Nightmare Yin is a good thing, it's too difficult to get rid of the poison left in the body. It seems that we have to work hard. Only by swallowing this mysterious oriental blood. It is really helpless!"

While he was speaking, between his lips, the fangs, which were stained with blood stains, retracted with great reluctance.The blood redness in his eyes also slowly faded away.

Stretching his hands under Chu Feng's body, he wanted to hug him by the waist.


At this moment, a long sword pierced deeply into his chest, and the hilt disappeared.

The man in Tsing Yi shot backwards like a frightened rabbit. He looked at Chu Feng with frightened eyes, and exclaimed in disbelief, "How could you not be poisoned?"

There was a flash of light in Chu Feng's eyes, and he suppressed a shock in the depths of his eyes. He just made a sneak attack, and at such a short distance, he had no chance to make a second attack. He even pulled the Crescent Moon Sword from the chest of the man in Tsing Yi. There is no chance, this is really beyond Chu Feng's expectation.

When the man in Tsing Yi walked into the cabin, he already felt how powerful the man in Tsing Yi was, but he really didn't expect that he was so powerful.

But fortunately, seeing the black blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and the obscure energy fluctuations all over his body, this sword still seriously injured him, making him unable to exert [-]% of his usual strength.

That's the case, Chu Feng didn't dare to be careless at all, so a calm smile appeared on his face quickly, looking a little careless: "Your poison is really not very good, it doesn't seem to be too effective for me. big."

Chu Feng's eyes turned from the man in Tsing Yi to Monroe's body. With just one glance, he could tell that Monroe was already dead. Even with the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, there was no possibility of treatment.

I couldn't help but sighed softly in my heart: "I really can't force it, I didn't expect that even if I took a Rejuvenation Pill, it wouldn't be able to save your life!"

As early as when the man in Tsing Yi killed Monroe, although Chu Feng wanted to save her, he knew better that there was a huge gap in strength between him and the man in Tsing Yi in front of him. And he himself will die.

So he chose to wait. After all, he and Monroe just met by chance, and they haven't reached the point of desperately saving each other.

"This is impossible!" The man in Tsing Yi yelled and interrupted Chu Feng's thoughts, and looked at Chu Feng with a ferocious face: "You didn't eat that piece of steak at all, but Monroe ate all of it!"

Although he said this, he himself felt that something was wrong. After all, if Monroe really ate all the poisoned steaks, it would definitely not be the situation in front of him, and he must have died on the spot.

After all, Monroe was just an ordinary person. Although the man in Tsing Yi knew that Chu Feng possessed miraculous medicines and methods, he believed in the poison of his Nightmare Chant even more.

"Do you feel that the wound is a little numb now?" Chu Feng did not answer his question, but looked at him with a smile, and fixed his gaze on the Crescent Moon Sword on his chest.

Chu Feng didn't say anything, the person in Tsing Yi didn't feel it yet, but the reminder, the person in Tsing Yi really felt a little numbness in his chest, and the numbness was still expanding, he couldn't help but look at Chu Feng, Pointing lightly: "You, what kind of poison did you use on the sword?"

"Hehe..." Chu Feng looked at him with a calm smile, and said slowly, "Don't you really know what this poison is?"

"Could it be Nightmare Yin?" The man in Tsing Yi carefully felt the numb feeling, and his expression changed immediately: "You have been delaying the time, just waiting for the poison on my body to take hold?"

"That's it!" Chu Feng nodded, and said with a harmless smile: "I really don't like violence, but you must kill me, and the poison seems to be very good, so I brought it Use it, now it seems that the effect is really not good!"

In fact, it wasn't that Nightmare Yin's toxicity was poor, but that he had only cut a small piece of steak with the Crescent Moon Sword, and there was very little Nightmare Yin stained on the sword.

Of course, it was also because Chu Feng hadn't thought of using poison, but after the Crescent Moon Sword stabbed the Tsing Yi man, and after seeing the Tsing Yi man's fighting strength, he changed his mind temporarily and decided to wait for his poison to take hold.

So there was the scene in front of me. (To be continued..)

ps: Happy Chinese New Year everyone!I just came back from my hometown today, and it snowed a lot!

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