Ring Town

Chapter 454: Blessing and misfortune depend on each other

A drop of water fell on Chu Feng's face, splashing into patches of water. The icy coolness made him frown, and slowly opened his eyes.

Then he saw a pair of wings, a pair of fleshy wings covered with thin fluff, many places had been wet by rain, and occasionally a few drops of rainwater flowed down the wet places, dripping and splashing around.

"Where is this place?" Chu Feng felt dizzy, felt the strangeness around him, and stretched out his hands, trying to prop up his body and take a look at the owner of the pair of giant wings.

But just as soon as he moved, there was a piercing pain, transmitted to his mind everywhere, and he couldn't help crying out in pain: "Ah..."

This cry of pain alarmed the owner of the pair of giant wings. It turned its head, and Chu Feng saw clearly that it was the Fengshen pterosaur.

Seeing Chu Feng waking up, Fengshen Pterosaur immediately let out a long cry of excitement: "Jie..."

Amidst the shouting, a pair of fleshy wings was shaken violently, and the countless raindrops on the pair of fleshy wings were scattered, making the rain curtain all over the sky seem to stop.

The long beak carefully touched Chu Feng's face, and the bird's eyes revealed joy and dependence.

Chu Feng suddenly felt warm in his heart, and stretched out his hand to pat the long beak of the Fengshen pterosaur: "You saved me? And have you been here to take care of me?"


The Fengshen pterosaur opened its beak lightly, let out a low cry, nodded its tall head, and there was a look of joy and pride in the bird's eyes.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, remembering the moment when he fell from the plane.

It seems that I fell from the plane and tried my best to summon the Fengshen pterosaur from the Linglong Pagoda. It was really the most sensible decision.

If there is no Fengshen pterosaur, just this ten thousand li high altitude would be enough to crush him to pieces.Not to mention that it was raining heavily here, and when I was weak, if I didn't have the pair of giant wings of the Fengshen pterosaur to shield me from the wind and rain, I'm afraid I would lose half my life even if I didn't die.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes, but became more and more gentle.

Looking at Fengshen pterosaur with a smile, he even accepted the excitement and joy conveyed by Fengshen pterosaur in his mind, knowing that it wanted to fight side by side with him, he couldn't help but smile: "You have grown up, you should have been allowed to travel In this world. But there are too many unpredictable things in this world, and the level of technological development of human beings is far beyond your imagination. There are too many amazing people outside. So you want to travel here In this piece of heaven and earth, it still needs to be stronger. It needs to be more spiritually enlightened."

The voice is leisurely.I don't know if the Fengshen pterosaur can understand it, but there is a look of reluctance in its bird eyes, as if it understands Chu Feng's words.

Seeing its expression, Chu Feng was immediately delighted, and patted its grown beak: "Since you want to do something for me so much, then take me home."

Enduring the severe pain in his body, Chu Feng climbed onto the bird's back, sat cross-legged, and then slapped the Fengshen pterosaur's broad back.Indicates that it can go.

With Chu Feng's permission, Fengshen Pterosaur let out a high-pitched neigh, and spread out a pair of fleshy wings, which were 15 meters away, really covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Under the flapping of the wings, it is unknown how many giant trees have suffered.

Of course, this is because the Fengshen pterosaur was angry in his heart and wanted Chu Feng to see its strength, but it still remembered that Chu Feng was injured, so it still controlled its strength a little bit.

Otherwise, I'm afraid this hilltop has really changed its color.

When Chu Feng saw it like this, how could he not know that it was making a temper tantrum, and immediately smiled, but didn't pay attention to it, but closed his eyes and meditated, checking his body.

The moment he woke up, he felt the difference in his body. It was just that at the beginning, his whole body was in pain, and he didn't think too much about it. Now that the pain has subsided, it can be said that he has adapted, so he naturally wanted to check it out. The condition of the body.

After all, in the cabin, the self-destruct of the man in Tsing Yi was too powerful and frightening.

His viscera were shaken violently, but he was really seriously injured.

If he hadn't noticed it early at the time, he used the strongest defense of the black turtle, and it was a coincidence that he was standing at the cabin door, and he even used the elasticity of the golden rope to minimize the impact.

With just one blow from the man in Tsing Yi, Chu Feng was completely bruised.

Not to mention wanting to survive, even wanting to leave a complete body is wishful thinking.

Of course, even so, Chu Feng's injuries were still beyond his imagination.

But fortunately, on his chest, the extremely hard black tortoise shell protected his heart very well, so that although his injury was serious, it was not incurable.

Among them, [-]% of the credit must fall on the wind god pterosaur.

If the Fengshen pterosaur hadn't picked up Chu Feng from the high altitude, and if the Fengshen pterosaur hadn't been carefully guarding Chu Feng these days, sheltering him from the wind and rain, and driving away the beasts that smelled fishy, ​​God knows what would have happened.

Miracles are created by many coincidences.


Just as Chu Feng was thinking, a vision in his body suddenly attracted him.

In his dantian, there is actually a small fist-sized piece of minced meat slowly wriggling.

And that small piece of minced meat felt so familiar to him, it wasn't the minced meat of the man in Tsing Yi, but it belonged to someone else.

"What's going on?" Chu Feng was stunned.

The dantian is the vital point of his body, and now, in the dantian, there is actually a small lump of flesh and blood from the man in Tsing Yi. How to explain this situation?

Just as this thought arose in him, an idea also arose from his mind at the same time.

After he saw it, he instantly understood what was going on.

It turns out that the Xuangui Body Refining Art he has been practicing is to devour all the energy bodies that can be swallowed for his own use, and the natal real fire hell refining fire he fused not long ago has opened up the most overbearing function, the devouring function.

So this also gave his body the ability to devour.

When the person in Tsing Yi blew himself up, although the most essential part of his heart was left behind by his resurrection skills, the person in Tsing Yi was originally a top earl, and he was even a mutant earl, so his body was full of blood, and his value was definitely not inferior to his heart.

And this large amount of Qi and blood.Splashed out in the form of minced meat and residual blood.

At that time, Chu Feng was using the strongest defense of the black tortoise, so the body training formula of the black tortoise was naturally used to its peak. Coincidentally, this was the condition for triggering the functions of the black tortoise swallowing the sky and the true fire of life. It also made more than half of the blood energy absorbed by him.

Just like this, Chu Feng was cheap for nothing, which was definitely beyond the imagination of the people in Tsing Yi.

After understanding this verse, Chu Feng suddenly wanted to laugh out loud, but just as he started to laugh, he felt a sharp pain all over his body, and only then did he remember it.The body injury was still extremely serious, so he could only stop embarrassingly.

He twitched the corners of his mouth lightly, heyed a few times, and then it was over.

But with this group of flesh and blood essence of Earl Tsing Yi.On the contrary, Chu Feng's depressed mood improved greatly.

Just this mass of flesh and blood essence, if used well.That is absolutely priceless.

certainly.It may not be of much use to others, but for Chu who has practiced the Xuangui Body Refining Art, opened the Xuangui Swallowing Heaven, and also consecrated the real fire of his life, and obtained the domineering function of Hell Refining Fire and devouring function. For the wind, this is definitely a great tonic.

its value.Far surpassing any kind of elixir he has now.

Chu Feng, who was in a turbulent mood, looked at the ball of flesh and blood essence, his eyes really shined, and he just went over and hugged it.

But it's okay.He is looking inside with his divine sense now, even if he wanted to hug him, he couldn't.

Just when Chu Feng wanted to get close to the mass of flesh and blood essence, a thick violent aura shot out from the mass of flesh and blood essence. The violent breath actually rushed back to Chu Feng's divine sense, wanting to swallow it up. .

"Fuck! Are you so arrogant?"

Chu Feng yelled in surprise, and when his thoughts moved, a sword appeared in front of him immediately, and he slashed at the lump of flesh and blood fiercely.

Of course, this sword is not the real body of the Crescent Moon Sword, but a lightsaber. Its appearance is very similar to the Crescent Moon Sword. In fact, this is a sword of divine sense condensed by Chu Feng based on the Crescent Moon Sword.

After all, this is his body, and Chu Feng's divine sense is unrivaled, so it takes no effort at all to condense such a lightsaber.

As soon as the lightsaber appeared, the lump of flesh and blood seemed to be stunned for a moment, and at the moment it was stunned, the lightsaber had slashed hard to the top of its head.


There was a loud bang, the flames splashed, and the lightsaber's light flickered, dimmed a bit, but within a moment, it was condensed again to be dazzling and dazzling, more prosperous than before.

But the ball of flesh and blood essence shook a few times, it seemed that this feeling made it extremely uncomfortable.

And in the middle of its forehead, there is a light white mark. Although it didn't break into the flesh, it can be seen that it has suffered a lot.

Seeing that the momentum of the flesh and blood essence was not good, it turned around. Not only did it stop rushing towards Chu Feng's divine sense, but instead rushed out in the opposite direction.

"Fuck! Is this okay?" Chu Feng really didn't expect that such a mass of flesh and blood essence would be as cunning as if his intelligence had been activated.

But only for a moment, he reacted, drew the lightsaber, shouted, and slashed over again.

"Since you're here, stay here!"

Within the reach of the lightsaber, within an instant, it struck the ball of flesh and blood essence again.

Because this is Chu Feng's own body, and the dantian is an extremely mysterious place. It can be said that this place is really my territory and I am the master!

Therefore, in this place, Chu Feng can be said to be the real king, so thousands of distances are but an instant for him.

Received another sword strike, another white mark appeared on the body of the essence of flesh and blood.

When Chu Feng saw it, he laughed immediately, and the long sword melted into threads, entangled with threads, covering it.

In the distance, somewhere in the sea, a beating heart suddenly let out an extremely angry cry: "Who cut off the connection between me and the remaining flesh and blood?" (To be continued...)

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