Ring Town

Chapter 455: Satan

The sword thread was like a net, directly turning that ball of flesh and blood essence into thousands of pieces of minced meat, and at the same time completely cut off the possibility of this ball of flesh and blood essence escaping.

Although the violence is still there, it has already entered Chu Feng's dantian and completely lost the ability to resist.

Now it has been cut into countless pieces, just like how Chu Feng took it in unconsciously when he was in a coma.

It can be said that when Chu Feng took it in, it was composed of countless pieces of flesh and blood, and it was in the dantian. Because of Chu Feng's coma, it took advantage of it and condensed into a big ball. Otherwise, I'm afraid it was absorbed by Chu Feng at that time.

But fortunately, if it was true that Chu Feng absorbed so much flesh and blood essence all at once, and it was the flesh and blood essence of a mutated top earl like Earl Tsing Yi, I am afraid that he would not die, and his mind might not be able to stay awake again.

So, now that the ball of flesh and blood essence has been beaten into countless flesh and blood spots again, Chu Feng has already thought of this, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he sighed softly: "It's just such a ball, it's so big! With such domineering power, he is indeed a mutated vampire top earl."

Chu Feng didn't dare to swallow the delicious food in his mouth, and he felt a little depressed, but then he laughed lightly: "Forget it, I'm also seriously injured now, just try this rumored, infinite self-healing ability The essence of the vampire!"

Flipping his palm lightly, he has captured the countless fragments out of thin air into a dozen or so small pieces in his hand. As soon as these ten or so small pieces came in front of Chu Feng, he wriggled and tried to escape, but the whole group couldn't escape, let alone such a situation. A little, but accounted for one-tenth of the whole regiment.

Therefore, without any effort at all, Chu Feng pulled his hands out violently.A violent air flow appeared from his palms.


With a loud noise, more than ten pieces of minced flesh and blood immediately turned into a cloud of blood mist, thick as a black night, but in this darkness, there was a strange red.

There is also a palpitating violent aura coming out of it. In this violent aura, there are also faint screams and wailings of thousands of people and beasts.

Chu Feng naturally felt the breath of resentment, and immediately frowned tightly: "It seems that this guy can grow into a vampire count. There are too many creatures on his hands, so that the resentment of these creatures , are all accumulated in the essence of his flesh and blood, no wonder the vampire is so powerful. It turns out that what he cultivated is like the way of killing in China!"

In muttering to himself, Chu Feng's understanding of vampires.A little deeper.

"That's the case. My natal true fire is condensed by hell's refining fire. It should be of great use to this. I have to give it a try."

Saying this, when Chu Feng stretched out his palm again, a ray of dark golden natal real fire flowed out from his fingertips, and instantly melted into a thin layer.The package moved towards the cloud of blood mist.


Xue Wu trembled when he saw Chu Feng's natal real fire, and his voice seemed to be pleading, but Chu Feng was determined.How could it be possible to be soft-hearted at such a time, just flicking the fingertips, and the ray of true life entangled in an instant.

Wrap the dark and red strange blood mist in it.


Like the current raging on the high-voltage line, the dark golden natal real fire gradually melted the weird blood mist wrapped in it, and every time it melted, the dark golden flames around it would grow stronger.

Under the ups and downs, the speed of ablation became faster and faster. In the end, the screams and wailings spread all over the dantian, which made Chu Feng's eardrums buzz.

Fortunately, this is in his dantian.

Here, because of the integration of the Linglong Pagoda, it forms a space of its own, as small as a mustard seed, but as large as the whole world.

Therefore, the screams inside could not be heard from the outside, and nothing happened inside, so Chu Feng could act with confidence. Otherwise, the Fengshen pterosaur would have known about it long ago, and in that case, it might not be able to fly at all.

Strands of dark and reddish strange energy slowly melted into Chu Feng's body, turning into extremely violent true energy, which quickly replenished to every part of his body.

The whole body was hot and cold, this feeling was very uncomfortable, but the abundant energy made all the cells in his body jump for joy, as if they were very welcome to the influx of this strange energy.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Feng thought that it might be because Earl Tsing Yi is a mutant earl of a vampire, and his flesh and blood essence contains genes that can strongly recover from injuries, so his body behaved like this.

And at this time, my body is also in a serious injury and needs such supplements. Although there is a powerful pill like Huichun Pill, and a heaven-defying exercise like Xuangui Body Refining Art, it can make my body heal. The ability is so strong that it is abnormal, but compared with the almost perfect healing ability of the vampire count, I am afraid there is still a gap.

So Chu Feng no longer thought about it, but took a sharp breath, sucking all the blood mist that remained in his dantian into his body.

With the inhalation of the last ray of blood mist, the essence of vitality transformed from more than ten pieces of minced meat has become a majestic energy, replenishing all parts of Chu Feng's body.

For a moment, a strange dark red glow appeared on his body, and there were secret lines in the entire dantian displayed in the void.

Dots are reflected on the dantian wall, giving people a feeling of extreme mystery and simplicity. It seems that there is also a voice full of evil spirits and violence, which is transmitted from the depths of the distant void, but it is too far away to be heard clearly.

However, Chu Feng understood that this voice was the supreme powerhouse who passed down the blood of the vampire back then, and also the demon king Satan who ruled hell in Western legends.

After all, this was inherited from his bloodline. Although it was already very weak, with Satan's strength, the soul chrome imprint in the chrome imprinted vampire's bloodline was still working.

"So the vampire's powerful healing ability is actually like this." Chu Feng smiled lightly, and after a while, he narrowed his eyes and narrowed his eyes.

Then he squeezed his hands together, forming a magic seal, with a straight top, the invincible fierce beast condensed from the real fire of life, three giant dogs immediately appeared in front of him.

The moment the three-headed giant dog appeared, it suddenly roared: "Oh..."

Then, with his head raised high, he turned somewhere.

A black shadow as vague as fog, the gorilla appeared at that point.

Seeing this black shadow, the three-headed giant dog seemed to be stunned for a moment, but seeing Chu Feng's hand holding the seal shake violently, the three-headed giant dog let out a low growl again, and two violent eyes shot out from its eyes. Mang, opened his mouth and swallowed that phantom.

Seeing that the three-headed giant dog actually dared to swallow him, the phantom was stunned, then saw the doorway, and glared at Chu Feng. It was an endless fire of nothingness, burning with all the violence.

He opened his mouth and spat out two words viciously: "How dare you..."

It was swallowed by the three-headed giant dog of the peerless beast from hell, and became a great tonic. (to be continued..)

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