Ring Town

Chapter 456: So it is

"Gu Long Long..."

The sound of tossing rivers and seas resounded from Chu Feng's dantian, and the countless secret patterns exuded extraordinary splendor, illuminating the void of the entire dantian.

The three giant dogs turned into a stream of light, disappeared in a flash, and then sank into Chu Feng's dantian.

The dark red violent energy made Chu Feng's body never full.

Feeling the rising energy hitting the shackles in his body, the pain caused made Chu Feng's tenacious mind a little bit unbearable, and he could not help but roar.


Amidst the huge roar, there was only a crackling sound, as if something had been broken.

Chu Feng clearly felt that a completely different sky was unfolding in front of him.

This is a kind of power that he has never been exposed to, and it is also a kind of information that he has never understood.

After a long time, Chu Feng reacted in a daze, and muttered to himself: "So it's like this..."

In fact, the abnormal healing ability of vampires seems to be extremely mysterious, but it is just that most of the essence of the body is concentrated on the heart. As long as the heart does not die, it can not be destroyed.

What's more, even if the heart is pierced with a hole, it can still be alive and kicking.

The heart hides the mind, because the vampire concentrates all the vital points of the body on the heart, so it is possible to do this.

But because of this, the more powerful the vampire, the stronger the protection of the heart, just like the Marquis' heart, which can almost be shot by a submachine gun without any damage.

Of course, not every vampire can do these things, but absolutely every vampire has the heart of cultivation.

This is similar to Huaxia's method of cultivating the five internal organs, but it is somewhat different.

Because of Huaxia's five internal organs cultivation method, you can choose any organ as the start.Unlike vampires, they can only choose the heart.

Of course, Huaxia's five internal organs training method, in the end, it is necessary to practice all five internal organs before it can achieve great success.

But the vampire completely abandoned other organs, only specialized in one heart, and even used a strange secret method to make it pass on in blood. However, because of this, the vampire is no matter how powerful it is.It is also impossible to take out other organs for cultivation.

In other words, even the most powerful vampire duke, who exists like a god's mansion, is just a crippled person, oh.It's a vampire.

And the person Chu Feng absorbed now was in the ancient blood he inherited.But it activated the perverted ancient inheritance of resurrection.It can be said to be extremely difficult to find.

Of course, if it wasn't for Earl Tsing Yi's perverted heritage, or because he knew he was poisoned, he would rather jump off the plane than self-explosion, which hurts others and himself.

But all of this is now cheap for Chu Feng.

Although it is impossible for Chu Feng to inherit this revived pervert.But it made his healing ability and life strength far improved by a level.


Feeling the violent breath from the body, and the energy that is active to the extreme.While repairing the terrifying injury on his body at an unbelievable speed, Chu Feng was a little dazed.

After a long time, he let out a long breath and rubbed his painful eyes: "Fuck, no wonder, those guys are so hard to kill, so their healing ability is so abnormal!"

Speaking of this, Chu Feng suddenly hesitated, and then muttered to himself: "In Huaxia's cultivation technique, there are also people who cultivate the five internal organs, but compared with this, it is far worse, and it is my own. The Mysterious Tortoise Body Refining Art is a sacred exercise handed down by Sun Dasheng, but compared with this, the level of perversion is not as good to some extent!"

At this moment, some of the minor injuries on his body had already healed, and even the serious injuries were no longer a serious problem, and the remaining energy flowed to the heart, causing the entire place to burst into flames. A strange dark red color.

The strands of dark red energy seeped into Chu Feng's heart little by little, transforming his heart.

Chu Feng's Mysterious Turtle Body Training Art is very powerful, there is no doubt about it, but the power of Mysterious Tortoise Body Training Art is comprehensive, because it is too comprehensive, and it pays too much attention to balanced development, so every part is not outstanding.

Compared with Earl Tsing Yi's heart strength, it is even worse by thousands of miles.

However, no matter it is Xuangui Body Training Art or Huaxia's Five Viscera Cultivation Technique, in the end, they are all super awesome, far from being comparable to vampires who take a slanted sword and save all four.

But for now, it's the vampire's, which comes faster and more practically.

What Chu Feng was thinking in his heart was not these, but fear. After all, he didn't want to become a vampire. In that case, all his cultivation would be wasted.

He has the Linglong Pagoda, which predestined his path. Although it is difficult, it is possible.

Therefore, he didn't want to turn himself into that shady monster.

"No way!"

He suddenly let out a loud roar, swung his fist, and struck fiercely at the little dark red light.

But what he didn't expect was that just because of his punch, the little bit of dark red light was scattered all at once, but the strange thing was that the little bit of dark red light, instead of disappearing, accelerated as fast as The electricity directly sank into his heart.


Chu Feng is really going to scold her, what's going on!

Is my luck too bad?

But it is useless to regret, after all, that bit of dark red light has already entered his heart, the current plan, if he doesn't want to become a vampire, he can only completely sterilize this little bit of dark red light, and then completely digest it absorb it.

But this is easier said than done, but it is not fun at all.

Disinfection, this is not a scratch on the skin, just wipe it with some iodophor, it is the heart, and the little dark red light is the blood essence left by the Earl of Tsing Yi.

So Chu Feng really scratched his head, but in an instant, a stern light flashed in his eyes: "I would rather not have this bloody essence than become that inhuman thing!"

Amidst the shouts, he squeezed out the formula with both hands, pointed at his heart, and the three-headed giant dog rushed out, opened its blood-red mouth fiercely, and directly burrowed into the heart .

As the three giant dogs penetrated into his heart, Chu Feng's whole body trembled suddenly, as if struck by a thunderstorm. Beads of sweat flowed all over his forehead in an instant, and the clothes all over his body seemed to be soaked in water for a while,* Safe to drip.

With the last of his strength, he slapped the Fengshen pterosaur below him on the forehead, and hurriedly said: "Fly home well, even if the sky falls, don't bother!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that his heart seemed to be pierced by thousands of silver needles, and the pain was so uncontrollable that he ignored the surprise of the Fengshen pterosaur, and immediately absorbed his consciousness into his heart. (To be continued..)

ps: I'm busy, I'm really busy, and I have to read books to prepare for the driver's license test, which is even more stressful. Please forgive me, Xuanshui will try to get back to the status and update more.

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