Ring Town

Chapter 477: Who is it?

"I have one last condition!" Mr. Chen looked at Chu Feng and agreed almost without thinking. There was a hint of approval in his eyes, and a flash of light flashed, but he straightened his body again, and then turned towards Chu Feng. The direction leaned against.

As if he had made the final decision, his voice became more steady, but the unconcealable brilliance in his eyes made him look a bit like an old fox bargaining.

Seeing Mr. Chen's performance like this, Chu Feng has no doubt that his last condition must be difficult to fulfill, but he turned his head and glanced at the Chen sisters, those expectant eyes, and then thought about what the two daughters had done before. everything.

Of course, more importantly, the two of them acquiesced in each other's existence, and Chu Feng had no way to refuse.

With a wry smile, he slowly asked Mr. Chen: "Mr. Chen, won't you open your mouth like a lion and tell me what I can't do?"

"Of course not!" Mr. Chen's eyes, which were already squinted from smiling, and the deep wrinkles on his face, all emitted a wretched red light.

With such an expression, if you say no, will the ghost believe it?

Chen Quan and the Chen sisters on the side all felt pain in their teeth, and looked at Chu Feng with sympathetic eyes.

I'm afraid the old man hasn't seen such an expression for ten years?

Last time, it seemed that he was directly wronged, oh no, he directly 'obtained' the tourism management rights of the Huangfu family, since this time he has such an expression again.

I'm afraid it's because Chu Feng doesn't want to bleed, can't he?

Chen Quan was fine. Although he sympathized with Chu Feng, this was not a bad thing for him.

But the Chen sisters were different. The two of them had already committed their hearts, and they fell on Chu Feng at this moment.And since ancient times, girls have been extroverted.

So what both of them were worried about was that Grandpa forced him too much, which made the happiness that was about to be obtained yellow.

Expressions of nervousness and resentment quickly climbed up the brows of the two of them, and even breathing became cautious.

Chu Feng naturally saw the expressions of the three of them, and his heart sank. It seemed that he was going to bleed profusely after being caught by this old fox today.

While he was thinking about what kind of conditions Mr. Chen would put forward, the old man had already spoken with a smile.

"Xiaofeng. You just picked the two best flowers of our Chen family, and I have to spend a lot of effort to convince her parents. The pressure is really great!"

Shit, you didn't directly mention the conditions, but did you want to play the emotional card first?

Chu Feng was a little dazed.Intuitively, this is unusual!

It seems that Mr. Chen is not only a lion talking loudly this time.Instead, he wants to bite off half the sky!

Mr. Chen completely ignored the three siblings of the Chen family whose eyes had been drawn together.Continuing his embarrassing performance, his voice was full of embarrassment: "Xiaofeng, it is said that a son-in-law is half the size, and you just picked the two most beautiful flowers of the Chen family. You are really one of the Chen family." , so. This Chen family will be your home from now on!"

This, what is this going to do?

Chu Feng was confused by the scene of Mr. Chen playing the emotional card fiercely. He couldn't figure out what he wanted to say for a while, but there was a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart.

The more you go around in circles like this.The more it shows, this old fox has a lot of schemes!

However, Chu Feng was no longer the bratty boy he used to be, so he could hold his breath, but the three next to him couldn't do it anymore.

All of them stretched their necks and looked at them like their grandfather who just met them.

Is this still the grandfather who has always been unpredictable and not angry?

How did you become like a nagging old man today?

"Old man, if you have anything to say, just say it. How tired are you going around like this?" After a short silence, Chu Feng finally decided to make a move.

As the saying goes, you have a thousand plans, and I have an old idea, and I will break through ten meetings with one effort. If you make a fuss about this matter, I will directly cut the mess with a sharp knife and go straight to the topic.

Mr. Chen smiled smugly, and a flash of appreciation flashed in his old muddy eyes.

But with his internal organs, he would definitely not feel a little embarrassed because Chu Feng is so direct. He is already a person who has already cultivated to a fine level, so how could he blush and feel embarrassed.

"Haha, Xiaofeng is such a cheerful person, I just like people like you!"

The old man evaded the seriousness and praised lightly, and then a gleam suddenly burst out of his eyes, staring at Chu Feng closely, and the speed of his speech was extremely slow, and he said almost word by word: "Xiaofeng, can you It has always been a big deal! Those golden pills are really eye-catching, and now you are, oh no, you are already part of the Chen family, you must not favor one over another!"

These words are very elegant, but the amount of information revealed is so huge that Chu Feng was stunned for a while.

It can be said that only the Chu family knew about taking out the golden pill by himself and handing it over to grandpa, and Chu Feng had repeatedly instructed his grandpa to keep it a secret.

But I don't want Mr. Chen to know, what does this mean?This shows that someone in the Chu family leaked this matter!

Although Chu Feng has always been aware that the Chen family controls Huaxia's intelligence agencies, he never thought that one day this matter would be his turn.

Surprised, he looked at Chen Zhongyu, because he knew very well that Chen Zhongyu had always been in charge of this intelligence agency. The old man knew about this matter, that is to say, he knew it through Chen Zhongyu.

Sure enough, Chen Zhongyu gave a wry smile full of apology when he saw Chu Feng's gaze cast over him.

"Xiaofeng, don't blame Zhongyu, I forced her to investigate this matter." Mr. Chen is an old man, so he didn't know what was going on in Chu Feng's mind, so he smiled slightly and took the matter on his own head.

He didn't want to cause trouble at this time.

As for the efficacy of that golden pill, although he was not fully aware of it, but he had the experience of dealing with Chu Feng, so he knew that it was definitely a good thing.

There is a saying that is good, it is produced by Chu Feng, it is absolutely worth it!

Of course, Chu Feng would not blame Chen Zhongyu, because she had her own responsibilities, and when the relationship between the two of them was not confirmed, what she did was completely correct and beyond reproach.

The reason why he looked at Chen Zhongyu was just to confirm that the one who was really angry in his heart was someone from the Chu family who revealed the news.

Although Chu Feng is now confident that he can protect himself, the less he knows about his secrets, the better.

As if he knew what Chu Feng was thinking, Mr. Chen tapped his finger on the table and said in a low voice, "Xiaofeng, don't worry, I have asked Zhongyu to delete this message, and Zhongyu has been responsible for this matter. I am personally responsible, so I will not spread it to the outside at all, but..."

When the old man said this, he suddenly paused, but his eyes full of light turned towards Chu Feng.

How could Chu Feng not understand what he meant, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly uttered two words: "Who is it?" (To be continued...)

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