Ring Town

Chapter 478: Unexpectedly

Slightly narrowing his eyes, he narrowed his eyes with a strong murderous look, and the temperature in the originally spacious study suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, so cold that he was shivering, which made the four people, including Mr. Chen, look at it together in shock. To Chu Feng.

Although they have all heard that Chu Feng is a master and belongs to the half-hidden sect, they have never seen Chu Feng make a move with their own eyes, let alone see Chu Feng kill someone.

In fact, Chu Feng's subordinates were stained with too much blood. If you add the sea overlords and fishes and shrimps that he swallowed in the sea, the number is probably too large to be counted.

So the murderous aura on his body is really like the essence, so suppressed that people can't breathe.

But fortunately, Chu Feng didn't target the four people present, but just because he heard that he was betrayed, he unconsciously revealed such a serious consequence. If he makes a move, that person will also be driven crazy or frightened to death by his condensed murderous aura.

The Chen Quan siblings, the three of them, were already pale and shivering from the cold.

However, after all, Mr. Chen is indeed a generation of heroes, but after the initial shock, he quickly reacted, and suddenly he laughed, which made the solid murderous aura in the study dilute a lot for a while.

Chu Feng also noticed this, smiled apologetically, and put away his murderous aura. In the study, the indifference just now returned.

It's just that after this incident, the eyes of the two daughters looking at Chu Feng turned into a kind of adoration like a die-hard fan of a star chaser. [

Chen Quan, on the other hand, was bowing his head in thought.I don't know what to think.

"Old man, who on earth revealed this news?" Chu Feng returned to his normal state.The sharpness in his eyes was deeply hidden, but the slow speed of speaking still showed that he was not at peace.

Mr. Chen glanced at him, then turned to Chen Zhongyu: "Yu'er, you should talk to Xiaofeng about this."

Chen Zhongyu looked at her grandfather gratefully. She knew very well that it was her grandfather who gave him a chance to make up for Chu Feng.

"That person's nickname is Explosive Ya. He's just a little gangster in Shengjing. I've locked him up in a very hidden place."

As soon as Chu Feng heard it, he understood what Chen Zhongyu meant, and smiled at her immediately.

Chen Zhongyu felt relieved, and a rosy glow appeared on his pale face: "Wait a while, I will accompany you to see him."

"En." Chu Feng nodded lightly, then turned to Mr. Chen: "Thank you."

Mr. Chen smiled slyly: "We are all a family. Of course I won't let anyone harm your interests!"

Chu Feng sighed softly. He understood that Mr. Chen's words were not just showing his favor, but telling him that from now on, the Chen family would also stand behind him.support him.

Of course, he also knew that it was because of his strength that the Chen family chose him, and through Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi.He tied himself firmly with the Chen family.

However, such a thing, I do not suffer.After all, he has two beautiful granddaughters, and even a wealthy family, so why not do it.

With this in mind, Chu Feng is not too disgusted with the conditions that Mr. Chen will propose next.

Giving certain benefits, but getting the entire Chen family, this business, I don't pay for it.

With the background of the Chen family and the alliance with the Chu family, it can be said that the power on the bright side of China has been firmly grasped. [

Although Chu Feng is not keen on power, he is very clear that if he wants to cultivate, quickly improve his cultivation, and even break through the ethereal heavenly level, it is absolutely impossible without a solid backing.

No matter in which era, anyone who can achieve immortality, or even reach the pinnacle of the world, with one exception, has a very strong sect or a powerful family or even the royal family behind him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to get the huge amount of resources needed for cultivation alone.

It is an exception that he owns the ring of the heavens, and even opened the Linglong space.

However, if you don't have support from anyone behind you, and you don't have huge resources, and you just collect the panacea by yourself, I'm afraid you can't afford to waste time alone.

What's more, in such a doomed generation with extremely thin aura, if you want to collect elixir, you really have no money to buy it.

And for the living "medicine" that I need, it is even more rare.

As a result, Chu Feng's expression became softer, and his smile became more indifferent, and the anger caused by the news leak just now disappeared a lot.

"What the old man said is that the kid said something wrong. We will be a family from now on."

"Ha, ha ha..." Mr. Chen was stunned at first, but then laughed happily.

He knew that Chu Feng's words meant that in his heart, he had accepted the Chen family and regarded the Chen family as his other home, so how could he not be excited?

"Old man, now you can say, what is your last condition?" Chu Feng didn't relax his vigilance just because he was laughing happily. Instead, he looked at the old man with extra caution and asked.

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Mr. Chen waved his hands so-called, and there was a wretched light in the deep wrinkles: "I just want to, can you also provide some golden pills to the Chen family?" .”

Although he had expected that when Mr. Chen mentioned the Golden Pill at the beginning, he was asking for the Golden Pill, but when he really heard the old man say it himself, Chu Feng still heaved a long sigh of relief.

If it's other things, he really doesn't necessarily have too many, but for him who has golden algae, it's really not too difficult.

After all, the Golden Pill uses golden algae as the main medicine, and the rest of the medicines are Chinese herbal medicines that can be found in the world, so it is very precious to others, but to Chu Feng , is the easiest to do.

But although he was relieved, on the surface, he still showed a look of embarrassment: "Old man, you are really making trouble for the kid!"

Seeing Chu Feng's embarrassed expression, Mr. Chen's heart skipped a beat.Although he found out that Chu Feng provided a lot of golden pills to the Chu family, he was not sure about the specific amount.I really don't know.

Of course, only old master Chu and Chu Feng's father and uncle knew this amount, and even the selected descendants of the Chu family didn't know at all.

Therefore, Mr. Chen was really deceived by Chu Feng's expression.

He hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth: "Xiaofeng, see if this works, Chen family. I don't need too much, as long as it can be used by Quan'er to practice alone!"

"Oh?" Chu Feng had already prepared for Mr. Chen to speak loudly, but he never expected that in the end, he would only have to provide Chen Quan alone.

This was really beyond his expectation, and he couldn't believe it. Mr. Chen, who was always shrewd like an old fox, became confused today.

In fact, Mr. Chen is not confused at all.His calculations are very shrewd, and he only provides enough for Chen Quan to use. This condition is not high, but very low.

But don't forget, there are still two Chen sisters.

Mr. Chen didn't mention the two of them.But he knew very well in his heart that he was already Chu Feng's person, so he wouldn't lose his wife, right?

With this calculation, the Chen family got the amount of three people.

It's just that he didn't figure it out.That is how huge the amount Chu Feng provided to the Chu family was.

Mr. Chen wants less.This is of course a good thing. After realizing it, Chu Feng smiled strangely and looked at Mr. Chen: "Mr. Chen, did you really decide like this?"

Mr. Chen's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and he felt that something was wrong. He was thinking about how to answer Chu Feng's question, but Chu Feng had already answered it for him.

"Old man, since we are all a family, I can't favor one over the other. For the Chen family, I will provide the amount for three people, and I will give it to you for a year first!"


In the study, four people except Chu Feng exclaimed at the same time.

The expressions on their faces were fixed at the moment of shock, and they all stared at Chu Feng, unable to believe that what they heard was true.

For a moment, a strangely extremely quietness spread in the study room.

Chu Feng was not in a hurry, just smiled and looked at Mr. Chen, as if waiting for his answer.

After a long time, Mr. Chen finally came to his senses. His face no longer had that unfathomable indifference, but a kind of excitement and excitement that couldn't wait. He almost leaned in front of Chu Feng, and asked nervously: "You, Is everything you said true?"

"Of course it's true!" Chu Feng smiled sincerely and calmly, facing him directly.

"Huh..." Mr. Chen let out a long breath, his face glowing with excitement.

Over the years, the Chen family has also collected a lot of exercise secrets through various means, and with the golden pill provided by Chu Feng, it means that the Chen family can cultivate three peerless masters.

Oh no, it should be five, and the two sisters, Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi, are also members of the Chen family.

Moreover, such a master will increase his lifespan while cultivating. In this way, at least he can keep the Chen family alive for a hundred years.

This gift is really too big!

So even with Mr. Chen's inner heart, he couldn't be unmoved.

But he quickly calmed down, and there will be no pie in the sky, even though he used the emotional card against Chu Feng, and there are Chen sisters in the middle.

But suddenly, Chu Feng became so talkative, which is not scientific in itself.

So his eyes sank, and he looked at Chu Feng: "What do you want the Chen family to do? As long as the Chen family can do it, I will give my best to the Chen family, and I will definitely go all out!"

What he said was very decisive, yes, a moment of sadness was exchanged for a hundred years of prosperity, this account, no matter how you calculate it, the Chen family took advantage of it.

"It's not that exaggerated, I just want the Chen family to help me collect the living "elixir", is that okay?" Chu Feng straightened his face, stared at Mr. Chen and said softly.

Mr. Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and slapped his palm on the table: "From today onwards, as long as there is a living "elixir" in the world, the Chen family will use all means to collect it!"

"Thank you, old man!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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