Ring Town

Chapter 483: The Apocalypse

Sitting in the listening room, surrounded by Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi, Chu Feng, who was hugging left and right, sneezed suddenly, then looked outside in a daze, and murmured to himself: "There is no such thing as weather in this weather." How did it change, why did it suddenly become cold?"

"Ah, Brother Feng, do you have a cold?" Chen Zhongyu asked with concern as he touched Chu Feng's forehead with his jade hand.

Chen Zhongyi leaned her cheek directly and stuck it to Chu Feng's face: "Let me try it too."

On the side, Chen Quan's face had completely darkened, and after a long time, he shouted speechlessly: "Oh my God! There are outsiders here, can you understand the heart of me, a person who has been devastated by love! "

But Chen Zhongyi gave him a joking smile: "I'm envious, so hurry up and call yours over!"

"That's right, anyway, now that the old man has agreed, you don't have to hide it any more, just call me over. I'm your brother-in-law anyway, just to help you grow your eyes."

Even Chen Zhongyu, who has always been reserved and prudent, rarely let go today because his wish came true, and even joked with his younger brother: "Xiaoquan, what Chu Feng said is right, you just bring it here, just in time to get together Let’s get to know each other.”

"Is this okay?" Chen Quan, who was always calm, twitched rarely, and a blush appeared on his face.

"Of course!" Chu Feng answered him with a smile, but he glanced towards the outside of Listening Yujian's room, and there was a flash of doubt, why did he feel restless.

"Chu Feng, I want to drink the spiritual wine you brewed yourself." Chen Zhongyi didn't notice any discomfort, and her waist posture was like a snake, entangled in a soft and boneless manner.

Chu Feng's mind fluttered, and the faint feeling of uneasiness just now disappeared without a trace, and he smiled freely.Laughing to myself is being overwhelmed.

The palm of Chen Zhongyi's waist reached for a roll, but it rolled Chen Zhongyi's soft and delicate body directly into his arms, lowered his head slightly, and took a deep breath between her loose long hair: "You If you like it, of course you can, but spirit wine is very expensive, what do you use to buy it?"

Chen Zhongyi's pretty face was flushed by Chu Feng's teasing, and the temperature of her body suddenly rose several degrees, but she narrowed her eyes shyly: "I use this..."

Having said this, his expression suddenly changed.The nimble little hand directly climbed to Chu Feng's earlobe, and then quickly squeezed it firmly: "I'll buy you a big-headed ghost!"

"It hurts..." Chu Feng opened his mouth cooperatively, begging for mercy.

Chen Zhongyu and Chen Quan, who were looking directly at the side, burst out laughing.


"You mean, these two chicks are from the Chen family?" Huoyun evil god's slightly narrowed eyes made him feel a bit evil, and there was nothing left in his eyes.But he glanced at Yujian and revealed a strange smile that seemed vaguely present.

Before Huangfuao could speak.He then gently stroked Huo Yun's hair with his hands.He whispered to himself: "Then I'll go see that little guy from the Chen family tomorrow, and I think he won't refuse my offer."

Huangfu Ao's eyelids twitched. Although it was a good choice to lure Huoyun evil god to the Chen family, it would not be able to get rid of the anger he had been suppressing in his heart.

Because the moment Yujian opened the door just now, he had already heard that Chu Feng was inside and was humiliated twice.It made him a joke by Sheng Jingcheng, and because of the fact that he fainted from anger, he still can't speak until now.

This hatred is like a bone-biting poison.It is deeply embedded in his flesh and blood, and it is impossible to forget it.

And how could he not take advantage of this good opportunity in front of him, and go to the Chen family, hehe, in that case, how could he get involved with Chu Feng, so he must ask the master to help him teach this Chu Feng, it is best kill him!

In fact, what he didn't know was that Mr. Chen had promised the two sisters of the Chen family to Chu Feng at the same time, even if Huoyun evil god went directly to the Chen family to propose marriage. In the end, it was also inseparable from Chu Feng.

"Master Zu, if you want to get the Chen sisters who are as wonderful as a fairy, it may be difficult."

"Oh?" Huoyun evil god looked at Huangfuao disapprovingly, and then sneered arrogantly: "Hey, why you say that, you don't know the master's method at all, your master is quite old and I am invincible all over the world hand!"

After a short pause, a smug gleam shot out of his eyes: "As long as it is a woman that your master and I have a crush on, there has never been one who has escaped my palm!"

"Ah!" Although he had heard many rumors about the Huoyun evil god, Huangfu Ao had heard very little about this aspect.

Looking at Huoyun evil god's evil eyes, coupled with the lecherous smile slightly raised at the corners of his mouth, Huangfu Ao suddenly felt envy, jealousy and hatred in his heart.

No wonder the master is so confident. It turns out that he is really good at dealing with women. No wonder he is called the evil god.

No, I must make my master happy. If I can learn the skills of my master, won't I be living among the flowers in the future?

But right now, let the ancestors avenge themselves.

"Master, this junior certainly believes in your ability, but it is just rumored that the sisters of the Chen family like Chu Feng, but this Chu Feng is not simple, he is a person of the hidden sect of longevity."

"Longevity Tao?" Huoyun evil god's eyes lit up, and the tip of his tongue licked his lips, revealing a touch of bloody greed: "I have always heard that the Longevity Tao is inherited from Quanzhen Taoism. If you practice it to the extreme, you can make the spiritual energy in your blood flow spontaneously." , The celestial body is not leaked, reborn, when I came out, I have never had the chance to meet the people of the Longevity Dao, it is a pity, I did not expect to meet today, I really can't miss it."

Hearing Huoyun evil god's words, why didn't Huangfu Ao quickly climb up the pole, and immediately leaned over obsequiously: "Master, that Chu Feng is now in this listening room, with the sisters of the Chen family. Let's drink together."

"Hmm!" Huoyun Cthulhu was stunned at first, and then smiled coldly: "It seems that my luck is really good today."

After finishing speaking, he raised his foot and was about to walk into the listening room.

Huangfu Ao at the side suddenly panicked, quickly stopped him, and urgently shouted in a low voice: "Wait a minute, master, we can't have any accidents here!"

"Well, are you going to stop me?" Huoyun Cthulhu's complexion immediately darkened, and a deep displeasure was locked between his brows.

Huangfu shuddered cleverly, but explained with a wry smile: "Master, you don't know, this Xiangxieli Hotel is opened by the Li family, if something happens here, I'm afraid it will attract people It’s not uncommon for the police, even the armed police, to come.”

Hearing this, Huoyun Cthulhu's eyes flickered for a while, but he finally endured it: "Forget it, although those people are useless, it will be a trouble to lure them here, so let him run free for a while!"

Huangfu Ao breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off his cold sweat quietly, and quickly followed Huoyun evil god into their room. (to be continued..)

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