Ring Town

Chapter 484: Meng Fei

Chen Quan's girlfriend's name is Meng Fei, who lives in Shengjing City. Although her family background is not bad, compared with the Chen family, it is simply heaven and earth.

But because of this, her self-esteem is particularly strong, and after knowing Chen Quan's family background, she is very sensitive to such things.

In other words, it was the traditional ideas in her heart that were at work, so on occasions like today, when she heard Chen Quan calling her over, although she wanted to jump up for joy, she still insisted on taking a taxi to come here by herself.

Chen Quan was also very clear about her super self-esteem, so he could only smile wryly and let it go.

However, Chen Quan also has enough reasons to feel relieved about Meng Fei, because Meng Fei's handling ability is indeed super strong.

He just graduated a year ago, and with his outstanding ability, he has already become the sales director of a certain large company.

Well, there is also Chen Quan's hard work behind it, but in general, Meng Fei is a very self-reliant girl with a different opinion than ordinary people.

This may have something to do with her family, because her family is a single-parent family, only she lives with her mother, and she has never seen her father since she was a child.

Although she always wanted to know who her father was, her mother only told her that her father's surname was Meng, and then never mentioned it again. [

Even because of this incident, when she was very young, he beat her severely once.

Of course, the result of that time was that her mother cried even more painfully than she did.

Since that time, she never asked about her father again.It's just that this matter has always become a knot in her heart, and it also makes her have extraordinary self-esteem and sensitivity than other girls.

She loves Chen Quan.Very much in love, if it wasn't for the deep and deep love, I'm afraid she would have broken up long ago because of her strength.

After all, she knew very well that Chen Quan could not give her a future.

But the incomplete family since she was a child made her know how to persevere and fight for it.Therefore, she did not want to give up easily.

It's just that her heart is really painful, and no one can understand it yet.

Because she didn't dare to tell anyone about it, she didn't want to be ridiculed.In fact, if it was really her friend, she wouldn't laugh at her, but she was always bored in her heart, and even her dependent mother was also kept in the dark by her.

But now.Everything seemed to be turning around, because Chen Quan's phone call just now had a sentence for her, like thunder on a sunny day, which made her stunned.But this ignorance is because the happiness came too suddenly.

'Our matter, my grandfather has agreed.My sister wants to see you! '

She had waited too long for this result.

Are the clouds finally about to lift now?Did he finally watch the clouds open and see the moon?

In the confusion of thoughts, Xiangxie Li Hotel had arrived, and her brother reminded Meng Fei that she was distracted, and she realized that she had arrived.

With an apologetic smile, he handed over 100 yuan directly, and then drifted away.

The older brother who stayed there was stunned for a long time, and then he let out a depressed voice: "My God, I didn't look carefully just now, it turned out to be a goddess!" [

Indeed, Meng Fei is a goddess, and she is also the goddess who tipped her brother.

If it was put in the past, Meng Fei would have to be careful, but today she is too excited to care about these things anymore.


The strong smell of alcohol reverberates in the wide looking cloud room.

Amidst the charming laughter, several beauties who wore very little clothes, only thin green gauze and lace covering their bodies to save fabrics, surrounded the handsome and scumbag Huoyun evil god in the middle.

It has to be said that the looks of these beauties are indeed very outstanding, and they can definitely be regarded as first-class beauty.

It's just that the flattering smile and untied eyebrows between the eyebrows show that they are all women who have been in battle for a long time, which is a pity.

Although Huoyun Cthulhu is lustful, he is definitely not a hungry person.

So these beauties in front of him didn't take his heart too much.

And when he thought of listening to the graceful voice of the Chen sisters in the rain room just now, the anger in his heart burned vigorously.

The big hand that seemed to have magical power wantonly squeezed the breasts of the beauties beside him, then drank the wine in front of him in one gulp, and then stood up directly.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

The beauties saw that he was going to the bathroom, and there was Kenyi there, and immediately their arms were hooked, their waists were like a snake, and they directly entangled Huoyun evil god: "Handsome guy, don't go!"

Although these beauties have been around for a long time, they have also been baptized by countless famous sons and rich men, but this is the first time they have met a handsome guy like Huoyun Cthulhu.

Moreover, there is an unspeakable magical power on the Huoyun evil god, especially those eyes, which seem to be seductive, and once you take a look at it, you can't bear it in your heart.

It can be said that even if Huangfu Ao told these beauties to pay for it themselves, they would not hesitate at all.

Huoyun Cthulhu is really very attractive, and in the tease just now, Huoyun Cthulhu's magic method made them taste several orgasms even before they even went to bed.

In this situation, I am too happy to die!

So these beauties, how could they be willing to let Huoyun evil god go away? When the first beauties entangled him, the rest also entangled: "Handsome guy, I'll go with you."

I have to say that Huoyun Cthulhu is really gentle when it comes to women. Although these beauties are not his type, he is still amiable and cheerful, not even a bit annoyed.

"Haha, I'm going to pee, do you want to go there together?"

"Okay!" A group of beauties cast water-like winking eyes, pouting bright red lips, and their plump twin peaks rubbed back and forth on the Huoyun evil god.

"Haha, that doesn't work either, I'm not used to it." Huoyun evil god slipped out of the crowd of beauties with a slip of his body, and he didn't see how fast he was, but when all the beauties hadn't reacted , has reached the door.

Looking at the many beauties with a smile: "You wait, I will be right back."

Gently closing the door, Huoyun Cthulhu showed an evil smile on his face, stared at Tingyujian, but stopped at the entrance of the corridor, his eyes looked into Tingyujian, the light flickered, but I don't know what I was thinking.

"Excuse me, where is the Listening Rain Room?" Just as Huoyun evil god was distracted, a pleasant female voice came from not far away, which shocked his spirit immediately.

Can't help looking at the sound, a girl in a white dress is walking slowly towards her eyes.

With a light gait and a very charming rhythm, although the dress is somewhat conservative and neutral, it still cannot conceal that impressive figure.

Her clear face was like the most perfect work of an artist, without any blemishes. The eyebrows were slightly raised, which made her delicate face less graceful, but added two points of heroism.

There was an air of joy that could not be concealed in the crystal eyes, which made this girl exude an unspeakable charm.

"Ha, it's God's pity that I've been imprisoned for so many years, so he sent me a superb beauty from the sky?" Huoyun Cthulhu stared straight into his eyes, and murmured to himself with.

You know, this person has lived in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests for a hundred years, and all he sees are wild beasts and birds all day long, but this guy who is already extremely lustful is suffocated, and he is even more impatient.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to ask Huangfu Ao to find those prostitutes who have been in the dust for a long time.

The anger, the anger that had been suppressed all the time, and the high desire that had just been provoked, burned to the top of his head at this moment.

To put it in a very vulgar way, he has already got his brains.

Meng Fei looked at the young man with red-dyed red hair in front of him, he didn't pay attention to himself, but stood there stupidly, talking to himself, and frowned immediately.

She always encounters such a situation several times a day, who made her look so stunning.

But she really misunderstood Huoyun Cthulhu. First, Huoyun Cthulhu's hair was born like this, and he didn't dye it; At the moment of climax, it is normal to be stunned.

Meng Fei obviously didn't want to waste too much time here, she frowned, and as soon as she lost her body, she wanted to walk past Huoyun Cthulhu and find Ting Yujian by herself.

But an arm stood in front of her at this moment.

"Beauty, have you dated someone?"

Meng Fei's brows frowned even tighter, and she stepped back, widening the distance, although she was extremely reluctant in her heart, she still replied very politely: "Yes, my friend Just wait for me in the rain room."

"Listen to the rain room?" Huoyun Cthulhu's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he smiled evilly: "It seems that your friend is very important to you, but he is relieved to let you, a girl, go such a long way , really damn it!"

The soft voice carried a kind of seductive power, and the strange evil smile on the corner of his mouth had an unspeakable magic power.

Meng Fei actually felt a little dazed, and her beautiful eyes also became a little hazy, but she still subconsciously explained: "I insisted on coming here by myself."

"Oh, is that so?" Huoyun Cthulhu looked at the confusion in Meng Fei's eyes, and the evil smile on the corner of his lips became a little bit heavier, and his body also leaned forward a little, and moved closer to Meng Fei: "I don't know if I can Fortunately, invite the beauty to have a drink?"

"But..." Meng Fei subconsciously wanted to say yes, but just as she said a word, the phone in her pocket rang suddenly, making her eyes clear in an instant.

Then she saw that Huoyun Cthulhu was very close to her, and immediately frowned tightly, her voice was a little cold, but she still maintained a polite attitude: "Please move out of the way?"

While speaking, she stepped back slightly, but picked up the phone.

"Damn it!" Huoyun evil god watched Meng Fei suddenly regain his consciousness, cursed secretly in his heart, and a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes. (to be continued...)

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