Ring Town

Chapter 514: The Gap Between Patterns

Wang Houde looked at his son, narrowed his old turbid eyes slightly, leaned back on the slightly slanted chair back, crossed his hands, and rubbed his thumbs slowly.

Wang Tianming didn't dare to disturb him, and sat upright, but his urgent eyes revealed how restless he was at the moment.

The chest hit by the bullet, although he had already taken the Rejuvenation Pill, still felt tearing pain from the healing wound.

This also made him full of painful hatred for the assassination just now, which was unforgettable.

However, although this hatred made his heart warm up, he would not lose his composure because this was the crossroads of the Wang family, so after reporting everything to his father, he stared at him closely. Looking at his father, waiting for his father to come up with an idea.

He believed that his father would have his own decision on this matter.

Because the support and development of the Wang family to the present has a lot to do with his father's courage, so he also believes that his father will seize the opportunity this time.

And he was almost completely sure that the assassination against him this time must be presided over by the four great families, because they were afraid that they would reveal their secrets.

His forehead suddenly became hot, and a flash of inspiration flashed out, yes, secret, except for that secret, there would be nothing that would make them act so unscrupulously.

They were so reckless, even resorting to assassination, to send the Wang family to the Huangfu's side, it must be because the secret was too important.

Thinking of this, he could no longer keep his composure, and couldn't help looking at his father eagerly, interrupting Wang Houde's meditation: "Dad, I remembered that they shot me because they were afraid that the secret would be leaked out!"

"Oh?" Wang Houde raised his head slowly.He looked at his son suspiciously, and a bright light flashed in his cloudy eyes.

Wang Tianming hurriedly approached the old man, and told Wang Houde in detail the secret he overheard, that is, the leaked information that Chu Feng raised his voice a little excitedly.

Wang Houde's eyes narrowed immediately, his eyes flickered, and he stared at Wang Tianming closely, his voice suddenly raised a few degrees: "Are you sure, what you heard at that time was these words?"

"Dad, it's absolutely true, I dare to guarantee with my life, what I heard at the time was definitely this!"

Wang Tianming didn't hesitate at all, because the scene at that time was in his impression.It was too profound, especially after Mr. Chu personally threatened.Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran even had bad eyesight.Even in the final assassination, without exception, this secret was highlighted and strengthened, so this secret was as deep as a bone in his heart.

Even every detail, thinking about it now, is still in front of my eyes.


With a bang.Wang Houde actually stood up against the table, his eyes wide open, full of frightening sternness, and his expression was full.It was even more exciting and exciting. If you looked closely, you could even see the big hand that was slapping the sandalwood table, still trembling slightly. It was obvious that the force was really strong enough just now.

Seeing his father's appearance, Wang Houde was startled, it was the first time he saw his father showing such an expression.

But faintly, he seemed to have caught something, but it was too vague, so that he couldn't see clearly.

Just when he was pale and overwhelmed by the old man's shock, Wang Houde finally calmed down, but he couldn't stop talking.

"Opportunity, opportunity!"

Wang Tianming is not a stupid person. The moment he heard his father say these words, combined with his father's expression and the abnormality just now, he came to a conclusion in an instant, a big opportunity, or a big opportunity is right in front of Wang's family. in front of.

In his mind, it exploded quickly, and countless information was summed up quickly, especially the information related to the secret that Chu Feng inadvertently revealed was further refined.

Wang Houde didn't notice his son. Although he was still excited, the fire of excitement in his eyes had become restrained, and he was calmer than before.

In the study room, he paced slowly and murmured in a very low and slow voice: "It turns out that the fire bird is really a fire phoenix. It has been called an auspicious beast throughout the ages, but And who knows, when the Fire Phoenix is ​​born, it will not be a catastrophe for the world!"

He talked eloquently, but it made Wang Tianming, who was listening in silence, think deeply, and a lot of information in his mind became much clearer.

"Although science has developed to an unprecedented degree, and the rapid spread of the Internet has made information more transparent, but most people, who have not been exposed to that area, are only fooled by so-called science, but they don't believe it. These real ancient beasts, even if the fire phoenix appears, it will definitely not cause too much turmoil, so the video of the fire bird appearing a few days ago is true!"

Wang Houde spoke slowly, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. This is exactly what he was trying to find out the essence of the information based on the information he knew.

"However, for those strong people who have been hiding behind their backs, in this doomed age where spiritual energy is so thin that it is almost non-existent, using some powerful beasts or elixir to practice is the best shortcut! Whoever has this information will undoubtedly be the biggest hole card, and the Chu family has this hole card, so they are so sure that they will be able to defeat the Huangfu family, or even obliterate it!"

His speaking speed was no longer as slow as it was at the beginning, but became faster and faster, and the light in his eyes became dazzling.

"This can also explain why the Chen family is the strongest among the six great families, and they also control China's intelligence agencies, but they want to form an alliance with the Chu family, and even betrothed their two granddaughters to the Chu family. That boy Feng!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, and then seemed to have discovered something: "Chu Feng! Yes, it is him. According to rumors, there is a great alchemist behind him to help him. This time he can find the fire phoenix. It was the great alchemist who made the move, and the reason why he revealed it to the Chen family was probably because the great alchemist's own strength was not enough to subdue the fire phoenix. It's just this matter, but it was used by the Chu family to deal with the Huangfu family and the Huoyun evil god and Ghost Eater sect behind their family!"

At this point, everything seems to become very clear.

Wang Tianming's thinking has been following his father's analysis all the time. Hearing what his father said, he couldn't help but interject: "Dad, that's why they want to kill me at all costs." , because I am afraid that I will bring this information to you!"

"Yeah!" Wang Houde nodded lightly, and turned his eyes to the window. The night sky was now dark because the moon was covered by dark clouds.

His heart skipped a beat, but he turned to his son: "Call Huangfu Qiangren quickly and tell him that I want to see him!"

Wang Tianming was stunned, looked at his father in surprise and asked, "Dad, it's already late at night, the phone call is probably..."

Wang Houde shook his head with a smile, and looked at his son with a smile: "Call, I believe he must be waiting for you to make this call."

Sure enough, just as Wang Houde expected, when Wang Tianming called the phone, it just rang once, and Huangfu Qiangren picked it up.

Although his voice was as calm as possible, Wang Tianming could hear something different from usual.

"Tianming, I heard from Feiyang that you are injured, are you okay?"

"Fortunately, I only suffered a slight injury." Wang Tianming did not tell Huangfu Qiangren that he was seriously injured and was forced to take the Huichun Pill.

After all, for Huangfu Qiangren, he couldn't completely let go of his vigilance. This person is too thoughtful and ambitious.

"That's good, that's good!" Huangfu Qiangren said with a slightly gratifying tone, which made people feel his sincerity, but then his tone suddenly became heavier, and he snorted coldly: "Have anyone found out who it is?" If you want to kill brother Tianming, if you find out, you must be the first to tell me, and I will definitely make him pay the price in blood!"

"Thank you brother Qiang, I want to do this myself!" When Wang Tianming said this, his eyes were covered with a thick layer of evil spirit.

After all, tonight, he almost went to see Hades, which made him feel angry that he couldn't vent.

"That's fine, but at that time, if there is anything that needs my help from Huangfu Qiangren, brother Tianming just ask, I will never hesitate to say it!" After speaking politely, Huangfu Qiangren on the other end of the phone suddenly made a turning point: "Brother Tianming, You are calling at this time, but is there anything I can do?"

"My father wants you to come over now. I don't know if it's convenient for you, Brother Qiang?" Wang Tianming finally explained the purpose of the call.

On the other end of the phone, his breathing suddenly became a little rough, and he fell silent, Wang Tianming's heart suddenly raised.

In fact, he also wanted to know if his father's guess was accurate.

After a long period of silence, Huangfu Qiangren replied in a low voice: "Brother Tianming, please tell Uncle Wang that I'll be there right away!"

Although he spoke these words very slowly, Wang Tianming could feel his suppressed excitement and excitement, he sighed softly in his heart, it was as expected by his father, Huangfu Qiangren's plan was very big.

In my heart, I couldn't help but admire my father's vision more and more.

It's just that even though I thought so in my heart, I still had to say politely: "Then it's hard work, dear brother, to run again at such a late hour."

Huangfu Qiangren was in a good mood at the moment, even his voice brought out the joy, he laughed and said: "Brother Tianming, what are you talking about, the old man's business is my business, what is hard work!"

If it was in the past, Wang Tianming might have been moved by such words, but after his father's hint, he knew very well that Huangfu Qiangren's pattern was beyond his imagination, and the picture was even bigger, so although he still felt confused in his heart. I was moved, but not too excited.

"Then I'll wait for Brother Qiang's arrival!"

After hanging up the phone, he turned to his father, only to see Wang Houde looking at him with a smile on his face, he sighed softly, and thought to himself, he is really far behind his father, even with Huangfu Qiangren. Not a lot. (to be continued..)

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