Ring Town

Chapter 515: Each has his own ideas

As the future head of the Wang family, Wang Tianming naturally wanted to participate in the conversation between Huangfu Qiangren and Wang Houde.

Of course, Wang Houde's intention for him to participate was not to let him make up his mind, but to listen in.

That's right, just listen in.

Because Wang Tianming felt the gap between his thinking and handling of problems from the very beginning of their conversation.

And also understood that the old man asked him to stay here, not only to listen in, but also to let him tell the situation at that time in front of Huangfu Qiangren again.

Wang Tianming didn't feel dissatisfied in the slightest about this, on the contrary, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this way, he didn't have to worry about what would happen if things were handled badly.

For his father, he has considerable confidence.

Therefore, in front of Huangfu Qiangren, he recounted in detail the meeting of the five families at that time, and occasionally overheard the shocking information leaked out by Chu Feng's agitation.

Even every detail, he didn't miss it, because he knew very well that whether the Wang family could benefit from this game tonight would largely depend on the authenticity of the information, as well as Huangfu Qiangren's response to the game. The degree of belief in this information.

If this information is true, and Huangfu Qiangren also believes this information, then the Huangfu family can completely catch the Chu and Chen families by surprise.

Even turning defeat into victory may turn the tide of the battle in one fell swoop.

You must know that the value of the fire phoenix, which is known as the Chinese mythical beast, is far from being measured by common sense, and in this era of doomsday, its appearance is so tempting to those hidden doors that it is even more unimaginable.

It can be said that as long as one grasps the news of such a fire phoenix, it is equivalent to grasping the trend of the hidden door.You can also discuss cooperation with them.

Even after calling Huangfu Qiangren, Wang Tianming persuaded the old man that it was the Wang family who would eat the fire phoenix themselves.

After all, this unimaginably huge pie is really too tempting, even with Wang Tianming's state of mind, he couldn't be tempted.

It's just that the old man's answer at that time made Wang Tianming understand how strong the old man is.

"Tianming, do you think I don't want to swallow this fire phoenix by myself?" Wang Houde leaned on his son, his eyes sparkling.Obviously, he was not at peace.

"But have you ever thought about it, this is a fire phoenix, a mythical existence that has been called a mythical beast since the Chinese nation's inheritance, although in ancient times. There have been rumors and it has appeared several times. But Which time. Didn’t it attract a storm of blood? Just how many wealthy families with a long history have collapsed because of the robbing of the fire phoenix.”

When Wang Houde said this, he looked up at Wang Tianming's astonishment, sighed slightly, and then said: "The one who really got the Fire Phoenix is ​​the existence against the sky. In this case, our Wang family can get a spoonful of it." Soup, it’s already very good. You have a big heart, but it’s a pity that the Wang family doesn’t have such a good appetite.”

At the end of these words, there was already a hint of warning. How could Wang Tianming not understand? He was thinking about his father's words, but in an instant, he was dripping with cold sweat.

If the Wang family really wants to swallow this fire phoenix, I am afraid that in the end, it will be wiped out like countless families that have been wiped out in the long river of history.

Wang Houde looked at him thoughtfully, with a gratified smile in his eyes, and then said: "Tianming, but now, we will directly throw this question to Huangfu Qiangren, and given the current situation of the Huangfu family, he has no choice. Therefore, no matter whether the news is true or not, he must grasp it tightly, after all, judging from the current situation, there is too much difference between him and the Chu and Chen families!"

"Isn't the Ghost Devouring Sect behind the Huangfu family, and the Great Killing God Huoyun Cthulhu?" Wang Tianming interjected in confusion and asked his father.

Wang Houde shook his head lightly: "There is Ghost Eater Sect behind the Huangfu family, but behind the Chu and Chen families there are also Longevity Dao and Quanzhen Dao. In terms of background, although Changsheng Dao and Quanzhen Dao are comparable to Ghost Eater Sect. It's a little bit worse, and the ruthlessness is even worse, but two families have a big advantage over one family, not to mention I heard that because of the great alchemist behind Chu Feng, the current Dao of Longevity The momentum of development is very rapid, and it has faintly approached the first-class hidden door."

After a short pause, he went on to say again: "Also, you must remember one thing. The master of the Tao of Longevity is Chu Feng's grandfather. Sometimes it is difficult to explain such family affection clearly, and Ghost Eater Sect and The Huangfu family is just using each other, in terms of relationship, how could the relationship between the Chu family and the Dao of Longevity be stronger?"

Obviously, Wang Houde was very interested in talking today, so he continued to explain to his son: "As for the Huoyun evil god, although he is terrifying, he is only one person after all, and he was even hurt by Chu Feng last time at Xiangxieli Hotel. And at that time, Chu Feng's strength has far exceeded expectations, this Chu family boy's energy is really not to be underestimated!"

Hearing this, Wang Tianming had a bitter look on his face. He understood what his father meant. His father was not optimistic about the victory of the Huangfu family at all: "Dad, Tianming made a mistake. Maybe I should Like the Zhao family and the Li family, turning to the Chu family is the most powerful thing for us."

Hearing that his son finally understood what he meant, Wang Houde laughed happily, stretched out his big skinny hand, and patted Wang Tianming's hand lightly: "Silly boy, your choice was wrong at the time, but you got it Such a piece of information might be the right choice!"

Speaking of this, Wang Houde's eyes shone with a frightening light, and his voice became thick and excited: "With such information, and now it seems that this information is [-]% true, so In this case, our Wang family is equivalent to being invincible!"

Wang Tianming also understands the power of this information, and he himself experienced the robbery, so he believes that this information is true.

If it wasn't true, it would be impossible for them to spend so much thought and use so much power.

So his eyes flickered, and he looked at his father: "Dad, but the Chu and Chen families know that they didn't kill me, so I'm afraid they will..."

Wang Houde smiled lightly, and said lightly: "That's why I asked Huangfu Qiangren to rush over overnight, just to fear that things might change, and I must rush to get that fire phoenix before the Chu and Chen families. , our Wang family only provides information, but we must not come forward!"

"Why?" Wang Tianming didn't quite understand his father's arrangement, because in his mind, since the Wang family had already stood on the opposite side with the Chu and Chen families, he simply tore his face and stood on the side of the Huangfu family, even more so. Fortunately, after Huangfu Qiangren suppressed the Chu and Chen families in the future, he would get more benefits.

Wang Houde's eyes flickered, he stared at Wang Tianming's face for a long time, and then suddenly asked: "Tianming, have you ever thought about it, if all this was deliberately arranged by the Chu and Chen families, what would be the consequences?"

"Ah..." Wang Tianming was stunned.

In fact, it's not that he hasn't thought about this matter, it's all fake, the Chu and Chen families have arranged all of this possibility, but when the robbery really happened to him, he put this thought in his heart Squeeze out hard.

Because in his mind, if the Chu and Chen families were really playing a game, then robbing and killing him like this would make the game too big?

And if he died on the road, wouldn't all of this be for nothing?

He didn't feel at all that the killer at that time wanted to leave him a way to survive, and he was completely determined to kill himself and then quickly.

Especially the impermanence that appeared at the end is a famous killing god in the killer alliance. If there was no accident, the two of them would have already killed themselves.

It is impossible for such a person to be sold by the Chu and Chen families.

So he looked at his father suspiciously.

But seeing Wang Houde's eyes flicker, he sighed softly: "I'm also very surprised, if this is really a bureau made by the Chu and Chen families, then their design of this bureau is so perfect that it makes me It’s impossible to tell if it’s fake, everything is in real progress, if a joint fails, this game cannot go on, even taking Huangfu Qiangren’s appearance into consideration!”

In the light tone, it is full of vicissitudes of life.There is also a sense of fatigue and tiredness contained in it: "So, maybe it is because I can't see through it, can't see through whether this is a game, so I don't gamble on it, but Huangfu Qiangren has no choice. , he has to gamble, since this is the case, our Wang family should be a fisherman on the sidelines, if Huangfu Qiangren wins, when the four great families are gone, our Wang family will not benefit at all, and we will gain a lot If the Chu and Chen families win, at least our Wang family can still preserve the inheritance."

In the faint words, there is a deep helplessness.

Looking at his father's old face and gray hair, Wang Tianming felt guilty, but he knew that he couldn't help now.

In Wang Tianming's chaotic thoughts, Huangfu Qiangren had already made a decision.

"Uncle Wang, you revealed this secret to me, but you didn't know..."

When he said this, he stopped and did not continue, but what he wanted to express had already been clearly expressed.

Who is Wang Houde? Dang even smiled lightly, and said in a lonely tone: "I'm old, and I just want the Wang family not to fall under my hands. This world is ultimately your young people's world."

Huangfu Qiangren narrowed his eyes, stared at Wang Houde for a long time, then suddenly laughed and said: "Uncle Wang, please rest assured, as long as Huangfu Qiangren can succeed this time, he will never forget the kindness of the Wang family!" (To be continued ..)

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