Ring Town

Chapter 520: 'The little man succeeds'

A feeling of embarrassment suddenly surged in Chen Shuzhi's heart. Although he had already tried to persuade himself to accept this "chaotic" relationship just now, when he really faced Chu Feng, he was still very entangled in his heart.

He was about to reprimand Chu Feng in a low voice, but when he looked up, he saw the eyes of Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran. The eyes of these two people were clearly full of envy, jealousy and hatred, and the two of them looked at each other. His expression seemed to wish to immediately lose a place with himself.

An unspeakable sense of accomplishment suddenly surged in his heart, yes, it was a sense of accomplishment!

This feeling made him swallow back the scolding that had just arrived, and his tense face was instantly filled with smiles.

"Xiaofeng, you are still called Uncle now!"

Although there was a slight reproach in the voice, the smile on that face could squeeze out oil, which made Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran twitch in their hearts.

Mud horse, this is a typical villain's success!

It's true that people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away when compared with goods!With all kinds of calculations and all kinds of strength, it is not as overbearing as having two good daughters!

The two sisters, Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi, sneezed together. They looked at the sky in puzzlement, but saw that the sun was shining brightly, the wind was light and the branches were blowing. What about a cold? [

Chu Feng was shocked by Chen Shuzhi's kind words, and shivered all over his body. Muddy horse, what's going on?

It's not that I am a cheap old man.Have you always been very against it?How come, this situation has completely changed?

Could it be.My father-in-law, did I take the wrong medicine today?Pooh!Did you forget to take the "medicine"?Cough, this is not very good.

Well, soldiers come to block, water comes to soil, let's see what he wants to do.

At that moment, Chu Feng took his mind back and took a step back with his feet.The whole thing was in a defensive posture. After making such preparations, he slightly avoided Chen Shuzhi's eager eyes, and said in a low voice: "Chen...my father-in-law, my grandfather said, let you go over and explain in detail what we have done today. deployment."

"Okay, okay!" Chen Shuzhi looked at Chu Feng with satisfaction, since the knot in his heart was untied.He looked at Chu Feng, and the more he looked at it, the more pleasing he was, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Of course, this also plays a huge role with Chu Feng's inhuman performance and strength before, and the envious and jealous eyes of Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran just now.

Chen Shuzhi quickly walked up to Chu Xiong.The brows were beaming with joy, and there was a sense of boredom in the kindness of the call: "Uncle Chu, did you call me?"

Chu Xiong raised his head and glanced at Chen Shuzhi, showing a slight surprise, some time ago.He is very clear about Chen Shuzhi being emotional.But he also knew something about Mr. Chen sending him over this time.

It's just that this attitude is very different from the rumors, right?

But in the blink of an eye, seeing Chen Shuzhi glance at Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran proudly, he immediately understood, that's how it is!

In this case, Chu Xiong certainly didn't mind taking the relationship between the two families a step further. After all, if the grandson liked it, then it must be true, and there were two at once. His grandson is capable!

Immediately smiled, and grabbed Chen Shuzhi directly: "Shuzhi, I want you to host today's matter, what do you think?"

Flattered, absolutely flattered.

It was absolutely unprecedented to be pulled back by Mr. Chu so kindly. [

Especially the sentence, let me host, what kind of concept is this?This is definitely a high hat that is so tall that it can no longer be taller!

What's more, even seeing Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran's envious and jealous eyes to the point of shock and astonishment, they both felt an unprecedented sense of refreshment.

This feeling is really tm comfortable!

Chen Shuzhi couldn't help but swear in his heart.

It's just that although he was so happy that he was dizzy, his reason was very clear. He knew very well that this was a tall hat sent by Mr. Chu, but his head was not so big, so he couldn't wear it at all.

So he smiled slightly, and returned his face: "Uncle Chu, of course you have to preside over such a big event yourself. I have shallow morals and incomplete thinking, but I can't afford such a heavy responsibility!"

His words are earnest and his expression is sincere, people can feel that he is not taking off at the moment, but is sincerely daring not to take this position.

"Alright, then I'll be in charge of the overall situation this time." Chu Xiong didn't say much on this issue, after all, Chen Shuzhi is a junior, and he has already given Chen Shuzhi enough face by showing such sincerity.

Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran finally breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Chu Xiong was personally in charge of the overall situation.

After all, although the two families handed over their nomination certificates to the Chu and Chen families, it does not mean that they want to be overwhelmed by the two great families.

A Chu family is fine, after all, there is the existence of Chu Feng, who is against the sky. Not only is he a strong man with poor potential, but he also has an extremely mysterious great alchemist behind him.

So the two families have the idea of ​​not competing with each other in their hearts, but the Chen family, isn't it because of the good birth of the two daughters that they get this privilege?

If the Chen family were to be overwhelmed like the Chu family, psychologically, it would always be difficult to adapt.

It's just that the two of them just let go of their breath, and they had to lift it up again, because Mr. Chu spoke again.

"Uncle Zhi, I'm old, and I can't keep up with you young people in energy, and this stage belongs to you young people after all, so this time, I'm just a name, and you are the one who really presides over the overall situation." Join hands with Yaxuan."

When Chen Shuzhi heard that old man Chu took it by himself, he still felt a little lost in his heart, but after the old man said this, he felt as comfortable as if he drank ice honey water in June.

Immediately, his eyebrows and eyes opened, and he couldn't help but glanced at Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran, but he saw the deep frustration in their eyes.

This time, I feel even more refreshed.

Immediately, he bowed deeply to Chu Xiong: "Shu Zhi obeys Uncle Chu's arrangement in everything."

Chu Xiong laughed, pulled him back, and then pulled Chu Yaxuan over, put their palms together, and with one free hand, he gently moved towards Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran: "From now on, this world will It belongs to you young people, the four of you are the pillars of our four great aristocratic families, so we must cooperate sincerely!"

The hands of Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran were tightly pressed into the stack of palms by the old man. There was only a little complaint in their hearts, but at this moment, they all turned into clouds and dissipated with the wind.

Seeing his grandfather talking between his fingers, Chu Feng appeased the future Patriarchs, with a touch of admiration in his heart.

Already ready, of course he can no longer just talk to the Chen sisters, so he went to his father and Chen Shuzhi and asked, "Is everything ready?"

"Xiaofeng, I'll lead the team for the masters of your families. In terms of intelligence, you, Uncle Chen, are in charge. Can you really do it yourself?"

"Okay, of course!" The man absolutely can't say no, and this matter has Chu Feng's plan in it, and his own part is the core part. Although it seems dangerous, it is related to the matter. The key to success or failure, so there is no room for carelessness.

Hearing his son's full confidence, Chu Yaxuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he patted Chu Feng's shoulder heavily with his big hand, and solemnly told him: "Be careful, if you really can't do anything, you can come back, let's go back again Think long term."

"That is, your safety is the most important thing, but you must remember that you are not alone now, there are two sisters, Zhongyu and Zhongyi, waiting for you behind you!" Chen Shuzhi is now in a good mood, not only is he no longer taboo When they mentioned the matter of Chu Feng and Chen Zhongyu, they brought it up on their own initiative.

This is the case with being a father-in-law. At the beginning, he was disliked in every possible way, but after he became a son-in-law, he would put aside all previous suspicions and show concern from the bottom of his heart.

What's more, Chen Shuzhi himself has always had a good impression of Chu Feng, and he had long thought of marrying Chen Zhongyu to him, but he didn't expect that it would be two at once, so he had such a little knot.

But now the knot is gone, so the concern is really real.

After all, his understanding of Chu Feng was not as good as that of Chu Yaxuan, so he gave that order once, but it was still not enough, so he reminded emphatically: "Xiaofeng, why don't you just invite that expert behind you out, that way If so, our plan today is really flawless!"

Chu Feng couldn't help but wryly smiled, what kind of expert is there behind him?It's just an unwarranted expert who made mistakes and made mistakes in order to stop everyone's mouths.

But at this time, of course he wouldn't point it out, because now is the time when confidence and morale are needed.

He smiled mysteriously at the moment: "Don't worry, father-in-law, I have already made arrangements for this matter. If there is a need, my master and his old man will definitely show up, so I guarantee that this matter will never happen!"


Chen Shuzhi and Chu Yaxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It should be said that although Chu Yaxuan knew his son very well, but this time, he still felt full of danger, so he also had a faint worry in his heart, but he just didn't want to say it out.

But now that Chu Feng has said that that expert will stand up in a critical moment, how can he not be at ease.

He is well aware of his son's cultivation level, and he is even more aware of his son's perverted cultivation level, and he also knows his son's master, Meng Jiu, very well. It was even worse than Chu Feng.

So he attributed all of this to the master behind Chu Feng, so in his heart, the master behind Chu Feng, whose cultivation base is already unfathomable, can actually make his son's cultivation base improve by leaps and bounds. There are also the number of pills.

It's just that no one can think that all this is just a white lie. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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